2025 |
Previous years: 2011 - 2022. |
Mar |
20 Mar. Added Red-banded Altinote, Pink-banded Sister, Perisama philinus, Steroma bega, Steroma modesta and Eretris subpunctata (species #1,553 - 1,558) to World (Bolivia) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Gaudy Altinote, Golden Perisama, Sister-spotted Banner, Cyan-banded Perisama, Corades medeba and Oressinoma sorata.
19 Mar. Added Cassia's Owl (species #1,552) to World (Bolivia) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of White-wristed Sister, Andromica Clearwing, East Andean Crescent, Golden Ur Satyr, Bolivian Falcon Satyr and Pronophila cordillera.
18 Mar. Added Ceylon Tree Nymph (species #1,549) to World (Sri Lanka) Butterfly gallery.
18 Mar. Added Scribble-tailed Canastero, Buff-winged Cinclodes, Titicaca Grebe, Black Siskin, Puna Tapaculo, Grey-bellied Flowerpiercer and Brown-backed Mockingbird (species #2,961 - 2,967) to World (Bolivia) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Streak-backed Canastero, Andean Goose, Ash-breasted Sierra Finch, Mountain Wren, Glacier Finch, Amethyst-throated Sunangel, Mountain Caracara, Grass Wren, Taczanowski's Ground Tyrant, Tawny-rumped Tyrannulet and Andean Gull.
18 Mar. Added Pedaliodes pelinaea and Parataygetis albinotata (species #1,550 - 1,551) to World (Bolivia) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Golden Ur Satyr.
18 Mar. Added Nomophila sp (species #2,233) to World (Bolivia) Moth gallery.
17 Mar. Added Mugger Crocodile, Common Green Forest Lizard and Hump Snout Lizard (species #212 - 214) to World (Sri Lanka) Reptile gallery.
17 Mar. Added Toque Macaque (species #197) to World (Sri Lanka) Mammal gallery.
17 Mar. Added Hollow-snouted Shrub Frog (species #112) to World (Sri Lanka) Amphibian gallery.
17 Mar. Added Dark-fronted Babbler. Red-faced Malkoha, Yellow-brwed Bulbul, Sri Lanka Hanging Parrot and Brown-capped Babbler (species #2,956 - 2,960) to World (Sri Lanka) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Great Stone-curlew and Rose-ringed Parakeet.
17 Mar. Added Glad-eye Bushbrown, Large-spotted Helen, Sri Lankan Birdwing, Narrow-banded Bluebottle, White Fourring and Ceylon Tiger (species #1,543 - 1,548) to World (Sri Lanka) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Common Chestnut Bob, Great Mormon, Indian Cupid, Common Snow Flat and Common Indian Crow.
16 Mar. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,345 species)
16 Mar. Added Sri Lanka Woodshrike, Serendib Scops Owl, Sri Lanka Thrush, Pied Thrush, Spot-winged Thrush, Indian Pitta, Chestnut-backed Owlet, Sri Lanka Swallow, Red-backed Flameback, Crimson-fronted Barbet and Brown-headed Barbet (species #2,945 - 2,955) to World (Sri Lanka) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Changeable Hawk-Eagle, Plum-headed Parakeet, Grey-headed Fish Eagle, Crested Serpent Eagle and Red-vented Bulbul.
16 Mar. Added Notodontidae sp and Darna sordida (species #2,008 - 2,009) to Thailand Moth gallery.
15 Mar. Added additional images of Siberian Blue Robin, Greater Racket-tailed Drongo and Golden-fronted Leafbird to Thailand Bird gallery.
15 Mar. Added additional images of Rock Dove, Indian Scops Owl and Indian Pond Heron to World (Sri Lanka) Bird gallery.
15 Mar. Added Three-striped Palm Squirrel (species #196) to World (Sri Lanka) Mammal gallery.
14 Mar 2024. Taxonomic changes from IOC 15.1 (2025) made across the website.
14 Mar. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,345 species)
14 Mar. Updated Thailand Reptile checklist (561 species).
14 Mar. Added Lychnuchus dognini (species #1,543) to World (Bolivia) Butterfly gallery.
12 Mar. Trip Report for Sri Lanka 10 - 20 Feb.
7 Mar. Trip Report for Kaeng Krachan 21 - 25 Feb.
7 Mar. Added additional images of Red-bearded Bee-eater to World (Malaysia) Bird gallery.
7 Mar. Added additional images of Heart-spotted Woodpecker, Grey-headed Woodpecker and Black-naped Oriole to Thailand Bird gallery.
6 Mar. Trip Report for Fraser's Hill, Malaysia 26 Feb - 3 Mar.
6 Mar. Added Leopard (species #195) to World (Sri Lanka) Mammal gallery.
6 Mar. Updated Kaeng Krachan Butterfly checklist (250 species).
6 Mar. Added additional images of Black-hooded Oriole to Thailand Bird gallery.
6 Mar. Added Blue Nuthatch (species #2,943) to World (Malaysia) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Siberian Thrush.
6 Mar. Added Archaeoattacus malayanus (species #2,230) to World (Malaysia) Moth gallery. Added additional iamges of Acherontia lachesis, Antheraea frithi and Antheraea borneensis.
6 Mar. Added additional images of Arctornis rutila. Eoophyla nigripilosa, Metaphoenia plagifera. Lista ficki, Idaea craspedota and Diplurodes inundata to Thailand Moth gallery. |
Feb |
8 Feb. Trip Report for Nong Leng Sai 5 - 6 Feb.
8 Feb. Added Miltochrista acutiseriata, Antheraea borneensis and Geometridea sp (species #2,004 - 2,006) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Brahmaea hearseyi, Antheraea helferi, Oreta bicolor, Odontodes sp, Scopula desita, Antheraea frithi, Medama diplaga, Leucoblepsis excisa, Ambulyx pryeri, Hypochrosis binexata, Actias maenas, Hypocala violacea, Antheraea assamensis and Acherontia lachesis.
8 Feb. Added additional images of Fivebar Swordtail, Common Banana Skipper, Common Dartlet, Common Hedge Blue. Painted Jezebel, Bamboo Treebrown, Lesser Bushbrown, Common Clipper, Green Baron, Autumn Leaf, Common Snow Flat, Bicolour Long-horned Flitter, White-tipped Palmer, Branded Straw Ace, Restricted Demon, Unicoloured Darlier, Malayan Swift, Common Acacia Blue, Forest Quaker, Bamboo Forester and Lesser Zebra to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
7 Feb. Added Short-eared Owl and Common Reed Bunting (species #836 - 837) to Thailand Bird gallery.
7 Feb. Added Lassaba acribomena, Sarobides inconclusa and Macroglossum multifascia (species #2,001 - 2,003) to Thailand Moth gallery. 5 Feb. Added Eudocima salaminia, Mimeusemia postica, Metaemene atrigutta, Ramadasa pavo and Monopis crocicapitella (species #1,996 - 2,000) to Thailand Moth gallery.
5 Feb. Updated Thailand Reptile checklist 557 species).
4 Feb. Added Lecitholaxa thiodora (species #1,995) to Thailand Moth gallery.
3 Feb. Added additional images of Plume-toed Swiftlet to Thailand Bird gallery.
3 Feb. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist. 3 Feb. Added Syntypistis sp, Lamida mediobarbalis, Pylartes subcostalis, Dunira lunapex, Chrysocraspeda conversata (species #1,991 - 1,995) to Thailand Moth gallery.
2 Feb. Trip Report for Khao Luang and Namtok Yong National Parks 25 - 30 Jan.
2 Feb. Added Malayan Snow Flat (species #1,014) to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
2 Feb. Added Lyssa menoetius, Demonarosa mediodorsata and Baorisa hieroglyphica (species #1,988 - 1,990) to Thailand Moth gallery.
1 Feb. Updated Thailand Bird checklist (1,081 species). |
Jan |
30 Jan. Added additional images of Manoba major, Olulis megalopis, Syntypistis umbrosa, Lophoptera sp, Calliteara pudibunda complex, Amyna axis, Oxaenanus brontesalis, Daplasa albolyclene, Lymantria hauensteini, Mahanta quadrilinea, Diasemiopsis ramburialis, Ilema virescens, Lamprosema tampiusalis, Brunia gibonica, Acantholipes trajecta and Agrotera basinotata to Thailand Moth gallery.
24 Jan. Added Black-hooded Sunbeam, Olive-crowned Crescentchest and Wedge-tailed Hillstar (species #2,940 - 2,942) to World Bolivia) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Andean Goose and Streak-throated Canastero. 24 Jan. Added Lenz's Iguana (species #211) to World (Bolivia) Reptile gallery.
24 Jan. Added Subtropical Lady (species #1,540) to World (Bolivia) Butterfly gallery.
23 Jan. Added Red-tailed Comet (species #2,939 - 2,940) to World (Bolivia) Bird gallery. Added additional images of American Kestrel and Mouse-coloured Tyrannulet.
23 Jan. Added Erateina sp (species #2,210) to Wrold (Bolivia) Moth gallery.
23 Jan. Added Corades medeba, Oressinoma sorata and White-bar Mountain Satyr (species #1,537 - 1,539) to World (Bolivia) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Pronophila cordillera, Silky Wanderer and Teriocolias zelia.
22 Jan. Added Black-throated Thistletail, Red-fronted Macaw, Cliff Parakeet, Andean Slaty Thrush, Black-capped Warbling Finch, Huayco Tinamou, Southern House Wren and White-bellied Nothura (species #2,931 - 2,936) to World (Bolivia) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Yellow-parallel Perisama Purplish Jay and Blue-crowned Parakeet.
22 Jan. Added Telenassa berenice, Teriocolias zelia, Lesbia Clouded Yellow, Andean Silverspot, Fiery Satyr, Bella Mapwing, Brazilian Lady, Madyes Swallowtail, Many-banded Skipper, Cloudless Sulphur and Ardys Crescent (species #1,526 - 1,536) to World (Bolivia) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Common Mangrove Buckeye, Mimosa Yellow, Pale Ministreak, Polydamas Swallowtail, Fiery Skipper, Trailside Skipper, Pronophila cordillera and Grey Cracker.
21 Jan. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
21 Jan. Added Spot-legged Poison Frog and Veragua Toad (species #110 - 111) to World (Bolivia) Amphibian gallery.
21 Jan. Added South American Spotted Skink (species #210) to World (Bolivia) Reptile gallery.
21 Jan. Added Thoas Swallowtail (species #1,525) to World (Bolivia) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of One-spotted Prepona, Orange Mapwing, Dyson's Metalmark and Apricot Sulphur.
21 Jan. Added Black-throated Toucanet (species #2,920) to World (Bolivia) Bird gallery.
21 Jan. Added Pseudischnocampa humosa and Xenosoma sp (species #2,210 - 2,211) to World (Bolivia) Moth gallery. Added additional images of Xanthyris flaveolata.
20 Jan. Added Ortilia gentina, Pointed Sister, Hewitson's Skipper, Turquoise Emperor, Blurry Anastrus, Sunset Daggerwing, Common Bent Skipper, Yellow-based Metalmark, Original Firetip and Glauce Leafwing (species #1,516 - 1,524) to World (Bolivia) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Radiant Sister, Agathina Emperor, Doubleday's Sister, Many-banded Daggerwing and Variable Cracker.
20 Jan. Added Nephelomilta effracta, Agrioglypta naralis, Epigrypera eriogona, Oruza mira, Paralbara watsoni, Boletobiinae sp, Xenochroa chlorostigma, Herpetogramma basalis, Adaina microdactyla, Ericeia elongata and Nygmia sp. (species #1,977 - 1,988) to Thailand Moth gallery.
19 Jan. Added Pyralidae sp, Mathoris breakinmao and Nudaria diaphanella (species #1,973 - 1,976) to Thailand Moth gallery.
18 Jan. Added Homona sp, Lymantriinae sp, Lobesia aeolopa, Eugoa sp and Melanographia flexilineata (species #1,968 - 1,972) to Thailand Moth gallery.
17 Jan. Added Helcystogramma sp, Limacodinae sp, Tortricinae sp, Cyana harterti, Eublemma ignefusa, Myrioblephara harutai and Orthocabera sp (species #1,961 - 1,967) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Brunia antica, Homona magnanima, Calliteara strigata, Culladia hastiferalis, Udea ferrugalis, Homona tabescens, Hypomecis moriutii, Perina nuda, Palpita vitrealis and Orthonama obstipata.
16 Jan. Added Syntypistis witoldi, Lantanophaga pusillidactylus, Jodis sp, Herpetogramma sp, Idaea sp, Adaina sp, Tolpia conscitulana, Phycitinae sp, Ophthalmitis xanthypochlora, Kunugia sp, Ephestia sp, Chilo plejadellus and Phycitinae sp (species #1,948 - 1,960) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Helicoverpa armigera and Phycitinae sp.
15 Jan. Trip Report for Chiang Mai bits and pieces 7 - 12 Jan.
15 Jan. Updated Doi Inthanon (311 species), Doi Ang Khang (244), Doi Lang (323) and Mae Taeng (112) Bird checklists.
15 Jan. Updated Chiang Dao locality information.
15 Jan. Updated Omkoi Butterfly checklist (361 species). 15 Jan. Updated Chiang Dao Butterfly checklist (362 species).
15 Jan. Added Camptomastix hisbonalis, Lophoptera sp and Cyana flavalba (species #1,945 - 1,947) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Progonia oileusalis.
14 Jan. Added Chrysocraspeda abhadraca and Agrotera lienpingialis(species #1,943 - 1,944) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Perina nuda, Hipoepa fractalis, Metapercnia ductaria, Thysanoplusia orichalcea, Laspeyria ruficeps, Udea ferrugalis, Hypomecis transcissa, Eublemma silicula, Daddala brevicauda and Athetis lineosa.
14 Jan. Added additional images of Black-headed Greenfinch, Olive-backed Pipit, Greenish Warbler, Crested Finchbill, Long-tailed Shrike, Wedge-tailed Green Pigeon, Green Sandpiper and Long-billed Plover to Thailand Bird gallery.
14 Jan. Added additional images of Jyntea Hedge Blue to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
13 Jan. Added Lophoptera sp (species #1943) to Thailand Moth gallery.
12 Jan. Added White-eyed Buzzard (species #835) to Thailand Bird gallery.
7 Jan, Added additional images of Figure-of-eight Swift, Besta Palm Dart, Common Flash, Dusky Bushblue, Dark Cerulean, Silver Forget-me-not, Cycad Blue, Silver-marked Bluejohn, Common Gem, Common Plum Judy, Small Yellow Sailor and Common Fourring to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
7 Jan. Added Rhypotoses sp, Idaea sp and Nolinae sp (species #1,939- 1,941) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Elusa antennata, Gunda sesostris, Homona eductana, Rhesala moestalis, Zurobata vacillans, Glyphodes canthusalis and Ercheia cyllaria.
6 Jan. Added Calonola orbiculata and Syllepte taiwanalis (species #1,937 - 1,938) to Thailand Moth gallery.
5 Jan. Trip Report for Omkoi Wildlife Santuary 31 Dec - 3 Jan. 5 Jan. Updated Omkoi Bird checklist (189 species).
4 Jan. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
4 Jan. Added Tylostega photias (species #1,937) to Thailand moth gallery. |
2024 |
Dec |
31 Dec. Added fenestrifera and Arna erema (species #1,934 - 1,935) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Cleora alienaria, Auriculoceryx basalis, Tinolius eburneigutta and Penicillifera apicalis.
30 Dec. Added Agrotera sp, Lymantria sublunata, Hypomecis reparata, Meganola brunellus, Eugoa trifascia, Toccolosida rubriceps, Euconosia obscuriventris, Arctornis egerina, Nishada chilomorpha, Olulis megalopis and Hyalobathra coenostolalis (species #1,925 - 1,933) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Pantana sp, Sympis rufibasis, Cyana costifimbria, Bastilla maturescens, Hypochrosis binexata and Cleora contiguata.
29 Dec. Added Xenochroa biviata, Rusicada leucolopha, Fascellina punctata, Auriculoceryx basalis, Artaxa distracta, Chandica quadripennis, Trabala viridana, Maliattha marginalis, Crambidae sp, Numenes contrahens, Kobestelia rosea, Teulisna tumida and Wittasura lineatus (species #1,912 - 1,924) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Orthaga exvinacea, Eilema conformis, Ammatho cuneonotatus, Buzara onelia, Ugia disjungens, Echanella temperata, Diplurodes inundata, Omiodes indicata, Miltochrista cuneigera, Lemyra ypsilon and Eumeta variegata.
29 Dec. Added Dimorphic White (species #1,515) to World (Bolivia) Butterfly gallery.
28 Dec. Added Yellowish Pipit and Pantanal Snipe (specie #2,928 - 2,929) to World (Bolivia) Bird gallery.
28 Dec. Added Telenassa teletusa, Adelpha sichaeus, Caligo idomeneus, Dusky-blue Groundstreak and Common Mangrove Buckeye (species #1,510 - 1,514) to World (Bolivia) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Achilles Morpho.
27 Dec. Added additional images of Rounded Sixline Blue to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
27 Dec. Added Spodoptera pecten, Matsumuraeses vicina and Amyna axis (species #1,909 - 1,911) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Angonyx testacea and Eumeta variegata.
27 Dec. Added Ibera Seedeater and Campo Flicker (species #2,926 - 2,927) to World (Bolivia) Bird gallery.
26 Dec. Added Blue-throated Macaw, Grey-crested Cacholote, White-throated Piping Guan, White-eyed Parakeet, Black-masked Finch, Cock-tailed Tyrant, Maguari Stork and White-banded Mockingbird (species #2,918 - 2,925) to World (Bolivia) Bird gallery.
26 Dec. Added Felderr's White and Sepona punctata (species #1,508 - 1,509) to World (Bolivia) Butterfly gallery.
25 Dec. Added Sooty Gull, Socotra Sparrow, Socotra Sparrow and Socotra Scops Owl (species #2,914 - 2,917) to World (Yemen) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Egyptian Vulture.
25 Dec. Added Socotra River Crab (species #12) to World (Yemen) Crustacean gallery.
25 Dec. Added Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin (species #194) to World (Yemen) Mammal gallery.
25 Dec. Added Sailing Bluet (species #197) to World (Yemen) Dragonfly gallery.
25 Dec. Added Phaleros Hairstreak, Grey Cracker, Metacharis regalis and Pale Ministreak (species #1,504 - 1,507) to World (Bolivia) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Four-spotted Sailor and Hanno Blue.
25 Dec. Added Bolivian Red Howler Monkey (species #194) to World (Bolivia) Mammal gallery.
24 Dec. Added Eublemma ellipsifera, Sacada sp, Uresiphita quinquigera, Echanella temperata. Simplicia moorei, Hypochrosis binexata. Diplurodes sp, Pagyda calida, Siglophora hayata, Ossonoba torpida, Sacada sp, Stericta sectilis and Sacada sp (species 1,896 - 1,908) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Kunugia austroplacida, Hypochrosis pyrrhophaeata, Pterophorus lacteipennis, Sarbanissa transiens and Tridrepana albonotata.
23 Dec. Added One-pip Policeman (species #1,503) to World (Yemen) Butterfly gallery.
23 Dec. Added additional images of Formosan Dart and Overlapped Ace to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
23 Dec. Added Socotra Rock Gecko and Socotra Mabuya (species #208 - 209) to World (Yemen) Reptile gallery.
23 Dec. Added Chloroplaga pallida, Toxoproctis bifurcata, Ancara replicans, Diplurodes inundata, Adites luangensis and Feliniopsis leucostigma (species #1,890 - 1,895) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Xyleutes strix.
23 Dec. Added Tropical Fritillary, Chinese Windmill and Pieris nesis (species #1,500 - 1,502) to World (Japan) Butterfly gallery.
