Dates: |
13 Jan - 3 Feb 2019. |
With Mark Lockwood and Ron Lockwood. Although having birded the Americas extensively this was pretty much Mark's and Ron's first trip to Asia. As such, our itinerary was aimed at covering as large a range of habitats and geographical area as possible within the allotted three weeks. In this respect the trip was spectacularly successful, with many memorable or rare species, together with a trip list well in excess of 500 species.
13 Jan. Met up at Chiang Mai airport late morning and headed northward toward Chiang Dao, with our first port of call at Mae Taeng.
Quite an introduction to birding Thailand, with ten hours of jet lag on top of standing around in the 30°C heat looking for our first targets. But needs must. An hour here gave us a couple of Wire-tailed Swallow, Rufous-winged Buzzard, Chestnut-capped Babbler and Yellow-bellied Prinia. As usual, the afternoon around the temple at Chiang Dao, was not particularity productive, though we found Sultan Tit and Oriental Pied Hornbill. A late afternoon session in the rice paddies produced at least 70 Grey-headed Lapwing and a few Pin-tailed Snipe. Overnight at Chiang Dao. 14 Jan. Back to the temple area pre dawn, where a couple of hours produced a rewarding collection, including Pin-tailed Green Pigeon, Streaked Wren-Babbler, Black Baza and Puple-naped Spiderhunter. From mid morning we worked the mid elevations of the Mueang Khong road, then drove to Fang, checked into our accommodation, then headed to the bunting roost area at Mae Ai. However, really disappointing to find it totally devoid of buntings and not looking at all promising on the account of the whole area being newly planted with rice. So, hedging our bets, we drove slowly across the paddies toward Thaton. Eventually this proved rewarding with several Chestnut-eared Bunting together with Pied Harrier, Common Snipe, Long-tailed Minivet, Oriental Skylark and Bluethroat. Another check of the bunting roost at last light again failed to produce a single bird. |
15 Jan. All day on the western slope of Doi Lang. Given the time of year, park staff were waiting to collect the entrance fee at the bottom of the mountain; though what the fee is actually used for remains a mystery. This year the entrance fee for foreigners had magically risen to 300 Baht, though after some discussion this was magically reduced to 200 Baht. For the majority of the morning we worked our way slowly along the ridge, finding Slender-billed Oriole, Ultramarine Flycatcher, Mountain Hawk-Eagle, Slaty-backed Flycatcher, Grey Treepie and Cook's Swift, plus a fast-dissapearing Giant Nuthatch.
The photographers' feeding stations produced their usual, excellent, collection of White-gorgeted Flycatcher, White-bellied Redstart, Slaty-blue Flycatcher, Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher, Red-eyed Scimitar Babbler and White-browed Laughingthrush. During the heat of the day we birded the shadier sections that produced Wedge-tailed Green Pigeon, Common Rosefinch, Hume's Treecreeper, Speckled Piculet, plus one of the biggest surprises of the trip in the form of a male Scarlet Finch. 16 Jan. Another full day on Doi Lang, though this time on the more logistically challenging eastern slope. Although officially access is only from 08:00, we turned up just after 07:00 and were helpfully permitted in early, having completed our registration details. A new sign had been erected, also quoting 300 Baht entry fee, though with no one present to collect. The road here continues to deteriorate, with the 30 plus kilometres to the top taking over an hour. Our first good bird was a group of Mountain Bamboo Partridge right by the track, giving us excellent views. At the upper checkpoint we were not permitted to drive through, but by walking a couple of kilometres beyond, even in the heat of the day, we picked up an excellent selection including Mountain Hawk-Eagle, Black-eared Shrike-babbler, Himalayan Cutia, Whiskered Yuhina and Brown-crowned Scimitar Babbler. |
Around the upper checkpoint itself were five ridiculously tame Scarlet-faced Liocichla plus Grey-sided Thrush, Eyebrowed Thrush, Rufous-bellied Niltava, White-tailed Robin and Himalayan Bluetail. We left the upper checkpoint around 15:30 so as to be off the mountain at the prescribed 17:00. An excellent day's birding with class birds.
17 Jan. A morning visit to Fang Hot Springs. As they form part of Doi Pha Hom Pok National Park the usual entrance fee applies. However, arriving well before 08:00 no one was around to collect. Spot-winged Grosbeak took some finding, but eventually three birds appeared, somewhat distantly.
A short walk around the grounds also gave us Swinhoe's Minivet, Long-tailed Minivet, Grey-chinned Minivet, Grey-backed Shrike and Black-hooded Oriole. We then headed to Chiang Saen where we took a quick lunch on the Mekong. Temperatures were definitely on the warm side, but scans of the lake from several viewing points found Ruddy Shelduck, Gadwall and a good number of Ferruginous Duck. At the harrier roost were several hundred Pied Harrier and Eastern Marsh Harrier, plus Grey-headed Lapwing, Lesser Coucal, Laced Woodpecker heard, Sand Martin, Burmese Shrike and Striated Grassbird. 18 Jan. Out pre dawn and into paddies around town. As always in this habitat you never know what state of agricultural development you will encounter, nor which species might occur. In three hours we had an excellent haul, including Brown-cheeked Rail, Ruddy-breasted Crake, Temminck's Stint, Eurasian Wryneck, Burmese Shrike, Striated Grassbird, Bluethroat, Plain-backed Sparrow, Baya Weaver and Black-faced Bunting. Next up, a six hour drive to Doi Inthanon where, despite the heat, we started at the bottom with a single Collared Falconet. Then a mad dash to the two lower waterfalls, finding the complete set of waterfall specialities - Slaty-backed Forktail, White-capped Redstart and Plumbeous Water Redstart. An amazing start to our two days here. Overnight on the mountain. 19 Jan. A busy day, starting near the top, locating Ashy Wood Pigeon and Speckled Wood Pigeon successfully. Surprisingly unseasonably warm at 5°C at the summit. A couple of hours on the summit boardwalk produced most specialities including Dark-sided Thrush and Yellow-bellied Flowerpecker. Mid morning along the Km 34 track started quietly but by lunch we'd amassed Asian Emerald Cuckoo, Clicking Shrike-babbler, Snowy-browed Flycatcher, Speckled Piculet, Slaty-bellied Tesia and Hume's Treecreeper. |
The afternoon spent birding mid elevations, with a final session back at the summit where the crowds had thinned and temperatures started to cool. A very successful clean-up of those we'd missed in the morning, with Rufous-throated Partridge, Pygmy Cupwing and Himalayan Shortwing.
20 Jan. For a change of habitat we spent the early morning in the open scrubby areas of Km 34. Several highlights included Grey-headed Woodpecker, Buff-throated Warbler, Silver-eared Mesia, Short-billed Minivet and Lesser Yellownape. On leaving the park we tried Siriphumi Waterfall, where we finally found Fire-breasted Flowerpecker, which had been eluding us for two days, as well as, very surprisingly, a pair of Streaked Wren-Babbler.
