Dates: |
3-27 February 2012. |
03 Feb. With Hanne and Jens Eriksen (and Steve Tibbett, in part). The primary aim of this trip was bird photography; with a priority for migrants and winter visitors. Left Chiang Mai pre-dawn planning to complete the 800+ kilometres drive to Thap Lan whilst some daylight birding still possible. Alas that was not achieved. The aim of visiting Thap Lan, en route to Bangkok, was to search for the elusive White-browed Fantail - a species rarely seen in Thailand despite large amounts of seemingly suitable habitat. Having tried Thap Lan HQ, area a couple of years ago, the idea was to try around the Sap Sadao Ranger Station. However, driving conditions, pot-holed roads and large numbers of sugar cane trucks in the Khonburi region meant that by dusk Sap Sadao was still 7 kilometres away, and driving across sandy fields (thankfully with four wheel drive) didn't hold a lot of hope. Habitat seemed to always be visible but inaccessible, so at dark gave up and headed into Khonburi to find a cheap hotel. Better luck tomorrow maybe.
04 Feb. Into Thap Lan at first light, this time navigating successfully. Stopped the car randomly at some good looking habitat and the first bird heard was White-rumped Falcon - a good start indeed. Bird activity good and a walk about over the next couple of hours produced the hoped-for White-browed Fantail and several Brown Prinia as well as a number of both Blossom-headed Parakeet and Red-breasted Parakeet. Unfortunately had to leave around 09:00 for the drive to Bangkok airport to collect Hanne and Jens. That achieved, we headed to Phetchaburi and checked in to a small resort outside town. Little time for birding in the fast fading light. 05 Feb. Drive to Laem Phak Bia for first light where we first visited the salt pans looking for Nordmann's Greenshank. Although many Great Knot showing, flocks rather fragmented and none including any Nordmann's. After a couple of hours trying, gave up and entered the mangrove research project to find all the ponds drained and major rebuilding and construction work ongoing, as well as many to-be-expected birds not showing at all. A walk around the reed beds gave a few Ruddy-breasted Crake and a single Watercock. Late morning restarted the Nordmann's hunt and with the help of some visiting birders 35 Nordmann's Greenshank were found, pretty much alone, a kilometre north of Laem Phak Bia. Although very distant at first, over the next hour we managed some decent views. After lunch, in Hat Chao Samran, drove to Nong Pla Lai in search of eagles. This proved rather disappointing, given the good number of eagles seen over the last month, with a sole Greater Spotted Eagle being the only Aquilla eagle all afternoon. A Black-headed Ibis and 30 Grey-headed Lapwing were of interest. 06 Feb. First to Pak Thale, and with the sun coming up walked around the main area hunting for Spoon-billed Sandpiper. Took a little while but one Spoon-billed Sandpiper found, but took off almost immediately and was never seen again. Very few small waders around and our attention was drawn to the large group of Eurasian Curlew coming to roost. A scan through these found five Far Eastern Curlew. Left after a couple of hours to go to Laem Palk Bia sand spit with Khun Daeng at 10:00. Interesting trip and on the spit we found Malaysian Plover, White-faced Plover and a single Chinese Egret. After a couple of hours on the spit, headed back and continued to Nong Pla Lai to lunch in the shade while scanning for eagles. Eastern Marsh Harrier and a couple of Greater Spotted Eagle. A walk across the field produced nice close-ups of Black-eared Kite as well a Steppe Eagle, Bluethroat and a bunch of Eastern Yellow Wagtail. Later in the afternoon drove along the back road with good numbers of Grey-headed Lapwing plus a Peregrine and a Booted Eagle. 07 Feb. Into the King's project at Laem Phak Bia early. Spent a couple of hours on the reed and grass beds seeing Watercock, Greater Painted-snipe and a good number of Pin-tailed Snipe. Before the heat of the day, we spent an hour along the Pak Thale road looking at Nordmann's Greenshank and a few thousand Great Knot. Returned to Phetchaburi for lunch and proceeded to Kaeng Krachan where we checked into the Samarn Bird Camp. The afternoon spent in the hide on the property where we recorded Siberian Blue Robin and Abbott's Babbler among the usual suspects. Large-tailed Nightjar calling after dark. 08 Feb. All day spent in the Lung Sing hide. Only about 25 species recorded, but some excellent quality including a splendid male Kalij Pheasant, three Bar-backed Partridge and three Green-legged Partridge. Some nice photo opportunities. Large Scimitar Babbler relatively common in this area. Collared Scops Owl and Large-tailed Nightjar calling after dark. 09 Feb. All day in the Song Nok hide. Species very similar to yesterday, with again Kalij Pheasant, Bar-backed Partridge and Green-legged Partridge. New species recorded were Pale-legged Leaf Warbler and Blyth's Paradise Flycatcher. 10 Feb. An early start to join up with Khun Gai about 15 kilometres from the accommodation. Drove with his vehicle to a forested area about 20 kilometres from the park where we walked about 600 metres through dry forest along a stream bed to a recent hide construction, where we spent the morning. Bird activity rather poor, with the early highlight being a Crested Goshawk taking a Siberian Blue Robin from a water pool (well not for the robin). Around 10:30 a superb adult male Grey Peacock-Pheasant crossed the river bed but unfortunately did not hang around. After midday entered Kaeng Krachan park for the first time. In the heat of the day birded the area between lower stream crossings one and two, recording four Tickell's Brown Hornbill and Sultan Tit. Butterfly activity very notable with large puddling areas near the streams. Later in the day drove to the highest areas of the park and scanned for hornbills, seeing both Great Hornbill and Wreathed Hornbill. 11 Feb. With only half a day remaining at Kaeng Krachan our first priority was to try the upper levels within the park. On the way up, around km 22, the first bird of the day was a female Grey Peacock-Pheasant crossing the road. A couple of hours along the start of the waterfall trail after km 36 produced a good variety including Red-billed Malkoha, Crimson Sunbird, Orange-breasted Trogon and a close calling male Grey Peacock-Pheasant. On the way down the mountain, quite a while was spent photographing butterflies at the lower river crossings. Left around 13:30, arriving in Nakhon Sawan around 19:30 where we had to try three hotels in town before finding a room. Overnight at the very pleasant Bonito Chinos Hotel. |
12 Feb. Early departure from the hotel to arrive at the bird sanctuary just after dawn. Took a three hour boat trip on the lake, but other than good numbers of Cotton Pygmy Goose and Bronze-winged Jacana few birds of note. The flood devastation from last year has really taken its toll on Bueng Boraphet and most of the lotus has been wiped out. Some larger patches remain in the middle of the lake but the non-hunting area has very little. This has seemingly resulted in birds moving away from the immediate area. The livelihoods of people in the area has also been affected as fewer visitors are coming to see the lotus and the restaurants by the lake shore were washed away. Late morning we walked the old nature trail out to the lookout. Some species of note were 100 White-shouldered Starling and Swinhoe's Minivet. After a short siesta back at the hotel drove to some paddies and open scrub areas on the northern side of the lake, recording Ruddy Shelduck, Painted Stork and Savanna Nightjar.