23 Dec. Added Samia cynthia (species #2,114) to World (Japan) Moth gallery.
23 Dec. Added Sika Deer (species #193) to World (Japan) Mammal gallery.
22 Dec. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist. 22 Dec. Updated Thailand Mammal checklist (340 species).
22 Dec. Added Blackiston's Fish Owl, Slaty-backed Gull and Bonin White-eye (species #2,911 - 2,913) to World (Japan) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Brown Booby, Red-crowned Crane, Barn Swallow, Blue Rock Thrush and White-tailed Eagle.
22 Dec. Added Laspeyria viridicincta, Gelechioidea sp, Roxita sp. Biston sp, Cusiala sp, Tirathaba ruptilinea, Compsoctena pulla and Oegoconia sp (species #1,882 - 1,889) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Protodeltote distinguenda.
21 Dec. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist. 21 Dec. Added Artaxa sp, Garella curiosa, Epicrocis metallopa, Phycitinae sp, Bactra venosana, Diduga annulata and Bosara sp (species #1,877 - 1,883) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Dasychira chekiangensis, Diplurodes sp, Asota caricae, Thyas coronata, Artena dotata, Lyssa zampa, Miltochrista calamaria, Homona magnanima, Trabala vishnou, Polyphagozerra coffeae, Craspedortha porphyria, Zeuzera indica and Zamarada excisa.
20 Dec. Trip report for Doi Lang, 15-18 Dec.
20 Dec. Added additional images of Chocolate Albatross and Watson's Wight to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
20 Dec. Added Pingasa lariaria, Epipristis nelearia and Pingasa rufofasciata (species #1,874 - 1,876) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Pindara illibata, Spilarctia subcarnea, Tanaorhinus rafflesii, Polyptychus trilineatus, Targalla apicifascia, Tamba delicata, Somena similis, Tiracola aureata, Thysanoptyx tetragona, Sinna floralis, Simplicia bimarginata, Tinolius eburneigutta, Scopula emissaria, Racotis boarmiaria, Psilalcis postochrea, Platyjionia mediorufa, Platyja umminia, Arna bipunctapex, Fossia bachma, Pingasa ruginaria, Pida decolorata, Numenes siletti and Odonestis erectilinea.
19 Dec. Updated Doi Lang and Mae Taeng locality information.
19 Dec Updated Doi Lang (324 species), Fang (162) and Mae Taeng (111) Bird checklists. 19 Dec. Updated Doi Lang Butterfly checklist (66 species).
19 Dec. Added additional images of Nordstromia duplicata, Naarda ineffectalis, Metaemene satellita, Maurilia iconica, Lymantria hauensteini, Maguda suffusa, Lymantria orestera, Lymantria defreinai, Luxiaria emphatica, Kamalia priapus, Isocentris filalis, Iridoplecta ferrifera, Hyposidra infixaria, Idaea macrospila, Hypomecis separata, Hypochrosis hyadaria, Homodes iomolybda, Hyperythra lutea, Giaura multipunctata, Hyalobathra miniosalis, Heterostegane urbica, Hulodes caranea, Hemithea tritonaria, Hamodes lutea and Gnathocinara situla to Thailand Moth gallery.
18 Dec. Added additional images of Gastropacha pardale, Filodes fulvidorsalis, Euproctis madana, Eupanacra variolosa, Eugoa bipuncta and Eugoa humerana to Thailand Moth gallery.
17 Dec. Added additional images of Ercheia pulchrivena, Ercheia cyllaria, Eois obliviosa, Diduga flavicostata, Amerila astreus and Eudocima phalonia to Thailand Moth gallery.
14 Dec. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
14 Dec. Added Hypsopygia sp (species #1,874) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Eilema conformis, Earias flavida, Drepana pallida, Drapetodes mitaria, Dichromia occatus, Cyclidia substigmaria, Cydalima laticostalis, Cirrhochrista spissalis, Chorodna creataria, Chilkasa falcata. Characoma metalophota, Barsine orientalis, Bamra lepida, Artaxa guttata, Arna bipunctapex, Ambulyx canescens, Agrioglypta zelimalis, Amplypterus panopus, Glyphodes caesalis, Metanastria hyrtaca, Ophiusa disjungens, Calliteara grotei, Chrysodeixis eriosoma, Cyclosia papilionaris, Ambulyx moorei, Perina nuda, Olene mendosa and Omiodes indicat.
13 Dec. Added additional images of White-dot Oakblue.
13 Dec. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
13 Dec. Updated Thailand Bird checklist (1,079 species).
13 Dec. Updated Thailand Reptile checklist (556 species).
13 Dec. Updated Thailand Amphibian checklist (218 species).
13 Dec. Updated Mae Kamphong Butterfly checklist (212 species).
13 Dec. Added Herminiinae sp, Geometridae sp, Leucania venalba and Olethreutinae sp (species #1,870 - 1,873) to Thailand Moth gallery.
13 Dec. Added Geometridae sp (species #2,091) to World (Ecuador) Moth gallery.
12 Dec. Added Etanna albonotata, Hamodes propitia, Palpita vitrealis and Euproctis sp (species #1,865 - 1,869) to Thailand Moth gallery.
11 Dec. Added Herminiinae sp, Ozola hollowayi, Mixochlora vittata, Eugoa sp, Prapata sp and Bosara sp (species #1,859 - 1,864) to Thailand Moth gallery.
10 Dec. Added Corymica arnearia, Acolutha pictaria, Targalla palliatrix, Enpinanga assamensis, Paralebeda plagifera, Carea varipes, Yponomeuta bolidias, Risoba vialis, Antitrisuloides catocalina, Hydrelia sp, Ilema virescens, Vitessa suradeva, Characoma fortiscripta and Teliphasa sp (species #1,844 - 1,857) to Thailand Moth gallery.
9 Dec. Added Thyas juno, Pingasa rubicunda, Giaura robusta, Urbona albescens and Callidrepana argenteola (species #1,839 - 1,843) to Thailand Moth gallery.
8 Dec. Added Orudiza angulata, Ozola sinuicosta, Ruttellerona pallicostaria, Diplurodes sp, Adites paraimpilia, Ophiusa disjungens and Blasticorhinus unduligera to Thailand Moth gallery (species #1,832 - 1,838)
7 Dec. Added Palpita sp, Strepsigonia diluta, Dendrolimus senex, Callidrepana patrana, Thysanoplusia orichalcea, Tiracola plagiata, Epiplema clathrata, Bamra albicola, Dasyboarmia subpilosa, Xenochroa purpurea, Goenycta niveiguttata, Nygmia sp and Sacada sp (species #1,819 - 1,831) to Thailand moth gallery.
6 Dec. Added Miltochrista malayproducta, Euproctis madana, Zeheba lucidata and Jodis sp(species #1,815 - 1,818) to Thailand Moth gallery.
5 Dec. Added Thysanoplusia reticulata, Lophoruza pulcherrima, Lophoptera hemithyris, Saroba pustulifera, Leucania yu. Athetis sp, Calymera confinis, Ercheia pulchrivena, Eublemma commoda and Stictoptera sp (species #1,805 - 1,814) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Sacada sp, Ischyja marapok, Plutodes costatus, Progonia kurosawai. Pseudoadites frigida, Scopula mecysma, Strepsigonia kerbau, Talanga sexpunctalis, Ericeia inangulata, Hydriris sp, Zythos turbata, Nannoarctia tripartita, Maurilia iconica, Hemithea tritonaria, Neocalyptis affinisana, Gunda javanica, Ourapteryx diminuta, Exeliopsis indochinensis, Eublemma semirufa, Heortia vitessoides, Cnaphalocrocis patnalis, Ercheia cyllaria, Chiasmia monticolaria, Dunira maculapex, Calesia rhodotela, Theretra lucasii and Arthroschista hilaralis.
4 Dec. Added Bombyx huttoni, Cyclidia sericea, Phycitinae sp, Zitha torridalis, Tortricosia classeyi, Tortricinae sp and Cnesteboda celligera (species #1,798 - 1,804) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Sarbena lignifera, Maliattha separata, Hypenagonia mesoscia, Heterostegane urbica, Cnaphalocrocis patnalis, Eudocima phalonia and Marasmia poeyalis.
3 Dec. Added Orphnophanes eucerusalis, Astygisa albopunctata and Enispa rosellus (species #1,795 - 1,797) to Thailand Moth gallery.
3 Dec. Updated Doi Tung Butterfly checklist (137 species).
2 Dec. Updated Doi Tung Bird checklist (88 species).
2 Dec. Updated Doi Tung Bird checklist (88 species).
2 Dec. Updated Thailand Reptile checklist (550 species).
2 Dec. Added Hemiphyllodactylus sp (species #159) to Thailand Reptile gallery.
2 Dec. Added additional images of Common Wight, Blue Imperial, Shan Brownie, Mango Baron, Watson's Bushbrown, Spotted Palmfly, Tiger Palmfly, Spot Puffin and Anderson's Grass Yellow to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
2 Dec. Added Nosophora euryterminalis and Ulopeza idyalis (species #1,793 - 1,794) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Hypena indicatalis and Anticarsia irrorata.
1 Dec. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,346 species).
1 Dec. Added Psaliodes sp, Macroglossum pyrrhosticta and Westermannia gloriosa (species #1,790 - 1,792) to Thailand Moth gallery.
Nov |
25 Nov. Added Horithyatira decorata (species #1,789) to Thailand Moth gallery.
25 Nov. Trip report for Bolivia 5 - 26 Oct.
23 Nov. Added Miltochrista xanthopera, Limbobotys sp, Tipasa renalis. Glyphodes pulverulentalis, Zamarada scotozona. Herminia kurokoi, Maguda suffusa. Patna eboricostella, Epipaschiinae sp, Sphragifera rejecta and Gargetta fangi (species #1,787 - 1,788) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Tipasa nebulosella, Chiasmia triangulata, Synclera traducalis, Miltochrista undulosa and Gargetta divisa.
22 Nov. Added Distant's Imperial (species #1,012) to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
22 Nov. Added Euthore terminalis (species #196) to World (Bolivia) Dragonfly gallery.
21 Nov. Added Ennominae sp, Furcivena strigiferalis and Girida rigida (species #1,775 - 1,777) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Lamprosema tampiusalis, Heterostegane urbica, Ericeia inangulata and Elusa ustula.
20 Nov. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,346 species).
20 Nov. Added Protodeltote distinguenda, Neoduma sp, Narosa velutina, Antheua servula and Cusiala boarmoides (species #1,772 - 1,775) to Thailand Moth gallery.
19 Nov. Added Macohasa sp, Eustrotiinae sp, Pangrapta sp, Parum colligata and Erebidae sp (species #1,767 - 1,771) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Thliptoceras sinensis, Lamprosema tampiusalis, Symmacra solidaria and Spilosoma eldorado.
18 Nov. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,346 species).
18 Nov. Added Aloa lactinea, Callambulyx amanda, Niganda radialis and Thyas coronata (species #1,763 - 1,766) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Petelia medardaria, Meroctena tullalis, Ericeia inangulata and Periacma isanensis.
17 Nov. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,347 species).
17 Nov. Added Iambia japonica, Ischyja marapok, Thliptoceras sinensis and Syntypistis sp (species #1,759 - 1,762) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of
16 Nov. Added Anuga kobesi, Birthamoides junctura, Patania sp, Saliocleta postica, Coenodomus sp and Endotricha sp (species #1,753 - 1,758) to Thailand moth gallery. Added additional images of Botyodes asialis, Cyana weerawoothi and Artena submira.
15 Nov. Added Ocellated Butterfly Lizard (species #158) to Thailand Reptile gallery.
15 Nov. Added additional images of Common Blackbird, Eurasian Spoonbill and Northern Shoveler to World (UK) Bird gallery.
15 Nov. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,346 species).
15 Nov. Added additional imges of Aporophyla nigra, Eudonia angustea, Agrochola lunosa, Acleris variegana, Opisthograptis luteolata and Phlogophora meticulosa to World (UK) Moth gallery.
15 Nov. Updated Thailand Reptile checklist (550 species).
15 Nov. Added additional images of Nola fasciata and Ecpyrrhorrhoe damastesalis to Thailand Moth gallery.
14 Nov. Updated Thailand Reptile checklist (550 species).
14 Nov. Updated Thailand Amphibian checklist (217 species).
13 Nov. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,344 species).
12 Nov. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,347 species).
10 Nov. Added American Snout (species #1,499) to World (Bolivia) Butterfly gallery.
6 Nov. Added additional images of Gulf Fritillary to World (Bolivia) Butterfly gallery.
5 Nov. Added Mimosa Skipper and Polydamas Swallowtail (species #1,497 - 1,498) to World (Bolivia) Butterfly gallery. |
Sep |
26 Sep. Added Plutella xylostella and Dysstroma truncata (species #1,970 - 1,971) to World (UK) Moth gallery.
18 Sep. Added Sacada chaehomensis, Noctuidae sp, Lecithoceridae sp and omiodes sp (species #1,749 - 1,752) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Pseudopagyda sp, Pingasa chlora, Ascotis selenaria and Nola fasciata.
17 Sep. Added additional images of Banded Bush Hopper, Danaid Eggfly, Banded Castor, Indian Skipper, Spotted Angle, Tawny Coster and Common Fivering to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
17 Sep. Added Blueberry Hermit Crab to World (Japan) Other Wildlfe gallery.
17 Sep. Added additional images of Cambodian Parachute Gecko and Variable Sun Skink to Thailand Reptile gllery.
17 Sep. Added Phlossa conjuncta, Diacrotricha fasciola and Phycitinae sp (species #1,746 - 1,748) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Artona hainana, Miltochrista unguifera, Aedia leucomelas, Nyctemera tripunctaria, Spatalia duplius, Scopula addictaria, Scopelodes unicolor, Syntypistis viridipicta, Sarbanissa transiens, Meganoton nyctiphanes, Heortia vitessoides, Ernolatia moorei, Striglina scitaria, Barsine rubricostata, Somena similis, Nephelomilta sumatrana, Lymantria semicincta, Lymantria minora, Roepkiella siamica, Protuliocnemis partita, Phazaca theclata, Hyposidra infixaria, Hypomecis transcissa, Hulodes drylla, Biston suppressaria, Herochroma cristata, Gesonia obeditalis, Ecpyrrhorrhoe damastesalis, Pelagodes antiquadraria, Thalassodes immissaria, Tridrepana argentistriga, Ophiusa tumidilinea, Gastropacha pardale, Filodes fulvidorsalis, Eudocima homaena, Cyme euprepioides, Orvasca subnotata, Fascionycta fasciata, Cyana selangorica, Zurobata vacillans, Cleora determinata, Dysgonia stuposa, Chiasmia avitusaria, Buzara onelia, Barsine ustrina, Calindoea anticalis, Parotis marginata, Asota egens, Artena dotata, Anigraea cinctipalpis, Anepholcia pygaria, Hypocala deflorata, Phalera grotei and Micronia aculeata to Thailand Moth gallery.
17 Sep. Added additional images of Variable Sprite to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
16 Sep. Taxonomic changes from IOC 14.2 made across the website.
16 Sep. Updated Thailand Bird checklist.
14 Sep. Added Taczanowski's Brushfinch (species #2,913) to World (Peru) Bird gallery.
14 Sep. Updated Thailand Buterfly checklist.
12 Sep. Added Eumeta variegata (species #1,745) to Thailand Moth gallery.
11 Sep. Added Scopula vicina (species #1,744) to Thailand Moth gallery.
9 Sep. Added Maurilia iconica and Targalla sp (species #1,741 - 1,743) to Thailand Moth gallery.
7 Sep. Updated Thailand Reptile checklist (541 species).
7 Sep. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
7 Sep. Updated Thailand Dragonfly checklist (366 species).
6 Sep. Updated Thailand Dragonfly checklist.
6 Sep. Added Calesia sp, Gabala polyspilalis, Phazaca alikangensis, Rema tetraspila, Calesia rhodotela, Erebus hieroglyphica, Chasmina candida and Chloroclystis sp (species #1,733 - 1,740) to Thailand Moth gallery.
5 Sep. Added Ozarba sp, Anisoneura inermis, Dichromia sagitta and Dichomeris sp (species #1,729 - 1,732) to Thailand Moth gallery. |
Aug |
28 Aug. Added Eugoa crassa, Alompra roepkei, Luxiaria ochrophara and Bastilla simillima (species #1,725 - 1,728) to Thailand Moth gallery.
26 Aug. Added Metasia annuliferalis, Herochroma baba, Luxiaria phyllosaria, Euproctis sp, Tineidae sp, Phalera sundana and Hiaspis closteroides (species #1,718 - 1,724) to Thailand Moth gallery.
25 Aug. Added Ectropidia fimbripedata and Nephopterix ochribasalis (species #1,716 - 1,717) to Thailand Moth gallery.
24 Aug. Added Ocinara cf. albicollis, Calliteara horsfieldii, Calliteara diplozona, Ochrotrigona triangulifera, Luxiaria sp., Psilochira lineata, Nephelimorpha snelleni, Setora cupreiplaga, Plutodes evaginata and Mudaria luteileprosa (species #1,705 - 1,715) to Thailand Moth gallery.
23 Aug. Added Artaxa sp, Pelagodes subquadraria, Psilochira sp, Exeliopsis indochinensis, Stenoloba sp and Duomitus ceramica (species #1,699 - 1,704) to Thailand Moth gallery.
22 Aug. Added Sasunaga leucorina and Oiketicus riemsdyki (species #1,697 - 1,698) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Theretra boisduvalii, Daphnusa ocellaris, Ambulyx moorei, Daphnis hypothous, Elibia dolichus, Cania bandura, Cechenena chimaera, Kunugia latipennis, Lymantria narindra, Meganoton nyctiphanes, Megacorma obliqua, Tagora pandya, Lymantria bivittata, Hippotion rosetta, Euproctis inornata, Pergesa acteus and Ectropis bhurmitra.
21 Aug. Updated Thung Salaeng Luang (246 species), Nam Nao (270) amd Phu Khieo (267 species) Butterfly checklists.
21 Aug. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
21 Aug. Added Theretra sumatrensis (species #1,696) to Thailand Moth gallery.
20 Aug. Added Enpinanga borneensis, Cechenena chimaera, Corymica latimarginata, Euproctis magna, Pyralis sp and Pidorus glaucopis (species #1,690 - 1,695) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Thyrididae sp, Erebidae sp, Micronia sp, Hypomecis punctinalis, Hyblaea puera, Marapana pulverata, Numenes grisa, Strepsigonia quadripunctata, Mocis frugalis, Parasa pastoralis, and Hyperythra lutea.
19 Aug. Added additional images of Ornate Sunbird to Thailand Bird gallery.
19 Aug. Added additional images of Long-tailed Lizard to Thailand Reptile gallery.
19 Aug. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
19 Aug. Added additional images of Yellow-tailed Awlking, Larger Harlequin, Mango Baron, Blue-bordered Sergeant, White Commodore, Shan Nawab, Blue Begum, Banded Treebrown, Painted Bushbrown, Tiger Palmfly, Great Jay and Blue-striped Palmfly to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
19 Aug. Added Psychinae sp, Rhypotoses glebula and Ischyja hagenii (species #1,687 - 1,689) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Dasychira chekiangensis, Histia flabellicornis, Acosmeryx anceus, Clelea sapphirina, Choreutis euclista, Ambulyx tattina, Hulodes drylla, Fodina pallula, Arctornis rutila, Daddala brevicauda, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis, Erebus caprimulgus, Harpyia longipennis, Eupanacra regularis and Samia canningi.
