Dates: |
1 - 28 December 2013. |
1 Dec. With Dick and Jen Byrne. A trip around the upper half of Thailand with a target list of a hundred or so species. Having completed the drive down from Chiang Mai and overnighted near the airport in Bangkok, set off early to Bangpoo to investigate whether any of the previously interesting gulls were still hanging around; there having been Slender-billed Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, Pallas's Gull and Mongolian Gull all within the last month.
A beautiful day, with excellent light. Three hours of intense grilling through the several thousand Brown-headed Gull failed to produce the hoped for Slender-billed Gull, but did turn up an immature Black-tailed Gull and at least 15 Black-headed Gull. |
Headed to the airport for a late afternoon meet up with Dick and Jen, from where we drove to Kaeng Krachan, arriving late, around 23:15.
2 Dec. An early start, despite last night's late arrival, at the entrance gate from where we drove up to Km 27 and walked the road to about Km 28. A couple of hours here, and then a drive/walk down birding, produced Ratchet-tailed Treepie, Rufous browed Flycatcher and, most surprisingly, a blue morph Rufous-winged Philentoma. In the afternoon walked the forest between the second and third river crossing, but birding really quiet with little seen. An evening attempt at spotlighting Collared Scops Owl was close but not close enough.
3 Dec. All day in Ban Song Nok hide. Originally we'd planned to spend only the morning here, but with Green-legged Partridge not appearing before midday we decided to remain the whole afternoon as well. This was rather successful with the late afternoon giving excellent views of Red-legged Crake and Green-legged Partridge. |
During the day we additionally recorded Kalij Pheasant and heard several Large Scimitar Babbler. Interestingly, one of the "Pale-legged" Leaf Warblers showed a contrasting grey crown that potentially hinted at Sakhalin Leaf Warbler, though given the identification nightmare of this species, on current knowledge, it could have been either.
4 Dec. An early drive into Kaeng Krachan was rewarded with a Dhole along the road giving extended views. A cool start to the day birding beyond Ban Krang camp, but again with little activity. All morning spent in this area as far as the third stream crossing but with only a couple of feeding flocks encountered; best birds being Sultan Tit, Swinhoe's Minivet, Orange-breasted Trogon and Black-winged Cuckooshrike. Late afternoon spent outside the park hunting for Large Scimitar Babbler without success. Revisited Ban Song Nok and were splendidly rewarded with both Slaty-legged Crake and Red-legged Crake.
5 Dec. Early morning in yet another hunt for Large Scimitar Babbler, that was again heard only - fast becoming a pain in the neck - with the remainder of the morning spent along the entrance road of Kaeng Krachan. Seemingly very quiet at this time of year, with only Sultan Tit and Green-eared Barbet of note. By 11:00, with temperatures rising, we headed toward Laem Phak Bia, checking into accommodation in Phetchaburi en route. The heat of the day spent grilling waders at Pak Thale, which resulted in a single Asian Dowitcher, followed by three Spoon-billed Sandpiper. At dusk we visited the rubbish tip, where at least 25 White-shouldered Starling found.
6 Dec. To Laem Phak Bia at first light, where it took a couple of hours hunting to find Nordmann's Greenshank. Then to Pak Thale where the single Asian Dowitcher from yesterday was not relocated. In the heat of the day we visited the sandspit with Khun Daeng, where although no White-faced Plover we had Chinese Egret and a couple of Heuglin's Gull. Late afternoon spent driving the fields at Nong Pla Lai where large numbers of weavers raiding rice crops included several Asian Golden Weaver.
7 Dec. Drove to Saraburi and checked into accommodation north of town that had been found in a hasty internet search the previous evening. Being between holidays celebrating the King's birthday and his coronation, many places had been full. When the heat of the day had subsided we headed to Wat Phra Phutthabat Noi where we quickly located a pair of Rufous Limestone Babbler. A further couple of hours stroll produced Hainan Blue Flycatcher and Thick-billed Warbler.
8 Dec. Drove from Saraburi to Khao Yai National Park and into the park by 08:30. Our first port of call was the usual photographer's stakeout, where both White-throated Rock Thrush and Mugimaki Flycatcher were still present. A walk on the loop Nature Trail had Red-headed Trogon but little else, as the place was crawling with visitors. Lunch in the park cafe and then on to the nearby gully trails, but no sign of any pittas. Laced Woodpecker was a bonus. On a late afternoon, slow drive out of park seven Asian Elephant were present at one of the saltlicks, despite the large numbers of cars, noise and tourists. 9 Dec. Joined the queue at the park entrance gate before 06:00 and, in the dark, drove to the radar station road. A slow drive, at first light, along the lower levels of the road produced nothing, but a second pass was rewarded with a male Siamese Fireback. At the top of the hill were at least nine Black-throated Laughingthrush, and a walk down the road found two groups of Silver Pheasant. Mid to late morning spent back along the lower levels, with good numbers of birds active until almost noon, including Green-legged Partridge, Black-and-buff Woodpecker, Blue Pitta briefly, Large Scimitar Babbler heard, Mountain Imperial Pigeon and a Hainan Blue Flycatcher. The afternoon spent slowly walking the Nature Trail, but again no pittas; just Common Green Magpie and Red-headed Trogon. 10 Dec. At first light we again hit the lower radar road, with several Siamese Fireback seen. We then decided to try the Km 33 Nature Trail, where best of the bunch were Red-headed Trogon, and Large Woodshrike. However, the trail was busy with a constant procession of guided groups of mainly European tourists, many chatting noisily. After lunch we retried the gully trails, that were rather quiet for several hours but eventually produced a pair Austen's Brown Hornbill. On our return to the HQ area we ran into over 100 school children which rather killed our attempts at Eared Pitta. 11 Dec. Still in search of the elusive Eared Pitta and Coral-billed Ground Cuckoo, we started early on the loop Nature Trail. Unfortunately rather quiet, other than several Red-headed Trogon, Changeable Hawk-Eagle and a few calling Long-tailed Broadbill. We then drove to the other side of the park, and tried the Orchid Waterfall Trail, noting that this trail is now closed beyond the waterfall for maintenance. However the stretch to the waterfall was still open, though suffering from tree falls. This trail also appears to have had a massive bamboo die-off, and looks barren with missing undergrowth. None of our targets found, but some nice mixed flocks with Black-winged Cuckooshrike, Greater Flameback and Great Iora. Along the river an active and vocal Blue-eared Kingfisher proved difficult to pin down. Following lunch we tried the Km 33 Trail again, but after 20 minutes our path was blocked by a group of Asian Elephant, so we retreated to the loop Nature Trail once again, where we spent the whole afternoon slowly circumnavigating the loop, finding Siamese Fireback, Red-headed Trogon and Green-legged Partridge. Despite considerable effort nothing on the Eared Pitta front. So again leaving Khao Yai with the nemesis pitta still unfound. |
12 Dec. An eight hour drive to Li and on to Mae Ping National Park in the late afternoon from 15:00. Our first bird, out of the car, was amazingly a group of Great Slaty Woodpecker. Other species of note included Rufous-winged Buzzard, Grey-headed Parakeet, Oriental Scops Owl. White-bellied Woodpecker, Black-headed Woodpecker, Red-billed Blue Magpie and Burmese Nuthatch. A late return to Li. 13 Dec. Overcast, cool and with, surprisingly, a few rain showers that made the start of the day very quiet. We commenced in the grasslands beyond Thung Kik hoping for Chinese Francolin, but the area was equally as dead as the forest. Returned to the forest road around 09:00 with a few small mixed flocks plus Great Slaty Woodpecker, Grey-headed Parakeet and Black-headed Woodpecker. |
After lunch in town, we drove to Doi Inthanon where the weather deteriorated suddenly to showers and heavy rain at the summit. Consequently we retreated to lower levels at Km 37 where in the gloom we managed to find Spectacled Barwing and Rufous-backed Sibia. Lucked onto a Dark-sided Thrush in the gully behind Mr. Daeng's.