Then a short drive to Mae Ping where, despite the heat of the day, we had a profitable three hours with White-bellied Woodpecker, Black-headed Woodpecker, Common Flameback, Great Slaty Woodpecker, White-rumped Falcon, Collared Falconet, Grey-headed Parakeet, Red-billed Blue Magpie, Rufous Treepie and Burmese Nuthatch. After dark, Oriental Scops Owl gave us a huge runaround but we were eventually rewarded to good views of one in the canopy. Brown Boobook was calling distantly. |
21 Jan. Back to Mae Ping where, with cool temperatures, it took a while for activity to start. But once started we were kept busy until our allotted 11:30 departure time. Highlight of the morning undoubtedly a very elusive, for some, White-browed Fantail plus Yellow-streaked Warbler, White-bellied Woodpecker, Black-headed Woodpecker, Grey-headed Parakeet, Large Woodshrike, Rosy Minivet and Burmese Nuthatch. A five hour drive to Nakhon Sawan, with the last hour of light around the government fisheries research centre with at least 25 Pink-necked Green Pigeon, Ruddy-breasted Crake and Pied Kingfisher.
22 Jan. Morning again on the northern side of Bueng Boraphet, where in a few hours we found a fair selection of local specialities, including Asian Golden Weaver, Streaked Weaver, Freckle-breasted Woodpecker, Cinnamon Bittern, White-browed Crake, Watercock and Savanna Nightjar.
We left mid morning for the potentially long drive around Bangkok to Kaeng Krachan. This proved far less painful than expected, so we arrived in time for some late afternoon birding. Unfortunately we failed to find Indian Stone-curlew, but were rewarded with Indochinese Bush Lark, Barred Buttonquail and Plain-backed Sparrow. The starling roost was productive with the much sought after Spot-winged Starling plus Vinous-breasted Myna as a bonus. Overnight at Baan Maka with Collared Scops Owl in the grounds. |
23 Jan. Into Kaeng Krachan pre-dawn. Due to the ongoing fiasco of repairing the road to the top, most of the park is now off-limits. Hence visitor numbers appear to have dropped by 90%. Seems that now birders and naturalists have the park to themselves - very pleasant and one almost wishes the top never opens again. The the first three hours we worked the entrance road, mainly between Km 9 and Km 11. Our haul included Orange-breasted Trogon, Oriental Dollarbird, Tickell's Brown Hornbill, Heart-spotted Woodpecker, Common Flameback, Black-thighed Falconet, Great Iora, Black-winged Cuckooshrike, Swinhoe's Minivet, Sultan Tit, Common Hill Myna and Golden-crested Myna. We also tried the loop trail around the youth camp but due to the late morning temperatures little was seen. Returned to the accommodation with nearby Brown Boobook, Black Bittern and Orange-headed Thrush. An afternoon session at the Lung Sin water hole was surprisingly poor with only Chinese Blue Flycatcher and a very late Green-legged Partridge of note.
24 Jan. Another pre-dawn inside the park. Very surprisingly we heard Great Eared Nightjar, a species that must be very rarely recorded here. A reversal of yesterday's approach, today starting with a general scan from the campsite. Disappointingly no Great Hornbill. Next we again tried to loop trail, where we ran into a group of rangers downloading some video from a remote camera, only to discover we'd missed a Leopard by just five minutes. Our walk on the trail gave views of Blue Pitta, Swinhoe's Minivet, Orange-breasted Trogon and Black-and-yellow Broadbill. On leaving the park around 11:30 we stumbled upon a solitary Leopard wandering the road. Best candidate so far for bird of the trip! Mid afternoon we visited Nueng hide, which was spectacular, producing Ferruginous Partridge, Bar-backed Partridge, Green-legged Partridge, Large Scimitar Babbler, Common Green Magpie and Lesser Mousedeer. 25 Jan. Not the best start to the day with a flat vehicle battery which, thanks to a manual gearbox, required only a push start. A couple of hours at Son Nok hide which held a group of eight Bar-backed Partridge - must be some kind of a record - then a short drive to Wat Khao Look Chang replacing the battery en route. As already mid morning our visit here was short, with the main aim of Spotted Owlet, which did not dissapoint. Although hot mid afternoon, this could always be a good time for raptors at Nong Pla Lai which certainly produced the goods, in the form of Booted Eagle, Steppe Eagle, Greater Spotted Eagle and Peregrine Falcon. |
Next up, a quick stop at Khao Takhrao in search of Black-headed Ibis, then lastly we investigated a supposed spot for Yellow-breasted Bunting but could find none. However, this mystery was resolved when we fortuitously ran into two local birders who informed us we'd been looking in the wrong place and kindly gave us the correct coordinates several kilometres away. Unfortunately, being so late in the afternoon we had insufficient light remaining to visit.
26 Jan. An early start at Pak Thale for our main target; Spoon-billed Sandpiper which, this winter to date, had been more difficult to locate than usual. Fortunately several other birders were present, so joining forces, we were able to find the bird within an hour. Good, but short, views were obtained, though it never really settled anywhere for long. We next moved down the coast to Laem Phak Bia, spending the whole morning scanning through wader flocks, and finding all our wanted targets, including Great Knot, Nordmann's Greenshank and Asian Dowitcher. After lunch we took a boat trip to the sandspit with Khun Daeng. A couple of hours here produced White-faced Plover, Malaysian Plover and Chinese Egret, together with a small collection of terns. Toward dusk we visited the rubbish tip, recording our only White-winged Terns of the trip, plus White-shouldered Starling and Indian Nightjar. 27 Jan. With time to spare we visited the new location we'd been given for Yellow-breasted Bunting, which indeed proved to be excellent, with a good number found. Also we managed to connect with Red-throated Pipit, which had unexpectedly given us the slip in the north. |
Mid morning we left for the five hour drive to Chumphon. Ordinarily we'd have visited the stadium late in the day for Vinous-breasted Myna, but as we'd already found that in Kaeng Krachan we explored the Nong Yai area outside town. Very changed and cleared since a last visit five years ago, but eventually we managed a few commoner species plus Vinous-breasted Myna and Racket-tailed Treepie. Overnight locally.
28 Jan. A pre-dawn boat trip into mangroves. Given the excellent, cool, sunny conditions a rather slow start, but eventually we had good views of fly over Pale-capped Pigeon and Pink-necked Green Pigeon. Back on the road, heading south by 09:30 to arrive at Sri Phang-nga mid afternoon. Despite the stifling heat we spent the last two hours of light in the park, but the birding was spectacularly poor.
29 Jan. Birding back at the park was considerable improved on yesterday. All morning we worked the track and trail to the waterfall, finding Black Baza, Blyth's Hawk-Eagle, Raffles's Malkoha, Grey-rumped Treeswift, Silver-rumped Spinetail, Brown-backed Needletail, Bushy-crested Hornbill, Wreathed Hornbill, Sooty Barbet, Maroon Woodpecker, Green Iora, Crow-billed Drongo, Orange-headed Thrush, Dark-sided Flycatcher, Thick-billed Flowerpecker, Yellow-vented Flowerpecker and Crimson Sunbird - quite a haul. Plus White-handed Gibbon for good measure.