18 Aug. Added Tamil Grass Dart (species #1,013) to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
18 Aug. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
18 Aug. Added Dausara marginalis, Heterostegane sp, Larentiinae sp, Scopula sp, Dysaethria sp and Torodora epicharis (species #1,683 - 1,688) to Thailand Moth gallery.
17 Aug. Updated Phu Khieo (207 species), Nam Nao (186) and Thung Salaeng Luang (130) Bird checklists.
17 Aug. Added Marbled Palmfly (species #1,012) to Thailand Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Tiger Palmfly, Plain Sailor, Common Fivering, Yellow Rajah, Blue Begum, Burmese Threering, Jezebel Palmfly, Striped Blue Crow and Blue Spotted Crow.
17 Aug. Added Lacera procellosa, Hypopyra unistrigata, Neochera marmorea and Glyphodes assimilis (species #1,679 - 1,682) to Thailand Moth gallery.
16 Aug. Added Yellow Tailed Oakblue (species #1,011) to Thailand Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Common Indian Crow, Dark Blue Tiger, Lesser Albatross, Plain Palm Dart, Siamese Raven, Common Palm Dart, White-stained Oakblue and Lavender Count.
16 Aug. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
15 Aug. Trip Report for Northeastern central Thailand 3 - 10 Aug.
15 Aug. Added Pale Green Awlet (species #1,010) to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
15 Aug. Added Maguda suffusa and Choreutis sp (species #1, 677 - 1,678) to Thailand Moth gallery.
14 Aug. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
14 Aug. Added Luxiaria sp (species #1,676) to Thailand Moth gallery.
14 Aug. Added additional images of Grass Demon, Dark Straw Ace, Common Posy, Purple-brown Tailless Oakblue, Dark-based Lineblue, White Emperor, Eastern Courtier, Malay Red Baron, Small Staff Sergeant, Koh-I-Noor, Pallid Fivering, Blue Spotted Crow and Lemon Emigrant to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
14 Aug. Added additional images of Common Keelback to Thailand Reptile gallery.
13 Aug. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
12 Aug. Added additional images of Grey Swift, Common White-banded Awl, Branded Orange Awlet, Malayan Falcate Oakblue, White-stained Oakblue, Indian Purple Emperor, Banded Castor, Common Lascar, Jewelled Nawab, Grey Count, Jewel Fivering and Long-branded Bushbrown to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
12 Aug. Added additional images of Rock-dwelling Ground Skink to Thailand Reptile gallery.
12 Aug. Added Athetis erigida and Idaea sp (species #1,674 - 1,675) to Thailand Moth gallery.
11 Aug. Added Eastern Butterfly Lizard and Sphenomorphus sp (species #155 - 156) to Thailand Reptile gallery.
11 Aug. Added Arctioblepsis rubida (species #1,673) to Thailand Moth gallery.
3 Aug. Added Ericeia pertendens, Platyja sumatrana. Diehlea tumida, Ptyonota carissima, Ptyonota formosa and Karana gemmifera (species #1,667 - 1,672) to Thailand Moth gallery.
2 Aug. Added Gunda sesostris, Hypulia dirempta, Pindara illibata, Piletocera flexiguttalis, Calletaera jotaria, Flammona quadrifasciata, Polypogon nothusalis and Clelea sapphirina (Species #1,657 - 1,664) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Heortia vitessoides, Ugia sundana and Nemophora decisella.
1 Aug. Added Eudocima phalonia and Fodina stola (species #1,655 - 1,656) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Cyana perornata, Eumelea biflavata, Helicoverpa assulta and Cleora pendleburyi.
1 Aug. Added additional images of Redundant Skipper to World (Ecuador) Butterfly gallery.
1 Aug. Added additional images of Guayaquil Squirrel to World (Ecuador) Mammal gallery. |
Jul |
31 Jul. Added Chusquea Tapaculo, Chestnut-capped Brushfinch and Bearded Guan (species #2,911 - 2,913) to World (Ecuador) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Amethyst-throated Sunangel, Chestnut-crested Cotinga, Black-throated Tody-Tyrant, Collared Inca and Red-masked Parakeet.
31 Jul. Added Epiphaneus Skipperling, Carnis Skipperling, Narrow-banded Dartwhite and Forsterinaria rustica (species #1,489 - 1,492) to World (Ecuador) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Teleus Longtail, Common Oressinoma and Silver-plated Skipper.
31 Jul. Added Larentiinae sp (species #1,871) to World (Ecuador) Moth gallery.
30 Jul. Added Blackish-headed Spinetail, Scrub Blackbrd, Ecuadorian Trogon and West Peruvian Screech Owl (species #2,907 - 2,910) to Wrold (Ecuador) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Whooping Motmot.
30 Jul. Added Colla rhodope, Pero yahua, Nystaleinae sp, Hymenomima sp, Caio harrietae, Citheronia bellavista and Hemeroplanis scopulepes (species #1,862 - 1,870) to World (Ecuador) Moth gallery.
30 Jul. Added Pterothysanus noblei and Pterothysanus laticilia (species #1,653 - 1,654) to Thailand Moth gallery.
30 Jul. Added Dalla sp (species #1,488) to World (Ecuador) Butterfly gallery.
28 Jul. Added Grey-capped Cuckoo, Pale-browed Tinamou, Three-banded Warbler, Chapman's Antshrike, Elegant Crescentchest, Silver-backed Tanager, Watkins's Antpitta and Ecuadorian Piculet (species #2,900 - 2,906) to World (Ecuador) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Yellow-tailed Oriole and Yellow-olive Flatbill.
28 Jul. Added Pale Cracker, Seco calagutis and Heliconius peruvianus (species #1,486 - 1,478) to World (Ecuador) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Andromica Clearwing, Orange-patched Crescent and Orange-barred Sulphur.
28 Jul. Updated Mae Kamphong Butterfly checklist (203 species).
28 Jul. Added Agrioglypta itysalis, Milionia zonea, Cydalima pfeifferae (species #1,650 - 1,652) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Hypomecis punctinalis, Amyna punctum, Hypocala deflorata, Plusiopalpa adrasta, Pycnarmon pulchralis. Stauroplitis apicalis, Pericyma cruegeri, Olene dudgeoni, Phazaca theclata, Odontodes aleuca, Lymantria alexandrae and Gangarides rosea.
27 Jul. Added additional images of Grey Scrub Hopper, Pseudocoladenia fabia, Indian Dart, Forest Scrub Hopper, Formosan Dart, Rice Swift, Contiguous Swift, Yellow-spot Swift, Variable White Flat, Tricolor Pied Flat, Oblique-branded Dart, Fulvous Dawnfly, Suffused Flash and Broad Spark to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
27 Jul. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
27 Jul. Added additional images of Lesser Stream Horned Frog to Thailand Amphibian gallery.
27 Jul. Updated Omkoi Butterfly checklist (356 species).
27 Jul. Added Callidula attenuata and Epicrocis hilarella (species #1,648 - 1,649) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Collinsa sphoraria, Dichromia quadralis, Disparia maculata, Dichromia occatus, Crypsiptya coclesalis, Corma zelica, Herpetogramma phaeopteralis, Blenina senex, Baniana semilugens, Syntomoides imaon, Juxtarctia multiguttata, Phalera grotei, Eudocima hypermnestra, Mangina argus, Utetheisa lotrix, Attacus atlas and Achaea janata.
27 Jul. Added additional images of Paragomphus capricornis, Pseudagrion rubriceps, Argiocnemis rubescens, Onychargia atrocyana and Anisopleura furcata to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
27 Jul. Added additional images of Green Cat Snake, Red-lipped Tree Lizard and Doi Suthep Bent-toed Gecko to Thailand Reptile gallery.
26 Jul. Added additional images of Brown-breasted Flycatcher to Thailand Bird gallery.
26 Jul. Updated Doi Inthanon Butterfly checklist (344 species).
26 Jul. Added additional images of Silver Royal Bifid Plushblue, Grey Count, Plain Sailor, Common Wanderer, Tawny Coster, Broad blue Tiger, Common Rose and Paris Peacock to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
26 Jul. Added Oraesia emarginata, Epipaschiinae sp, Platyja umminia. Antheraea roylei, Callambulyx rubricosa, Euthrix laeta and Atteva wallengreni (species #1,641 - 1,647) to Thailand Moth gallery.
25 Jul. Added Linna Palm Dart (species #1,009) to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
25 Jul. Added Indian Banded Wolf Snake (species #154) to Thailand Reptile gallery.
23 Jul. Added Maliattha signifera, Pramadea lunalis and Chalcosia phalaenaria (species #1,638 - 1,640) to Thailand Moth gallery.
22 Jul. Added Lymantria semicincta, Hyblaea firmamentum, Herminiinae sp and Haritalodes obliqualis (species #1,634 - 1,637) to Thailand Moth gallery.
21 Jul. Added Trypanophora semihyalina, Probithia exclusa and Lobocraspis griseifusa (species #1,631 - 1,633) to Thailand Moth gallery.
20 Jul. Trip Report for Chaing Mai province.
20 Jul. Updated Doi Inthanon Locality information.
20 Jul. Updated Omkoi Bird checklist (181 species).
20 Jul. Added Amata grotei, Semidonta nigribasis, Artena dotata, Pardomima distortana, Pandesma robusta, Omiodes poeonalis and Hulodes drylla (species #1,624 - 1,630) to Thailand Moth gallery.
19 Jul. Added Isodemis serpentinana and Erygia spissa (species #1,622 - 1,623) to Thailand Moth gallery.
18 Jul. Added Tytler's Flash (species #1,008) to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
18 Jul. Added Idionyx thailandicus (species #159) to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
18 Jul. Added Noctuidea sp and Scopula costata (species #1,621 - 1,622) to Thailand Moth gallery.
18 Jul. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
10 Jul. Added Lymantria obsoleta and Rhodoneura sp (species #1,619 - 1,620) to Thailand Moth gallery.
9 Jul. Added Dusky Cerulean (species #1,007) to Thailand Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Plain Green Palmer, Tree Flitter, Common Bush Hopper and Fulvous Dawnfly.
9 Jul. Added additional images of Dusky Langur to Thailand Mammal gallery.
9 Jul. Added Hypocala violacea, Deltoplastis lobigera, Hypomecis punctinalis, Eilicrinia flava, Limacodidae sp, Paramaxates posterecta, Endotricha sp and Scedopla oxydata (species #1,611 - 1,618) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Chiasmia mutabilis, Pandesma quenavadi, Dysaethria lilacina, Ischyja manila, Callidula sakuni, Arctornis semihyalina, Alex palparia, Hyperythra lutea, Cyclosia papilionaris and mythimna-moorei.
9 Jul. Added additional images of Barred Gliding Lizard and Spiny-tailed House Gecko to Thailand Reptile gallery.
9 Jul. Added additional images of Onychothemis culminicola, Yellow-striped Chaser and Stream Sapphire to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
8 Jul. Added Thaleban (70 species and Ton Nga Chang (104 species) Butterfly checklists.
8 Jul. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
8 Jul. Added Crypsiptya coclesalis (species #1,610) to Thailand Moth gallery.
8 Jul. Added additional images of Common Awl, Orange-striped Awlet, Common Red Flash, Copper Flash, Grey-washed Oakblue, Common Posy, Broad Yellow Oakblue, Pointed Lineblue, Horsfield's Baron, Malay Baron, Malay Count, Malayan Sailor, Malayan Lascar, Red Bushbrown, Dark-branded Bushbrown, Red-spot Sawtooth, Dwarf Crow and Great Helen to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
7 Jul. Added Black Velvetwing (species #158) to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
7 Jul. Added Hyblaea constellata, Erebidae sp and Artena submira (species #1,607 - 1,619) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Anisoneura aluco.
6 Jul. Added Great Orange Awlet (secies #1,006) to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
5 Jul. Added additional images of White-tipped Palmer, Orange-striped Awlet, Malayan Branded Yamfly, Common Green Oakblue, Pale Yellow Oakblue, Anthelus Bushblue, Forest Judy, Red-spot Duke, Bingham's Blue Baron, Horsfield's Baron, Common Staff Sergeant, Burmese Lascar, Malay Yeoman, Common Tawny Rajah, Southern Nawab, Dark Jungleglory, Great Saturn, Common Saturn, Narrow-striped Faun, Malayan Fivering, Wavy Bushbrown and Dark-branded Bushbrown to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
5 Jul. Added Limacodinae sp, Mecodina diastriga, Sitvia denudata, Artona hainana and Speiredonia hogenesi (species #1,598 - 1,602) to Thailand Moth gallery.
5 Jul. Added Twin-spotted Rock Gecko and Kumpol's Rock Gecko (species #152 - 153) to Thailand Reptile gallery.
5 Jul. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,352 species).
5 Jul. Added additional images of Four-lined Tree Frog, River Toad and Spotted Litter Frog to Thailand Amphibian gallery.
4 Jul. Trip Report for Songkhla to Satun, 22 - 28 Jun.
4 Jul. Added Arctornis rutila (species #1,597) to Thailand Moth gallery.
3 Jul. Added Restricted Catseye and Gerosis tristris (species #1,004 - 1,005) to Thailand Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Common Orange Albatross, Talbot's Grass Yellow, Dark Blue Glassy Tiger, Spotted black Crow, Pointed Palmfly and Malayan Wanderer.
3 Jul. Added Omar's Day Gecko (species #151) to Thailand Reptile gallery.
3 Jul. Added Rough-sided Frog and Spotted Litter Frog (species #86 - 87) to Thailand Amphibian gallery. Added additional images of Hose's Rock Frog.
3 Jul. Added Phyllodes sp, Arctornis sp, Derambila costata and Arctiinae sp (species #1,593 - 1,596) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Dysaethria lilacina, Chiasmia mutabilis and Acropteris rectinervata.
2 Jul. Added Sooty Barbet (species #837) to Thailand Bird gallery.
2 Jul. Added Common Treeshrew (species #90) to Thailand Mammal gallery.
2 Jul. Added Dysaethria indignaria and Mecodina agrestis (species #1,591 - 1,592) to Thailand Moth gallery. |
Jun |
30 Jun. Added additional images of Common Saturn, Wavy Maplet and Intermediate Maplet to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
22 Jun. Added Philogenia elisabeta (species #193) to Wrold (Peru) Dragonfly gallery.
22 Jun. Added additional images of Ericeia inangulata, Plecoptera quaesita, Pandesma quenavadi, Iambia shanica, Euproctis inornata, Condica conducta, Camptochilus reticulata, Baniana semilugens, Arna bipunctapex, Achrosis incitata and Chrysodeixis eriosoma to Thailand Moth gallery.
22 Jun. Added additional images of Long-tailed Skipper to World (Ecuador) Butterfly gallery.
21 Jun. Updated Doi Suthep-Pui Locality information.
21 Jun. Updated Doi Suthep-Pui Butterfly checklist (300 species).
21 Jun. Updated Doi Suthep-Pui Bird checklist (158 spcies).
20 Jun. Added Jelski's Chat-Tyrant, Rainbow Starfrontlet and Chestnut-collared Swallow (species #2,896 - 2,898) to World (Ecuador) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Fawn-breasted Tanager and Tooth-billed Tanager.
20 Jun. Added Patricia dercyllidas and Oenides vulpina (species #1,478 - 1,479) to World (Ecuador) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Pedaliodes asconia.
20 Jun. Added additional images of Argia indicatrix to World (Peru) Dragonfly gallery.
19 Jun. Added Bicoloured Hawk, Bay-crowned Brushfinch, White-tailed Jay, Streak-headed Woodcreeper, Slaty Becard, Rufous-headed Chachalaca, Pacific Elaenia and Sooty-crowned Flycatcher (species #2,888 - 2,895) to World (Ecuador) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Black-crested Tit-Tyrant, Paciic Pygmy Owl and Olivaceous Woodcreeper.
19 Jun. Added Guayaquil Squirrel (species #191) to World (Ecuador) Mammal gallery.
19 Jun. Added Copper-headed Sootywing and Barnes's Metalmark (species #1,476 - 1,477) to World (Ecuador) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Tropical Buckeye, Dorantes Longtail and White-crescent Longtail.
18 Jun. Added White-headed Brushfinch, Black-and-white Tanager and Scarlet-backed Woodpecker (species #2,885 - 2,887) to World (Ecuador) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Black-and-white Becard.
18 Jun. Added Turquoise Cracker (species #1,475) to World (Peru) Butterfly gallery.
18 Jun. Added Mexican Yellow, Melanis leucophlegma and Myselasia hygenius (species #1,472 - 1,474) to World (Ecuador) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Scada zemira and Red Cracker.
17 Jun. Added Yellow-bellied Siskin, Slaty-winged Foliage-gleaner, Slaty Antwren, Olive-crowned Yellowthroat and Northern Schiffornis (species #2,880 - 2,884) to World (Ecuador) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Spotted Barbtail, White-whiskered Puffbird, Yellow-bellied Seedeater, Streaked Xenops, Russet Antshrike, Common Chlorospingus, Peruvian Tyrannulet, Yellow Tyrannulet, Collared Trogon and Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner.
17 Jun. Added Jesia Satyr, Three-spotted Skipper, Zorilla Sootywing and White-tipped Skipper (species #1,468 - 1,470) to World (Ecuador) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Sara Longwing, Widespread Eighty-eight and Twin-spot Duke.
16 Jun. Added Red-masked Parakeet (species #2,879) to World (Ecuador) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Scale-crested Pygmy Tyrant, Green Thorntail, Plain Brown Woodcreeper and Plumbeous Kite.
16 Jun. Added Bromeliad Helicopter (species #191) to World (Ecuador) Dragonfly gallery.
16 Jun. Added Zyxomma petiolatum (species #157) to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
16 Jun. Added Achyra coelatalis, Imma mylias, Episparis liturata and Anabasis obliquifasciella (species #1,587 - 1,590) to Thailand Moth gallery.
15 Jun. Updated Doi Suthep Butterfly checklist (300 species).
15 Jun. Added additional images of Restricted Demon, Yellow Grass Dart, Olive Flat, Burmese bushblue and Common Mime to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
15 Jun. Added additional images of Orthetrum glaucum, Gomphidictinus perakensis, Coeliccia loogali, Burmargiolestes melanothorax, Coeliccia chromothorax, Calicnemia miles, Protosticta grandis and Drepanosticta anascephala to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
15 Jun. Updated Thailand Dragonfly checklist (365 species).
15 Jun. Added Achrosis incitata, Bastilla amygdalis, Dysgonia stuposa and Nymphicula sp (species #1,586 - 1,589) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Callopistria flavitincta, Lecitholaxa sp, Amata sperbius, Tinolius hypsana, Biston bengaliaria, Nossa moorei, Ecpyrrhorrhoe damastesalis, Plecoptera oculata, Marumba cristata, Glyphodes actorionalis, Filodes fulvidorsalis, Phalera argenteolepis, Eupterote patula, Phalera grotei and Anoba polysila.
15 Jun. Added additional images of Green Honeycreeper to World (Ecuador) Bird gallery.
15 Jun. Added Telchin atymnius (species #1,796) to World (Ecuador) Moth gallery.
14 Jun. Added Protosticta sp (species #156) to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
14 Jun. Updated Thailand Dragonfly checklist (359 species).
13 Jun. Added Chestnut-backed Antbird (species #2,878) to World (Ecuador) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Checker-throated Stipplethroat and Pale-mandibled Aracari.
13 Jun. Added Blue-winged Helicopter (species #189) to World (Ecuador) Dragonfly gallery.
12 Jun. Added Brown-capped Tyrannulet, Whiskered Wren, Uniform Treehunter, Golden-winged Manakin, Scaly-thorated Foliage-gleaner, Ochraceous Attila and El Oro Parakeet (species #2,871 - 2,877) to World (Ecuador) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Andean Solitaire, Andean Emerald, Golden-headed Quetzal, Blue-necked Tanager, White-necked Jacobin, Guayaquil Woodpecker and Green-crowned Brilliant.