14 Dec. Some overnight rain. We initially drove to the summit area, through varying degrees of fog and cloud, from where we spent half an hour scanning in the wind and mist for Ashy Wood Pigeon without luck, so retreated to the Ang Ka Nature Trail that was equally disappointing. Mid morning at Km 37 where we walked the track finding Slaty-bellied Tesia, Hume's Treecreeper and a couple of White-gorgeted Flycatcher. The whole afternoon spent along the Km 34 jeep track finding Oriental Turtle Dove, Maroon Oriole, Buff-throated Warbler, Grey-crowned Warbler, Chestnut-crowned Warbler, Chestnut-capped Babbler, White-necked Laughingthrush, and a Common Rosefinch.
15 Dec. Following overnight rain, a windy, cool and damp morning. Little point in heading to the summit given the weather, so we drove to the Parakeet Conservation Area just outside the park, where we were immediately rewarded with at least 30 Blossom-headed Parakeet. Other interesting species included Chestnut-capped Babbler, Black-hooded Oriole, Rosy Minivet, Plain-backed Sparrow, Cook's Swift and Himalayan Swiftlet. Returned to Mr. Daeng's Shop for a late breakfast, during which heavy rain started. After waiting out the rain we headed to Km 34, but low cloud and more rain forced us to reevaluate the options, so we headed lower. However, more rain meant little seen between dodging showers. Finally around 16:00 the skies cleared allowing us to ascend to the summit, but strong winds, cloud and cold weather meant a short walk on the boardwalk was almost birdless, other than than a single Dark-sided Thrush. Descended to around Km 42 for some final birding before calling it a day and heading back to the accommodation to do something far more sensible - drinking beer. Not a single photo taken today.
16 Dec. With disappearing cloud overnight, the temperature at the summit early morning had dropped to 4°C with a ground frost, that Thai tourists were busy photographing. Our attempts to find Ashy Wood Pigeon failed, but several Rufous-throated Partridge were feeding around the visitor centre and we found Himalayan Bluetail and Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher. We then descended to Km 43 where a number of fruiting bushes were found, but not Yellow-bellied Flowerpecker - although a couple of Speckled Wood Pigeon flew over and a female Slaty-backed Flycatcher was seen. Late morning and early afternoon around Km 34 track gave a nice selection including Clicking Shrike-babbler, Chinese Vivid Niltava and Large Niltava. Afternoon return to Chiang Mai.
17-18 Dec. Break in Chiang Mai.
19 Dec. Drove to Chiang Dao where we initially visited the temple area. Streaked Wren-Babbler was the pick of the morning's sightings. After lunch we tried local fields and ponds, finding a good number of Grey-crowned Warbler, vocal Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler and a number of Common Rosefinch.
20 Dec. An 05:30 start to drive to the DYK ranger station on Doi Chiang Dao, arriving around 07:00 for first light. After three days of heavy rain last week the road condition had deteriorated somewhat, especially the top couple of kilometres with some deep ruts and washouts. Greeted on arrival by the ranger's new dog - very friendly, and soft in the head, that decided to follow us along the ridge track. Our main target of Giant Nuthatch was thankfully found relatively easily, and during the morning's walk along the ridge and summit trails some good species included, Slender-billed Oriole, Mountain Bamboo Partridge, Cook's Swift, Sapphire Flycatcher and Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher. Around midday we descended back in the direction of Chiang Dao, stopping for longer walks en route, but not adding significantly to the list.
21 Dec. A relaxing start to the day with breakfast at 07:00 followed by a hike up the rather steep Chiang Dao Nature Trail. At the trail entrance we had fleeting views of White-tailed Robin before ascending to higher levels, where we had at least four Bamboo Woodpecker; including three drumming males - an amazing record for such a rare and elusive woodpecker. Also Siberian Blue Robin, but the hoped for Asian Stubtail was not found. From here we entered the temple area and headed up the Gully Trail, where we had Northern White-crowned Forktail, Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush and Siberian Blue Robin.
A return to the temple area was finally rewarded with two Asian Stubtail. In the afternoon we walked the Muang Khong road with a further pair of Bamboo Woodpecker and White-browed Piculet, but little else. 22 Dec. Today we dedicated the morning to searching for Silver-breasted Broadbill along the Muang Khong road, but unfortunately came up empty-handed again. In the process we found a further four Bamboo Woodpecker and Great Iora. Left after lunch to drive to Doi Ang Khang. Late afternoon around Ban Luang and the cemetery area, that had Grey-winged Blackbird, White-headed Bulbul, up to eight White-browed Laughingthrush and a close group of five Mrs. Hume's Pheasant. Very cold overnight. 23 Dec. Early morning scraping ice off the car windscreen, and then around the Chinese Cemetery area with White-browed Laughingthrush and a female Daurian Redstart. We spent some time trying for Spot-breasted Parrotbill and Russet Bush Warbler but failed miserably. Late morning along the Firebreak Trail was initially rather quiet but some good species included Chinese Vivid Niltava, Spot-throated Babbler, Scarlet-faced Liocichla and Asian Stubtail. After lunch returned to the cemetery and headed down the Arunothai road seeking Spot-breasted Parrotbill, but no luck. |
24 Dec. For a change of scenery and a different set of birds we undertook a day trip to Doi Lang. Left Ang Khang at 06:00 and were on the western slope around 07:30 where we stopped for breakfast in the early morning sun, together with Ultramarine Flycatcher and Blue Rock Thrush. The new entrance gate now charges the standard park fee, but we were told one ticket can be used seven days. After the first army checkpoint, an attempt to find Chestnut Bunting was rewarded with many Little Bunting and Crested Bunting. A later walk at higher levels provided us with a number of great birds including Spot-breasted Parrotbill and White-browed Laughingthrush. Then on to the wetter side of the mountain with both Himalayan Bluetail and Red-flanked Bluetail, as well as Chestnut-headed Tesia, White-gorgeted Flycatcher and Large Niltava. |
Late afternoon on the return to Ang Khang we had White-tailed Robin.