13 Feb. A couple of hours spent walking the Nature Trail area early morning produced Black Bittern and Chestnut-winged Cuckoo of note. Next up the long six hour drive to Doi Inthanon. On arrival went straight to the parakeet conservation area and around 17:30 had five Blossom-headed Parakeet. Overnight at a Mai Lanna Resort along the entrance road; rooms fine, restaurant average at best.
14 Feb. Arrived at summit of Doi Inthanon to find them setting up a Valentines Day Massacre - stage and speaker systems. Seems a real appreciation of nature about to take part in the form of a concert or function. Fortunately the noise was restricted to the morning and by lunchtime everything packed and gone. Our morning was spent at the summit car park and along the board walk trail seeing Yellow-bellied Flowerpecker, Dark-sided Thrush and the usual suspects; Blyth's Leaf Warbler, Ashy-throated Warbler, Buff-barred Warbler etc. Late morning we descended to check the gardens of the large stupas a few kilometres lower, but almost nothing seen, so returned to the summit for the rest of the day, finding Rufous-throated Partridge, Snowy-browed Flycatcher, Eurasian Woodcock, Himalayan Shortwing and Ashy Wood Pigeon. A fairly late return to Mai Lanna Resort. Dinner at the Little Home Resort restaurant.
15 Feb. Pretty much a repeat of yesterday with early morning around the summit and board walk. Bird activity less than yesterday with fewer species observed. Late morning we took a drive down to Wachirathan Waterfall but no redstart, forktail or river chat seen. On the return to the summit stopped off at Khun Daeng's to peer into the gully where we had Dark-sided Thrush, Himalayan Shortwing and Asian Stubtail. Returned to summit and board walk but little new. Overnight at Khun Daeng's inside the park. 16 Feb. A last return to the summit where, as expected, species were rather similar to previous visits. Left early afternoon for return to Chiang Mai. 17 Feb and 18 Feb. Days in Chiang Mai. 19 Feb. First off we visited Huay Tueng Tao to look for Wire-tailed Swallow which was immediately successful. The next visit was a quick trip to the tyre repair shop due to a slow puncture. Once fixed we continued on our way to arrive at a pleasantly-temperatured Doi Ang Khang. Met up with Steve Tibbett, and after a quick lunch and an unsuccessful wait for Black-headed Greenfinch, headed into the King's Project where in a few hours had excellent views of Black-breasted Thrush, White-tailed Robin and Blue-and-white Flycatcher behind the mushroom farm. Late afternoon returned to the accommodation at Ban Luang. Temperatures dropping fast as usual. 20 Feb. Not so cold overnight due to clouding over, with a misty morning. First birds after dawn were Rusty-naped Pitta and Large Hawk-Cuckoo calling from the gully behind the resort. Early morning we hung around the accommodation hoping for Black-headed Greenfinch to appear but no such luck. Did have Daurian Redstart, Red-eyed Scimitar Babbler, Mountain Bamboo Partridge and 25 Little Bunting. Late morning went to check out the Chinese Cemetery, but very quiet - one could almost say dead. Next up to km 19.5 campsite but no sign of recently reported Giant Nuthatch nor Spot-breasted Parrotbill. After lunch we tried the Km 21 Trail but nothing of note, so finished the day at Km 19.5 camp site with a single Giant Nuthatch found, but no Spot-breasted Parrotbill. Still no Black-headed Greenfinch reported today. 21 Feb. At first light around Ban Luang Resort, but little seen. Drove to the Chinese Cemetery where in the old pea farm, in great light and perfectly still conditions, had a number of White-browed Laughingthrush, Eurasian Hoopoe, Brown-breasted Bulbul and a Greater Yellownape. A fly-over, calling Black-headed Greenfinch could not be located, but a short walk down the Arunothai road found a group of five Black-headed Greenfinch - an excellent finish to the stay at Ang Khang. Left at 11:00 to drive to Thaton and checked in to the Garden Home Resort. Around 14:30 proceeded to the fields at Thaton and a four hour walk about found 50 Oriental Pratincole, Rufous-winged Buzzard, Siberian Rubythroat, Richard's Pipit and Singing Bush Lark. 22 Feb. Up Doi Lang for first light. An early stop half way up produced Pin-tailed Green Pigeon and Red-billed