12 Jun. Added Pearly-grey Hairstreak, Delicate Skipper, Chrysophrys Skipper and Hesperiinae sp (species #1,464 - 1,467) to World (Ecuador) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Widespread Eighty-eight, Pale Owl, Bluish White and Trailside Skipper.
12 Jun. Added Josia auriflua, Dioptinae sp and Spilomelinae sp (species #1,789 - 1,791) to World (Ecuador) Moth gallery.
11 Jun. Added Blue-winged Eurybia, Lagora Metalmark, Corades enyo and White-edged Longwing (species #1,460 - 1,463) to World (Ecuador) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of White Satyr, Rusty-tipped Page, Red Peacock, Lamplight Altinote, Cytherea Sister, Crisia Mimic White, Crimson-patched Longwing, Colombian Stripe-streak, Mountain Longwing, Bluish White and Anius Metalmark.
11 Jun. Added Hercules Skimmer and Swamp Dancer (species #187 - 188) to World (Ecuador) Dragonfly gallery.
11 Jun. Added South American Coati (species #190) to World (Ecuador) Mammal gallery.
10 Jun. Added Superciliated Wren, Orange-billed Sparrow, Olivaceous Piculet and Jet Antbird (species #2,867 - 2,870) to World (Ecuador) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Western Fire-eye, Plain Brown Woodcreeper, Bran-coloured Flycatcher, Black-and-white Seedeater, Scale-crested Pygmy Tyrant, Saffron Finch, Variable Seedeater, Tropical Royal Flycatcher and Ochre-bellied Flycatcher.
10 Jun. Added Pellicia costimacula, Carrhenes bamba, Yellow-spotted Kite Swallowtail, Blomfild's Beauty, White-cresceent Longtail and Ruddy Daggerwing (species #1,454 - 1,459) to World (Ecuador) Butterfly gallery). Added additional images of Apricot Sulphur, Malachite, Common Julia Heliconian, Common Spurwing and Itaballia marana.
9 Jun. Added Crimson-breasted Finch and Chivi Vireo (species #2,865 - 2,866) to Wrold (Ecuador) Bird gallery.
9 Jun. Added Chimbo Rocket Frog and Jordan's Casque-headed Tree Frog (species #106 - 107) to World (Ecuador) Amphibian gallery.
9 Jun. Added additional images of Mantled Howler Monkey o World (Ecuador) Mammal gallery.
9 Jun. Added Great Pondhawk and Oculate Dancer (species #185 - 186) to World (Ecuador) Dragonfly gallery.
9 Jun. Added Four-spotted Sailor (species #1,453) to Wrold (Ecuador) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Ghost Yellow.
9 Jun. Added Pacific Mangrove Ghost Crab to World (Ecuador) Wildlife gallery.
8 Jun. Added Black-billed Cuckoo, Yellow-olive Flatbill, Western Fire-eye, Speckle-breasted Wren, Orange-crowned Euphonia and Gartered Trogon (species #2,859 - 2,864) to World (Ecuador) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Streaked Xenops, Thick-billed Euphonia, Tropical Mockingbird, Olivaceous Woodcreeper, Streaked Saltator and Plain Antvireo.
8 Jun. Added Seven-lined Ameiva (species #197) to World (Ecuador) Reptile gallery.
8 Jun. Added Tithian Sailor, Common Blue Skipper and Vehilius sp (species #1,446 - 1,448) to World (Ecuador) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Common Spurwing and Red Cracker.
7 Jun. Updated Doi Suthep-Pui Butterfly checklist (300 species).
7 Jun. Added Black-capped Sparrow, Tumbes Pewee and Grey-lined Hawk (species #2,856 - 2,858) to World (Ecuador) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Red-billed Scythebill and Southern Rough-winged Swallow.
7 Jun. Added Heliopetes marginata, Scada zemira, Hayhurt's Scallopwing, Hesperiinae sp and South American Mestra (species #1,441 - 1,445) to World (Ecuador) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Orcus Checkered Skipper, Common Morpho, Crimson-patched Longwing, Anius Metalmark, White Satyr, Variable Cattleheart and Fridericus Spreadwing.
7 Jun. Added Eupterote hibisci, Cotachena pubescens, Crambinae sp and Niganda strigifascia (species #1,581 - 1,585) to Thailand moth gallery. Added additional images of Melanothrix dryas and Euthrix inobtrusa.
6 Jun. Added Drepanosticta anascephala (species #155) to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
6 Jun. Added Artona zebra, Erebidae sp, Macroglossum belis, Dichromia occatus and Scrobigera albomarginata (species 1,576 - 1,580) to Thailand Moth gallery.
6 Jun. Added Clemira trita (species #1,780) to World (Peru) Moth gallery.
5 Jun. Added Grey-breasted Flycatcher and Grey-and-gold Warbler (species #2,854 - 2,855) to World (Ecuador) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Grey-breasted Martin.
5 Jun. Added Desmoloma chironomus (species #1,779) to World (Peru) Moth gallery.
4 Jun. Added Calpinae sp, Pachydota drucei, Copaxa decrescens, Bassania olivacea, Fulgurodes mayor, Larentiinae sp, Euglyphis albidifascia, Ennominae sp, Pseudischnocampa nervosa, Hagnagora croceitincta, Periga parvibulbacea, Iridopsis gaujoni, Euryglottis aper, Xylophanes thyelia, Thyatira mexicana, Chlorocampa manethusa and Lobeza medina (species #1,762 - 1,778) to World (Peru) Moth gallery. Added additional images of Xylophanes alexandrei, Xylophanes crotonis, Hylesia metabus and Adhemarius sexoculata.
3 Jun. Added Pale Dart (species #1,003) to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
3 Jun. Added Hylesia metabus, Symphlebia fulminans, Symphlebia suanus, Euglyphis adusta, Cerodirphia porioni and Rothschildia aricia (species #1,754 - 1,761) to World (Peru) Moth gallery. Added aaditional images of Xylophanes crotonis, Xylophanes alexandrei and Dysschema porioni.
3 Jun. Updated Omkoi Butterfly checklist (354 species).
2 Jun. Updated Thailand Reptile Checklist.
2 Jun. Added additional images of Banded Kukri Snake and Large-eyed Bamboo Snake to Thailand Reptile gallery.
2 Jun. Added additional images of Marbled Flat, Spangled Plushblue, Pale Bushblue, Plain Tailless Oakblue, Hampson's Hedge Blue, Zebra Blue, Siam Babul Blue, Tricolour Pied Flat, Bright Sunbeam, Burmese Bushbrown, Common Tailed Judy, Common Nawab, Common Indian Crow and Common Evening Brown to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
2 Jun. Added Lymantria ganara, Nacoleia biformis, Paracrama dulcissima and Pyralinae sp (species #1,572 - 1,575) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Hyposidra talaca,Euproctis inornata, Euproctis plagiata, Baniana semilugens, Parapholodes fuliginea, Pericyma cruegeri, Scopelodes venosa, Compsoctena sp, Arctornis sp, Traminda mundissima, Nemophora aglaospila, Spilarctia bisecta, Phalera raya, Pseudhyria rubra, Lemyra maculifascia, Syntypistis scensus, Macrobrochis notabilis, Lemyra quadrisaccus, Peratophyga crista, Cania bilinea, Marumba dyras, Corma zelica, Lymantria brotea, Cyclosia papilionaris, Traminda aventiaria, Acosmeryx anceus, Ilema costalis, Caeneressa fouqueti Acontia marmoralis, Ectropidia shoreae, Gelechiidae sp, Tensha sp, Euhampsonia cristata, Erygia apicalis, Orgyia postica, Chiasmia emersaria Condica conducta, and Ectropis bhurmitra.
1 Jun. Added Syllepte sellalis, Xyloryctidae sp, Xanthodes intersepta, Phocoderma velutina, Olethreutinae sp, Iambia shanica and Patania punctimarginalis (species #1,567 - 1,571) to Thailand Moth gallery.
May |
31 May. Added Coeliccia doisuthepensis and Calicnemia miles (species #153 - 154) to Thailand Dragonfly gallery. Added additional images of Burmargiolestes melanothorax.
31 May. Added Perixera illepidaria, Nolidae sp, Garella ruficirra, Notodontella ferrifusa, Kunugia austroplacida and Lymantria rubea (species 1,559 - 1,566) to Thailand Moth gallery.
29 May. Added Homona coffearia and Lemyra maculifascia (species #1,558 - 1,560) to Thailand Moth gallery.
28 May. Updated Thialand Dragonfly checklist (358 species).
28 May. Added Ascotis imparata, Nannoarctia sp, Plecoptera sp and Periacma isanensis (species #1,555 - 1,557) to Thailand Moth gallery.
28 May. Updated Omkoi Butterfly checklist (353 species).
27 May. Added Odontodes seranensis and Eriocottidae sp (species #1,553 - 1,554) to Thailand Moth gallery.
26 May. Updated Omkoi Bird checklist (181 species).
26 May. Updated Thailand Reptile checklist (540 species).
26 My. Updated Thailand Amphibian checklist (215 species).
26 May. Added Rhacophorus sp (species #85) to Thailand Amphibian gallery.
26 May. Added Gelechiidae sp, Fodina cuneigera, Buzara onelia, Epicrocis sp, Rhodoneura sp, Pingasa chlora and Aegocera bimacula (species #1,547 - 1,553) to Thailand Moth gallery). Added additional images of Lymantria bivittata, Pingasa ruginaria and Metaphoenia plagifera.
21 May. Added Ennominae sp, Feigeria caligula, Bathyphlebia eminens and Pero moritzi (species #1,719 - 1,722) to World (Peru) Moth gallery.
20 May. Added Pantherodes leonaria, Amastus aloniae, Dysschema porioni, Periga galbimaculata, Xanthyris flaveolata, Pantherodes pardalaria, Hammaptera sp, Erateina sp and Urania leilus (species #1,711 - 1,718) to World (Peru) Moth gallery. Added additional images of Xylophanes crotonis and Pantherodes pardalaria.
20 May. Added Lymantria liedgensi (species #1,547) to Thailand Moth gallery.
19 May. Added Gonora sp, Ennominae sp, Oxydia trychiata, Hammaptera parinotata, Pityeja nazada, Leucanella nyctimene, Melinodes saeta, Xylophanes crotonis, Pero crepera, Fulvocompe nemophila, Theages sp, Bryolymnia roma, Agaristinae sp, Arctiinae sp, Pero sp, Mocis sp and Epimecis puellaria (species #1,694 - 1,710) to World (Colombia) Moth gallery.
18 May. Added Oxydia platypterata, Rothschildia orizaba, Desmia deploralis, Theages flavicaput, Automeris liberia, Prenesta sp, Rhodochlora sp, Eulepidotis dominicata, Anticla flavaria, Desmia bajulalis, Pachylia darceta, Polygrammodes multifenestrata, Feigeria sp, Gorgone sp. Feigeria herilia, Diaphania hyalinata, Spilomelinae sp, Accinctapubes albifasciata, Fulgurodes sp, Desmia sp, Euglyphis sp, Epimecis nasica, Rosema attenuata, Hylesia nanus, Eois insueta, Eois sp and Aellopos ceculus (species #1,667 - 1,693) to World (Colombia) Moth gallery.
18 May. Added Fiery Scarlet-eye, Macrosoma satellitiata and Macrosoma sp (species #1,437 - 1,439) to World (Colombia) Butterfly gallery.
17 May. Added Glaucous-winged Gull, Short-billed Gull, Iceland Gull and Greater Scaup (species #2,852 - 2,855) to World (USA) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Northern Harrier, Red-winged Blackbird, Golden-crowned Sparrow, House Finch, Common Murre, Bufflehead, Common Goldeneye and Killdeer.
17 May. Added Least Chipmunk (species #189) to World (USA) Mammal gallery. Added additional images of Black-tailed Jackrabbit.
17 May. Added Lymantria defreinai (species #1,546) to Thailand Moth gallery.
16 May. Added Greater Prairie Chicken, Black Rosy Finch, Brown-capped Rosy Finch, Pine Grosbeak, Rough-legged Buzard and Slate-coloured Fox Sparrow (species #2,846 - 2,851) to World (USA) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Mountain Bluebird, Sage Thrasher, Pine Siskin, Caspian Tern, Grey-crowned Rosy Finch, Cassin's Finch, Mountain Chickadee, White-breasted Nuthatch, Canada Goose, Horned Lark, Black-billed Magpie, Pygmy Nuthatch, Steller's Jay, Vesper Sparrow, Downy Woodpecker, Hairy Woodpecker, Swainson's Hawk, American Bushtit, Red-winged Blackbird, Dark-eyed Junco, Western Meadowlark, Common Loon, American Robin and Cooper's Hawk.
16 May. Added Bighorn Sheep, Gunnison's Prairie Dog, Wapiti and Pronghorn (species #185 - 188) to World (USA) Mammal gallery.
15 May. Added additional images of Red-eared Slider to World (USA) Reptile gallery.
15 May. Added Townsend's Solitaire, Bufflehead, and Lesser Scaup (species #2,842 - 2,844) to World (USA) Bird gallery. Added additonal images of Black-crowned Night Heeron, Spotted Towhee, Double-crested Cormoranr, Northern Shoveler, Pied-billed Grebe, Woodhouse's Scrub Jay and Ruddy Duck.
15 May. Added Mountain Cottontail (species #184) to World (USA) Mammal gallery. Added additional images of Mule Deer and American Rock Squirrel.
14 May. Added additional images of Brush Rabbit to World (USA) Mammal gallery.
14 May. Added American Wigeon, Common Goldeneye, Cedar Waxwing, Allen's Hummingbird, California Thrasher and Golden-crowned Sparrow (species #2,836 - 2,841) to World (USA) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Black Pheobe, American Coot, Anna's Hummingbird, Lesser Goldfinch, Orange-crowned Warbler, Black-necked Grebe, California Scrub Jay, American Bushtit, California Towhee and Western Flycatcher.
14 May. Added Caenurgia togataria (species #1,665) to World (USA) Moth gallery.
13 May. Added Golden-collared Macaw, White-naped Xenopsaris, Glossy Antshrike, Riverside Tyrant and Peach-fronted Parakeet (species #2,831 - 2,835) to World (Brazil) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Pale-vented Pigeon, Pied Plover, Orinoco Goose, Lesser Kiskadee, Buff-throated Woodcreeper, Rusty-backed Spinetail, Black Skimmer, Southern Rough-winged Swallow and Hoatzin.
13 May. Added additional images of Brahmaea hearseyi to world (Malaysia) Moth gallery.
12 May. Added Eutrogia castanea, Larentiinae sp, Numenes numatai, Roerichiora stigmatica and Dichocrocis plenistigmalis (species #1,541 - 1,545) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Herminia undulata and Lemyra anormala.
11 May. Added additional images of Greater Yellow-headed Vulture, Green Kingifsher and Great Black Hawk to World (Brazil) Bird gallery.
11 May. Added additional images of Red-lipped Tree Lizard to Thailand Reptile gallery.
11 May. Added Arichanna transfasciata, Hypomecis moriutii, Herminia undulata, Hypolamprus ypsilon, Tamba basiscripta and Idaea sp (species #1,538 - 1,543) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Pidorus atratus and Salma nubilalis.
10 May. Updated Thailand Reptile checklist (539 species).
10 May. Added Bare-faced Curassow, Araguai Spinetail and Bananal Spinetail (species #2,828 - 2,830)) to World (Brazil) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Crested Caracara.
10 May. Added additional images of Black Caiman to World (Brazil) Reptile gallery.
10 May. Added additional images of Orion Cecropian and White Peacock to World (Brazil) Butterfly gallery.
9 May. Added additional images of Anhinga, Amazonian Inezia, Cocoi Heron, Rufous-tailed Jacamar, Black-collared Hawk and Amazonian Barred Woodcreeper.
9 May. Added South American Collared Lizard (species #196) to World (Brazil) Reptile gallery.
9 May. Added Susica sinensis and Lymantria brotea (species #1,536 - 1,537) to Thailand Moth gallery.
8 May. Added Band-tailed Nighhawk and Bananal Antbird (species #2,826 - 2,827) to World (Brazil) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Black-fronted Nunbird, Great Potoo, Orange-fronted Yellow Finch and Rufescent Tiger Heron.
8 May. Added additional images of Dusky Owl to World (Brazil) Butterfly gallery.
7 May. Added Yellow-rimmed Eighty-eight, Orange Banner, Achilles Morpho and Sosis Satyr (species #1,433 - 1,436) to World (Brazil) Butterfly gallery.
7 May. Updated Mae Kamphong Butterfly checklist (202 species).
7 May. Added Bar-breasted Piculet, White-crested Guan and Amazonian Spinetail (species #2,823 - 2,825) to World (Brazil) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Cliff Flycatcher.
6 May. Added Golden Parakeet, Black-bellied Gnateater, Alta Floresta Antpitta, Todd's Sirystes, Guianan Cock-of-the-rock, Painted Parakeet, Painted Tody-Flycatcher, Lesser Hornero and Fiery Topaz (species #2,815 - 2,822) to World (Brazil) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Grey-breasted Martin and Variable Woodpecker.
6 May. Added Ancyluris aulestes, Setabis epitus, Caeruleuptychia mare. Metacharis lucius, Parvospila lucetia, Wallace's Longwing, Aquamarine Hairstreak, Numata Longwing, Aetolus Hairstreak, Cithaerias bandusia (species #1,424 - 1,433) to World (Brazil) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Obrinus Olivewing, Hermes Satyr, Barred Yellow and Celmus Haistreak.
6 May. Added South American Common Toad (species #104) To World (Brazil) Amphibian gallery.
6 May. Added additional images of Great Windmill, Lavender Count and Golden Birdwing to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
6 May. Added Saturnia zuleika (species #1,536) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Macroglossum sitiene and Pidorus atratus.
5 May. Updated Mae Kamphong Butterfly checklist (202 species).
5 May. Updated Thailand Mammal checklist.
5 May. Added Collinsa sphoraria and Eublemma silicula (species #1,534 - 1,535) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Setora sp.
4 May. Added Scaled Spinetail, Marail Guan, Caatinga Antwren and Guianan Toucanet (species #2,811 - 2,814) to World (Brazil) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Black-collared Hawk.
4 May. Added additional images of South American Tapir to Wrold (Brazil) Mammal gallry.
4 May. Added Nymphidium caricae and Dyscophellus sp (species #1,422 - 1,423) to World (Brazil) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Hermes Satyr.
3 May. Added Channel-billed Toucan, Spot-backed Puffbird and Rufous Casiornis (speces #2,808 - 2,810) to World (Brazil) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Ruby-topaz Hummingbird, Swallow-winged Puffbird and Straight-billed Woodcreeper.
2 May. Added Herminiinae sp, Hypocala deflorata and Pangrapta sp (species #1,531 - 1,533) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Ammatho cuneonotatus, Norraca longipennis and Diduga flavicostatas.
2 May, Added Planalto Tyrannulet (species #2,807) to World (Brazil) Bird gallery. |
Apr |
29 Apr. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
29 Apr. Added Tree Pipit (species #2,806) to World (UK) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Common Chiffchaff and Woodlark.
29 Apr. Added Brown Rat (species #183) to World (UK) Mammal gallery.
29 Apr. Added Cirrhochrista brizoalis, Pyrausta ochracealis, Pyralis fumipennis and Piesmopoda semilutea (species #1,527 - 1,530) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Callopistria maillardi, Siccia punctigera, Synclera traducalis, Scopula sp, Strepsigonia kerbau, Phazaca theclata, Nola lucidalis, Elusa antennata and Corgatha trichogyia.