25 Dec. Up just after sunrise and again de-iced the car as temperature had dropped overnight to zero. Early morning spent along the upper stretches of the Arunothai road and around the Ban Luang to Chinese Cemetery areas with Russet Bush Warbler seen briefly as well as White-browed Laughingthrush, Scarlet-faced Liocichla, numerous White-headed Bulbul and Rusty-necked Scimitar Babbler. The King's Project was our next stop, where the usual photography stakeout held only White-tailed Robin and a single Black-breasted Thrush. Afternoon in similar areas to the morning with little new found.
26 Dec. The coldest start to date, with temperatures just below freezing. A couple of hours along the Arunothai road produced Chinese Leaf Warbler and Russet Bush Warbler, but little else. Moving on toward Fang we had a 20 minute stop in the Fang paddies in passing with Oriental Skylark and Thick-billed Warbler. Afternoon on Doi Lang where the road up the eastern side likewise now has an entrance fee, with the road in very poor condition - nothing having been repaired since last year. However, it appears that a major repair/construction of the road is planned as all along were new surveyor's trig points and clearing of the adjacent verges. A widening of the road will probably be unwelcome to birders and would seem to herald the way to an opening up of Doi Lang to general tourists with noodle stands, karaoke campsites, visitor centres and such like to follow? The biggest surprise on the way up was a pair of Grey-winged Blackbird. Several other very unexpected species followed including Barred Cuckoo-Dove, Little Heron and Asian Fairy-bluebird. Only the lower slopes were worked as we returned to Thaton before dark.
27 Dec. Up Doi Lang for first light, though the hoped-for Mountain Bamboo Partridge were nonexistent. A cool and overcast morning, but some good birds included White-necked Laughingthrush, Collared Babbler, Long-tailed Minivet and Red-billed Scimitar Babbler. Moving higher into the mountain a number of stops found Slaty-bellied Tesia, Grey-winged Blackbird, Little Bunting and further White-necked Laughingthrush. At the army camp we started to run into the holiday weekend crowds of photographers, ascending from the western side. A couple of longer walks after the camp gave us the very unexpected Brown-crowned Scimitar Babbler, White's Thrush and more Collared Babbler. Late afternoon looking for Chestnut Bunting that was unfortunately heard only and a finish at one of the photo stakeouts with Large Niltava, Siberian Rubythoat, Orange-bellied Niltava and Silver-eared Laughingthrush. Overnight at Thaton.
28 Dec. Early start to drive to Chiang Dao. Overcast and cool and not looking particularly good for birding. Our main target here was yet another attempt at finding Silver-breasted Broadbill. With that in mind we hiked up the Nature Trail and then onto the steep Fence Trail. However, our efforts were finally rewarded with a group of at least six Silver-breasted Broadbill, as well as Banded Kingfisher - no more than a handful of records from Chiang Dao - as well as Long-tailed Broadbill and Streaked Wren-Babbler. We finished with a quick look in the temple gully which had a single Eyebrowed Wren-Babbler. Back to Chiang Mai in heavy traffic at the beginning of the New Year celebrations.
Species List
Bangpoo | Count | Doi Inthanon | Count | ||
Little Cormorant | 4 | Rufous-throated Partridge | 4 | ||
Asian Koel | 2 | Red Junglefowl | 2 | ||
Collared Kingfisher | 4 | Eastern Cattle Egret | 12 | ||
Black-headed Gull | 15 | Crested Goshawk | 3 | ||
Brown-headed Gull | 3000 | Shikra | 1 | ||
Black-tailed Gull | 1 | Peregrine Falcon | 1 | ||
Whiskered Tern | 10 | White-breasted Waterhen | 1 | ||
Golden-bellied Gerygone | 3 | Rock Dove | 4 | ||
Malaysian Pied Fantail | 3 | Speckled Wood Pigeon | 2 | ||
Oriental Turtle Dove | 1 | ||||
Kaeng Krachan | Count | Spotted Dove | 10 | ||
Green-legged Partridge | 5 | Common Emerald Dove | 1 | ||
Red Junglefowl | 27 | Zebra Dove | 2 | ||
Kalij Pheasant | 2 | Wedge-tailed Green Pigeon | 4 | ||
Chinese Pond Heron | 2 | Blossom-headed Parakeet | 30 | ||
Eastern Cattle Egret | 25 | Greater Coucal | 1 | ||
Booted Eagle | 1 | Banded Bay Cuckoo | 1 | ||
Crested Goshawk | 1 | Asian Barred Owlet | 2 | ||
Grey-faced Buzzard | 1 | Himalayan Swiftlet | 1 | ||
Red-legged Crake | 1 | Asian Palm Swift | 20 | ||
Slaty-legged Crake | 1 | Cook's Swift | 20 | ||
White-breasted Waterhen | 2 | Asian Green Bee-eater | 5 | ||
Red-wattled Lapwing | 15 | Great Barbet | 6 | ||
Rock Dove | 2 | Lineated Barbet | 2 | ||
Spotted Dove | 5 | Golden-throated Barbet | 10 | ||
Common Emerald Dove | 10 | Blue-throated Barbet | 1 | ||
Thick-billed Green Pigeon | 2 | Coppersmith Barbet | 2 | ||
Mountain Imperial Pigeon | 1 | Stripe-breasted Woodpecker | 1 | ||
Vernal Hanging Parrot | 10 | Bay Woodpecker | 2 | ||
Greater Coucal | 8 | Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike | 1 | ||
Raffles's Malkoha | 2 | Common Iora | 10 | ||
Green-billed Malkoha | 2 | Rosy Minivet | 6 | ||
