Order: . Family: (Honeyeaters). |
Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae |

P. n. novaeseelandiae
Stewart Is. |

P. n. novaeseelandiae
Stewart Is. |

P. n. novaeseelandiae
Stewart Is. |
New Zealand Bellbird
Anthornis melanura |

A. m. melanura
South Is. |

A. m. melanura
South Is. |
Family: (Woodswallows, butcherbirds and allies). |
Australian Magpie
Gymnorhina tibicen |

G. t. ssp.
South Is. |
Family: (Whiteheads). |
Mohoua ochrocephala |

M. ochrocephala
South Is. |

M. ochrocephala
South Is. |
Finschia novaeseelandiae |

F. novaeseelandiae
Ulva Is. |
Family: (Australasian robins). |
Petroica macrocephala |

P. m. macrocephala
Stewart Is. |

P. m. macrocephala
Stewart Is. |
South Island Robin
Petroica australis |

P. a. rakiura
Ulva Is. |

P. a. rakiura
Ulva Is. |

P. a. rakiura
Ulva Is. |
Family: (Thrushes). |
Common Blackbird
Turdus merula |

T. m. merula
South Is. |
Song Thrush
Turdus philomelos |

T. p. ssp.
Stewart Is. |

T. p. ssp.
Stewart Is. |
Family: (Old World sparrows and snowfinches). |
House Sparrow
Passer domesticus |

P. d. ssp.
South Is. |
Family: (Finches and euphonias). |
Eurasian Chaffinch
Fringilla coelebs |

F. c. ssp.
South Is. |