29 Apr. Added additional images of Adela reaumurella to World (UK) Moth gallery.
28 Apr. Added Eugoa basipuncta (species #1,526) to Thailand Moth gallery.
27 Apr. Updated Thailand Reptile checklist (540 species).
27 Apr, Updated Thailand Amphibian checklist (214 species).
24 Apr. Added Stathmopoda sp, Lymantria bivittata, Norraca longipennis and Polygrammodes moerulalis (species #1,521 - 1,525) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Cyclosia midama, Heortia vitessoides, Eterusia aedea, Miltochrista undulosa and Episteme vetula.
23 Apr. Updated Thailand Bird checklist (1,081 species).
23 Apr. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,351 species).
23 Apr. Added Colocasia coryli (species #1,639) to World (UK) Moth gallery.
23 Apr. Added Eterusia tricolor (species #1,520) to Thailand Moth gallery.
22 Apr. Added Northern Junglequeen (species #1,002) to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
22 Apr. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,350 species).
21 Apr. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
19 Apr. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
18 Apr. Added Eudocima materna (species #1,519) to Thailand Moth gallery.
17 Apr. Added Lophoptera sp and Pangraptinae sp (species #1,517 - 1,518) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Darna sybilla and Archips machlopis.
16 Apr. Added Idaea macrospila, Idaea ptyonopoda, Patania concatenalis, Labanda fasciata and Spilomelinae sp (species #1,512 - 1,516) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Scopula fibulata, Rema costimacula and Nola pumila.
15 Apr. Added Woodlark (species #2,805) to World (UK) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Goldcrest.
15 Apr. Updated Thailand Reptile checklist (539 species).
15 Apr. Added Xylocampa areola, Orthosia cerasi and Lycia hirtaria (species #1,627 - 1,629) to World (UK) Moth gallery.
15 Apr. Added additional images of Roepkiella siamica, Mythimna reversa, Lymantria grisea, Idaea chotaria, Entomogramma fautrix, Clostera fulgurita, Athetis lineosa, Psamatodes abydata and Anticarsia irrorata to Thailand Moth gallery.
14 Apr. Added additional images of Asian Brown Tortoise to Thailand Reptile gallery.
14 Apr. Added additional images of Yellowhammer, European Greenfinch, Red-legged Partridge and Stock Dove to World (UK) Bird gallery.
14 Apr. Added Orthosia gothica, Orthosia gracilis and Polyploca ridens (species #1,624 - 1,626) to World (UK) Moth gallery. Added additional images of Peridea anceps.
14 Apr. Added additional images of Autocharis fessalis to Thailand Moth gallery.
11 Apr. Added Eurasian Siskin (species #2,804) to Wrold (UK) Bird gallery.
11 Apr. Added Siculodinae sp, Ambadra sp, Idiochlora minuscula and Calliteara strigata (species #1,507 - 1,511) to Thailand Moth gallery.
10 Apr. Added Calliteara pudibunda and Tamba sp (species #1,505 - 1,506) to Thailand Moth gallery.
9 Apr. Added Oxola sp, Chiasmia monticolaria and Protuliocnemis partita (species #1,502 - 1,504) to Thailand Moth gallery.
8 Apr. Added Gelechiidae sp (species #1,503) to Thailand Moth gallery.
7 Apr. Added Lophoptera univalva (species #1,502) to Thailand Moth gallery.
6 Apr. Updated Thailand Reptile checklist.
5 Apr. Added Setora nitens and Lophoptera sp (species #1,500 - 1,501) to Thailand Moth gallery.
2 Apr. Added Callyna jugaria, Diduga flavicostata, Dunira maculapex and Scopula mecysma (species #1,496 - 1,499) to Thailand Moth gallery.
1 Apr. Added Somera virens, Anigraea cinctipalpis, Carsina bendioides, Syntypistis viridipicta, Leucoblepsis excisa, Ommatophora luminosa, and Epipleminae sp (species #1,488 - 1,495) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Barsine ustrina, Idaea craspedota, Cnaphalocrocis latimarginalis, Luxiaria mitorrhaphes, Dischidesia cinerea, Dinumma deponens, Calluga costalis, Calliteara angulata, Spodoptera cilium, Anoba polysila, Scopula sp, Mocis frugalis, Loxioda similis, Microblepsis leucosticta, Xanthorhoe saturata, Hypomecis cineracea, Sauris interruptata and Argyrocosma inductaria. |
31 Mar. Added Lipararchis tranquillalis. Cyana intercomma, Pyralidae sp, Limbobotys sp, Susica sp and Scopula fibulata (species #1,482 - 1,487) to Thailand Moth gallery.
30 Mar. Added additional images of Doria's Frog to Thailand Amphibian gallery.
30 Mar. Added additional images of Collared blackhead to Thailand Reptile gallery.
30 Mar. Added Dithecodes idaea, Ugia disjungens, Platyjionia mediorufa, Hyalobathra micralis, Decetia sp, Comostola chlorargyra, Trabala vishnou, Tamba vinolia, Chrysocraspeda sanguinea, Caldubotys caldusalis and Mnesiloba eupitheciata (species #1,471 - 1,481) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Xanthomelaena schematias, Tephriopis divulsa, Rhimphalea ochalis, Hypospila bolinoides, Coremecis nigrovittata, Botyodes asialis, Beara tortriciformis, Albara reversaria, Gymnoscelis sp and Omiodes indicata.
29 Mar. Added additional images of Flavescent bulbul, Sultan Tit, Common Green Magpie, Silver-breasted Broadbill, Blue-throated Barbet, Great Hornbill, White-fronted Scops Owl and Banded Kingfisher to Thailand Bird gallery.
29 Mar. Updated Kaeng Krachan Butterfly checklist (249 species).
29 Mar. Updated Thailand Reptile checklist (538 species).
29 Mar. Added additional images of Red-cheeked Squirrel, White-handed Gibbon, Least Horseshoe Bat and Malayan Slit-faced Bat to Thailand Mammal gallery.
29 Mar. Added additional images of Atratothemis reelsi to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
29 Mar. Added additional images of Gram Blue, Large Yeoman and Plain Blue Crow to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
28 Mar. Trip Report for Kaeng Krachan 19 - 25 Mar.
28 Mar. Updated Kaeng Krachan (336 species) and Khao Sam Roi Yot (127) Bird checklists.
28 Mar. Added Tree Spirit Bent-toed Gecko, Phetchaburi Bent-toed Gecko and Garnot's House Gecko (species #145 - 147) to Thailand reptile gallery.
28 Mar. Added Hydrillodes moloalis and Tasta micaceata (species #1,469 - 1,470) to Thailand Moth gallery.
27 Mar. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
27 Mar. Added Amata sp and Marumba spectabilis (species #1,467 - 1,468) to Thailand Moth gallery.
26 Mar. Added Elliot's Sailor and Lesser Helen (species #1,000 - 1,001) to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
16 Mar. Added Iridoplecta ferrifera (species #,467) to Thailand Moth gallery.
15 Mar. Added Nola sp, Thysanoptyx tetragona, Pachynoa cf nigrilinealis, Siculifer bilineatus, Teliphasa albifusa and Hypolamprus bastialis (species #1,463 - 1,466) to Thailand Moth gallery.
14 Mar. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
14 Mar. Added Calletaera basipuncta, Comostola turgescens, Notodontinae sp, Chilkasa falcata, Rusicada prima, Acidon sp, Heterolocha falconaria, Krananda falcata, Chorsia albiscripta and Tridrepana fulvata (species #1,451 - 1,462) to Thailand Moth gallery.
13 Mar. Added additional images of Hypsopygia nostralis, Spodoptera litura, Eublemma accedens, Zurobata rorata, Zamarada excisa, Xanthorhoe saturata, Westermannia elliptica, Terastia egialealis, Stauropus major, Spilarctia bisecta, Scopula divisaria, Sansarea circulifera, Sansara naumanni, Sacada unilinealis, Rikiosatoa euphiles, Psilalcis postochrea, Psilalcis bisinuata, Polythlipta divaricata, Petelia medardaria, Parapholodes fuliginea, Palpita parvifraterna, Pachynoa thoosalis, Oxacme cretacea, Ourapteryx diminuta, Olene dudgeoni, Nygmia plana, Nordstromia duplicata, Nygmia hanuman, Nola bifascialis, Netria speideli, Neasura apicalis, Nausinoe perspectata, Naarda ochreistigma, Nygmia epirotica, Myrioblephara idaeoides, Miltochrista undulosa, Miltochrista acteola, Microblepsis leucosticta, Melittia siamica, Manoba major, Lymantria orestera, Luxiaria emphatica, Ischyja manila, Indiania eccentropis. Idaea violacea, Hyposada hydrocampata, Hypopyra vespertilio, Hypochrosis hyadaria, Hypenagonia mesoscia, Huangilene pseudolutara, Homodes vivida, Heterostegane subtessellata, Herminia annulata, Hemonia rotundata, Hemithea marina, Hemiphruda mecasa, Gnathocinara situla, Gesonia obeditalis, Eusabena miltochristalis, Eugoa malayicola, Fascellina plagiata, Eupterote kageri, Eublemma pudica, Elusa antennata, Dura alba, Drapetodes mitaria, Doloessa viridis, Dendrolimus grisea, Comostola laesaria, Cyme euprepioides, Clostera pallida and Cleora alienaria to Thailand Moth gallery.
12 Mar. Added additional images of Psamatodes abydata, Ambulyx substrigilis and Sympetrum hypomelas to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
12 Mar. Added additional images of Giant Skipper, Narrow-banded Velvet Bob, Hairy Angle, Multi-spot Angle, Common Flash, Scarce Cornelian, Truncate Imperial, Blue Imperial, Blue Leaf Blue, Many-tailed Oakblue, Glazed Oakblue, Large Long-banded Silverline, Orange Punch and Grey Count to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
12 Mar. Added additional images of Cirrhochrista fuscusa, Callopistria flavitincta, Chadisra bipars, Calliteara axutha, Biston bengaliaria, Bembina isabellina, Barsine orientalis, Barsine cornicornutata, Athetis lineosa, Athetis bremusa, Ataboruza divisa, Asota plana, Artaxa guttata, Artaxa digramma, Arguda insulindiana, Antheraea helferi, Amerila astreus, Agrotera basinotata, Acronicta maxima, Abraxaphantes perampla, Maruca vitrata, Stauropus alternus, Marasmia poeyalis, Hypena laceratalis, Actias maenas, Actias selene, Metanastria hyrtaca, Helicoverpa armigera, Agathodes ostentalis, Creatonotos transiens and Ambulyx moorei to Thailand Moth gallery.
11 Mar. Added Oreta carnea and Hypocala subsatura (species #1,449 - 1,450) to Thailand Moth gallery.
11 Mar. Added additional images of White Commodore, Common Clipper, Colour Sergeant, Ananta Yellow Sailor, Cream-spotted Sailor, Broad-striped Lascar, Indian Fritillary, Orange Freak, Orange Caliph, Eastern Fivering, White-line Bushbrown, Lilacine Bushbrown, Angled Red Forester, Green-veined White and Banded Treebrown to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
10 Mar. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
9 Mar. Added additonal images of Pin-tailed Snipe, Asian Brown Flycatcher, Taiga Flycatcher, White-throated Rock Thrush, Long-billed Plover, Little Ringed Plover and Slaty-legged Crake to Thailand Bird gallery.
9 Mar. Added additional images of Red-breast Jezebel to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
9 Mar. Updated Omkoi Butterfly checklist (353 species).
9 Mar. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
9 Mar. Added Callambulyx diehli (species #1,448) to Thailand Moth gallery.
8 Mar. Updated Omkoi Bird checklist (352 species).
8 Mar. Updated Omkoi Bird checklist (180 species).
7 Mar. Updated Omkoi Bird checklist (179 species).
5 Mar. Added Gelastocera castanea and Hypomecis delatina (species #1,446 - 1,447) to Thailand Moth gallery.
4 Mar. Added Maxates sp and Lophoptera brunnistis (species #1,443 - 1,445) to Thailand Moth gallery.
3 Mar. Added Hypochrosis abstractaria, Blenina senex, Psilalcis breta, Pagyda auroralis, Ennominae sp, Plutodes costatus, Perixera contrariata and Tridrepana argentistriga (species #1,439 - 1,442) to Thailand Moth gallery.
2 Mar. Added Idaea obliquilinea, Mahoba irrorata, Gymnoscelis sp, Aedia sp, Cerynea sp, Artaxa sp, Collix praetenta and Chiasmia perfusaria (species #1,432 - 1,438) to Thailand Moth gallery.
1 Mar. Added Trichopterigia rufinotata, Dunira sp and Spectroreta hyalodisca (species #1,429 - 1,431) to Thailand Moth gallery.
Feb |
29 Feb. Updated Doi Inthanon Butterfly checklist (339 species).
29 Feb. Updated Doi Inthanon Locality information.
29 Feb. Added Sauris interruptata, Miaromima cornucopia and Elusa sp (species #1,426 - 1,428) to Thailand Moth gallery.
28 Feb. Added Miltochrista undulata, Lymantriinae sp, Nygmia hanuman, Kamalia priapus, Plutodes exquisita and Eudocima discrepans (species #1,420 - 1,425) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Coremecis nigrovittata and Arguda sp.
27 Feb. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
27 Feb. Added Autostichinae sp, Lymantriinae sp, Parotis punctiferalis, Udea sp, Sacada unilinealis, Trichophysetis sp, Problepsis albidior, Ennominae sp and Arguda sp (species #1,410 - 1,419) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Pseudalcis renaria.
26 Feb. Added Plusiopalpa adrasta, Lymantria sp, Risoba obscurivialis, Stictoptera sp, Mythimna reversa, Gastropacha pardale, Epipaschiinae sp, Acria ceramitis and Ascotis selenaria (species #1,401 - 1,409) to Thailand Moth gallry.
24 Feb. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
24 Feb. Added Acronicta maxima, Polyptychus trilineatus, Amplypterus panopus, Hippotion rosetta, Rikiosatoa euphiles and Hydriris elutalis (species #1,384 - 1,389) to Thailand Moth gallery.
23 Feb. Updated Doi Suthep-Pui Butterfly checklist (298 species).
23 Feb. Updated Doi Suthep-Pui Locality information.
23 Feb. Added Gunda sp and Gabala roseoretis (species #1,382 - 1,383) to Thailand Moth gallery.
21 Feb. Added Ecpyrrhorrhoe puralis, Arctornis cygna , Erygia apicalis, Helicoverpa armigera, Giaura multipunctata, Olulis puncticinctalis, Heterocnephes lymphatalis and Diplurodes semicircularis (species #1,374 - 1,381) to Thailand Moth gallery.
20 Feb. Updated Thailand Reptile checklist (537 species).
20 Feb. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,348 species).
20 Feb. Added Gunda ochracea, Udea ferrugalis, Athetis sp, Calluga costalis, Eutelia sp, Ennominae sp and Salma nubilalis (species #1,367 - 1,373) to Thailand Moth gallery.
19 Feb. Added Doi Tung Bird checklist (71 species).
19 Feb. Added Doi Tung Butterfly checklist (114 species).
19 Feb, Added Talanga sexpunctalis, Miltochrista konta, Sansarea circulifera and Sinna floralis (species #1,363 - 1,366) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Petrophora chlorosata.
18 Feb. Trip Report for Doi Tung 13 - 16 Feb.
18 Feb. Added Dasychira nigritula (species #1,362) to Thailand Moth gallery.
17 Feb. Added Nudaria sp (species #1,361) to Thailand Moth gallery.
12 Feb. Taxonomic changes from IOC 14.1 made across the website.
12 Feb. Added Rufous-backed Dwarf Kingsiher (species #836) to Thailand Bird gallery.
11 Feb. Added Limacodinae sp (species #1,360) to Thailand Moth gallery.
9 Feb. Updated Doi Sutehp-Pui Butterfly checklist (296 species).
9 Feb. Updated Doi Suthep-Pui Loclaity information.
9 Feb. Added Drepanidae sp (species #1,359) to Thailand Moth gallery.
8 Feb. Added Calliteara cerigoides, Epipaschiinae sp and Tegenocharis tenebrans (species #1,356 - 1,358) to Thailand Moth gallery.
7 Feb. Added Rivula sp, Diplurodes vestita, Larentiinae sp, Helicopage hirundinalis and Dinumma placens (species !,351 - 1,355) to Thailand Moth gallery.
6 Feb. Trip Report for Northeast Thailand 25 - 29 Jan 2024.
6 Feb. Added Arcte modesta (species #1,350) to Thailand Moth gallery.
5 Feb. Added Chabula telphusalis, Comostola hauensteini, Roepkiella siamica, Meekistrotia molybdota, Oxacme marginata, Heteralex unilinea, Zusidava sinuosa, Odites albidella, Ortopla relinquenda, Lymantria brotea and Hemiphruda mecasa (species #1,339 - 1,349) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Cryptophlebia ombrodelta.
2 Feb. Added Dark-eyed Fivering (species #999) to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
2 Feb. Updated Phu Luang (92 species), Mae Taeng (112) and Nam Nao (186) Bird Checklists.
2 Feb. Updated Mae Taeng Locality information.
2 Feb. Updated Doi Inthanon Loclity information.
2 Feb. Updated Doi Inthanon Bird checklist (310 species). |
Jan |
30 Jan. Updated Thailand Dragonfly checklist (357 species).
30 Jan. Added Rufous-tailed Robin (species #835) to Thailand Bird gallery.
23 Jan. Updated Mae Taeng (112 species) and Doi Suthep-Pui (157) Bird checklists.
23 Jan. Added Gelechiidae sp and Boletobiinae sp (species #1,340) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Thalathoides curtalis.
22 Jan. Added additional images of Manoba tesselata to Thailand Moth gallery.
21 Jan. Added Marasmia exigua (species #1,339) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Abraxas persimplex, Marasmia poeyalis, Agrotera basinotata and Siccia punctigera.
20 Jan, Added additional images of Common Onyx, Large-spotted Oakblue, Grey-washed Oakblue, De Niceville's Dull Oakblue, Dark Pierrot, Shan Brownie, Silver-marked Bluejohn, Knight, Colour Sergeant, Common Sergeant and Broad-striped Lascar to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
20 Jan. Added Addyme sp, Manoba gyulaipeteri and Etanna basalis (species #1,337 - 1,339) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Spodoptera cilium, Hypena laceratalis, Nola taeniata, Chrysodeixis eriosoma and Orthonama obstipata
19 Jan. Updated Doi Suthep-Pui Locality information.
19 Jan. Updated Doi Suthep-Pui Bird checklist (152 species).
19 Jan. Added Palpita parvifraterna (species #1,336) to Thailand Moth gallery.
18 Jan. Added Endotricha sp, Hipoepa biasalis and Phereoeca uterella (species #1,333 - 1,335) to Thailand Moth gallery.
17 Jan. Added Lamoria sp, Drosophantis caeruleata, Tipasa nebulosella and Oditinae sp (species #1,329 - 1,332) to Thailand Moth gallery.
16 Jan. Updated Omkoi Bird checklist (176 species).
16 Jan. Updated Omkoi Butterfly checklist (344 species).
16 Jan. Added Euproctis sp. and Euproctis sp (species #1,326 - 1,328) to Thailand Moth gallery.
15 Jan. Added Barsine ustrina and Herminia annulata (species #1,324 - 1,325) to Thailand Moth gallery.
14 Jan. Added Zurobata rorata (species $1,322) to Thailand Moth gallery.
13 Jan. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
8 Jan. Added Rikiosatoa fucatariodes, Tamba delicata, Tagora pandya, Ilema laosensis, Diathrausta profundalis, Erebidae sp, Scopula sp, Epipleminae sp, Lemaireia naessigi and Callopistria maillardi (species #1,313 - 1,322) to Thailand Moth gallery.