Scimitar Babbler. By mid morning we had progressed as far as the upper checkpoint with some interesting photography including Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher, Slaty-backed Flycatcher, White-gorgeted Flycatcher and Black-throated Tit. Most of the day around the upper checkpoint with a brief sortie to check to flowering plants toward the top, but fire clearance had destroyed much vegetation so no sunbirds. Late afternoon descended to lower levels. Arrived back in Thaton after dark. 23 Feb. Another jaunt up Doi Lang. A brief stop at lower levels produced four Pin-tailed Green Pigeon but little else, so proceeded to the upper army camp where much the same as yesterday. A longer walk beyond the camp had two Black-throated Tit and Hume's Treeceeper. An afternoon stop at forest a couple of kilometres below the camp held Fire-capped Tit and Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher. An earlier return to Thaton for medical attention of insect bites. 24 Feb. No fog this morning along the river, so into the fields of Thaton at an early hour. Cool and quiet, both weather and birds - best birds were Citrine Wagtail, Yellow-eyed Babbler, Chestnut-capped Babbler and Eurasian Wryneck. On to Chiang Saen, where after lunch we visited Nam Kham Nature Reserve, and spent the afternoon camped in the Cettia Hide. Unfortunately, the positioning and reconstruction of the hide, following the floods of last year, has not replicated the success of previous years and in four hours we only recorded singles of Siberian Rubythroat, Baikal Bush Warbler and Dusky Warbler. A pleasant dinner along the Mekong at the Thai Kitchen. 25 Feb. Early morning around the offices of the non-hunting area with the most interesting species being Burmese Shrike, Purple Sunbird, White-browed Crake and Great Cormorant. After we drove around to the south side of the lake to scan through the ducks hoping to find the reported Baer's Pochard. No such luck though, and all we could manage were 2 Mallard, 10 Ferruginous Duck and 12 Tufted Duck. In the heat of the day we had a quick drive north to twitch the Golden Triangle, after which a walk on the sand bars in the Mekong showed how much egg-collecting pressure the Small Pratincole and under. Locals are patrolling the sand bars, marking the nest sites and removing the eggs - seemingly on a constant basis. There cannot be much time left for this this as a breeding species here. In the late afternoon we visited the harrier roost and were surprised to see only, at most, 30 Pied Harrier and Eastern Marsh Harrier coming in to the roost. What has happened here? The construction of a road across the back of the area does not bode well. 26 Feb. Early morning along the Mekong down-river from Chiang Saen. The main target here was to scan various places for River Lapwing, but in three hours non were found. A few Black-faced Bunting and Red Avadavat were the most interesting finds. Afternoon return to Chiang Mai through a lot of pollution from the annual silly-season burning. 27 Feb. With time spare for a couple of hours birding we headed north a little from Chiang Mai to Huay Hong Khrai. A few Green Peafowl were still hanging around from the overnight roost, and gave some good photo opportunities. A short walk around forest edge produced Square-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo, Two-barred Warbler, Shikra, Rosy Minivet, White-browed Piculet and Long-tailed Minivet - fitting end to a successful trip. Back to Chiang Mai and drop off at the airport. |
Species List
Laem Phak Bia / Pak Thale | Count | Thap Lan | Count | ||
Black-crowned Night Heron | 2 | White-rumped Falcon | 1 | ||
Little Heron | 1 | Asian Barred Owlet | 1 | ||
Chinese Pond Heron | 60 | Common Iora | 1 | ||
Javan Pond Heron | 4 | Burmese Shrike | 1 | ||
Eastern Cattle Egret | 40 | Asian Brown Flycatcher | 1 | ||
Grey Heron | 4 | Indochinese Roller | 2 | ||
Eastern Great Egret | 30 | Eurasian Hoopoe | 2 | ||
Little Egret | 50 | Common Woodshrike | 2 | ||
Chinese Egret | 1 | Red-billed Blue Magpie | 2 | ||
Little Cormorant | 40 | Burmese Nuthatch | 2 | ||
Indian Cormorant | 4 | Taiga Flycatcher | 2 | ||
Brahminy Kite | 4 | Black-headed Woodpecker | 3 | ||
White-breasted Waterhen | 3 | White-browed Fantail | 3 | ||