Drove to Khao Lak, then late afternoon birded the spit, eventually finding Grey-tailed Tattler and Terek Sandpiper among several hundred Red-necked Stint, Eurasian Whimbrel, Eurasian Curlew, Bar-tailed Godwit and Ruddy Turnstone. 30 Jan. Our first stop was Thai Mueang to search for Spotted Wood Owl. This proved frustrating, as several walks through the park and much scanning in earnest failed to produce the bird, so reluctantly we left with the lingering thought that the birds were probably still in the area. A short drive to Phang-nga by mid morning where we birded the mangrove around town and Ao Phang-nga National Park. An excellent list of species found, amazingly including walk-away views of a silent Mangrove Pitta, Ashy Tailorbird, Brown-winged Kingfisher, Streak-breasted Woodpecker, Malayan Swamp Babbler, Arctic Warbler, Black-and-red Broadbill, Sakhalin Leaf Warbler and Ruby-cheeked Sunbird. After lunch and a couple of hours siesta we tried mangroves at Bang Phat which proved quiet in the extreme, other than a couple of Jungle Myna en route. 31 Jan. Not giving up easily, an early return to Bang Ban Phat. As the mangrove walkway here has collapsed at the seaward end it's no longer possible to do a loop, so takes a little more time to work. Although we still found the area quiet we found the highly elusive Little Bronze Cuckoo, plus Brown-winged Kingfisher, Black-bellied Malkoha and Oriental Dollarbird. A five hour drive to Krung Ching, where we ran into our first rain of the trip. For the last couple of hours of the day we worked the entrance road finding, Blyth's Hawk-Eagle, Thick-billed Green Pigeon, Raffles's Malkoha, Red-billed Malkoha, Violet Cuckoo, Rufous Piculet, Banded Woodpecker, Black-thighed Falconet, Black-and-yellow Broadbill, Great Iora, Rufous-tailed Tailorbird and Chestnut-winged Babbler. Night birding produced perched views of Blyth's Frogmouth. |
1 Feb. Early morning at the viewpoint and around the park headquarters, where a good number of fruiting trees held Banded Broadbill, Black-and-yellow Broadbill, Violet Cuckoo, Red-bearded Bee-eater, Green Iora, Great Iora, Dark-throated Oriole and Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker.
Most of the day then spent birding the Waterfall Trail, covering a total distance of about six kilometres. Quite a number of leeches active, so some war wounds gathered by some. Slow at times, but another excellent list included Olive-backed Woodpecker, Great Argus heard, Wallace's Hawk-Eagle, Green Broadbill, Chestnut-breasted Malkoha, Fluffy-backed Tit-Babbler, Orange-breasted Trogon, Buff-rumped Woodpecker, Banded Woodpecker and Mourning Babbler. 2 Feb. Pretty much a repeat of yesterday, though the Waterfall Trail seemed much quieter. Still, a few good species included Wallace's Hawk-Eagle, Indian Cuckoo, Red-throated Sunbird, Buff-necked Woodpecker, Rosy Minivet, Swinhoe's Minivet, Amur Paradise Flycatcher and Hairy-backed Bulbul. Pretty much the last bird of the day, and the trip was Scarlet-rumped Trogon, eventually located after a hairy climb up a muddy rock face. A fitting end to the trip. 3 Feb. Alas no birding today, due to a 05:30 departure to Krabi, during which we drove though unseasonably heavy rain. All in all a really excellent trip. We'd been very fortunate on the timing as two weeks previously tropical storm Pabuk had savaged the south and would have really curtailed our southern birding had we hit it. |
Species List
Mae Taeng | Count | Chiang Dao | Count | ||
Chinese Pond Heron | 2 | Green-legged Partridge | 4 | ||
Eastern Cattle Egret | 2 | Chinese Pond Heron | 10 | ||
Shikra | 2 | Eastern Cattle Egret | 50 | ||
Rufous-winged Buzzard | 1 | Grey Heron | 2 | ||
White-breasted Waterhen | 1 | Medium Egret | 10 | ||
Eastern Little Ringed Plover | 1 | Little Egret | 20 | ||
Common Sandpiper | 2 | Black-winged Kite | 2 | ||
Spotted Dove | 2 | Black Baza | 1 | ||
Greater Coucal | 2 | White-breasted Waterhen | 2 | ||
House Swift | 2 | Black-winged Stilt | 30 | ||
Indochinese Roller | 1 | Grey-headed Lapwing | 70 | ||
Lineated Barbet | 1 | Pin-tailed Snipe | 1 | ||
Ashy Woodswallow | 1 | Common Sandpiper | 2 | ||
Common Iora | 1 | Green Sandpiper | 2 | ||
Black Drongo | 4 | Rock Dove | 30 | ||
Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo | 1 | Spotted Dove | 10 | ||
Barn Swallow | 10 | Zebra Dove | 2 | ||
Wire-tailed Swallow | 2 | Pin-tailed Green Pigeon | 20 | ||
Eastern Red-rumped Swallow | 5 | Mountain Imperial Pigeon | 4 | ||
Baikal Bush Warbler | 1 | Greater Coucal | 4 | ||
Yellow-bellied Prinia | 2 | Green-billed Malkoha | 1 | ||
Chestnut-capped Babbler | 4 | Asian Koel | 1 | ||
Great Myna | 4 | Banded Bay Cuckoo | 1 | ||
Ornate Sumbird | 2 | Square-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo | 1 | ||
Scaly-breasted Munia | 10 | Mountain Scops Owl | 1 | ||
White Wagtail | 2 | Collared Owlet | 1 | ||
Asian Barred Owlet | 5 | ||||
Thaton | Count | Himalayan Swiftlet | 20 | ||
Chinese Pond Heron | 8 | Cook's Swift | 10 | ||
Eastern Cattle Egret | 20 | House Swift | 20 | ||
Medium Egret | 10 | Orange-breasted Trogon | 1 | ||
Little Egret | 30 | White-throated Kingfisher | 1 | ||