7 Jan. Added Acyphas sp and Olethreutinae sp (species #1,310 1,312) to Thailand Moth gallery.
6 Jan. Added Patania sp (species #1,309) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Idaea impexa.
2 Jan. Added Manoba ronkaylaszloi, Agrioglypta zelimalis, Siculodinae, Spilosoma obliqua, Dolgoma sp and Arctiinae sp (species #1,283 - 1,288) to Thailand Moth gallery.
1 Jan. Added Locharna flavopica, Eugoa malayicola, Gangarides splendidus, Orothalassodes hypocrites, Chorodna strixaria and Eucyclodes semialba (species #1,277 - 1,282) to Thailand Moth gallery. |
2023 |
Dec |
31 Dec. Added Zurobata vacillans. Hypomecis separata, Immidae sp and Acosmeryx naga (species #1,273 - 1,276) to Thailand Moth gallery.
30 Dec. Updated Thailand Bird checklist (1,077 species).
30 Dec. Added Zythos sp and Opisthedeicta poritialis (species #1,271 - 1,272) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Problepsis apollinaria.
29 Dec. Added Red-eared Slider (species #146) to Thailand Reptile gallery.
29 Dec. Added Endotricha nicobaralis (species #1,270) to Thailand Moth gallery.
27 Dec. Added Albara reversaria, Auzatellodes hyalinata, Calonola argyria, Meroctena tullalis, Chadisra bipars, Spilomelinae sp, Siccia sp, Siccia sordida and Metaemene satellita (species #1,262 - 1,269) to Thailand Moth gallery.
26 Dec. Added Arctiinae sp, Syntypistis umbrosa and Rhanidopsis alleni (species #1,258 - 1,261) to Thailand Moth gallery.
25 Dec. Added Eugoa cernyi, Oeonistis altica, Hadennia jutalis, Dendrolimus grisea, Orthonama obstipata and Anepholcia pygaria (species #1,252 - 1,257) to Thailand Moth gallery.
24 Dec. Added additional images of Common Snow Flat, Blue Gem and Naga Sapphire to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
24 Dec. Added Thalassodes immissaria, Etanna albisecta, Laspeyria olivata, Eublemma sp, Cirrhochrista annulifera, Lecithocerinae sp, Homodes vivida, Barsine sp and Comibaena fuscidorsata (species #1,243 - 1,251) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Spodoptera litura, Syllepte sp, Plutodes unidentata, Notata parva, Corgatha dictaria, Aeolanthes meniscias, Stauropus alternus and Simplicia bimarginata.
23 Dec. Updated Doi Inthanon (310 species) and Omkoi (176) Bird checklists.
23 Dec. Updated Doi Inthanon (338 species) and Omkoi Butterfly (341) checklists.
23 Dec. Updated Doi Inthanon Locality information.
23 Dec. Added Timandra convectaria, Microcalicha fumosaria, Mythimna sp, Ophthalmitis herbidaria, Petelia medardaria, Psilalcis, Nolinae sp and Adoxophyes sp (species #1,235 - 1,242) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Daddala brevicauda, Olene inclusa and Mocis frugalis.
21 Dec. Added additional images of Variable Wisp and Black-kneed Featherlegs to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
21 Dec. Added Laspeyria ruficeps, Chrysodeixis illuminata, Ovipennis insolita and Oxacme cretacea (species #1, 231 - 1,234) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Archips micaceana, Dudua aprobola, Omiodes indicata, Abraxas persimplex, Cleora cucullata, Hypsopygia mauritialis, Smerinthulus cottoni, Psilalcis postochrea, Psilalcis intermedia, Lamprosema tampiusalis, Nola analis, Cricula trifenestrata, Rhesala imparata, Calliteara angulata, Barsine orientalis, Ataboruza divisa, Spoladea recurvalis, Cleora alienaria, Nola mesosticta, Cania bilinea, Eublemma latericolor, Elophila difflualis, Metapercnia ductaria, Maliattha separata, Comibaena cassidara, Miltochrista irregularis, Herpetogramma licarsisalis, Drapetodes mitaria, Heterostegane tritocampsis, Nacoleia charesalis, Drepana pallida, Cretonia forficula, Sacada sp, Ercta pedicialis, Hypena sp, Homona eductana, Homodes bracteigutta, Epicrocis oegnusalis, Gatesclarkeana idia, Conogethes punctiferalis, Dierna patibulum, Darna sybilla, Hemiscopis violacea, Ssphrageidus virguncula, Tridrepana albonotata, Thinopteryx citrina, Ugia sundana, Chorodna creataria, Addyme sp, Lecithocera sp, Pyrausta signatalis and Olene mendosa.
19 Dec. Updated Omkoi (341 species), Hala-Bala (171), Doi Suthep-Pui (294), Betong (136) and Bang Lang (266) Butterfly checklists.
19 Dec. Added additional images of Syllepte sp to Thailand Moth gallery.
18 Dec. Added additional images of Continental Swift, Common Posy, Divided Brownie, Broad-banded Brilliant, Blue Gem, Forest Judy, Banded Dandy, Streaked Baron, Common Treebrown, Malay Red Baron and Orange Caliph to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
17 Dec. Added Dysaethria oriocharis and Scopula opicata (species #1,229 - 1,230) to Thailand Moth gallery.
13 Dec. Added Sigilliclystis kendricki and Tiracola aureata (species #1,227 - 1,228) to Thailand Moth gallery.
12 Dec. Added Bamra mundata and Eublemma abrupta (species #1,225 - 1,226) to Thailand Moth gallery.
11 Dec. Added Hypeninae sp, Lamoria sp, Corgatha sp, Thylacoptila paurosema, Scopula sp and Macroglossum corythus (species #1,219 - 1,224) to Thailand Moth gallery.
10 Dec. Added Isocentris filalis, Epherema sp, Erebidae sp and Phycitinae sp (species #1,216 - 1,219) to Thailand Moth gallery.
9 Dec. Added Rinaca thibeta, Metoeca nymphulalis, Pyrausta ciniferalis, Gangarides rosea, Pida decolorata, Teulisna mithunoides and Ectropis sp(species #1,209 1,215) to Thailand Moth gallery.
8 Dec. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
6 Dec. Added Clostera pallida, Spilarctia bisecta, Calliteara lunulata and Nygmia shiva (species #1,205 - 1,208) to Thailand Moth gallery.
6 Dec. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,347 species).
6 Dec. Added Hypomecis nepalensis and Teliphasa sp (species #1,203 - 1,204) to Thailand Moth gallery.
5 Dec. Added Somena scintillans, Phalera cossoides, Ophiusa tirhaca, Termioptycha albifurcalis, Cricula trifenestrata, Psilalcis intermedia, Boletobiinae sp and Lopharthrum comprimens (species #1,196 - 1,203) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Imma mackwoodi, Hydriris sp, Ericeia inangulata, IIdiochlora sp, Pyrausta phoenicealis, Rhesala moestalis, Lophophleps purpurea, Lymantria alexandrae, Mabra eryxalis, Metoeca foedalis, Comostola laesaria Spilosoma ummera, Schistophleps bipuncta, Patania balteata, Scopula emissaria, Scopula desita, Tanyethira duplicilinea Parasa pastoralis, Neasura apicalis, Zonoplusia ochreata, Zeheba aureata, Naarda ochreistigma and Lamprosema tampiusalis.
4 Dec. Added Filodes fulvidorsalis and Phycitinae sp (species #1,194 - 1,195) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Cyana perornata, Gesonia obeditalis, Endotricha mesenterialis, Idaea violacea and Cyana weerawoothi.
3 Dec. Added additional images of Lanna Green Pit Viper and Oriental Whip Snake to Thailand Reptile gallery.
3 Dec. Added additional images of Lepcha Bushbrown, Straight Treebrown and White Dragontail to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
3 Dec. Added Caulocera crassicornis, Gargetta divisa, Disasuridia rubida and Hymenia perspectalis (species #1,190 - 1,193) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Omiodes indicata, Agrius-convolvuli, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis, Barisania honeyi, Ataboruza divisa, Mythimna moorei, Argina astrea, Bastilla crameri Brunia antica, Corgatha trichogyia, Cnaphalocrocis patnalis and Mocis undata.
2 Dec. Added Progonia kurosawai, Goniorhynchus gratalis, Aethaloessa calidalis and Boletobiinae sp (species #1,186 - 1,189) to Thailand Moth gallery.
1 Dec. Added Figure-of-eight Swift (species #997) to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
1 Dec. Added Olethreutinae sp, Rhimphalea ochalis and Nola sp (species 1,183 - 1,185) to Thailand Moth gallery. additional images of Cyana quadrinotatai, Nola pascua, Nola quadimaculata and Nola analis.
Nov |
29 Nov. Updated Doi Suthep-Pui Butterfly checklist (287 species).
29 Nov. Updated Doi Suthep-Pui Loclaity information.
28 Nov. Updated Doi Suthep-Pui Bird checklist (151 species).
27 Nov. Added Siccia tau, Hypopyra vespertilio, Bocana manifestalis and Lamprosema biformis (species #1,179 - 1,182) to Thailand Moth gallery.
26 Nov. Added White-spotted Slug-eating Snake (species #145) to Thailand Reptile gallery.
26 Nov. Added Scythropiodes issikii (species #1,179) to Thailand Moth gallery.
25 Nov. Added Laelia atestacea (species #1,178) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Ischyja manila.
24 Nov. Added Achaea janata and Arippara sp (species #1,176 - 1,177) to Thailand Moth gallery.
23 Nov. Trip Report for Amazonian Brazil - Jul/Aug 23.
22 Nov. Added Darna metaleuca, Elophila sp and Piletocera concisalis (species #1,173 - 1,175) to Thailand Moth gallery.
21 Nov. Added Hydriris ornatalis (species #1,172) to Thailand Moth gallery.
19 Nov. Added Eublemma versicolor and Theretra lucasii (species #1,170 - 1,171) to Thailand Moth gallery.
18 Nov. Added Corgatha sp, Immidae sp, Ercta pedicialis, Pterophorus lacteipennis and Eublemma pudica (species # 1,165 - 1,169) to Thailand Moth gallery.
17 Nov. Added Eublemma accedens, Hydriri
15 Nov. Added Gatesclarkeana idia, Nistra sp, Noctuidae sp and Herochroma cristata (species #1,155 - 1,158) to Thailand Moth gallery.
14 Nov. Added Cnaphalocrocis trebiusalis and Nola taeniata (species #1,153 - 1,154) to Thailand Moth gallery.
13 Nov. Added Astyoche Satyr (species #1,402) to World (Brazil) Butterfly gallery.
13 Nov. Added Cnaphalocrocis patnalis and Diasemiopsis ramburialis (species #1,151 - 1,152) to Thailand Moth gallery.
12 Nov. Added Spangled Cupid (species #1,401) to World (Brazil) Butterfly gallery.
11 Nov. Added Cnaphalocrocis latimarginalis and Macroglossum sitiene (species #1,149 - 1,150) to Thailand Moth gallery.
9 Nov. Added Hypomecis sp, Cleora alienaria, Nolinae sp and Acontia olivacea (species #1,145 - 1,148) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Stictane sp, Parasa lepida, Pseudhyria rubr, Peratophyga crista and Penicillifera apicalis.
8 Nov. Added Hypsopygia postflava, Nola sp and Euhampsonia cristata (species #1,141 1,144) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Miltochrista acteola, Pareuchaetes pseudoinsulata, Fentonia excurvata, Lophoptera sp, Orudiza protheclaria, Gerontha sp, Comibaena attenuata and Omiodes diemenalis.
7 Nov. Added Phalera raya, Strepsigonia kerbau, Euproctis sp, Gonodontis pallida and Stictane sp (species #1,135 - 1,139) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Tridrepana albonotata, Pygospila tyres, Epipaschiinae sp, Asota plaginota, Calliteara angulata, Olene mendosa, Peratophyga flavomaculataand Radhica holoxantha.
6 Nov. Added additional images of Mythimna albipuncta, Idaea seriata, Trichiura crataegi, Xanthorhoe fluctuata, Ochropleura plecta, Hypena proboscidalis and Diachrysia chrysitis to World (UK) Moth gallery.
6 Nov. Added additional images of Lamoria sp, Stauroplitis accomodus, Spilarctia subcarnea, Spatalia duplius, Psilogramma discistriga,, Omiza miliaria, Miresa bracteata. Macotasa nubeculoides, Lymantria subrosea, Hulodes caranea, Hipoepa fractalis, Eupterote patula, Cleora contiguata, Calesia dasyptera, Ataboruza lauta, Anticarsia irrorata, Ammatho pluma, Ammatho cuneonotatus, Acropteris ciniferaria, Cyclosia papilionaris and Achrosis costimaculata to Thailand Moth gallery.
6 Nov. Added additional images of Atkinson's Bob to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
5 Nov. Added additional images of Brown Awl, Common Rustic and Shan Nawab to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
4 Nov. Added additional images of Dark Evening Brown to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
4 Nov. Added additional images of Golden Tree Snake to Thailand Reptile gallery.
3 Nov. Added Polythlipta divaricata and Homona tabescens (species #1,133 - 1.134) to Thailand Moth gallery.
1 Nov. Added Macrobathra sp, Prismosticta tiretta, Griseothosea rufula, Buzara sp and Sterrhinae sp (species #1,128 - 1,132) to Thailand Moth gallery. |
Oct |
27 Oct. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,345 species).
27 Oct. Added Doleschallia sp (species #997) to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
24 Oct. Updated Thailand Rerptile checklist (535 species).
23 Oct.Added Ramesa albistriga (species $1,127) to Thailand Moth gallery.
21 Oct. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
21 Oct. Added Camptochilus reticulata, Crambinae sp, Brenthia sp, Nolidae sp, Tampea reversa and Xerodes ypsaria (species #1,121 1,126) to Thailand Moth gallery.
20 Oct. Added Paratalanta aureolalis (species #1,120) to Thailand Moth gallery.
19 Oct. Added Glauconoe deductalis, Orvasca bicolor, Trisula variegata, Eois obliviosa, Adrapsa tenomigera, Hyposemansis singha, Eschata sp, Scopula divisaria, Sphrageidus virguncula, Boletobiinae sp and Ambadra modesta (species #1,111 - 1,119) to Thailand Moth gallery.
17 Oct. Added Eupterotidae sp, Racotis boarmiaria and Spaniocentra hollowayi (species #1,106 - 1,109) to Thailand Moth gallery.
16 Oct. Added Masked Gnatcatcher and Mouse-coloured Tyrannulet (species #2,800 - 2,801) to World (Brazil) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Lineated Woodpecker, Ashy-headed Greenlet and Jandaya Parakeet.
16 Oct. Added Dura alba, Mecodina lanceola and Orthaga sp (species #1,102 - 1,105) to Thailand Moth gallery.
15 Oct. Added Greater Rhea, Giant Wood Rail and Toco Toucan (species #2,794 -2,796) to World (Brazil) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Buff-throated Saltator and Green Ibis.
15 Oct. Added Lecithoceridae sp, Nevrina procopia and Loepa sikkima (species #1,099 1,101) to Thailand Moth gallery.
14 Oct. Added Phalera argenteolepis, Himantopterus zaida,Orudiza protheclaria, Actias maenas and Actias selene (species #1,094 - 1,097) to Thailand Moth gallery.
14 Oct. Added White Veined Skipper (species #1,411) to Wrold (Brazil) Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Orcus Checkered Skipper.
14 Oct. Added Red-legged Seriema, Red-throated Caracara, Picazuro Pigeon, Kaempfer's Woodpecker, Gould's Toucanet and Eastern Striolated Puffbird (species #2,789 - 2,793) to World (Brazil) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Purple-throated Fruitcrow.
13 Oct. Added Grey-Spotted Scrub Hairstreak and Kerea Satyr (species #1,409 - 1,410) to World (Brazil) Butterfly gallery.
13 Oct. Added Roseate Skimmer (species #181) to World (Brazil) Dragonfly gallery.
13 Oct. Added Amazonian Motmot (species #2, 788) to World (Brazil) Bird gallery.
12 Oct. Added White-bellied Seedeater, Smoky-fronted Tody-Flycatcher, Hooded Tanager, Santarem Parakeet and Ochre-backed Woodpecker (species #2,783 - 2,787) to World (Brazil) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Barred Antshrike, Southern White-fringed Antwren and Crimson-crested Woodpecker.
12 Oct. Added Banded Yellow (species #1,408) to World (Brazil) Butterfly gallery.
11 Oct. Added Aphendala sp, Gunda javanica, Thalathoides curtalis and Tensha sp (species #1,090 - 1,093) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Phalera parivala, Phalera grotei, Susica pygmaea, Cyclosia panthona, Fentonia excurvata, Homona eductana, Macotasa nubeculoides, Lymantria hauensteini, Cispia sp, Syntypistis pryeri, Olene inclusa, Naxa kerangatis, Narosa erminea, Miltochrista parallelina, Hyphorma minaxand Nola peguense.
10 Oct. Added Nolinae sp, Epipaschiinae sp, Juxtarctia multiguttata and Stauroplitis accomodus (species #1,086 - 1,089) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Hyalinarcha hyalina.
9 Oct. Added Spatalia duplius, Gerontha sp, Sundwarda dohertyi, Blenina sp, Hyphorma minax, Epipaschiinae sp, Nola bifascialis, Daplasa albolyclene, Radhica holoxantha and Stauropus alternus (species #1,075 - 1,083) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Stauropus camilla, Lymantria mathura, Hypsopygia mauritialis and Hemiscopis violacea.
8 Oct. Added Spinosuncus praepandalis, Syntypistis scensus, Diplocalyptis congruentana, Corgatha dictaria, Hyalinarcha hyalina, Spinosuncus aureolalis, and Epipaschiinae sp (species #1,069 - 1,074) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Parasa lepida, Mocis undata, Hypsopygia pelasgalis, Chiasmia eleonora and Dasychira chekiangensis.
7 Oct. Updated Thailand Bird checklist (1,075 species).
7 Oct. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,344 species).
7 Oct. Added Pyroneura natuna (species #996) to Thailand Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Yellow-based Lancer.
7 Oct. Added Lamoria sp, Lamoria adaptell, Psilalcis sp, Barisania honeyi, Noorda blitealis, Barasa sp, Lecithoceridae sp, Diplopseustis perieresalis and Cleora pendleburyi (species #1,060 - 1,068) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Lymantria alexandrae, Spirama retorta and Peridrome subfascia.
6 Oct. Added Epipaschiinae sp (species #1,059) to Thailand Moth gallery.
5 Oct. Added Ischyja ferrifracta, Ophthalmitis clararia, Ugia signifera, Acidon sp and Corgatha trichogyia (species #1,054 - 1,058) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Chrysograpta igneola, Miltochrista undulosa, Palpita sp, Acantholipes trajecta, Syntypistis pryeri, Selepa celtis and Chiasmia mutabilis.
4 Oct. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,343 species).
4 Oct. Added additional images of Ditch Jewel to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
4 Oct. Added additional images of Dark-sided Chorus Frog to Thailand Amphibian gallery.
4 Oct. Added Spirama sp, Mecistoptera loedli, Pheosiopsis gilda and Rhodoneura citrina (species #1,051 - 1,054) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Lymantria mathura, Spirama retorta, Psimada quadripennis, Imma mackwoodii, Baniana semilugens, Caeneressa fouqueti, Peridrome subfascia, Macotasa tortricoides, Trichaetoides apicalis, Longicella mollis, Idaea violacea, Dysaethria quadricaudata and Siccia punctigera.