Ruddy-breasted Crake | 3 | Chestnut-capped Babbler | 3 | ||
Watercock | 1 | Ashy Woodswallow | 4 | ||
Black-winged Stilt | 200 | Scarlet Minivet | 4 | ||
Pied Avocet | 28 | Eastern Jungle Crow | 4 | ||
Red-wattled Lapwing | 20 | Streak-eared Bulbul | 4 | ||
Pacific Golden Plover | 20 | Oriental Cuckooshrike | 6 | ||
Grey Plover | 60 | Brown Prinia | 6 | ||
Little Ringed Plover | 20 | Blossom-headed Parakeet | 8 | ||
Kentish Plover | 10 | Red-breasted Parakeet | 10 | ||
White-faced Plover | 2 | Sooty-headed Bulbul | 10 | ||
Malaysian Plover | 6 | Barn Swallow | 10 | ||
Tibetan Sand Plover | 400 | Spotted Dove | 20 | ||
Greater Sand Plover | 50 | Eurasian Jay | 20 | ||
Greater Painted-snipe | 1 | ||||
Pin-tailed Snipe | 20 | Huay Tueng Tao | Count | ||
Common Snipe | 4 | Chinese Pond Heron | 2 | ||
Black-tailed Godwit | 100 | Brown Shrike | 2 | ||
Bar-tailed Godwit | 50 | Greater Racket-tailed Drongo | 2 | ||
Eurasian Curlew | 700 | Sooty-headed Bulbul | 10 | ||
Far Eastern Curlew | 5 | Wire-tailed Swallow | 2 | ||
Spotted Redshank | 200 | Yellow-browed Warbler | 2 | ||
Marsh Sandpiper | 200 | Black-collared Starling | 2 | ||
Common Greenshank | 20 | Oriental Magpie-Robin | 2 | ||
Nordmann's Greenshank | 35 | Taiga Flycatcher | 1 | ||
Wood Sandpiper | 10 | Ornate Sumbird | 2 | ||
Common Sandpiper | 4 | Scaly-breasted Munia | 20 | ||
Great Knot | 800 | Grey Wagtail | 1 | ||
Sanderling | 20 | ||||
Red-necked Stint | 200 | Doi Ang Khang | Count | ||
Temminck's Stint | 4 | Mountain Bamboo Partridge | 14 | ||
Long-toed Stint | 10 | Chinese Pond Heron | 1 | ||
Curlew Sandpiper | 20 | Eastern Buzzard | 1 | ||
Spoon-billed Sandpiper | 1 | Spotted Dove | 4 | ||
Broad-billed Sandpiper | 30 | Mountain Imperial Pigeon | 2 | ||
Ruff | 1 | Greater Coucal | 1 | ||
Red-necked Phalarope | 20 | Banded Bay Cuckoo | 2 | ||
Brown-headed Gull | 300 | Eurasian Hoopoe | 2 | ||
Gull-billed Tern | 3 | Great Barbet | 1 | ||
Caspian Tern | 40 | Golden-throated Barbet | 1 | ||
Whiskered Tern | 300 | Blue-throated Barbet | 4 | ||
Rock Dove | 60 | Greater Yellownape | 1 | ||
Red Collared Dove | 40 | Stripe-breasted Woodpecker | 2 | ||
Spotted Dove | 5 | Bay Woodpecker | 2 | ||
Zebra Dove | 20 | Rusty-naped Pitta | 1 | ||
Greater Coucal | 4 | Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike | 4 | ||
Edible-nest Swiftlet | 40 | Black-winged Cuckooshrike | 2 | ||
Asian Palm Swift | 20 | Grey-chinned Minivet | 4 | ||
Indochinese Roller | 3 | Long-tailed Minivet | 20 | ||
White-throated Kingfisher | 10 | Short-billed Minivet | 2 | ||
Black-capped Kingfisher | 2 | Long-tailed Shrike | 4 | ||
Collared Kingfisher | 2 | White-browed Shrike-babbler | 20 | ||
Common Kingfisher | 1 | Ashy Drongo | 5 | ||
Lineated Barbet | 2 | Bronzed Drongo | 3 | ||
Golden-bellied Gerygone | 20 | White-throated Fantail | 1 | ||
Ashy Woodswallow | 4 | Grey Treepie | 4 | ||
Common Iora | 2 | Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher | 4 | ||
Brown Shrike | 3 | Cinereous Tit | 5 | ||
Black Drongo | 30 | Striated Bulbul | 6 | ||
Malaysian Pied Fantail | 4 | Red-whiskered Bulbul | 20 | ||
Eastern Jungle Crow | 4 | Brown-breasted Bulbul | 20 | ||
Indochinese Bush Lark | 1 | Sooty-headed Bulbul | 15 | ||
Streak-eared Bulbul | 6 | Flavescent Bulbul | 20 | ||
Barn Swallow | 300 | Grey-eyed Bulbul | 2 | ||
Dusky Warbler | 1 | Mountain Bulbul | 10 | ||
Yellow-browed Warbler | 3 | Ashy Bulbul | 4 | ||
Oriental Reed Warbler | 6 | Black Bulbul | 2 | ||
Yellow-bellied Prinia | 1 | Barn Swallow | 15 | ||
Plain Prinia | 5 | Mountain Tailorbird | 2 | ||
Great Myna | 120 | Yellow-browed Warbler | 20 | ||
Common Myna | 3 | Hume's Leaf Warbler | 2 | ||
Siamese Pied Myna | 20 | Davison's Leaf Warbler | 20 | ||
Oriental Magpie-Robin | 4 | Hill Prinia | 5 | ||
Taiga Flycatcher | 2 | Grey-breasted Prinia | 2 | ||
Eurasian Tree Sparrow | 20 | Red-eyed Scimitar Babbler | 4 | ||
Paddyfield Pipit | 2 | White-browed Scimitar Babbler | 2 | ||
Golden Babbler | 4 | ||||
Nong Pla Lai | Count | Yunnan Fulvetta | 20 | ||
Asian Openbill | 100 | White-browed Laughingthrush | 10 | ||
Black-headed Ibis | 1 | Silver-eared Laughingthrush | 4 | ||
Chinese Pond Heron | 100 | Blue-winged Minla | 4 | ||
Javan Pond Heron | 2 | Silver-eared Mesia | 6 | ||
Eastern Cattle Egret | 200 | Dark-backed Sibia | 10 | ||
Grey Heron | 2 | Swinhoe's White-eye | 20 | ||