Pied Harrier | 2 | Oriental Pied Hornbill | 2 | ||
Common Snipe | 20 | Great Barbet | 4 | ||
Spotted Dove | 3 | Blue-throated Barbet | 10 | ||
Greater Coucal | 2 | Blue-eared Barbet | 2 | ||
Asian Koel | 1 | Coppersmith Barbet | 2 | ||
Asian Palm Swift | 4 | Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker | 2 | ||
Common Kingfisher | 1 | Greater Yellownape | 1 | ||
Asian Green Bee-eater | 40 | Greater Flameback | 1 | ||
Ashy Woodswallow | 10 | Bay Woodpecker | 1 | ||
Long-tailed Minivet | 2 | Large Woodshrike | 6 | ||
Brown Shrike | 4 | Ashy Woodswallow | 1 | ||
Long-tailed Shrike | 3 | Scarlet Minivet | 4 | ||
Black Drongo | 10 | Brown Shrike | 4 | ||
Racket-tailed Treepie | 1 | Long-tailed Shrike | 1 | ||
Oriental Skylark | 2 | White-bellied Erpornis | 2 | ||
Sooty-headed Bulbul | 4 | Maroon Oriole | 1 | ||
Eastern Red-rumped Swallow | 5 | Black Drongo | 10 | ||
Dusky Warbler | 10 | Ashy Drongo | 4 | ||
Yellow-browed Warbler | 2 | Bronzed Drongo | 3 | ||
Zitting Cisticola | 3 | Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo | 1 | ||
Yellow-bellied Prinia | 2 | Hair-crested Drongo | 4 | ||
Plain Prinia | 10 | Greater Racket-tailed Drongo | 2 | ||
Great Myna | 40 | White-throated Fantail | 2 | ||
Common Myna | 20 | Black-naped Monarch | 5 | ||
Black-collared Starling | 10 | Eastern Jungle Crow | 1 | ||
Chestnut-tailed Starling | 40 | Sultan Tit | 3 | ||
Oriental Magpie-Robin | 2 | Oriental Skylark | 1 | ||
Bluethroat | 1 | Black-crested Bulbul | 6 | ||
Amur Stonechat | 5 | Red-whiskered Bulbul | 10 | ||
Pied Bush Chat | 2 | Sooty-headed Bulbul | 10 | ||
Scaly-breasted Munia | 40 | Stripe-throated Bulbul | 3 | ||
White Wagtail | 10 | Streak-eared Bulbul | 2 | ||
Richard's Pipit | 2 | Puff-throated Bulbul | 4 | ||
Chestnut-eared Bunting | 8 | Black Bulbul | 4 | ||
Barn Swallow | 10 | ||||
Doi Lang | Count | Wire-tailed Swallow | 4 | ||
Mountain Bamboo Partridge | 6 | Asian House Martin | 3 | ||
Silver Pheasant | 2 | Eastern Red-rumped Swallow | 10 | ||
Chinese Pond Heron | 4 | Yellow-bellied Warbler | 6 | ||
Crested Serpent Eagle | 2 | Dusky Warbler | 4 | ||
Mountain Hawk-Eagle | 3 | Yellow-browed Warbler | 4 | ||
Grey-faced Buzzard | 2 | Two-barred Warbler | 2 | ||
Oriental Turtle Dove | 10 | Baikal Bush Warbler | 2 | ||
Spotted Dove | 3 | Zitting Cisticola | 2 | ||
Wedge-tailed Green Pigeon | 1 | Golden-headed Cisticola | 1 | ||
Mountain Imperial Pigeon | 7 | Yellow-bellied Prinia | 4 | ||
Greater Coucal | 1 | Plain Prinia | 1 | ||
Green-billed Malkoha | 1 | Common Tailorbird | 1 | ||
Collared Owlet | 6 | Dark-necked Tailorbird | 4 | ||
Cook's Swift | 600 | Large Scimitar Babbler | 2 | ||
White-throated Kingfisher | 1 | Grey-throated Babbler | 2 | ||
Blue-bearded Bee-eater | 1 | Pin-striped Tit-Babbler | 10 | ||
Great Barbet | 3 | Brown-cheeked Fulvetta | 10 | ||
Golden-throated Barbet | 2 | Streaked Wren-Babbler | 6 | ||
Blue-throated Barbet | 4 | Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush | 5 | ||
Speckled Piculet | 2 | Indian White-eye | 6 | ||
Stripe-breasted Woodpecker | 2 | Asian Fairy-bluebird | 20 | ||
Greater Yellownape | 3 | Great Myna | 40 | ||
Bay Woodpecker | 3 | Common Myna | 20 | ||
Common Iora | 1 | Black-collared Starling | 10 | ||
Oriental Cuckooshrike | 7 | Chestnut-tailed Starling | 20 | ||
Black-winged Cuckooshrike | 1 | Common Starling | 7 | ||
Grey-chinned Minivet | 1 | Oriental Magpie-Robin | 4 | ||
Long-tailed Minivet | 4 | Hill Blue Flycatcher | 4 | ||
Scarlet Minivet | 6 | Verditer Flycatcher | 1 | ||
Long-tailed Shrike | 1 | Taiga Flycatcher | 4 | ||
Grey-backed Shrike | 3 | Amur Stonechat | 4 | ||
White-browed Shrike-babbler | 3 | Pied Bush Chat | 2 | ||
Black-eared Shrike-babbler | 1 | Blue-winged Leafbird | 2 | ||
Slender-billed Oriole | 1 | Golden-fronted Leafbird | 8 | ||
Maroon Oriole | 5 | Orange-bellied Leafbird | 3 | ||
Ashy Drongo | 6 | Plain Flowerpecker | 3 | ||
Bronzed Drongo | 3 | Ruby-cheeked Sunbird | 1 | ||
Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo | 1 | Puple-naped Spiderhunter | 2 | ||
Hair-crested Drongo | 4 | Black-throated Sunbird | 3 | ||
White-throated Fantail | 2 | Little Spiderhunter | 2 | ||
Black-naped Monarch | 1 | Streaked Spiderhunter | 2 | ||
Eurasian Jay | 2 | House Sparrow | 20 | ||
Grey Treepie | 12 | Eurasian Tree Sparrow | 2 | ||
Yellow-bellied Fantail | 7 | White-rumped Munia | 3 | ||
Cinereous Tit | 2 | Scaly-breasted Munia | 20 | ||
Yellow-cheeked Tit | 6 | White Wagtail | 20 | ||
Black-crested Bulbul | 4 | Paddyfield Pipit | 1 | ||
Sooty-headed Bulbul | 15 | ||||
Flavescent Bulbul | 12 | Fang Hot Springs | Count | ||
Grey-eyed Bulbul | 3 | Chinese Pond Heron | 3 | ||
Mountain Bulbul | 3 | Spotted Dove | 4 | ||
Black Bulbul | 5 | Zebra Dove | 2 | ||
Barn Swallow | 2 | Asian Koel | 2 | ||
Mountain Tailorbird | 2 | Asian Barred Owlet | 2 | ||
Aberrant Bush Warbler | 3 | Asian Palm Swift | 4 | ||
Chestnut-headed Tesia | 1 | House Swift | 4 | ||
Radde's Warbler | 2 | Great Barbet | 1 | ||
Pallas's Leaf Warbler | 7 | Lineated Barbet | 1 | ||
Yellow-browed Warbler | 5 | Common Kestrel | 1 | ||
Hume's Leaf Warbler | 20 | Ashy Woodswallow | 2 | ||