4 Oct. Added additional images of Bicolour Long-horned Skipper, Common Snow Flat, Orchid Tit, Dark Banded Ace, Purple-spotted Flitter, Ultra Snow Flat, Banded Angle, Large Fourline Blue, Blue Imperial, Medium-branded Royal, Dark Posy, Chocolate Royal, Silver Royal, Common Yamfly, Grey Tinsel, Small Pointed Pierrot and Southern Sunbeam to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
3 Oct. Added Waterstradt's Snow Flat (species #995) to Thailand Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Malayan Owl, Abnormal Judy, Malay Tailed Judy, Blue Dandy, Common Earl, Common Commander, Malay Viscount, Dot-dash Sergeant, Dark Purplish-brown Sailor, Tiger Lascar, Malayan Sailor, White-edged Blue Baron, Dingy Sailor, Orange Lacewing, Western Red Lacewing, Common Yeoman, Royal Assyrian, Jewelled Nawab, Glorious Begum, Common Duffer, Great Duffer, Common Palmking, Straight-banded Catseye, Yellow-bodied Clubtail, Plain Puffin, Angled Red Forester, White-banded Palmfly, Tawny Palmfly, Blue King Crow and Red-spot Jezebel.
3 Oct. Added additional images of Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker, Hume's White-eye, Red-throated Barbet and Cream-vented Bulbul to Thailand Bird gallery.
2 Oct. Added Scopelodes unicolor (species #1,050) to Thailand Moth gallery.
2 Oct. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
1 Oct. Added Yellow-striped Chaser (species #152) to Thailand Dragonfly gallery. |
Sep |
30 Sep. Added Noctuidae sp, Toccolosida sp and Nyctemera tripunctaria (species #1,047 - 1,049) to Thailand Moth gallery.
29 Sep. Added Syllepte sp (species #1,046) to Thailand Moth gallery.
28 Sep. Added Wavy Maplet, Purple Tit and Small Redeye (species #992 - 994) to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
28 Sep. Added Stemorrhages amphitritalis (species #1,045) to Thailand Moth gallery.
27 Sep. Added Green Baron, Narrow-banded Ace and Straight Plum Judy (species #989 - 991) to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
27 Sep. Added Eumelea biflavata (species #1.044) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Dysaethria lilacina.
26 Sep. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
25 Sep. Added Pyrausta sp, Mythimna moorei, Ambia sp and Zonoplusia ochreata (species #1,041 - 1.043) to Thailand Moth gallery.
24 Sep. Added Nola lucidalis, Gonoglasa nigripalpis and Spilosoma eldorado (species #1,039 - 1,040) to Thailand Moth gallery.
23 Sep. Added Fentonia excurvata and Meganoton nyctiphanes (species #1,037 - 1,038) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Dolbina inexacta and Psilogramma increta.
23 Sep. Added Blastobasis lacticolella, Eudonia angustea, Acleris variegana, Ennomos alniaria, Ennomos fuscantaria, Idaea aversata, Phlogophora meticulosa, Phragmatobia fuliginosa and Cilix glaucata (species #1,143 1,152) to World (UK) Moth gallery.
22 Sep. Added Agrius convolvuli (species #1,035) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Amyna punctum, Spirama helicina, Lymantria mathura, Plutodes unidentata, Olene inclusa, Odontodes aleuca, Mangina argus, Hypospila bolinoides, Hyperythra lutea, Heteropanula flavimacula, Bastilla crameri, Ambulyx moorei, Acosmeryx shervillii, Abraxaphantes perampla, Pergesa acteus and Metasiodes heliaula.
22 Sep. Added additional images of Gllazed Oakblue to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
21 Sep. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
21 Sep. Added additional images of Gatekeeper to World (UK) Butterfly gallery.
21 Sep. Added additional images of Smooth Newt to World (UK) Amphibian gallery.
21 Sep. Added additional images of Peribatodes rhomboidaria, Hoplodrina ambigua, Idaea seriata, Anarta trifolii, Agrotis segetum, Xestia xanthographa, Campaea margaritaria, Epiphyas postvittana, Noctua fimbriata, Noctua pronuba, Colostygia pectinataria, Xanthorhoe fluctuata, Mamestra brassicae and Opisthograptis luteolata to World (UK) Moth gallery.
21 Sep. Added additional images of Migrant Hawker and Southern Hawker to World (UK) Dragonfly gallery.
21 Sep. Added additional images of Eurasian Treecreeper to World (UK) Bird gallery.
20 Sep. Added Lomographa inamata (species #1,034) to Thailand Moth gallery).
19 Sep. Changes from IOC 13.2 made across website.
11 Sep. Added Hydraecia micacea, Craniophora ligustri, Catocala fraxini and Catocala sponsa (species #1,134 - 1,137) to World (UK) Moth gallery. Added additional images of Udea ferrugalis.
7 Sep. Added Chalcolestes viridis (species #179) to World (UK) Dragonfly gallery. Added additional images of Common Blue.
7 Sep. Added Abrostola triplasia (species #1,133) to World (UK) Moth gallery.
7 Sep. Added Silver-studded Blue (species #1,401) to World (UK) Butterfly gallery.
3 Sep. Added Trichiura crataegi and Hypena proboscidalis (species #1,131 - 1,132) to World (UK) Moth gallery.
3 Sep. Added European Bee-eater (species #2,778) to World (UK) Bird gallery.
3 Sep. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
2 Sep. Added additional images of Eurasian Ringlet to World (UK) Butterfly gallery.
1 Sep. Added Agriphila geniculea, Diachrysia chrysitis and Eublemma purpurina (species #1,127 - 1,129) to World (UK) Moth gallery. |
Aug |
30 Aug. Added Aspitates ochrearia, Pterostoma palpina, Peribatodes rhomboidaria and Idaea dimidiata (species #1,123 - 1,126) to World (UK) Moth gallery.
30 Aug. Added Theretra lycetus (species #1,032) to Thailand Moth gallery.
29 Aug. Added Eugnathia lunifera (species #1,031) to Thailand Moth gallery.
29 Aug. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,345 species).
29 Aug. Updated Thailand Amphibian checklist (213 species).
26 Jul. Added additional images of Nepogomphus walli to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
26 Jul. Added additional images of Sumatran Gliding Lizard to Thailand Reptile gallery.
26 Jul. Added additional images of Swinhoe's Ace, Fulvous Dawnfly and Thai Plane to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
25 Jul. Added additional images of Orchid Tit. Great Imperial, Rounded Darkie, Common Apefly, Common Sailor and Intermedaite Maplet to Thailand Butterfly gallery. |
Jul |
24 Jul. Added additional images of Eastern Fivering and Jewel Fivering to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
23 Jul. Added additional images of Malayan Fivering, Malayan Bushbrown, Dark Evening Brown, Anderson's Grass Yellow, Small Grass Yellow and Common Gull to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
22 Jul. Added additional images of Red-spot Sawtooth, Paris Peacock, Lesser Jay, Peacock Oakblue, Dawnas Tailless Oakblue, Yellow-disc Tailless Oakblue, Tailed Disc Oakblue, Malayan Sunbeam, Lesser Grass Blue and Bicoloured Hedge Blue to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
22 Jul. Added Cleora alienaria (species #1,030) to Thailand Moth gallery.
19 Jul. Added Odontodes sp (species #1029) to Thailand Moth gallery.
18 Jul. Added Ultramarine Oakblue and Rounded Yellow Oakblue (species #987 - 988) to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
18 Jul. Added Dysodia magnifica, Crambinae sp, Macroglossum glaucoptera and Herpetogramma sp (species #1,024 - 1,028) to Thailand Moth gallery.
17 Jul. Trip Report for Omkoi 11 - 14 Jul.
17 Jul. Updated Omkoi Bird checklist (171 species).
16 Jul. Updated Omkoi Butterfly checklist (327 species).
16 Jul. Added additional images of Singleton and Broad-banded Judy to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
16 Jul. Added Boletobiinae sp and Macotasa tortricoides (species #1,022 - 1,023) to Thailand Moth gallery.
15 Jul. Added additional images of Javan Myna to Thailand Bird gallery.
15 Jul. Added Malayan Sailor (species #986) to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
15 Jul. Added additional images of Menglien Paddy Frog to Thailand Amphibian gallery.
15 Jul. Added Brahmaea hearseyi, Chalcidica mineus and Antheraea-helferi (species #1,019 - 1,021) to Thailand Moth gallery.
11 Jul. Added additional images of Chocolate Albatross, Common Yeoman, Common Lascar, Blue Gem, Common Imperial and Tawny Palmfly.
10 Jul. Added Hala-Bala Butterfly checklist (122 species).
10 Jul. Added additional images of Rhyothemis obsolescens to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
10 Jul. Added Ashy-white Tree Nymph (species #984) to Thailand Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Bhutea Lineblie.
10 Jul. Updated Bang Lang (227 species) and Betong (125) Butterfly checklists.
9 Jul. Updated Thailand Bird checklist (1,087 species).
9 Jul. Added additional images of Blyth's Frogmouth to Thailand Bird gallery.
9 Jul. Add Malayan Lascar and Long-lined Viscount (species #982 - 983) to Thailand Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Studded Sergeant and Tailed Jay.
9 Jul. Added additional images of Copera vittata to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
9 Jul. Added additional images of Nyctemera coleta to Thailand Moth gallery.
8 Jul. Added additional images of Rhinoceros Hornbill to Thailand Bird gallery.
8 Jul. Added Brown Pansy and Small Red Bob (species #980 - 981) to Thailand Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Spotless Bob, Malay Punchinello, Contiguous Swift, Malay Viscount and Banded, Dark-based Lineblue, Tailless Lineblue, Brilliant Flash and Blue Pierrot.
8 Jul. Added Scrobigera proxima (species #1,018) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Episteme vetula.
7 Jul. Added additional images of White-throated Kingfisher to Thailand Bird gallery.
7 Jul. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,344 species).
7 Jul. Added Statherotis discana (species #1,017) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Peridrome orbicularis and Chiasmia eleonora and Traminda mundissima.
7 Jul. Added Black-and-white Helen and White-spotted Palmer (species #978 - 979) to Thailand Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Common Banana Skipper and Green-scaled Acacia Blue. Added additional images of Tiger Lascar and Yellow Helen.
7 Jul. Updated Thailand Reptile checklist.
6 Jul. Added additional images of Maroon Oriole to Thailand Bird gallery.
6 Jul. Added Onychargia atrocyana (species #151) to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
6 Jul. Added additional images of Sedge Warbler, Eurasian Blackcap, Bearded Reedling, Common Wood Pigeon, Common Tern, Long-billed Dowitcher, Common Pheasant, Pied Avocet, Eurasian Spoonbill, Eurasian Teal and Common Shelduck to World (UK) photo gallery.
6 Jul, Added Ostrinia furnacalis (species #1,015 - 1,016) to Thailand Moth gallery.
5 Jul. Added additional images of Five-banded Gliding Lizard and Green Crested Lizard to Thailand Reptile gallery.
5 Jul. Added additional images of Orthetrum triangulare, Orthetrum testaceum, Orthetrum luzonicum, Mattigomphus pinratani, Ischnura rufostigma, Ceriagrion fallax, Argiocnemis rubescens, Coeliccia loogali, Anisopleura furcata and Burmargiolestes melanothorax to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
5 Jul. Added additional images of Red-webbed Tree Frog to Thailand Amphibian gallery.
5 Jul. Added additional images of Black Rat to Thailand Mammal gallery.
5 Jul. Added additional images of Red-base Jezebel to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
5 Jul. Added additional images of Erebus caprimulgus to Thailand Moth gallery.
2 Jul. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
1 Jul. Added Aeolopetra sp (species #1,014) to Thailand Moth gallery.
Jun |
30 Jun. Trip Report for Extreme South Thailand 17 - 27 Jun.
30 Jun. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
30 Jun. Added additional images of Pseudagrion microcephalum to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
30 Jun. Added additional images of Cyclidia substigmaria to Thailand Moth gallery.
29 Jun. Added Sphecodoptera sp (species #1,013) to Thailand Moth gallery.
29 Jun. Added Sympetrum hypomelas (species #150) to Thailand Dragonfly gallery. Added additional images of Protosticta trilobata, Indothemis carnatica, Palpopleura sexmaculata, Orthetrum pruinosum and Ceriagrion indochinense.
28 Jun. Added Euthygomphus yunnanensis and Tramea transmarina (speecies #148 - 149) to Thailand Drogonfly gallery. Added additional images of Camacinia gigantea.
28 Jun. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
28 Jun. Added Ariolica pulchella (species #1,012) toThailand Moth gallery.
28 Jun. Updated Hala-Bala (215 species) and Bang Lang (142) Bird checklists.
26 Jun. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
17 Jun. Added Ambulyx ochracea, Cechetra minor, Theretra boisduvalii, Eustrotiinae sp, Xenotrachea albidisca, Lophophleps triangularis, Eriocottidae sp and Condate orsilla (species #1,004 - 1,011) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Cechetra lineosa Theretra clotho, Ramila acciusalis, Daphnis hypothous, Arna bipunctapex, Acosmeryx anceus and Epiplema fulvilinea.
16 Jun. Added Mosopia eudoxusalis (species #1,003) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Heterostegane subtessellata, Hypopyra pudens and Endotricha mesenterialis.
15 Jun. Added Herminiinae sp, Pseudopagyda sp, Mecodina albodentata, Syllepte sp and Hypopyra pudens (species #998 - 1,002) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Eoophyla sejunctalis.
14 Jun. Added Loepa diffundata (species #997) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Euproctis lutea, Theretra nessus and Cyana alborosea.
13 Jun. Added Rhypotoses sp, Fascellina chromataria, Euthrix inobtrusa, Diplurodes sp, Semiothisops macariata (species #991 - 996) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Leucoma clara, Abraxas persimplex, Chiasmia emersaria, Odonestis erectilinea and Eupterote patula.
12 Jun. Added Antheraea assamensis, Crocidophora fasciata, Herminia tarsicrinalis, Conogethes pluto and Bamra lepida (species #985 - 990) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Risoba obstructa, Ammatho cuneonotatus, Striglina scitaria, Xyleutes strix and Pygospila tyres.
11 Jun. Added Psilalcis sp, Athetis bremusa, Pandesma quenavadi, Areas galactina, Pachynoa thoosalis and Narangodes argyrostrigatus (species #980 - 984) to Thailand Moth gallery).
10 Jun. Added Ammatho cuneonotatus, Eupterote kageri, Eupterote sp, Samia canningi, Spilarctia sp, Lymantria minora, Protuliocnemis castalaria, Etanna breviuscula, Kunugia latipennis, Spilomelinae sp, Arctornis comma and Ourapteryx diminuta (species #968 - 979) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Macotasa nubeculoides, Athetis lineosa, Conogethes punctiferalis, Spodoptera litura, Thespea bicolor, Scopelodes venosa, Euproctis lutea and Heterostegane tritocampsis.
9 Jun. Added Tarsolepis remicauda, Parasa pastoralis, Macrobrochis gigas, Barsine Barsine cornicornutata, Gymnoscelis sp, Crocidophora habisalis, Choreutis euclista, Pantana substrigosa, Crambidae sp, Eoophyla ochripicta and Lophoptera sp (species #957 - 967) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Patania balteata, Peratophyga crista, Chiasmia nora, Nannoarctia tripartita, Ecpyrrhorrhoe aureolalis, Chabulina onychinalis, Paracymoriza vagalis and Eoophyla sejunctalis.
8 Jun. Added Tegulifera drapesalis, Phalera parivala, Calesia dasypterus and Chloephorinae sp (species #953 - 956) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Chiasmia nora, Condica illecta, Hypomecis sp and Cyclosia panthona.
7 Jun. Added additional images of Autumn Leaf to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
7 Jun. Added Achaea sp, Elibia dolichoides, Daphnis hypothous and Caeneressa fouqueti (species #949 - 952) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Ambulyx sericeipennis, Ambulyx moorei, Eilema sp, Biston suppressaria, Biston bengaliaria, Theretra clotho and Acosmeryx anceus.
6 Jun. Added Psilogramma increta, Psilogramma discistriga, Craspedortha porphyria, Risoba obscurivialis, Penicillifera tamsi, Maxates inaptaria, Sarbanissa transiens, Spirama retorta, Achrosis rondelaria, Chiasmia xanthonora, Miltochrista undulosa, Squamosa sp and Hypomecis sp (species #936 - 948) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Myrioblephara idaeoides, Scopula sp, Spirama helicina, Pelagodes antiquadraria, Peratophyga crista, Trilocha varians, Penicillifera apicalis, Bombyx lemeepauli and Hypsopygia pelasgalis.
5 Jun. Updated Thailand Reptile checklist (535 species).
5 May. Added Maxares sp, Myrioblephara idaeoides, Soritia pulchella, Hypomecis sp, Scopula sp, Ennominae sp, Eupterote sp and Compsoctena sp (species #928 - 935) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Sympis rufibasis and Traminda mundissima.
4 Jun. Updated Thailand Amphibian Checklist (211 species).
4 Jun. Added Red-lipped Tree Lizard (species #145) to Thailand Reptile gallery.
4 Jun. Added Cretonia forficula, Euproctis plagiata, Plecoptera oculata, Alex palparia, Psilalcis pallidaria, Thespia bicolor and Thespea albipuncta (species #921 - 927) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Traminda mundissima, Baniana sp, Nossa moorei, Lemyra anormala, Ercheia cyllaria, Episteme macrosema, Episothalma robustaria, Ectropis bhurmitra, Glyphodes caesalis, Calliteara axutha, Acosmeryx shervillii and Cyme euprepioides.
4 Jun. Updated Doi Pha Hom Pok (202 species) and Doi Phu Kha (203) Butterfly checklists.
3 Jun. Trip report for northern mountains 21 - 28 May 2023.
3 Jun. Updated Doi Pha Hom Pok Bird (172 species) and Doi Phu Kha (184) Bird checklists.
3 Jun. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
2 Jun. Added Phu Kha Fivering, Phu Kha Bushbrown, Narrow Wanderer and Swinhoe's Tiger (species #974 - 977) to Thailand Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Ananta Yellow Sailor, Dot-dash Sergeant, Common Albatross, Common Cyclops, Plain Hedge Blue, Eastern Fivering, Mottled Emigrant and Banded Puffin.
2 Jun. Added Chalcophaedra zuleika (species #920) to Thailand Moth gallery.
May |
31 May. Added Micreremites sp (species #919) to Thailand Moth gallery.
30 May. Updated Doi Phu Kha Locality information.
30 May. Added Fea's Horned Frog (species #84) to Thailand Amphibian gallery.
30 May. Added Anisopleura subplatystyla (species #147) to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
30 May. Added Hypomecis fulvosparsa, Paranthrenella sp, Tasta argozana, Melanothrix dryas and Nossa moorei (species #915 - 918) to Thailand Moth gallery.
29 May. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
21 May. Added Cyclosia pieridoides (species #914) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Narosa erminea.
20 May. Added Alcanola obscurata, Cyclomilta cambodiaca, Lamprosema similis and Patania balteata (species #910 - 913) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Hypenagonia mesoscia.
19 May. Updated Mae Kamphong Butterfly checklist (193 species).
19 May. Added Pseudopagyda sp, Zitha tactilis, Tineinae sp, Naranga diffusa, Condate hypenoides, Pyrinioides sinuosus and Arippara sp (species #901 - 909) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Luma sericea, Bocula tuhanensis, Cerynea punctilinealis, Calamotropha sp and Sericophara hypoxantha.
18 May. Added additional images of Peratophyga flavomaculata. and Miltochrista irregularis to Thailand Moth gallery.
17 May. Added Heterostegane warreni, Tyspanodes sp, Parasa darma, Pericyma cruegeri, Tipanaea patulella, Pagyda sp, Hypsopygia sp, Acanthoclita sp and Laelia sp. (species #892 - 899) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Omiodes noctescens, Paracymoriza vagalis, Nygmia plana, Pyrausta signatalis, Bradina admixtalis and Ammatho pluma.