Purple Heron | 2 | Chestnut-vented Nuthatch | 6 | ||
Eastern Great Egret | 4 | Giant Nuthatch | 2 | ||
Little Egret | 20 | Blue Whistling Thrush | 6 | ||
Little Cormorant | 4 | Black-breasted Thrush | 1 | ||
Black-winged Kite | 4 | Siberian Rubythroat | 2 | ||
Black-eared Kite | 40 | Himalayan Bluetail | 1 | ||
Brahminy Kite | 10 | Oriental Magpie-Robin | 6 | ||
Eastern Marsh Harrier | 6 | Daurian Redstart | 1 | ||
Greater Spotted Eagle | 3 | White-capped Redstart | 1 | ||
Steppe Eagle | 1 | White-tailed Robin | 2 | ||
Booted Eagle | 1 | Slaty-backed Forktail | 2 | ||
Peregrine Falcon | 1 | Siberian Stonechat | 2 | ||
White-breasted Waterhen | 1 | Amur Stonechat | 4 | ||
Black-winged Stilt | 20 | Pied Bush Chat | 1 | ||
Grey-headed Lapwing | 120 | Grey Bush Chat | 6 | ||
Red-wattled Lapwing | 20 | Blue Rock Thrush | 1 | ||
Pheasant-tailed Jacana | 3 | Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush | 2 | ||
Wood Sandpiper | 2 | Slaty-backed Flycatcher | 3 | ||
Common Sandpiper | 2 | Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher | 1 | ||
Whiskered Tern | 30 | Taiga Flycatcher | 6 | ||
Rock Dove | 200 | Little Pied Flycatcher | 4 | ||
Red Collared Dove | 100 | Blue-and-white Flycatcher | 1 | ||
Spotted Dove | 5 | Verditer Flycatcher | 3 | ||
Zebra Dove | 10 | Hill Blue Flycatcher | 4 | ||
Greater Coucal | 2 | Plain Flowerpecker | 2 | ||
Plaintive Cuckoo | 4 | Fire-breasted Flowerpecker | 1 | ||
Asian Barred Owlet | 1 | Black-throated Sunbird | 6 | ||
Edible-nest Swiftlet | 40 | Streaked Spiderhunter | 2 | ||
Asian Palm Swift | 40 | Eurasian Tree Sparrow | 4 | ||
Indochinese Roller | 3 | Scaly-breasted Munia | 10 | ||
White-throated Kingfisher | 4 | Grey Wagtail | 2 | ||
Blue-tailed Bee-eater | 3 | White Wagtail | 2 | ||
Freckle-breasted Woodpecker | 1 | Olive-backed Pipit | 12 | ||
Scarlet Minivet | 2 | Black-headed Greenfinch | 5 | ||
Brown Shrike | 2 | Little Bunting | 35 | ||
Burmese Shrike | 1 | ||||
Black Drongo | 200 | Thaton | Count | ||
Malaysian Pied Fantail | 4 | Eastern Cattle Egret | 10 | ||
Eastern Jungle Crow | 4 | Little Egret | 20 | ||
Streak-eared Bulbul | 10 | Black-winged Kite | 2 | ||
Barn Swallow | 300 | Eastern Marsh Harrier | 2 | ||
Dusky Warbler | 1 | Pied Harrier | 1 | ||
Zitting Cisticola | 10 | Rufous-winged Buzzard | 2 | ||
Plain Prinia | 6 | Common Kestrel | 2 | ||
Great Myna | 400 | White-breasted Waterhen | 3 | ||
Common Myna | 20 | Pacific Golden Plover | 3 | ||
Siamese Pied Myna | 10 | Eastern Little Ringed Plover | 1 | ||
Bluethroat | 2 | Common Snipe | 2 | ||
Oriental Magpie-Robin | 4 | Green Sandpiper | 3 | ||
Amur Stonechat | 10 | Oriental Pratincole | 50 | ||
Pied Bush Chat | 2 | Rock Dove | 2 | ||
House Sparrow | 200 | Spotted Dove | 5 | ||
Plain-backed Sparrow | 4 | Greater Coucal | 2 | ||
Eurasian Tree Sparrow | 20 | Asian Koel | 6 | ||
Baya Weaver | 20 | Eastern Barn Owl | 1 | ||
White-rumped Munia | 20 | Collared Scops Owl | 2 | ||
Scaly-breasted Munia | 30 | Asian Barred Owlet | 2 | ||
Eastern Yellow Wagtail | 100 | Brown Boobook | 1 | ||
Paddyfield Pipit | 10 | Indochinese Roller | 2 | ||
Red-throated Pipit | 10 | White-throated Kingfisher | 2 | ||
Common Kingfisher | 2 | ||||
Lineated Barbet | 2 | ||||
Kaeng Krachan | Count | Coppersmith Barbet | 1 | ||
Bar-backed Partridge | 7 | Eurasian Wryneck | 1 | ||
Green-legged Partridge | 12 | Long-tailed Minivet | 12 | ||
Red Junglefowl | 22 | Brown Shrike | 3 | ||
Kalij Pheasant | 4 | Long-tailed Shrike | 3 | ||
Grey Peacock-Pheasant | 3 | Singing Bush Lark | 3 | ||
Crested Serpent Eagle | 2 | Sooty-headed Bulbul | 20 | ||
Crested Goshawk | 3 | Barn Swallow | 30 | ||
Grey-faced Buzzard | 1 | Dusky Warbler | 20 | ||
Booted Eagle | 1 | Yellow-browed Warbler | 10 | ||
Changeable Hawk-Eagle | 1 | Plain Prinia | 10 | ||
White-breasted Waterhen | 3 | Common Tailorbird | 1 | ||
Grey-headed Lapwing | 1 | Chestnut-capped Babbler | 3 | ||
Red-wattled Lapwing | 10 | Yellow-eyed Babbler | 4 | ||
Rock Dove | 20 | Great Myna | 20 | ||
Spotted Dove | 5 | Common Myna | 10 | ||
Common Emerald Dove | 20 | Black-collared Starling | 4 | ||
Vernal Hanging Parrot | 4 | Chestnut-tailed Starling | 130 | ||
Greater Coucal | 5 | Siberian Rubythroat | 1 | ||
Red-billed Malkoha | 1 | Oriental Magpie-Robin | 6 | ||
Green-billed Malkoha | 1 | Amur Stonechat | 25 | ||