Two-barred Warbler | 1 | Common Iora | 2 | ||
Claudia's Leaf Warbler | 3 | Swinhoe's Minivet | 3 | ||
Davison's Leaf Warbler | 20 | Grey-chinned Minivet | 1 | ||
Chestnut-crowned Warbler | 3 | Long-tailed Minivet | 30 | ||
Hill Prinia | 2 | Brown Shrike | 2 | ||
Rufescent Prinia | 2 | Grey-backed Shrike | 1 | ||
Red-eyed Scimitar Babbler | 12 | Black-naped Oriole | 1 | ||
White-browed Scimitar Babbler | 4 | Black-hooded Oriole | 2 | ||
Brown-crowned Scimitar Babbler | 3 | Ashy Drongo | 4 | ||
Grey-throated Babbler | 2 | Black-naped Monarch | 2 | ||
Rufous-fronted Babbler | 4 | Black-crested Bulbul | 10 | ||
Golden Babbler | 4 | Sooty-headed Bulbul | 3 | ||
Rufous-winged Fulvetta | 20 | Barn Swallow | 60 | ||
Brown-cheeked Fulvetta | 6 | Eastern Red-rumped Swallow | 4 | ||
Yunnan Fulvetta | 12 | Yellow-browed Warbler | 4 | ||
Puff-throated Babbler | 1 | Two-barred Warbler | 2 | ||
White-necked Laughingthrush | 20 | Grey-breasted Prinia | 3 | ||
White-browed Laughingthrush | 6 | Grey-throated Babbler | 1 | ||
Silver-eared Laughingthrush | 10 | Great Myna | 5 | ||
Himalayan Cutia | 2 | Common Myna | 2 | ||
Blue-winged Minla | 4 | Chestnut-tailed Starling | 10 | ||
Scarlet-faced Liocichla | 4 | Taiga Flycatcher | 5 | ||
Spectacled Barwing | 12 | Blue Rock Thrush | 1 | ||
Rufous-backed Sibia | 2 | Golden-fronted Leafbird | 2 | ||
Dark-backed Sibia | 30 | Eurasian Tree Sparrow | 4 | ||
Spot-breasted Parrotbill | 3 | Scaly-breasted Munia | 4 | ||
Whiskered Yuhina | 2 | Grey Wagtail | 2 | ||
Chestnut-flanked White-eye | 6 | White Wagtail | 5 | ||
Indian White-eye | 6 | Spot-winged Grosbeak | 3 | ||
Chestnut-vented Nuthatch | 5 | ||||
Velvet-fronted Nuthatch | 2 | Chiang Saen | Count | ||
Giant Nuthatch | 4 | Lesser Whistling Duck | 1,000 | ||
Hume's Treecreeper | 4 | Ruddy Shelduck | 2 | ||
Black-collared Starling | 3 | Garganey | 10 | ||
Grey-sided Thrush | 1 | Gadwall | 6 | ||
Eyebrowed Thrush | 5 | Indian Spot-billed Duck | 200 | ||
Oriental Magpie-Robin | 1 | Northern Pintail | 300 | ||
White-rumped Shama | 1 | Ferruginous Duck | 70 | ||
White-gorgeted Flycatcher | 1 | Little Grebe | 20 | ||
Hill Blue Flycatcher | 4 | Asian Openbill | 50 | ||
Rufous-bellied Niltava | 1 | Chinese Pond Heron | 10 | ||
Large Niltava | 3 | Grey Heron | 5 | ||
Verditer Flycatcher | 2 | Purple Heron | 4 | ||
White-bellied Redstart | 1 | Eastern Great Egret | 5 | ||
Siberian Rubythroat | 2 | Medium Egret | 3 | ||
White-tailed Robin | 1 | Little Egret | 30 | ||
Himalayan Bluetail | 4 | Great Cormorant | 5 | ||
Blue Whistling Thrush | 3 | Black-winged Kite | 2 | ||
Slaty-backed Flycatcher | 3 | Oriental Honey Buzzard | 1 | ||
Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher | 1 | Eastern Marsh Harrier | 60 | ||
Taiga Flycatcher | 1 | Pied Harrier | 100 | ||
Little Pied Flycatcher | 4 | Brown-cheeked Rail | 1 | ||
Ultramarine Flycatcher | 1 | White-breasted Waterhen | 4 | ||
Slaty-blue Flycatcher | 3 | Ruddy-breasted Crake | 3 | ||
Blue Rock Thrush | 1 | Grey-headed Swamphen | 35 | ||
Siberian Stonechat | 3 | Common Moorhen | 4 | ||
Grey Bush Chat | 12 | Eurasian Coot | 120 | ||
Orange-bellied Leafbird | 10 | Black-winged Stilt | 30 | ||
Mrs. Gould's Sunbird | 20 | Grey-headed Lapwing | 10 | ||
Black-throated Sunbird | 4 | Red-wattled Lapwing | 1 | ||
Little Spiderhunter | 1 | Temminck's Stint | 4 | ||
Streaked Spiderhunter | 6 | Pin-tailed Snipe | 2 | ||
White-rumped Munia | 2 | Common Snipe | 10 | ||
Grey Wagtail | 1 | Green Sandpiper | 2 | ||
Olive-backed Pipit | 8 | Wood Sandpiper | 10 | ||
Common Rosefinch | 22 | Spotted Redshank | 25 | ||
Scarlet Finch | 1 | Rock Dove | 20 | ||
Red Collared Dove | 50 | ||||
Doi Inthanon | Count | Spotted Dove | 10 | ||
Rufous-throated Partridge | 2 | Zebra Dove | 4 | ||
Silver Pheasant | 1 | Greater Coucal | 5 | ||
Little Heron | 1 | Lesser Coucal | 1 | ||
Crested Goshawk | 1 | Asian Barred Owlet | 3 | ||
Speckled Wood Pigeon | 16 | White-throated Kingfisher | 3 | ||
Ashy Wood Pigeon | 14 | Common Kingfisher | 5 | ||
Oriental Turtle Dove | 1 | Asian Green Bee-eater | 6 | ||
Spotted Dove | 12 | Lineated Barbet | 6 | ||
Asian Emerald Cuckoo | 1 | Coppersmith Barbet | 2 | ||
Large Hawk-Cuckoo | 3 | Eurasian Wryneck | 2 | ||
Collared Scops Owl | 1 | Laced Woodpecker | 1 | ||
Asian Barred Owlet | 1 | Ashy Woodswallow | 14 | ||
Great Barbet | 2 | Scarlet Minivet | 1 | ||
Lineated Barbet | 3 | Brown Shrike | 8 | ||
Golden-throated Barbet | 4 | Burmese Shrike | 5 | ||
Blue-throated Barbet | 2 | Long-tailed Shrike | 5 | ||
Speckled Piculet | 2 | Black Drongo | 20 | ||
Stripe-breasted Woodpecker | 1 | Racket-tailed Treepie | 5 | ||
Lesser Yellownape | 2 | Oriental Skylark | 1 | ||
Grey-headed Woodpecker | 2 | Sooty-headed Bulbul | 12 | ||
Bay Woodpecker | 1 | Streak-eared Bulbul | 5 | ||
Collared Falconet | 1 | Sand Martin | 5 | ||
Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike | 2 | Barn Swallow | 100 | ||
Grey-chinned Minivet | 4 | Dusky Warbler | 10 | ||
Long-tailed Minivet | 2 | Yellow-browed Warbler | 5 | ||
Short-billed Minivet | 3 | Oriental Reed Warbler | 1 | ||
White-bellied Erpornis | 2 | Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler | 2 | ||