Asian Koel | 4 | Grey-chinned Minivet | 1 | ||
Banded Bay Cuckoo | 2 | Short-billed Minivet | 6 | ||
Plaintive Cuckoo | 1 | Scarlet Minivet | 2 | ||
Square-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo | 1 | White-bellied Erpornis | 1 | ||
Collared Scops Owl | 2 | Clicking Shrike-babbler | 1 | ||
Collared Owlet | 2 | Black-hooded Oriole | 2 | ||
Asian Barred Owlet | 5 | Maroon Oriole | 2 | ||
Grey-rumped Treeswift | 10 | Ashy Drongo | 10 | ||
Edible-nest Swiftlet | 20 | Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo | 3 | ||
Asian Palm Swift | 15 | Hair-crested Drongo | 30 | ||
Orange-breasted Trogon | 6 | Greater Racket-tailed Drongo | 2 | ||
Indochinese Roller | 10 | White-throated Fantail | 4 | ||
White-throated Kingfisher | 1 | Black-naped Monarch | 1 | ||
Chestnut-headed Bee-eater | 3 | Yellow-bellied Fantail | 4 | ||
Oriental Pied Hornbill | 20 | Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher | 8 | ||
Great Hornbill | 7 | Yellow-browed Tit | 2 | ||
Green-eared Barbet | 4 | Yellow-cheeked Tit | 10 | ||
Blue-throated Barbet | 4 | Black-crested Bulbul | 6 | ||
Blue-eared Barbet | 20 | Red-whiskered Bulbul | 2 | ||
Coppersmith Barbet | 10 | Sooty-headed Bulbul | 10 | ||
Speckled Piculet | 1 | Flavescent Bulbul | 14 | ||
Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker | 1 | Streak-eared Bulbul | 4 | ||
Common Flameback | 3 | Mountain Bulbul | 20 | ||
Greater Flameback | 5 | White-headed Bulbul | 10 | ||
Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike | 1 | Barn Swallow | 1 | ||
Large Woodshrike | 1 | Asian House Martin | 10 | ||
Rufous-winged Philentoma | 1 | Eastern Red-rumped Swallow | 4 | ||
Ashy Woodswallow | 40 | Pygmy Cupwing | 10 | ||
Common Iora | 2 | Mountain Tailorbird | 1 | ||
Great Iora | 4 | Slaty-bellied Tesia | 10 | ||
Black-winged Cuckooshrike | 2 | Buff-throated Warbler | 4 | ||
Swinhoe's Minivet | 15 | Ashy-throated Warbler | 12 | ||
Brown Shrike | 1 | Yellow-browed Warbler | 25 | ||
White-bellied Erpornis | 6 | Hume's Leaf Warbler | 11 | ||
White-browed Shrike-babbler | 2 | Blyth's Leaf Warbler | 6 | ||
Black-naped Oriole | 10 | Claudia's Leaf Warbler | 2 | ||
Black Drongo | 10 | Davison's Leaf Warbler | 20 | ||
Ashy Drongo | 25 | Grey-crowned Warbler | 2 | ||
Bronzed Drongo | 2 | Martens's Warbler | 2 | ||
Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo | 1 | Chestnut-crowned Warbler | 2 | ||
Hair-crested Drongo | 25 | Hill Prinia | 3 | ||
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo | 5 | Grey-breasted Prinia | 1 | ||
Black-naped Monarch | 10 | Red-eyed Scimitar Babbler | 1 | ||
Blyth's Paradise Flycatcher | 2 | Grey-throated Babbler | 3 | ||
Ratchet-tailed Treepie | 2 | Rufous-fronted Babbler | 4 | ||
Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher | 12 | Golden Babbler | 5 | ||
Sultan Tit | 8 | Chestnut-capped Babbler | 6 | ||
Black-headed Bulbul | 40 | Rufous-winged Fulvetta | 25 | ||
Black-crested Bulbul | 15 | Yunnan Fulvetta | 40 | ||
Sooty-headed Bulbul | 10 | White-necked Laughingthrush | 4 | ||
Stripe-throated Bulbul | 4 | Silver-eared Laughingthrush | 10 | ||
Streak-eared Bulbul | 20 | Blue-winged Minla | 2 | ||
Ochraceous Bulbul | 15 | Bar-throated Minla | 30 | ||
Baker's Bulbul | 12 | Spectacled Barwing | 2 | ||
Mountain Bulbul | 2 | Rufous-backed Sibia | 4 | ||
Barn Swallow | 20 | Dark-backed Sibia | 20 | ||
Asian House Martin | 2 | Black-throated Parrotbill | 10 | ||
Eastern Red-rumped Swallow | 2 | Chestnut-flanked White-eye | 100 | ||
Yellow-bellied Warbler | 6 | Indian White-eye | 4 | ||
Radde's Warbler | 2 | Hume's Treecreeper | 4 | ||
Yellow-browed Warbler | 20 | Great Myna | 5 | ||
Two-barred Warbler | 5 | Common Myna | 4 | ||
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler | 15 | Dark-sided Thrush | 2 | ||
Claudia's Leaf Warbler | 2 | Eyebrowed Thrush | 8 | ||
Sulphur-breasted Warbler | 7 | Siberian Blue Robin | 1 | ||
Martens's Warbler | 2 | Himalayan Bluetail | 1 | ||
Alström's Warbler | 10 | Blue Whistling Thrush | 12 | ||
Dark-necked Tailorbird | 15 | Northern White-crowned Forktail | 4 | ||
Large Scimitar Babbler | 7 | Amur Stonechat | 1 | ||
White-browed Scimitar Babbler | 4 | Pied Bush Chat | 1 | ||
Rufous-fronted Babbler | 20 | Grey Bush Chat | 1 | ||
Pin-striped Tit-Babbler | 50 | Slaty-backed Flycatcher | 1 | ||
Brown-cheeked Fulvetta | 12 | Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher | 1 | ||
Collared Babbler | 6 | Hill Blue Flycatcher | 1 | ||
Abbott's Babbler | 2 | White-gorgeted Flycatcher | 2 | ||
Puff-throated Babbler | 4 | Chinese Vivid Niltava | 1 | ||
Buff-breasted Babbler | 5 | Golden-fronted Leafbird | 4 | ||
Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush | 15 | Orange-bellied Leafbird | 1 | ||
Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush | 20 | Plain Flowerpecker | 1 | ||
Asian Fairy-bluebird | 20 | Fire-breasted Flowerpecker | 10 | ||
Great Myna | 20 | Purple Sunbird | 2 | ||
Common Myna | 4 | Ornate Sumbird | 1 | ||
Siberian Blue Robin | 12 | Mrs. Gould's Sunbird | 8 | ||
