Order: Lepidoptera (Moths and butterflies). Family: Saturniidae (Emperor, royal, moon and giant silkworm moths). Subfamily: Saturniinae (Giant silkworm moths).
Malaysian Moon Moth Actias maenas
Indian Moon Moth Actias selene
Assam Silkmoth Antheraea assamensis
No Common Name Antheraea borneensis
Oak Tasar Silkmoth Antheraea frithi
No Common Name Antheraea helferi
No Common Name Antheraea larissa
No Common Name Antheraea roylei
No Common Name Archaeoattacus staudingeri
Common Atlas Moth Attacus atlas
Cricula Silkmoth Cricula trifenestrata
No Common Name Lemaireia naessigi
No Common Name Loepa diffundata
No Common Name Loepa sikkima
No Common Name Rinaca thibeta
Canning's Lesser Atlas Moth Samia canningi
No Common Name Saturnia zuleika
Family: Endromidae (Glory moths).
No Common Name Andraca bipunctata
No Common Name Mustilizans hepatica
No Common Name Prismosticta tiretta