White-browed Shrike-babbler | 5 | Striated Grassbird | 2 | ||
Clicking Shrike-babbler | 6 | Yellow-bellied Prinia | 3 | ||
Ashy Drongo | 1 | Plain Prinia | 10 | ||
Bronzed Drongo | 2 | Dark-necked Tailorbird | 1 | ||
Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo | 1 | Great Myna | 30 | ||
Hair-crested Drongo | 1 | Common Myna | 6 | ||
White-throated Fantail | 5 | Black-collared Starling | 10 | ||
Black-naped Monarch | 1 | Siamese Pied Myna | 4 | ||
Eastern Jungle Crow | 2 | Oriental Magpie-Robin | 3 | ||
Yellow-bellied Fantail | 1 | Bluethroat | 4 | ||
Yellow-cheeked Tit | 5 | Siberian Rubythroat | 1 | ||
Striated Bulbul | 6 | Taiga Flycatcher | 1 | ||
Black-crested Bulbul | 4 | Amur Stonechat | 12 | ||
Red-whiskered Bulbul | 2 | Pied Bush Chat | 10 | ||
Flavescent Bulbul | 10 | Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker | 4 | ||
Mountain Bulbul | 6 | Plain-backed Sparrow | 4 | ||
Black Bulbul | 1 | Baya Weaver | 300 | ||
Pygmy Cupwing | 5 | Scaly-breasted Munia | 70 | ||
Mountain Tailorbird | 15 | Chestnut Munia | 50 | ||
Slaty-bellied Tesia | 5 | Eastern Yellow Wagtail | 4 | ||
Buff-throated Warbler | 3 | Citrine Wagtail | 1 | ||
Buff-barred Warbler | 1 | White Wagtail | 10 | ||
Ashy-throated Warbler | 10 | Red-throated Pipit | 6 | ||
Yellow-browed Warbler | 1 | Black-faced Bunting | 6 | ||
Hume's Leaf Warbler | 3 | ||||
Blyth's Leaf Warbler | 10 | Mae Ping | Count | ||
Claudia's Leaf Warbler | 3 | Red Junglefowl | 1 | ||
Davison's Leaf Warbler | 30 | Changeable Hawk-Eagle | 3 | ||
Martens's Warbler | 4 | Red-wattled Lapwing | 2 | ||
Chestnut-crowned Warbler | 3 | Spotted Dove | 2 | ||
Hill Prinia | 2 | Greater Coucal | 1 | ||
White-browed Scimitar Babbler | 1 | Banded Bay Cuckoo | 2 | ||
Grey-throated Babbler | 4 | Oriental Scops Owl | 3 | ||
Rufous-fronted Babbler | 2 | Brown Boobook | 1 | ||
Golden Babbler | 3 | Indochinese Roller | 2 | ||
Yunnan Fulvetta | 30 | Great Barbet | 1 | ||
Streaked Wren-Babbler | 1 | Lineated Barbet | 5 | ||
Silver-eared Laughingthrush | 6 | Coppersmith Barbet | 2 | ||
Blue-winged Minla | 5 | Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker | 4 | ||
Bar-throated Minla | 10 | White-bellied Woodpecker | 5 | ||
Silver-eared Mesia | 5 | Greater Yellownape | 1 | ||
Rufous-backed Sibia | 4 | Black-headed Woodpecker | 15 | ||
Dark-backed Sibia | 15 | Common Flameback | 1 | ||
Chestnut-flanked White-eye | 14 | Greater Flameback | 6 | ||
Indian White-eye | 4 | Great Slaty Woodpecker | 3 | ||
Chestnut-vented Nuthatch | 5 | White-rumped Falcon | 1 | ||
Velvet-fronted Nuthatch | 1 | Collared Falconet | 1 | ||
Hume's Treecreeper | 4 | Grey-headed Parakeet | 20 | ||
Chestnut-tailed Starling | 20 | Large Woodshrike | 1 | ||
Dark-sided Thrush | 1 | Oriental Cuckooshrike | 5 | ||
Eyebrowed Thrush | 6 | Rosy Minivet | 2 | ||
Oriental Magpie-Robin | 1 | Black-hooded Oriole | 4 | ||
Large Niltava | 3 | Hair-crested Drongo | 3 | ||
Himalayan Shortwing | 1 | Greater Racket-tailed Drongo | 1 | ||
White-bellied Redstart | 1 | White-browed Fantail | 1 | ||
Slaty-backed Forktail | 1 | Black-naped Monarch | 10 | ||
Blue Whistling Thrush | 5 | Eurasian Jay | 2 | ||
Slaty-backed Flycatcher | 6 | Red-billed Blue Magpie | 10 | ||
Taiga Flycatcher | 2 | Rufous Treepie | 10 | ||
Snowy-browed Flycatcher | 2 | Eastern Jungle Crow | 1 | ||
Little Pied Flycatcher | 1 | Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher | 2 | ||
Plumbeous Water Redstart | 1 | Sooty-headed Bulbul | 10 | ||
White-capped Redstart | 2 | Stripe-throated Bulbul | 1 | ||
Blue-winged Leafbird | 2 | Yellow-streaked Warbler | 2 | ||
Yellow-bellied Flowerpecker | 1 | Radde's Warbler | 2 | ||
Fire-breasted Flowerpecker | 2 | Yellow-browed Warbler | 2 | ||
Mrs. Gould's Sunbird | 30 | Two-barred Warbler | 3 | ||
Green-tailed Sunbird | 3 | Rufescent Prinia | 4 | ||
Black-throated Sunbird | 5 | Puff-throated Babbler | 2 | ||
Streaked Spiderhunter | 2 | White-crested Laughingthrush | 15 | ||
Grey Wagtail | 3 | Burmese Nuthatch | 3 | ||
Olive-backed Pipit | 8 | Velvet-fronted Nuthatch | 4 | ||
Common Rosefinch | 10 | Hainan Blue Flycatcher | 2 | ||
Blue-winged Leafbird | 5 | ||||
Bueng Boraphet | Count | Plain Flowerpecker | 2 | ||
Lesser Whistling Duck | 200 | Ornate Sumbird | 4 | ||
Cotton Pygmy Goose | 6 | ||||
Garganey | 300 | Khao Takhrao | Count | ||
Little Grebe | 4 | Northern Pintail | 100 | ||
Asian Openbill | 300 | Painted Stork | 40 | ||
Yellow Bittern | 5 | Asian Openbill | 3 | ||
Cinnamon Bittern | 1 | Black-headed Ibis | 6 | ||
Black-crowned Night Heron | 10 | Grey Heron | 4 | ||
Grey Heron | 5 | Little Egret | 30 | ||
Purple Heron | 2 | Little Cormorant | 4 | ||
Eastern Great Egret | 40 | Indian Cormorant | 20 | ||
Medium Egret | 5 | Brahminy Kite | 1 | ||
Little Egret | 100 | Pacific Golden Plover | 2 | ||
Little Cormorant | 6 | Black-tailed Godwit | 20 | ||
Indian Cormorant | 1 | Whiskered Tern | 10 | ||
Oriental Darter | 20 | Black-capped Kingfisher | 1 | ||
Eastern Marsh Harrier | 3 | Mangrove Whistler | 1 | ||
White-breasted Waterhen | 6 | Black Drongo | 3 | ||
Ruddy-breasted Crake | 2 | Oriental Magpie-Robin | 2 | ||
White-browed Crake | 1 | ||||