Oriental Magpie-Robin | 2 | Green-tailed Sunbird | 2 | ||
White-rumped Shama | 5 | Black-throated Sunbird | 10 | ||
Blue Whistling Thrush | 1 | Streaked Spiderhunter | 6 | ||
Dark-sided Flycatcher | 2 | Plain-backed Sparrow | 2 | ||
Asian Brown Flycatcher | 2 | Eurasian Tree Sparrow | 100 | ||
Ferruginous Flycatcher | 1 | White-rumped Munia | 20 | ||
Taiga Flycatcher | 40 | Scaly-breasted Munia | 20 | ||
Verditer Flycatcher | 2 | White Wagtail | 1 | ||
Pale Blue Flycatcher | 1 | Common Rosefinch | 1 | ||
Hill Blue Flycatcher | 10 | ||||
Indochinese Blue Flycatcher | 12 | Chiang Dao | Count | ||
Chinese Blue Flycatcher | 1 | Green-legged Partridge | 8 | ||
Rufous-browed Flycatcher | 2 | Mountain Bamboo Partridge | 4 | ||
Hainan Blue Flycatcher | 3 | Crested Serpent Eagle | 3 | ||
Blue-winged Leafbird | 20 | Mountain Hawk-Eagle | 3 | ||
Golden-fronted Leafbird | 1 | Ruddy-breasted Crake | 1 | ||
Thick-billed Flowerpecker | 1 | Spotted Dove | 16 | ||
Orange-bellied Flowerpecker | 2 | Common Emerald Dove | 3 | ||
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker | 5 | Zebra Dove | 4 | ||
Ruby-cheeked Sunbird | 10 | Thick-billed Green Pigeon | 1 | ||
Ornate Sumbird | 10 | Mountain Imperial Pigeon | 12 | ||
Black-throated Sunbird | 3 | Greater Coucal | 1 | ||
Crimson Sunbird | 4 | Lesser Coucal | 1 | ||
Little Spiderhunter | 2 | Green-billed Malkoha | 3 | ||
Streaked Spiderhunter | 3 | Banded Bay Cuckoo | 3 | ||
Grey Wagtail | 3 | Asian Barred Owlet | 1 | ||
Olive-backed Pipit | 1 | Blyth's Frogmouth | 1 | ||
Himalayan Swiftlet | 500 | ||||
Laem Phak Bia / Pak Thale | Count | Asian Palm Swift | 10 | ||
Painted Stork | 10 | Cook's Swift | 60 | ||
Asian Openbill | 20 | Orange-breasted Trogon | 4 | ||
Black-crowned Night Heron | 2 | Red-headed Trogon | 1 | ||
Little Heron | 1 | Indochinese Roller | 1 | ||
Chinese Pond Heron | 5 | Banded Kingfisher | 1 | ||
Eastern Cattle Egret | 20 | Asian Green Bee-eater | 10 | ||
Grey Heron | 3 | Great Barbet | 4 | ||
Eastern Great Egret | 20 | Lineated Barbet | 2 | ||
Medium Egret | 20 | Blue-throated Barbet | 12 | ||
Little Egret | 50 | Speckled Piculet | 1 | ||
Pacific Reef Heron | 1 | White-browed Piculet | 2 | ||
Chinese Egret | 1 | Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker | 4 | ||
Spot-billed Pelican | 3 | Stripe-breasted Woodpecker | 2 | ||
Little Cormorant | 50 | Bamboo Woodpecker | 8 | ||
Black-winged Kite | 1 | Bay Woodpecker | 8 | ||
Brahminy Kite | 2 | Long-tailed Broadbill | 6 | ||
Common Kestrel | 1 | Silver-breasted Broadbill | 6 | ||
Ruddy-breasted Crake | 1 | Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike | 14 | ||
Barred Buttonquail | 1 | Large Woodshrike | 4 | ||
Black-winged Stilt | 200 | Ashy Woodswallow | 20 | ||
Pied Avocet | 3 | Common Iora | 3 | ||
Red-wattled Lapwing | 2 | Great Iora | 3 | ||
Pacific Golden Plover | 1 | Black-winged Cuckooshrike | 1 | ||
Grey Plover | 80 | Short-billed Minivet | 6 | ||
Little Ringed Plover | 2 | Scarlet Minivet | 14 | ||
Kentish Plover | 4 | Brown Shrike | 3 | ||
Malaysian Plover | 35 | Long-tailed Shrike | 2 | ||
Tibetan Sand Plover | 700 | Grey-backed Shrike | 2 | ||
Greater Sand Plover | 50 | White-bellied Erpornis | 6 | ||
Asian Dowitcher | 1 | White-browed Shrike-babbler | 6 | ||
Black-tailed Godwit | 80 | Slender-billed Oriole | 4 | ||
Bar-tailed Godwit | 1 | Black-hooded Oriole | 7 | ||
Eurasian Whimbrel | 3 | Maroon Oriole | 1 | ||
Eurasian Curlew | 500 | Black Drongo | 3 | ||
Spotted Redshank | 40 | Ashy Drongo | 19 | ||
Common Redshank | 6 | Bronzed Drongo | 6 | ||
Marsh Sandpiper | 500 | Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo | 6 | ||
Common Greenshank | 15 | Hair-crested Drongo | 24 | ||
Nordmann's Greenshank | 8 | Greater Racket-tailed Drongo | 4 | ||
Wood Sandpiper | 2 | White-throated Fantail | 3 | ||
Common Sandpiper | 5 | Black-naped Monarch | 6 | ||
Ruddy Turnstone | 1 | Eurasian Jay | 4 | ||
Great Knot | 500 | Eastern Jungle Crow | 2 | ||
Red Knot | 7 | Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher | 14 | ||
Sanderling | 15 | Cinereous Tit | 1 | ||
Red-necked Stint | 400 | Black-headed Bulbul | 3 | ||
Long-toed Stint | 12 | Black-crested Bulbul | 24 | ||
Curlew Sandpiper | 80 | Red-whiskered Bulbul | 10 | ||
Spoon-billed Sandpiper | 3 | Sooty-headed Bulbul | 36 | ||
Broad-billed Sandpiper | 120 | Flavescent Bulbul | 6 | ||
Ruff | 2 | Streak-eared Bulbul | 4 | ||
Brown-headed Gull | 200 | Puff-throated Bulbul | 23 | ||
Heuglin's Gull | 3 | Grey-eyed Bulbul | 26 | ||
Gull-billed Tern | 40 | Mountain Bulbul | 14 | ||
Caspian Tern | 30 | Black Bulbul | 20 | ||
Greater Crested Tern | 25 | Barn Swallow | 4 | ||
Lesser Crested Tern | 1 | Asian House Martin | 2 | ||
Little Tern | 150 | Eastern Red-rumped Swallow | 10 | ||
Common Tern | 25 | Yellow-bellied Warbler | 22 | ||
Whiskered Tern | 70 | Asian Stubtail | 2 | ||
Rock Dove | 20 | Pallas's Leaf Warbler | 4 | ||
Red Collared Dove | 20 | Yellow-browed Warbler | 40 | ||
Spotted Dove | 4 | Hume's Leaf Warbler | 2 | ||
Zebra Dove | 4 | Two-barred Warbler | 8 | ||