Asian Koel | 6 | Pied Bush Chat | 30 | ||
Banded Bay Cuckoo | 10 | House Sparrow | 20 | ||
Square-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo | 4 | Russet Sparrow | 2 | ||
Collared Scops Owl | 1 | Eurasian Tree Sparrow | 10 | ||
Asian Barred Owlet | 3 | White-rumped Munia | 4 | ||
Large-tailed Nightjar | 4 | Scaly-breasted Munia | 20 | ||
Brown-backed Needletail | 6 | Citrine Wagtail | 2 | ||
Asian Palm Swift | 20 | White Wagtail | 20 | ||
Orange-breasted Trogon | 1 | Richard's Pipit | 2 | ||
Indochinese Roller | 10 | Paddyfield Pipit | 10 | ||
White-throated Kingfisher | 1 | Red-throated Pipit | 2 | ||
Tickell's Brown Hornbill | 4 | ||||
Oriental Pied Hornbill | 15 | Doi Lang | Count | ||
Great Hornbill | 3 | Red Junglefowl | 2 | ||
Wreathed Hornbill | 1 | Eastern Buzzard | 1 | ||
Great Barbet | 2 | Black Eagle | 1 | ||
Lineated Barbet | 4 | Mountain Hawk-Eagle | 2 | ||
Blue-eared Barbet | 10 | Rufous Turtle Dove | 2 | ||
Coppersmith Barbet | 2 | Spotted Dove | 4 | ||
Greater Flameback | 4 | Pin-tailed Green Pigeon | 5 | ||
Blue Pitta | 1 | Wedge-tailed Green Pigeon | 1 | ||
Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike | 4 | Mountain Imperial Pigeon | 10 | ||
Great Iora | 2 | Greater Coucal | 2 | ||
Black-winged Cuckooshrike | 1 | Green-billed Malkoha | 1 | ||
White-bellied Erpornis | 4 | Banded Bay Cuckoo | 2 | ||
Black-naped Oriole | 4 | Large Hawk-Cuckoo | 4 | ||
Black-hooded Oriole | 2 | Collared Owlet | 1 | ||
Ashy Drongo | 10 | Asian Barred Owlet | 2 | ||
Bronzed Drongo | 1 | Cook's Swift | 1000 | ||
Hair-crested Drongo | 10 | Great Barbet | 3 | ||
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo | 2 | Golden-throated Barbet | 10 | ||
Malaysian Pied Fantail | 2 | Blue-throated Barbet | 4 | ||
Black-naped Monarch | 10 | Lesser Yellownape | 2 | ||
Blyth's Paradise Flycatcher | 1 | Stripe-breasted Woodpecker | 2 | ||
Racket-tailed Treepie | 2 | Large Cuckooshrike | 4 | ||
Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher | 1 | Short-billed Minivet | 4 | ||
Sultan Tit | 2 | Scarlet Minivet | 10 | ||
Black-crested Bulbul | 20 | Long-tailed Shrike | 2 | ||
Stripe-throated Bulbul | 8 | Grey-backed Shrike | 1 | ||
Flavescent Bulbul | 2 | Maroon Oriole | 6 | ||
Streak-eared Bulbul | 20 | Ashy Drongo | 20 | ||
Puff-throated Bulbul | 6 | Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo | 4 | ||
Baker's Bulbul | 10 | White-throated Fantail | 5 | ||
Barn Swallow | 10 | Grey Treepie | 12 | ||
Yellow-browed Warbler | 4 | Yellow-bellied Fantail | 10 | ||
Greenish Warbler | 2 | Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher | 5 | ||
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler | 8 | Japanese Tit | 2 | ||
Dark-necked Tailorbird | 10 | Yellow-cheeked Tit | 8 | ||
Large Scimitar Babbler | 12 | Yellow-browed Tit | 1 | ||
White-browed Scimitar Babbler | 4 | Fire-capped Tit | 1 | ||
Spot-necked Babbler | 1 | Crested Finchbill | 10 | ||
Rufous-fronted Babbler | 10 | Striated Bulbul | 10 | ||
Pin-striped Tit-Babbler | 6 | Sooty-headed Bulbul | 20 | ||
Brown-cheeked Fulvetta | 12 | Flavescent Bulbul | 20 | ||
Abbott's Babbler | 6 | Mountain Bulbul | 6 | ||
Puff-throated Babbler | 10 | Black Bulbul | 1 | ||
White-crested Laughingthrush | 4 | Barn Swallow | 20 | ||
Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush | 6 | Chestnut-headed Tesia | 1 | ||
Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush | 18 | Mountain Tailorbird | 5 | ||
Black-throated Laughingthrush | 16 | Black-throated Bushtit | 2 | ||
Asian Fairy-bluebird | 10 | Pallas's Leaf Warbler | 10 | ||
Great Myna | 20 | Yellow-browed Warbler | 20 | ||
Blue Whistling Thrush | 2 | Hume's Warbler | 1 | ||
Eyebrowed Thrush | 2 | Claudia's Leaf Warbler | 1 | ||
Siberian Blue Robin | 10 | Davison's Leaf Warbler | 100 | ||
Oriental Magpie-Robin | 2 | Martens's Warbler | 1 | ||
White-rumped Shama | 6 | Chestnut-crowned Warbler | 2 | ||
Dark-sided Flycatcher | 1 | Rufescent Prinia | 4 | ||
Asian Brown Flycatcher | 2 | White-browed Scimitar Babbler | 2 | ||
Taiga Flycatcher | 4 | Red-billed Scimitar Babbler | 6 | ||
Verditer Flycatcher | 2 | Rufous-fronted Babbler | 5 | ||
Indochinese Blue Flycatcher | 12 | Rufous-winged Fulvetta | 10 | ||
Chinese Blue Flycatcher | 10 | Yunnan Fulvetta | 30 | ||