16 May. Added Gampola fasciata, Psilalcis sp, Syntypistis pallidifascia, Arctornis semihyalina, Phycitinae sp, Leucania roseilinea, Maxates thetydaria, Lecithocerinae sp, Chiasmia lacriphaga, Antipercnia belluaria, Netria speideli, Suhela alboflavalis, Rhagoba octomaculalis, Nagiella quadrimaculalis and Aedia leucomelas (species #876 - 891) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Bocula tuhanensis, Scopula parodites and Allodonta sibylla.
15 May. Added Kisegira regina, Teulisna diastropha, Microblepsis leucosticta, Daulia afralis, Beara tortriciformis and Electrophaes chrysophaes (species #870 - 875) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Omiodes noctescens, Euphiuche picta, Gazalina transversa and Lymantria inordinata.
14 May. Added additional images of Ruddy Pied Flat, Malayan, Blue Peacock and Grand Duchess to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
14 May. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
14 May. Added additional images of Leptogomphus gestroi to Thailand Dragonfly gallery.
14 May. Added Krananda extranotata and Syllepte cometa (species #868 - 869) to Thailand Moth gallery.
13 May. Added Agathodes modicalis, Chiasmia ornataria, Coenodomus sp, Patania sp, Birnara sp, Suerkenola longiventris, Brihaspa atrostigmella and Talanga sp (species #860 - 867) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Teulisna karena.
12 May. Added Celaenorrhinus affinis (species #973) to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
12 May. Added Erebus ephesperis (species #859) to Thailand Moth gallery.
11 May. Added Patania scinisalis (species #858) to Thailand Moth gallery.
10 May. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,343 species).
10 May. Added Thyatira batis, Massepha sp, Haritalodes derogata, Berta sp and Corgatha implexata (species #853 - 857) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Condica conducta, Adrapia sp, and Vamuna alboluteola.
9 May. Added Paracymoriza vagalis, Schistophleps pyrifulvia and Abraxas circinata (species #850 - 852) to Thailand Moth gallery.
8 May. Added Adoxophyes moderatana, Ditrigona quinaria, Arippara indicator, Corymica deducta and Herpetogramma sp (species #845 - 849) to Thailand Moth gallery, Added additional images of Callopistria flavitincta.
6 May. Added Ennominae sp, Callyna semivitta, Limbobotys limbolalis, Nola pascua and Ophiusa tumidilinea (species #839 - 844) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Asura toxodes, Oxacme dissimilis, Oxacme dissimilis, Cyme euprepioides, Parapoynx fluctuosalis, Psilalcis bisinuata, Rhesala moestalis, Vamuna alboluteola, Teuloma montanebula and Synclera traducalis.
5 May. Added Adrapsa sp, Noctuidae sp, Pyraustinae sp, Phazaca leucocera, Naarda sp, Cleora sp and Syllepte sp (species #831 - 838) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Lymantria-inordinata, Ramila acciusalis, Mosopia kononenkoi and Orvasca subnotata.
4 May. Added Chrysocraspeda olearia, Scopula walkeri, Lamprosema sp and Orybina plangonalis (species #827 - 830) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Huangilene pseudolutara.
3 May. Added Teldenia specca, Gampola sinica, Lambula sp, Utriculofera tenebrarum, Rhesala imparata and Hoploscopa sp (species #820 - 826) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Teulisna sp.
2 May. Added Khlong Lan Dwarf Gecko (species #144) to Thailand Reptile gallery. Added additional images of Omiodes pernitescens.
2 May. Added Siccia punctigera, Ammatho mesomene, Homona magnanima, Cleora determinata and Lambula sp (species #815 - 819) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Idaea violacea, Omiodes pernitescens, Lemyra ypsilon and Hyposidra infixaria.
1 May. Added Siccia sp and Rhypotoses ruptata (species #813 - 814) to Thailand Moth gallery). |
28 Apr. Added Rostripalpus sp, Spilarctia subcarnea, Psilalcis sp, Ischyja manila, Meganola triangularlis and Xeropteryx columbicola (species #807 - 812) to Thailand Moth gallery.
26 Apr. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
26 Apr. Added Amraica recursaria, Earias cupreoviridis and Norracoides basinotata (species #804 - 806) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Maruca vitrata, Psilalcis bisinuata, Pareuchaetes pseudoinsulata, Parapholodes fuliginea, Nola pumila, Biston suppressaria, Neasura apicalis, Condica illecta, Manoba major, Eoophyla sejunctalis and Archips micaceana.
24 Apr. Updated Thailand Amphibian checklist (210 species).
24 Apr. Added Helicoverpa assulta (species #803) to Thailand Moth gallery.
23 Apr. Added Cusiala stipitaria, Cossidae sp, Onygmia plana and Omphalomia accersita (species #799 - 802) to Thailand Moth gallery.
22 Apr. Added Crambidae sp (species #798) to Thailand Moth gallery.
21 Apr. Added Common Firecrest (species #2,777) to World (UK) Bird gallery. Added additional images of Mandarin Duck.
21 Apr. Added Common Brimstone (species #1,384) to World (UK) Butterfly gallery.
21 Apr. Added Eurasian Otter (species #181) to World (UK) Mammal gallery.
21 Apr. Added Odites sp (species #796) to Thailand Moth gallery.
20 Apr. Updated Thailand Reptile checklist (531 species).
20 Apr. Updated Thailand Amphibian checklist (211 species).
20 Apr. Added Cyclophora obstataria, Xanthorhoe saturata and Aeolanthes rhodochrysa (species #793 - 795) to Thailand Moth gallery.
19 Apr. Added Lathrotelinae sp (species #792) to Thailand Moth gallery.
19 Apr. Updated Thailand Reptile checklist (530 species).
18 Apr. Added Jodis argentilineata, Trichopterigia sanguinipunctata and Boletobiinae sp (species #789 - 791) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Hemithea tritonaria and Hemithea marina.
17 Apr. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist (1,342 species).
17 Apr. Added Adder (species #188) to World (UK) Reptile gallery. Added additional images of Viviparus Lizard.
17 Apr. Added additional images of Chiffchaff and Long-tailed Tit to World (UK) Bird gallery.
9 Apr. Taxonomic changes from IOC 13.1 (2023) made across the website. Ten species on the Thai list affected.
Mar |
30 Mar. Updated Doi Inthanon Butterfly checklist (326 species).
30 Mar. Added additional images of Great Swift, Overlapped Ace, Large-spot Plain Ace, Ruddy Pied Flat, Moore's Ace, Hairy Angle, Malayan Falcate Oakblue, Large Fourline Blue, Jyntea Hedge Blue, Common Brownie, Indian Blue Baron, Chocolate Commodore, Variable Sailor, Tailed Red Forester, White Diadem, Dried-leaf Palmfly, Pale Jezebel, Great Blue Mime and Siamese Raven to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
30 Mar. Added Teulisna sp, Nola peguense, Lamprosema sp, Galleriinae sp, Naarda sp, Rikiosatoa sp and Melittia proxima (species #782 - 788) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Ectropis bhurmitra, Archips machlopis and Lymantria grisea.
29 Mar. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
29 Mar. Added Spilomelinae sp, Tineinae sp, Idaea actiosaria and Myrioblephara fenchihuana (species #778 - 781) to Thailand Moth gallery.
28 Mar. Added Simplicia bimarginata, Apha horishana, Episparis tortuosalis and Dalima truncataria (species #774 - 777) to Thailand Moth gallery.
28 Mar. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
26 Mar. Added Miltochrista cuneifera, Somena similis and Miltochrista simonka (species #772 - 773) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Miltochrista calamaria and Macohasa orientalis.
26 Mar. Added additional images of Halpe handa, Large-spot Plain Ace, Evans's Snow Flat, Indian Purple Sapphire, Albocerulean, French Duke, Chinese Hill Sailor, Variable Sailor, Stately Nawab and Common Peacock to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
25 Mar. Added Blue-eyed Racer (species #143) to Thailand Reptile gallery.
25 Mar. Added Chestnut-and-black Royal and Pale Hockey-stick Sailor (species #971 - 972) to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
25 Mar. Added Sericophara hypoxantha and Ambulyx sericeipennis (species #770 - 771) to Thailand Moth gallery.
23 Mar. Added additional images of De Nicevill's Dull Oakblue and Broad Spark to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
23 Mar. Updated Butterfly checklists for Thaksin Maharat (106 species), Umphang (172) and Lan Sang (54).
23 Mar. Added Corymica pryeri (species #769) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Nyctemera coleta, Nemophora decisella, Miltochrista pingera, Hyposidra aquilaria, Dysphania subrepleta, Cydalima laticostalis, Bombyx lemeepauli, Agrotera basinotata, Psamatodes abydata, Oxyodes scrobiculata and Psamatodes abydata.
23 Mar. Trip Report for Umphang 12 - 18 Mar.
22 Mar. Added Comibaena attenuata, Terastia egialealis, Amata divisa and Hyalobathra sp (species #765 - 768) tp Thailand Moth gallery.
21 Mar. Added Acropteris rectinervata and Atrijuglans hetaohei (species #763 - 764) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Acropteris leptaliata.
21 Mar. Updated Lan Sang (38 species), Umphang (187) and Thaksin Maharat (123) Bird checklists.
21 Mar. Updated Lan Sang and Thaksin Maharat Locality information.
20 Mar. Added Western Kaiser (species #970) to Thailand Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Silver Forget-me-not, Branded Red Forester and Plain Brownie.
20 Mar. Added additional images of Rhinagrion mina to Thailand Drogonfly gallery.
20 Mar. Added Cyclophora imbuta, Hypospila bolinoides, Cyclosia inornata and Spirama helicina (species #759 - 762) to Thailand Moth gallery.
19 Mar. Added Giant Skipper (species #969) to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
11 Mar. Added Lygniodes hypoleuca (species #758) to Thailand Moth gallery.
10 Mar. Added Palpoctenidia phoenicosoma, Sataspes xylocoparis, Lymantria inordinata and Eublemma sp (species #754 - 757) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Barsine orientalis and Teuloma montanebula.
9 Mar. Added Ethmia trifida and Baniana sp (species #752 - 753) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Striglina duplicifimbria and Miltochrista parallelina.
8 Mar. Added Zythos turbata (species #751) to Thailand Moth gallery.
7 Mar. Added Gould's Inca (species #2,776) to World (Peru) Bird gallery.
7 Mar. Added Psilalcis sp, Noctuidae sp, Maxates iridescens, Loxioda sp, Epipaschiinae sp and Loxioda similis (species #745 - 750) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Pleurona falcata, Pyrausta signatalis, Miltochrista conjunctana and Miltochrista parallelina.
6 Mar. Added Bird Checklist for Mae Moei (85 species).
6 Mar. Added Phycitinae sp, Spiralisigna subpumilata, Cania bilinea, Indarbela obliquifasciata, Westermannia elliptica, Lymantriinae sp, Ennominae sp, Hypomecis sp and Herminia sp (species #735 - 744) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Praesetora divergens, Dysaethria quadricaudata and Cerynea punctilinealis.
5 Mar. Updated Thailand Amphibian Checklist (210 species).
5 Mar. Updated Bird Checklists for Chiang Saen (242 species), Fang (160), Doi Lang (323), Mae Taeng, (110), Mae Ping (166), Mae Wong (263), Khao Yai (216), Laem Phak Bia / Pak Thale (196), Nong Pla Lai / Phetchaburi (152), Kaeng Krachan (332) and Doi Inthanon (310).
5 Mar. Updated Doi Inthanon Locality information.
5 Mar. Updated Doi Inthanon Butterfly chceclist (320 species).
5 Mar. Added Larentiinae sp, Cyana indosinica, Lymantria orestera, Alcanola tympanistis, Tanyethira duplicilinea and Ancylolomia sp (species #729 - 734) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Dysodia laevis, Pelagodes antiquadraria and Nola quadrimaculata.
4 Mar. Updated Thailand Reptile Checklist (529 species).
4 Mar. Added additional images of Dark Palm Dart to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
4 Mar. Added Miltochrista pingera and Micronnia sp (species #727 - 728) to Thailand Moth gallery. to Added additional images of Lyssa zampa and Eilema nigripes.
3 Mar. Added additional images of Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush, Taiga Flycatcher, Yunnan Fulvetta, Chestnut-headed Bee-eater and Stripe-throated Bulbul to Thailand Bird gallery.
3 Mar. Added Daulia aurantialis, Idaea craspedota (species #724 - 725) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Lemyra ypsilon, Choreutis orthogona, Chabulina onychinalis, Manoba major and Carriola thyridophora.
2 Mar. Trip report Thai Targets 15 Jan - 5 Feb.
2 Mar. Added Naarda bicolora, Dischidesia cinerea and Eudocima aurantia (species #721 - 723) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Hypena simplicalis.
1 Mar. Added Wood Snipe (species #834) to Thailand Bird gallery. Added additional images of Ochraceous Bulbul, Black-crested Bulbul, Common Hill Myna, Common Emerald Dove, Dark-sided Thrush, Red junglefowl, Racket-tailed Treepie, Bar-backed Partridge, Green-legged Partridge and Ferruginous Partridge.
1 Mar. Added Callopistria flavitincta, Mambarona congrua, Diarsia sp, Lista ficki, Thinopteryx citrina, Beara dichromella, Hulodes caranea and Hypena sp (species #711 - 720) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Hoploscopa cynodonta, Strepsinoma croesusalis, Pagyda salvalis, Striglina sp, Idaea chotaria, Scopula actuaria, Synegiodes hyriaria and Lamprosema tampiusalis. |
Feb |
20 Feb. Updated Doi Lang, Doi Ang Khang, Mae Ping, Mae Taeng, Laem Phak Bia / Pak Thale, Mae Wong and Thaton Locality information.
20 Feb. Added Cerynea ustula and Progonia oileusalis (species #709 - 710) to Thailand Moth gallery.
19 Feb. Added Idaea costiguttata (species #709) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Eublemma latericolor.
18 Feb. Added Phycitinae sp, Nishada sp and Artaxa sp (species #704 - 707) to Thailand Moth gallery.
17 Feb. Added additional images of Stripe-throated Bulbul, White-rumped Shama and Brown-cheeked Fulvetta to Thailand Bird gallery.
17 Feb. Added additional images of White-tipped Skipper to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
17 Feb. Added additional images of Asota caricae, Trigonodes hyppasia, Mocis frugalis, Oxyodes scrobiculata, Simplicia cornicalis, Scopula emissaria, Orvasca subnotata, Lymantria subrosea, Lamprosema tampiusalis, Dialithoptera gemmata, Arctornis poecilonipha, Archips machlopis, Aglaopus bivittata, Dudua aprobola, Omiodes indicata and Sameodes cancellalis to Thailand Moth gallery.
16 Feb. Updated Thailand Bird checklist (1,073 species).
16 Feb. Added additional images of Blue-naped Pitta to Thailand Bird gallery.
16 Feb. Updated Chiang Saen Locality information.
14 Feb. Added Olene mendosa, Agrotera basinotata, Ilema costalis and Neasura apicalis (species #700 - 703) to Thailand Moth gallery.
13 Feb. Added Cryptophlebia ombrodelta and Cirrhochrista fuscusa (species #698 - 699) to Thailand Moth gallery.
12 Feb. Added Arctornis sp, Plutodes unidentata, Biston suppressaria, Machaeropteris sp and Eublemma roseonivea (species #693 - 697) to Thailand Moth gallery.
11 Feb. Added Pachynoa sp. (species #692) to Thailand Moth gallery.
10 Feb. Added Psilalcis postochrea, Clostera restitura, Hypocala rostrata, Sansara naumanni, Elophila difflualis and Hyalobathra miniosalis (species #686 - 691) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Synclera traducalis.
9 Feb. Updated Kaeng Krachan Butterfly checklist (235 species).
9 Feb. Added Olene dudgeoni (species #685) to Thailand Moth gallery.
8 Feb. Added Notodontinae sp, Calliteara grotei, Mustilizans hepatica, Celenna festivaria, Albara sp, Xanthomelaena sp and Chiasmia nora and Hypena conscitalis (species #677 - 684) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Ugia sundana and Omiodes pernitescens.
7 Feb. Added Metanastria gemella, Eois phaneroscia, Palpita sp, Leucoma clara, Olene inclusa, Hyposidra violescens and Cleora cucullata (species #670 - 676) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Metoeca foedalis.
6 Feb. Added Two-spotted Lineblue (species #968) to Thailand Butterfly gallery. Added additional images of Green Awl.
6 Feb. Updated Thailand Reptile Checklist (528 species).
6 Feb. Added Red-breasted Flycatcher, Black-legged Kittiwake, Chinese Rubythroat, Greater White-fronted Goose and Greylag Goose (species #929 - 933) to Thailand Bird gallery. Added additional images of Parasitic Jaeger, Small Minivet, Ornate Sumbird, Oriental Magpie-Robin and Chinese Egret.
6 Feb. Updated Mae Wong Locality information.
5 Feb. Updated Mae Wong Bird checklist (260 secies). |
Jan |
14 Jan. Added additional images of Pyrausta phoenicealis, Syngamia latimarginalis, Schistophleps bipuncta, Plecoptera quaesita, Manoba major, Elophila melagynalis, Brunia antica, Trilocha varians, Maruca vitrata, Marasmia poeyalis and Hypena laceratalis to Thailand Moth gallery.
13 Jan. Added Stauropus major, Stauropus camilla, Canipsa suspensalis, Hyposada hydrocampata (species #666 - 669) to Thailand Moth gallery.
13 Jan. Updated Thailand Butterfly checklist.
12 Jan. Added Nola quadrimaculata and Homona eductana (species #664 - 665) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Pleurona falcata.
11 Jan. Added additional images of Striglina lilacina, Pleurona falcata, Pantana visum, Nola desmotes, Neocalyptis affinisana, Eugoa leucomelaena, Hipoepa fractalis and Ercheia cyllaria to Thailand Moth gallery.
10 Jan. Updated Omkoi Butterfly checklist (318 species).
10 Jan. Added additional images of Swinhoe's Hedge Blue, Bicoloured HEdge Blue, Common Blue Brilliant, Banded Treebrown, Common Glassy Tiger and Common Mime to Thailand Butterfly gallery.
10 Jan. Added Ecpyrrhorrhoe damastesalis (species #665) to Thailand Moth gallery. Added additional images of Chlorissa aquamarina, Chiasmia fidoniata, Characoma metalophota, Asota plaginota and Spodoptera cilium.
9 Jan. Trip Report for Omkoi, 3 - 6 Jan.
9 Jan. Updated Omkoi Butterfly checklist (317 species).
8 Jan. Updated Omkoi Bird checklist (168 species).
8 Jan. Added Rhodoneura plinthocroa (species #664) to Thailand Moth gallery.
3 Jan. Added Ennominae sp (species #663) to Thailand Moth gallery
2 Jan. Added Ennominae sp, Ectropidia shoreae, Clostera fulgurita, Epistauropus singapura, Nola fasciata, Garella sp, Syngamia latimarginalis, Selepa celtis, Sesamia inferens, Tylostegas sp, Psimada quadripennis, Schistophleps bipuncta and Thisizima ceratella (species #651 - 662) to Thailand Moth gallery.
1 Jan. Added Pang Sida Butterfly checklist (108 species).
1 Jan. Added Betong Butterfly checklist (113 species).
1 Jan. Added Sacada constrictalis, Peratophyga crista and Miltochrista calamaria (species #648 - 650) to Thailand Moth gallery. |