Asian Koel | 4 | Claudia's Leaf Warbler | 10 | ||
Plaintive Cuckoo | 1 | Davison's Leaf Warbler | 4 | ||
Edible-nest Swiftlet | 100 | Grey-crowned Warbler | 25 | ||
Black-capped Kingfisher | 3 | Martens's Warbler | 7 | ||
Collared Kingfisher | 2 | Lanceolated Warbler | 3 | ||
Eurasian Wryneck | 1 | Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler | 1 | ||
Golden-bellied Gerygone | 4 | Hill Prinia | 1 | ||
Black Drongo | 50 | Rufescent Prinia | 15 | ||
Malaysian Pied Fantail | 4 | Common Tailorbird | 4 | ||
Indochinese Bush Lark | 8 | Dark-necked Tailorbird | 2 | ||
Streak-eared Bulbul | 10 | White-browed Scimitar Babbler | 7 | ||
Barn Swallow | 500 | Grey-throated Babbler | 6 | ||
Dusky Warbler | 1 | Rufous-fronted Babbler | 10 | ||
Oriental Reed Warbler | 2 | Pin-striped Tit-Babbler | 55 | ||
Plain Prinia | 4 | Brown-cheeked Fulvetta | 8 | ||
Great Myna | 1000 | Streaked Wren-Babbler | 7 | ||
Common Myna | 100 | Eyebrowed Wren-Babbler | 1 | ||
Siamese Pied Myna | 30 | Puff-throated Babbler | 2 | ||
White-shouldered Starling | 40 | Buff-breasted Babbler | 6 | ||
House Sparrow | 4 | White-necked Laughingthrush | 4 | ||
Plain-backed Sparrow | 10 | Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush | 4 | ||
Eurasian Tree Sparrow | 20 | Blue-winged Minla | 2 | ||
Paddyfield Pipit | 5 | Striated Yuhina | 25 | ||
Indian White-eye | 4 | ||||
Phetchaburi Fields | Count | Asian Fairy-bluebird | 12 | ||
Asian Openbill | 20 | Chestnut-vented Nuthatch | 4 | ||
Chinese Pond Heron | 5 | Velvet-fronted Nuthatch | 8 | ||
Eastern Cattle Egret | 10 | Giant Nuthatch | 2 | ||
Purple Heron | 10 | Great Myna | 50 | ||
Black-winged Kite | 3 | Common Myna | 25 | ||
Eastern Marsh Harrier | 10 | Black-collared Starling | 6 | ||
White-breasted Waterhen | 10 | Siberian Blue Robin | 2 | ||
Ruddy-breasted Crake | 3 | Oriental Magpie-Robin | 5 | ||
Grey-headed Swamphen | 1 | White-rumped Shama | 1 | ||
Common Moorhen | 2 | White-bellied Redstart | 2 | ||
Red-wattled Lapwing | 10 | White-tailed Robin | 1 | ||
Rock Dove | 10 | Blue Whistling Thrush | 6 | ||
Red Collared Dove | 10 | Northern White-crowned Forktail | 4 | ||
Spotted Dove | 4 | Amur Stonechat | 4 | ||
Zebra Dove | 4 | Grey Bush Chat | 3 | ||
Greater Coucal | 3 | Blue Rock Thrush | 6 | ||
Asian Koel | 6 | Slaty-backed Flycatcher | 2 | ||
Edible-nest Swiftlet | 50 | Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher | 1 | ||
Asian Palm Swift | 5 | Taiga Flycatcher | 12 | ||
Indochinese Roller | 2 | Sapphire Flycatcher | 4 | ||
White-throated Kingfisher | 4 | Hill Blue Flycatcher | 12 | ||
Asian Green Bee-eater | 4 | Blue-winged Leafbird | 21 | ||
Eurasian Hoopoe | 1 | Golden-fronted Leafbird | 3 | ||
Freckle-breasted Woodpecker | 1 | Orange-bellied Leafbird | 2 | ||
Brown Shrike | 5 | Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker | 4 | ||
Black Drongo | 30 | Puple-naped Spiderhunter | 4 | ||
Eastern Jungle Crow | 4 | Ornate Sumbird | 2 | ||
Streak-eared Bulbul | 10 | Mrs. Gould's Sunbird | 1 | ||
Barn Swallow | 40 | Black-throated Sunbird | 2 | ||
Yellow-browed Warbler | 1 | Little Spiderhunter | 2 | ||
Oriental Reed Warbler | 2 | Streaked Spiderhunter | 10 | ||
Great Myna | 400 | White-rumped Munia | 3 | ||
Common Myna | 50 | Scaly-breasted Munia | 100 | ||
Siamese Pied Myna | 10 | Grey Wagtail | 5 | ||
Oriental Magpie-Robin | 1 | White Wagtail | 1 | ||
Amur Stonechat | 5 | Olive-backed Pipit | 10 | ||
Asian Golden Weaver | 3 | Common Rosefinch | 18 | ||
Streaked Weaver | 20 | ||||
Baya Weaver | 100 | Doi Ang Khang | Count | ||
Scaly-breasted Munia | 3 | Rufous-throated Partridge | 8 | ||
Paddyfield Pipit | 4 | Bar-backed Partridge | 2 | ||
Mrs. Hume's Pheasant | 5 | ||||
Wat Phra Phutthabat Noi | Count | Spotted Dove | 14 | ||
Rock Dove | 20 | Common Emerald Dove | 2 | ||
Red Collared Dove | 20 | Mountain Imperial Pigeon | 2 | ||
Spotted Dove | 10 | Greater Coucal | 2 | ||
Zebra Dove | 10 | Green-billed Malkoha | 2 | ||
Greater Coucal | 2 | Collared Owlet | 6 | ||
Edible-nest Swiftlet | 20 | Himalayan Swiftlet | 45 | ||
Asian Palm Swift | 2 | Cook's Swift | 420 | ||
Indochinese Roller | 2 | Great Barbet | 4 | ||
White-throated Kingfisher | 2 | Golden-throated Barbet | 4 | ||
Blue-tailed Bee-eater | 10 | Blue-throated Barbet | 8 | ||
Chestnut-headed Bee-eater | 20 | Stripe-breasted Woodpecker | 5 | ||
Lineated Barbet | 3 | Bay Woodpecker | 3 | ||
Coppersmith Barbet | 3 | Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike | 6 | ||
Ashy Woodswallow | 3 | Grey-chinned Minivet | 2 | ||
Common Iora | 3 | Short-billed Minivet | 3 | ||
Black Drongo | 10 | Scarlet Minivet | 2 | ||
Ashy Drongo | 4 | Long-tailed Shrike | 3 | ||
Malaysian Pied Fantail | 5 | White-browed Shrike-babbler | 6 | ||
Black-naped Monarch | 2 | Slender-billed Oriole | 1 | ||
Sooty-headed Bulbul | 4 | Maroon Oriole | 2 | ||
Barn Swallow | 20 | Ashy Drongo | 24 | ||
Radde's Warbler | 2 | Bronzed Drongo | 4 | ||
Yellow-browed Warbler | 4 | Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo | 1 | ||
Two-barred Warbler | 1 | Hair-crested Drongo | 40 | ||