Ruby-cheeked Sunbird | 2 | Silver-eared Laughingthrush | 10 | ||
Ornate Sumbird | 5 | Scarlet-faced Liocichla | 10 | ||
Crimson Sunbird | 1 | Spectacled Barwing | 2 | ||
Little Spiderhunter | 2 | Rufous-backed Sibia | 2 | ||
Streaked Spiderhunter | 2 | Dark-backed Sibia | 10 | ||
Grey Wagtail | 2 | Whiskered Yuhina | 12 | ||
Japanese White-eye | 2 | ||||
Bueng Boraphet | Count | Hume's Treecreeper | 1 | ||
Ruddy Shelduck | 10 | Blue Whistling Thrush | 4 | ||
Cotton Pygmy Goose | 100 | Himalayan Bluetail | 6 | ||
Northern Pintail | 300 | White-rumped Shama | 1 | ||
Garganey | 400 | Grey Bush Chat | 10 | ||
Eurasian Teal | 100 | Slaty-backed Flycatcher | 6 | ||
Common Pochard | 1 | Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher | 1 | ||
Tufted Duck | 4 | Taiga Flycatcher | 2 | ||
Little Grebe | 200 | Little Pied Flycatcher | 10 | ||
Painted Stork | 1 | Verditer Flycatcher | 4 | ||
Asian Openbill | 40 | Hill Blue Flycatcher | 1 | ||
Glossy Ibis | 70 | White-gorgeted Flycatcher | 2 | ||
Yellow Bittern | 3 | Orange-bellied Leafbird | 10 | ||
Cinnamon Bittern | 5 | Yellow-vented Flowerpecker | 1 | ||
Black Bittern | 1 | Plain Flowerpecker | 4 | ||
Black-crowned Night Heron | 2 | Black-throated Sunbird | 6 | ||
Chinese Pond Heron | 200 | Streaked Spiderhunter | 5 | ||
Grey Heron | 10 | White-rumped Munia | 10 | ||
Purple Heron | 6 | Olive-backed Pipit | 20 | ||
Eastern Great Egret | 200 | Common Rosefinch | 4 | ||
Medium Egret | 25 | Little Bunting | 4 | ||
Little Egret | 3000 | Chestnut Bunting | 1 | ||
Little Cormorant | 40 | ||||
Indian Cormorant | 4 | Chiang Saen | Count | ||
Oriental Darter | 3 | Chinese Francolin | 1 | ||
Black-winged Kite | 2 | Lesser Whistling Duck | 3000 | ||
Eastern Marsh Harrier | 3 | Eurasian Wigeon | 3 | ||
White-breasted Waterhen | 20 | Mallard | 2 | ||
Ruddy-breasted Crake | 4 | Indian Spot-billed Duck | 300 | ||
Grey-headed Swamphen | 40 | Northern Shoveler | 1 | ||
Common Moorhen | 1 | Northern Pintail | 20 | ||
Eurasian Coot | 20 | Garganey | 1 | ||
Red-wattled Lapwing | 10 | Eurasian Teal | 20 | ||
Little Ringed Plover | 20 | Ferruginous Duck | 10 | ||
Tibetan Sand Plover | 20 | Tufted Duck | 12 | ||
Pheasant-tailed Jacana | 40 | Little Grebe | 40 | ||
Bronze-winged Jacana | 15 | Yellow Bittern | 3 | ||
Common Snipe | 5 | Black-crowned Night Heron | 2 | ||
Spotted Redshank | 2 | Chinese Pond Heron | 20 | ||
Wood Sandpiper | 100 | Eastern Cattle Egret | 2 | ||
Temminck's Stint | 20 | Grey Heron | 20 | ||
Long-toed Stint | 10 | Purple Heron | 3 | ||
Oriental Pratincole | 4 | Eastern Great Egret | 20 | ||
Brown-headed Gull | 2 | Little Egret | 20 | ||
Rock Dove | 20 | Great Cormorant | 6 | ||
Red Collared Dove | 5 | Black-winged Kite | 2 | ||
Spotted Dove | 5 | Eastern Marsh Harrier | 20 | ||
Orange-breasted Green Pigeon | 2 | Pied Harrier | 10 | ||
Greater Coucal | 2 | Greater Spotted Eagle | 1 | ||
Chestnut-winged Cuckoo | 1 | White-breasted Waterhen | 12 | ||
Asian Koel | 20 | Ruddy-breasted Crake | 2 | ||
Plaintive Cuckoo | 2 | White-browed Crake | 2 | ||
Savanna Nightjar | 3 | Grey-headed Swamphen | 40 | ||
Asian Palm Swift | 20 | Common Moorhen | 20 | ||
Indochinese Roller | 4 | Barred Buttonquail | 2 | ||
Black-capped Kingfisher | 1 | Black-winged Stilt | 35 | ||
Common Kingfisher | 2 | Eastern Little Ringed Plover | 3 | ||
Pied Kingfisher | 1 | Kentish Plover | 10 | ||
Blue-tailed Bee-eater | 10 | Pheasant-tailed Jacana | 10 | ||
Coppersmith Barbet | 1 | Bronze-winged Jacana | 2 | ||
Freckle-breasted Woodpecker | 1 | Common Snipe | 1 | ||
Swinhoe's Minivet | 3 | Common Greenshank | 6 | ||
Brown Shrike | 1 | Common Sandpiper | 2 | ||
Long-tailed Shrike | 5 | Oriental Pratincole | 2 | ||
Black-naped Oriole | 3 | Small Pratincole | 60 | ||
Black Drongo | 100 | Rock Dove | 4 | ||
Malaysian Pied Fantail | 4 | Spotted Dove | 20 | ||
Eastern Jungle Crow | 10 | Greater Coucal | 6 | ||
Yellow-vented Bulbul | 2 | Lesser Coucal | 2 | ||
Streak-eared Bulbul | 8 | Plaintive Cuckoo | 2 | ||
Sand Martin | 2 | Asian Palm Swift | 10 | ||
Barn Swallow | 200 | House Swift | 6 | ||
Dusky Warbler | 10 | White-throated Kingfisher | 4 | ||
Yellow-browed Warbler | 4 | Common Kingfisher | 2 | ||
Oriental Reed Warbler | 10 | Pied Kingfisher | 3 | ||
Black-browed Reed Warbler | 30 | Blue-tailed Bee-eater | 2 | ||
Striated Grassbird | 4 | Lineated Barbet | 4 | ||