Watercock | 1 | Nong Pla Lai | Count | ||
Common Moorhen | 20 | Painted Stork | 2 | ||
Barred Buttonquail | 1 | Asian Openbill | 600 | ||
Black-winged Stilt | 10 | Yellow Bittern | 6 | ||
Red-wattled Lapwing | 2 | Cinnamon Bittern | 1 | ||
Eastern Little Ringed Plover | 4 | Eastern Cattle Egret | 300 | ||
Greater Painted-snipe | 1 | Grey Heron | 5 | ||
Pheasant-tailed Jacana | 5 | Purple Heron | 1 | ||
Bronze-winged Jacana | 3 | Eastern Great Egret | 21 | ||
Rock Dove | 40 | Medium Egret | 2 | ||
Red Collared Dove | 30 | Little Egret | 320 | ||
Spotted Dove | 20 | Little Cormorant | 14 | ||
Zebra Dove | 15 | Western Osprey | 1 | ||
Pink-necked Green Pigeon | 27 | Greater Spotted Eagle | 2 | ||
Greater Coucal | 4 | Booted Eagle | 2 | ||
Lesser Coucal | 1 | Steppe Eagle | 1 | ||
Asian Koel | 8 | Black-eared Kite | 3 | ||
Plaintive Cuckoo | 2 | Brahminy Kite | 2 | ||
Savanna Nightjar | 2 | White-breasted Waterhen | 3 | ||
Asian Palm Swift | 10 | Ruddy-breasted Crake | 2 | ||
White-throated Kingfisher | 1 | Black-winged Stilt | 30 | ||
Common Kingfisher | 2 | Red-wattled Lapwing | 6 | ||
Pied Kingfisher | 3 | Little Ringed Plover | 14 | ||
Asian Green Bee-eater | 2 | Eastern Little Ringed Plover | 4 | ||
Blue-tailed Bee-eater | 6 | Long-toed Stint | 2 | ||
Lineated Barbet | 8 | Common Snipe | 8 | ||
Coppersmith Barbet | 3 | Wood Sandpiper | 10 | ||
Freckle-breasted Woodpecker | 1 | Whiskered Tern | 30 | ||
Common Kestrel | 1 | Red Collared Dove | 20 | ||
Ashy Woodswallow | 2 | Spotted Dove | 6 | ||
Brown Shrike | 2 | Pink-necked Green Pigeon | 20 | ||
Black Drongo | 15 | Greater Coucal | 4 | ||
Malaysian Pied Fantail | 4 | Asian Koel | 8 | ||
Eastern Jungle Crow | 5 | Edible-nest Swiftlet | 400 | ||
Yellow-vented Bulbul | 2 | Asian Palm Swift | 6 | ||
Streak-eared Bulbul | 10 | Stork-billed Kingfisher | 1 | ||
Sand Martin | 15 | White-throated Kingfisher | 1 | ||
Barn Swallow | 100 | Black-capped Kingfisher | 1 | ||
Eastern Red-rumped Swallow | 2 | Asian Green Bee-eater | 2 | ||
Dusky Warbler | 20 | Peregrine Falcon | 1 | ||
Oriental Reed Warbler | 4 | Brown Shrike | 5 | ||
Black-browed Reed Warbler | 4 | Black-naped Oriole | 1 | ||
Thick-billed Warbler | 1 | Black Drongo | 20 | ||
Striated Grassbird | 4 | Malaysian Pied Fantail | 7 | ||
Zitting Cisticola | 2 | Eastern Jungle Crow | 12 | ||
Golden-headed Cisticola | 3 | Yellow-vented Bulbul | 1 | ||
Plain Prinia | 15 | Streak-eared Bulbul | 10 | ||
Common Tailorbird | 4 | Barn Swallow | 20 | ||
Great Myna | 40 | Eastern Red-rumped Swallow | 2 | ||
Common Myna | 10 | Oriental Reed Warbler | 6 | ||
Siamese Pied Myna | 20 | Thick-billed Warbler | 2 | ||
Oriental Magpie-Robin | 2 | Zitting Cisticola | 10 | ||
Taiga Flycatcher | 2 | Yellow-bellied Prinia | 7 | ||
Amur Stonechat | 4 | Plain Prinia | 20 | ||
Purple Sunbird | 1 | Common Tailorbird | 1 | ||
Plain-backed Sparrow | 10 | Great Myna | 150 | ||
Asian Golden Weaver | 20 | Common Myna | 30 | ||
Streaked Weaver | 20 | Siamese Pied Myna | 20 | ||
Baya Weaver | 200 | Oriental Magpie-Robin | 3 | ||
Scaly-breasted Munia | 40 | Bluethroat | 1 | ||
Chestnut Munia | 20 | Siberian Rubythroat | 3 | ||
White Wagtail | 6 | Amur Stonechat | 9 | ||
Paddyfield Pipit | 2 | Brown-throated Sunbird | 2 | ||
Ornate Sumbird | 1 | ||||
Wat Khao Look Chang | Count | House Sparrow | 2 | ||
Zebra Dove | 2 | Asian Golden Weaver | 10 | ||
Spotted Owlet | 1 | Streaked Weaver | 10 | ||
Baya Weaver | 600 | ||||
Kaeng Krachan | Count | Scaly-breasted Munia | 20 | ||
Bar-backed Partridge | 10 | Chestnut Munia | 6 | ||
Green-legged Partridge | 10 | Eastern Yellow Wagtail | 4 | ||
Ferruginous Partridge | 2 | Red-throated Pipit | 8 | ||
Red Junglefowl | 10 | Yellow-breasted Bunting | 60 | ||
Little Grebe | 2 | ||||
Black Bittern | 1 | Laem Phak Bia / Pak Thale | Count | ||
Chinese Pond Heron | 6 | Garganey | 200 | ||
Eastern Cattle Egret | 1 | Northern Shoveler | 4 | ||
Little Egret | 3 | Painted Stork | 45 | ||
Little Cormorant | 2 | Black-crowned Night Heron | 2 | ||
Crested Serpent Eagle | 1 | Little Heron | 3 | ||
Crested Goshawk | 2 | Grey Heron | 10 | ||
Shikra | 5 | Eastern Great Egret | 200 | ||
Grey-faced Buzzard | 1 | Little Egret | 300 | ||
White-breasted Waterhen | 2 | Pacific Reef Heron | 2 | ||
Red-wattled Lapwing | 7 | Chinese Egret | 2 | ||
Spotted Dove | 1 | Little Cormorant | 30 | ||
Common Emerald Dove | 6 | Indian Cormorant | 50 | ||
Thick-billed Green Pigeon | 25 | Brahminy Kite | 5 | ||
Greater Coucal | 6 | Indian Stone-curlew | 2 | ||
Green-billed Malkoha | 3 | Black-winged Stilt | 200 | ||
Asian Koel | 3 | Pied Avocet | 60 | ||
Banded Bay Cuckoo | 2 | Grey-headed Lapwing | 2 | ||
Collared Scops Owl | 4 | Red-wattled Lapwing | 4 | ||
Collared Owlet | 2 | Pacific Golden Plover | 10 | ||
Asian Barred Owlet | 4 | Grey Plover | 40 | ||
Brown Boobook | 4 | Eastern Little Ringed Plover | 4 | ||
Great Eared Nightjar | 1 | Kentish Plover | 20 | ||
Large-tailed Nightjar | 1 | White-faced Plover | 2 | ||
Indian Nightjar | 1 | Malaysian Plover | 2 | ||
Edible-nest Swiftlet | 20 | Tibetan Sand Plover | 500 | ||
Asian Palm Swift | 6 | Greater Sand Plover | 1 | ||