Thick-billed Warbler | 1 | White-throated Fantail | 4 | ||
Plain Prinia | 5 | Grey Treepie | 8 | ||
Rufous Limestone Babbler | 2 | Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher | 4 | ||
Oriental Magpie-Robin | 2 | Cinereous Tit | 3 | ||
White-rumped Shama | 1 | Yellow-cheeked Tit | 6 | ||
Asian Brown Flycatcher | 3 | Crested Finchbill | 31 | ||
Taiga Flycatcher | 2 | Black-crested Bulbul | 9 | ||
Hainan Blue Flycatcher | 1 | Red-whiskered Bulbul | 20 | ||
Eurasian Tree Sparrow | 10 | Brown-breasted Bulbul | 39 | ||
Sooty-headed Bulbul | 27 | ||||
Khao Yai | Count | Flavescent Bulbul | 40 | ||
Green-legged Partridge | 10 | Grey-eyed Bulbul | 2 | ||
Red Junglefowl | 5 | Mountain Bulbul | 32 | ||
Silver Pheasant | 9 | Ashy Bulbul | 14 | ||
Siamese Fireback | 14 | Black Bulbul | 13 | ||
Chinese Pond Heron | 8 | White-headed Bulbul | 40 | ||
Changeable Hawk-Eagle | 2 | Barn Swallow | 2 | ||
Red-wattled Lapwing | 12 | Asian House Martin | 10 | ||
Spotted Dove | 6 | Eastern Red-rumped Swallow | 5 | ||
Barred Cuckoo-Dove | 10 | Mountain Tailorbird | 2 | ||
Common Emerald Dove | 3 | Aberrant Bush Warbler | 14 | ||
Thick-billed Green Pigeon | 4 | Asian Stubtail | 1 | ||
Mountain Imperial Pigeon | 5 | Buff-throated Warbler | 7 | ||
Vernal Hanging Parrot | 20 | Chinese Leaf Warbler | 1 | ||
Green-billed Malkoha | 4 | Pallas's Leaf Warbler | 10 | ||
Asian Koel | 1 | Yellow-browed Warbler | 40 | ||
Collared Owlet | 7 | Hume's Leaf Warbler | 2 | ||
Asian Barred Owlet | 1 | Claudia's Leaf Warbler | 2 | ||
Great Eared Nightjar | 2 | Davison's Leaf Warbler | 27 | ||
Large-tailed Nightjar | 1 | Grey-crowned Warbler | 4 | ||
Asian Palm Swift | 35 | Russet Bush Warbler | 1 | ||
House Swift | 2 | Hill Prinia | 14 | ||
Orange-breasted Trogon | 10 | Red-eyed Scimitar Babbler | 8 | ||
Red-headed Trogon | 12 | White-browed Scimitar Babbler | 14 | ||
Indochinese Roller | 1 | Rufous-fronted Babbler | 5 | ||
Blue-eared Kingfisher | 1 | Golden Babbler | 1 | ||
Blue-throated Bee-eater | 1 | Pin-striped Tit-Babbler | 4 | ||
Austen's Brown Hornbill | 2 | Yunnan Fulvetta | 30 | ||
Oriental Pied Hornbill | 25 | Spot-throated Babbler | 1 | ||
Great Hornbill | 7 | White-browed Laughingthrush | 23 | ||
Moustached Barbet | 10 | Silver-eared Laughingthrush | 10 | ||
Blue-eared Barbet | 20 | Blue-winged Minla | 12 | ||
Speckled Piculet | 1 | Scarlet-faced Liocichla | 4 | ||
Greater Yellownape | 3 | Spectacled Barwing | 3 | ||
Laced Woodpecker | 4 | Silver-eared Mesia | 20 | ||
Greater Flameback | 8 | Rufous-backed Sibia | 1 | ||
Black-and-buff Woodpecker | 2 | Dark-backed Sibia | 21 | ||
Long-tailed Broadbill | 15 | Grey-headed Parrotbill | 20 | ||
Blue Pitta | 2 | Striated Yuhina | 20 | ||
Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike | 20 | Chestnut-flanked White-eye | 15 | ||
Large Woodshrike | 1 | Swinhoe's White-eye | 40 | ||
Ashy Woodswallow | 25 | Chestnut-vented Nuthatch | 5 | ||
Great Iora | 1 | Velvet-fronted Nuthatch | 3 | ||
Black-winged Cuckooshrike | 25 | White's Thrush | 1 | ||
Swinhoe's Minivet | 5 | Black-breasted Thrush | 2 | ||
Scarlet Minivet | 3 | Grey-winged Blackbird | 2 | ||
Brown Shrike | 1 | Siberian Rubythroat | 2 | ||
White-bellied Erpornis | 30 | Oriental Magpie-Robin | 7 | ||
Black-naped Oriole | 12 | White-rumped Shama | 1 | ||
Ashy Drongo | 30 | Daurian Redstart | 1 | ||
Hair-crested Drongo | 200 | White-capped Redstart | 1 | ||
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo | 15 | White-tailed Robin | 4 | ||
Black-naped Monarch | 12 | Blue Whistling Thrush | 4 | ||
Common Green Magpie | 5 | Slaty-backed Forktail | 1 | ||
Eastern Jungle Crow | 2 | Northern White-crowned Forktail | 1 | ||
Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher | 15 | Siberian Stonechat | 10 | ||
Sultan Tit | 4 | Grey Bush Chat | 22 | ||
Black-crested Bulbul | 12 | Blue Rock Thrush | 2 | ||
Stripe-throated Bulbul | 6 | Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush | 5 | ||
Puff-throated Bulbul | 35 | Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher | 1 | ||
Grey-eyed Bulbul | 30 | Taiga Flycatcher | 12 | ||
Ashy Bulbul | 2 | Hill Blue Flycatcher | 2 | ||
Barn Swallow | 6 | Rufous-bellied Niltava | 1 | ||
Radde's Warbler | 4 | Chinese Vivid Niltava | 1 | ||
Yellow-browed Warbler | 60 | Orange-bellied Leafbird | 10 | ||
Two-barred Warbler | 4 | Plain Flowerpecker | 2 | ||
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler | 25 | Fire-breasted Flowerpecker | 1 | ||
Claudia's Leaf Warbler | 15 | Mrs. Gould's Sunbird | 10 | ||
Sulphur-breasted Warbler | 15 | Black-throated Sunbird | 8 | ||
Alström's Warbler | 3 | Streaked Spiderhunter | 9 | ||
Dark-necked Tailorbird | 15 | Eurasian Tree Sparrow | 20 | ||
Large Scimitar Babbler | 2 | White-rumped Munia | 6 | ||
White-browed Scimitar Babbler | 15 | Grey Wagtail | 3 | ||
Pin-striped Tit-Babbler | 50 | White Wagtail | 5 | ||
Abbott's Babbler | 20 | Olive-backed Pipit | 5 | ||
Puff-throated Babbler | 2 | Common Rosefinch | 6 | ||
White-crested Laughingthrush | 40 | ||||
Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush | 15 | Doi Lang | Count | ||
Black-throated Laughingthrush | 9 | Rufous-throated Partridge | 2 | ||
Chestnut-flanked White-eye | 20 | Mountain Bamboo Partridge | 7 | ||
Swinhoe's White-eye | 5 | Little Heron | 1 | ||
Common Hill Myna | 7 | Mountain Hawk-Eagle | 2 | ||
Chestnut-tailed Starling | 10 | Common Kestrel | 1 | ||
Siberian Blue Robin | 2 | Oriental Turtle Dove | 20 | ||
White-rumped Shama | 6 | Spotted Dove | 8 | ||
Blue Whistling Thrush | 4 | Barred Cuckoo-Dove | 1 | ||
Northern White-crowned Forktail | 2 | Common Emerald Dove | 2 | ||
Amur Stonechat | 1 | Wedge-tailed Green Pigeon | 3 | ||
Blue Rock Thrush | 5 | Mountain Imperial Pigeon | 7 | ||
White-throated Rock Thrush | 1 | Grey-headed Parakeet | 8 | ||
Asian Brown Flycatcher | 6 | Greater Coucal | 3 | ||
Mugimaki Flycatcher | 1 | Himalayan Swiftlet | 20 | ||
Taiga Flycatcher | 15 | Cook's Swift | 650 | ||
Verditer Flycatcher | 6 | Eurasian Hoopoe | 1 | ||
Hainan Blue Flycatcher | 2 | Great Barbet | 4 | ||
Hill Blue Flycatcher | 15 | Golden-throated Barbet | 3 | ||
Blue-winged Leafbird | 20 | Blue-throated Barbet | 3 | ||
Cambodian Flowerpecker | 6 | White-browed Piculet | 1 | ||
Ruby-cheeked Sunbird | 6 | Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker | 4 | ||
Black-throated Sunbird | 20 | Stripe-breasted Woodpecker | 5 | ||
Little Spiderhunter | 1 | Necklaced Woodpecker | 1 | ||
Grey Wagtail | 4 | Greater Yellownape | 2 | ||
Bay Woodpecker | 6 | ||||
Long-tailed Broadbill | 6 | ||||
Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike | 10 | ||||
Oriental Cuckooshrike | 2 | ||||
Grey-chinned Minivet | 4 | ||||
Long-tailed Minivet | 10 | ||||
Short-billed Minivet | 2 | ||||
Scarlet Minivet | 5 | ||||
Long-tailed Shrike | 3 | ||||
Grey-backed Shrike | 6 | ||||
White-browed Shrike-babbler | 6 | ||||
Maroon Oriole | 3 | ||||
Ashy Drongo | 19 | ||||
Bronzed Drongo | 6 | ||||
Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo | 2 | ||||
Hair-crested Drongo | 45 | ||||
White-throated Fantail | 4 | ||||
Common Green Magpie | 1 | ||||
Grey Treepie | 6 | ||||
Yellow-bellied Fantail | 2 | ||||
Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher | 7 | ||||
Yellow-browed Tit | 1 | ||||
Yellow-cheeked Tit | 2 | ||||
Crested Finchbill | 25 | ||||
Black-crested Bulbul | 10 | ||||
Red-whiskered Bulbul | 8 | ||||
Brown-breasted Bulbul | 5 | ||||
Sooty-headed Bulbul | 24 | ||||
Flavescent Bulbul | 23 | ||||
Puff-throated Bulbul | 2 | ||||
Grey-eyed Bulbul | 4 | ||||
Mountain Bulbul | 28 | ||||
Ashy Bulbul | 10 | ||||
Black Bulbul | 36 | ||||
Barn Swallow | 5 | ||||
Asian House Martin | 4 | ||||
Mountain Tailorbird | 2 | ||||
Aberrant Bush Warbler | 8 | ||||
Slaty-bellied Tesia | 2 | ||||
Chestnut-headed Tesia | 1 | ||||
Asian Stubtail | 1 | ||||
Buff-barred Warbler | 2 | ||||
Pallas's Leaf Warbler | 13 | ||||
Yellow-browed Warbler | 26 | ||||
Hume's Leaf Warbler | 1 | ||||
Claudia's Leaf Warbler | 3 | ||||
Davison's Leaf Warbler | 30 | ||||
Grey-crowned Warbler | 4 | ||||
Hill Prinia | 4 | ||||
Red-eyed Scimitar Babbler | 4 | ||||
White-browed Scimitar Babbler | 12 | ||||
Red-billed Scimitar Babbler | 6 | ||||
Brown-crowned Scimitar Babbler | 2 | ||||
Grey-throated Babbler | 2 | ||||
Rufous-fronted Babbler | 4 | ||||
Chestnut-capped Babbler | 4 | ||||
Rufous-winged Fulvetta | 20 | ||||
Yunnan Fulvetta | 32 | ||||
Collared Babbler | 6 | ||||
White-necked Laughingthrush | 15 | ||||
Black-throated Laughingthrush | 2 | ||||
White-browed Laughingthrush | 18 | ||||
Silver-eared Laughingthrush | 11 | ||||
Blue-winged Minla | 3 | ||||
Spectacled Barwing | 9 | ||||
Dark-backed Sibia | 50 | ||||
Spot-breasted Parrotbill | 2 | ||||
Chestnut-flanked White-eye | 24 | ||||
Indian White-eye | 4 | ||||
Asian Fairy-bluebird | 2 | ||||
Velvet-fronted Nuthatch | 2 | ||||
White's Thrush | 1 | ||||
Grey-winged Blackbird | 6 | ||||
Eyebrowed Thrush | 6 | ||||
Siberian Rubythroat | 3 | ||||
Red-flanked Bluetail | 2 | ||||
Himalayan Bluetail | 20 | ||||
Golden Bush Robin | 1 | ||||
Oriental Magpie-Robin | 3 | ||||
White-tailed Robin | 2 | ||||
Blue Whistling Thrush | 10 | ||||
Siberian Stonechat | 8 | ||||
Grey Bush Chat | 14 | ||||
Blue Rock Thrush | 1 | ||||
Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush | 1 | ||||
Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher | 2 | ||||
Taiga Flycatcher | 5 | ||||
Ultramarine Flycatcher | 1 | ||||
Slaty-blue Flycatcher | 1 | ||||
Verditer Flycatcher | 1 | ||||
Hill Blue Flycatcher | 2 | ||||
White-gorgeted Flycatcher | 4 | ||||
Rufous-bellied Niltava | 2 | ||||
Large Niltava | 5 | ||||
Orange-bellied Leafbird | 10 | ||||
Fire-breasted Flowerpecker | 1 | ||||
Mrs. Gould's Sunbird | 18 | ||||
Black-throated Sunbird | 2 | ||||
Streaked Spiderhunter | 7 | ||||
White-rumped Munia | 2 | ||||
Grey Wagtail | 1 | ||||
White Wagtail | 1 | ||||
Olive-backed Pipit | 40 | ||||
Spot-winged Grosbeak | 3 | ||||
Common Rosefinch | 10 | ||||
Black-headed Greenfinch | 25 | ||||
Crested Bunting | 13 | ||||
Little Bunting | 20 | ||||
Chestnut Bunting | 4 |