Lanceolated Warbler | 2 | Coppersmith Barbet | 3 | ||
Zitting Cisticola | 1 | Ashy Woodswallow | 20 | ||
Plain Prinia | 2 | Common Iora | 3 | ||
Common Tailorbird | 2 | Brown Shrike | 4 | ||
Great Myna | 250 | Burmese Shrike | 2 | ||
Common Myna | 100 | Long-tailed Shrike | 4 | ||
White-shouldered Starling | 100 | Black Drongo | 30 | ||
Chestnut-tailed Starling | 4 | Racket-tailed Treepie | 4 | ||
Siberian Rubythroat | 2 | Sooty-headed Bulbul | 30 | ||
Oriental Magpie-Robin | 4 | Grey-throated Martin | 5 | ||
Amur Stonechat | 3 | Barn Swallow | 100 | ||
Taiga Flycatcher | 4 | Eastern Red-rumped Swallow | 20 | ||
Chinese Blue Flycatcher | 1 | Dusky Warbler | 15 | ||
Ornate Sumbird | 2 | Yellow-browed Warbler | 20 | ||
House Sparrow | 10 | Oriental Reed Warbler | 10 | ||
Plain-backed Sparrow | 6 | Black-browed Reed Warbler | 2 | ||
Eurasian Tree Sparrow | 10 | Striated Grassbird | 6 | ||
Eastern Yellow Wagtail | 6 | Baikal Bush Warbler | 3 | ||
White Wagtail | 2 | Lanceolated Warbler | 2 | ||
Paddyfield Pipit | 2 | Yellow-bellied Prinia | 3 | ||
Red-throated Pipit | 10 | Plain Prinia | 4 | ||
Common Tailorbird | 2 | ||||
Doi Inthanon | Count | Chestnut-capped Babbler | 5 | ||
Rufous-throated Partridge | 6 | Swinhoe's White-eye | 30 | ||
Crested Goshawk | 1 | Great Myna | 500 | ||
Eurasian Woodcock | 1 | Common Myna | 20 | ||
Ashy Wood Pigeon | 6 | Black-collared Starling | 20 | ||
Blossom-headed Parakeet | 5 | Chestnut-tailed Starling | 100 | ||
Asian Koel | 1 | Siberian Rubythroat | 3 | ||
Asian Barred Owlet | 2 | Oriental Magpie-Robin | 6 | ||
Indochinese Roller | 2 | Amur Stonechat | 20 | ||
Asian Green Bee-eater | 2 | Taiga Flycatcher | 5 | ||
Blue-tailed Bee-eater | 20 | Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker | 2 | ||
Great Barbet | 1 | Purple Sunbird | 3 | ||
Lineated Barbet | 2 | Red Avadavat | 20 | ||
Golden-throated Barbet | 5 | White-rumped Munia | 10 | ||
Coppersmith Barbet | 2 | Scaly-breasted Munia | 20 | ||
Bay Woodpecker | 1 | Chestnut Munia | 3 | ||
White-browed Shrike-babbler | 4 | White Wagtail | 10 | ||
Ashy Drongo | 1 | Richard's Pipit | 3 | ||
Hair-crested Drongo | 2 | Olive-backed Pipit | 3 | ||
White-throated Fantail | 2 | Black-faced Bunting | 3 | ||
Rufous Treepie | 2 | ||||
Eastern Jungle Crow | 2 | Huay Hong Khrai | Count | ||
Yellow-bellied Fantail | 8 | Red Junglefowl | 4 | ||
Yellow-cheeked Tit | 1 | Green Peafowl | 6 | ||
Black-headed Bulbul | 1 | Chinese Pond Heron | 1 | ||
Black-crested Bulbul | 10 | Shikra | 1 | ||
Sooty-headed Bulbul | 10 | Spotted Dove | 4 | ||
Flavescent Bulbul | 10 | Greater Coucal | 3 | ||
Mountain Bulbul | 10 | Square-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo | 1 | ||
Barn Swallow | 3 | Asian Barred Owlet | 1 | ||
Asian House Martin | 50 | White-throated Kingfisher | 2 | ||
Eastern Red-rumped Swallow | 5 | Lineated Barbet | 2 | ||
Pygmy Cupwing | 6 | White-browed Piculet | 1 | ||
Asian Stubtail | 1 | Rosy Minivet | 2 | ||
Buff-barred Warbler | 6 | Long-tailed Minivet | 10 | ||
Ashy-throated Warbler | 20 | Hair-crested Drongo | 2 | ||
Yellow-browed Warbler | 1 | Greater Racket-tailed Drongo | 4 | ||
Blyth's Leaf Warbler | 30 | Black-naped Monarch | 2 | ||
Davison's Leaf Warbler | 3 | Sooty-headed Bulbul | 10 | ||
Hill Prinia | 5 | Stripe-throated Bulbul | 2 | ||
Common Tailorbird | 1 | Yellow-browed Warbler | 2 | ||
Rufous-winged Fulvetta | 15 | Two-barred Warbler | 1 | ||
Silver-eared Laughingthrush | 12 | Common Tailorbird | 3 | ||
Bar-throated Minla | 15 | Pin-striped Tit-Babbler | 5 | ||
Rufous-backed Sibia | 1 | Taiga Flycatcher | 2 | ||
Dark-backed Sibia | 20 | Indochinese Blue Flycatcher | 1 | ||
Blue Whistling Thrush | 5 | ||||
Dark-sided Thrush | 3 | ||||
Himalayan Shortwing | 2 | ||||
Himalayan Bluetail | 1 | ||||
Grey Bush Chat | 2 | ||||
Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush | 2 | ||||
Slaty-backed Flycatcher | 1 | ||||
Taiga Flycatcher | 1 | ||||
Snowy-browed Flycatcher | 3 | ||||
Hill Blue Flycatcher | 2 | ||||
Yellow-bellied Flowerpecker | 2 | ||||
Ornate Sumbird | 2 | ||||
Mrs. Gould's Sunbird | 4 | ||||
Green-tailed Sunbird | 20 | ||||
Black-throated Sunbird | 3 | ||||
Eurasian Tree Sparrow | 3 | ||||
Scaly-breasted Munia | 10 | ||||
Grey Wagtail | 2 | ||||
Common Rosefinch | 6 | ||||
Chestnut Bunting | 1 |