Orange-breasted Trogon | 3 | Black-tailed Godwit | 200 | ||
Indochinese Roller | 3 | Great Knot | 600 | ||
Oriental Dollarbird | 3 | Red Knot | 4 | ||
White-throated Kingfisher | 3 | Ruff | 3 | ||
Blue-bearded Bee-eater | 2 | Broad-billed Sandpiper | 10 | ||
Asian Green Bee-eater | 2 | Curlew Sandpiper | 300 | ||
Chestnut-headed Bee-eater | 2 | Temminck's Stint | 1 | ||
Eurasian Hoopoe | 2 | Long-toed Stint | 2 | ||
Great Hornbill | 2 | Spoon-billed Sandpiper | 1 | ||
Oriental Pied Hornbill | 15 | Red-necked Stint | 200 | ||
Tickell's Brown Hornbill | 13 | Sanderling | 50 | ||
Lineated Barbet | 5 | Asian Dowitcher | 60 | ||
Green-eared Barbet | 4 | Red-necked Phalarope | 2 | ||
Coppersmith Barbet | 4 | Common Sandpiper | 3 | ||
Heart-spotted Woodpecker | 1 | Common Redshank | 1 | ||
Greater Yellownape | 4 | Marsh Sandpiper | 500 | ||
Common Flameback | 3 | Spotted Redshank | 100 | ||
Greater Flameback | 5 | Common Greenshank | 4 | ||
Black-thighed Falconet | 6 | Nordmann's Greenshank | 20 | ||
Vernal Hanging Parrot | 6 | Brown-headed Gull | 100 | ||
Black-and-yellow Broadbill | 2 | Gull-billed Tern | 4 | ||
Eared Pitta | 1 | Caspian Tern | 10 | ||
Blue Pitta | 1 | Greater Crested Tern | 40 | ||
Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike | 2 | Little Tern | 20 | ||
Ashy Woodswallow | 10 | Common Tern | 30 | ||
Common Iora | 2 | Whiskered Tern | 500 | ||
Great Iora | 3 | White-winged Tern | 20 | ||
Black-winged Cuckooshrike | 3 | Rock Dove | 10 | ||
Swinhoe's Minivet | 2 | Red Collared Dove | 20 | ||
Brown Shrike | 2 | Spotted Dove | 10 | ||
Burmese Shrike | 1 | Zebra Dove | 10 | ||
Slender-billed Oriole | 1 | Asian Koel | 4 | ||
Black-naped Oriole | 2 | Indian Nightjar | 1 | ||
Black-hooded Oriole | 2 | Edible-nest Swiftlet | 40 | ||
Ashy Drongo | 5 | Asian Palm Swift | 3 | ||
Bronzed Drongo | 4 | Indochinese Roller | 2 | ||
Hair-crested Drongo | 10 | Black-capped Kingfisher | 3 | ||
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo | 6 | Collared Kingfisher | 3 | ||
Malaysian Pied Fantail | 5 | Common Kingfisher | 2 | ||
Black-naped Monarch | 16 | Asian Green Bee-eater | 50 | ||
Common Green Magpie | 1 | Golden-bellied Gerygone | 4 | ||
Racket-tailed Treepie | 3 | Ashy Woodswallow | 4 | ||
Eastern Jungle Crow | 1 | Brown Shrike | 2 | ||
Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher | 3 | Black Drongo | 40 | ||
Sultan Tit | 3 | Malaysian Pied Fantail | 4 | ||
Indochinese Bush Lark | 10 | Streak-eared Bulbul | 4 | ||
Black-headed Bulbul | 5 | Barn Swallow | 20 | ||
Black-crested Bulbul | 24 | Plain Prinia | 10 | ||
Stripe-throated Bulbul | 10 | Great Myna | 40 | ||
Yellow-vented Bulbul | 4 | Common Myna | 10 | ||
Streak-eared Bulbul | 20 | Siamese Pied Myna | 3 | ||
Ochraceous Bulbul | 3 | White-shouldered Starling | 40 | ||
Baker's Bulbul | 4 | Oriental Magpie-Robin | 2 | ||
Barn Swallow | 5 | Eurasian Tree Sparrow | 10 | ||
Eastern Red-rumped Swallow | 1 | Eastern Yellow Wagtail | 2 | ||
Radde's Warbler | 2 | Richard's Pipit | 1 | ||
Yellow-browed Warbler | 2 | Paddyfield Pipit | 4 | ||
Two-barred Warbler | 3 | ||||
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler | 2 | Chumphon | Count | ||
Sakhalin Leaf Warbler | 1 | Lesser Whistling Duck | 4 | ||
Eastern Crowned Warbler | 1 | Asian Openbill | 2100 | ||
Claudia's Leaf Warbler | 2 | Chinese Pond Heron | 5 | ||
Thick-billed Warbler | 1 | Grey Heron | 1 | ||
Common Tailorbird | 1 | Eastern Great Egret | 2 | ||
Dark-necked Tailorbird | 5 | Medium Egret | 3 | ||
Large Scimitar Babbler | 6 | Little Egret | 12 | ||
White-browed Scimitar Babbler | 2 | Little Cormorant | 206 | ||
Pin-striped Tit-Babbler | 30 | Oriental Honey Buzzard | 1 | ||
Brown-cheeked Fulvetta | 20 | Brahminy Kite | 2 | ||
Abbott's Babbler | 2 | White-breasted Waterhen | 2 | ||
Puff-throated Babbler | 10 | Grey-headed Swamphen | 2 | ||
White-crested Laughingthrush | 6 | Black-winged Stilt | 2 | ||
Lesser Necklaced Laughingthrush | 8 | Red-wattled Lapwing | 3 | ||
Greater Necklaced Laughingthrush | 15 | Eurasian Whimbrel | 2 | ||
Asian Fairy-bluebird | 5 | Common Sandpiper | 4 | ||
Spot-winged Starling | 7 | Pale-capped Pigeon | 19 | ||
Golden-crested Myna | 2 | Red Collared Dove | 4 | ||
Common Hill Myna | 2 | Spotted Dove | 2 | ||
Great Myna | 100 | Pink-necked Green Pigeon | 4 | ||
Common Myna | 10 | Greater Coucal | 2 | ||
Vinous-breasted Myna | 4 | Asian Koel | 3 | ||
Siamese Pied Myna | 20 | Edible-nest Swiftlet | 100 | ||
Chestnut-tailed Starling | 100 | Black-capped Kingfisher | 1 | ||
Orange-headed Thrush | 2 | Collared Kingfisher | 3 | ||
Eyebrowed Thrush | 4 | Common Kingfisher | 2 | ||
Oriental Magpie-Robin | 2 | Blue-tailed Bee-eater | 10 | ||
White-rumped Shama | 6 | Lineated Barbet | 4 | ||
Asian Brown Flycatcher | 1 | Peregrine Falcon | 1 | ||
Hainan Blue Flycatcher | 1 | Golden-bellied Gerygone | 5 | ||
Tickell's Blue Flycatcher | 6 | Brown Shrike | 1 | ||
Chinese Blue Flycatcher | 3 | Black Drongo | 60 | ||
Verditer Flycatcher | 5 | Greater Racket-tailed Drongo | 1 | ||
Siberian Blue Robin | 6 | Racket-tailed Treepie | 3 | ||
Taiga Flycatcher | 5 | Eastern Jungle Crow | 3 | ||
Amur Stonechat | 2 | Streak-eared Bulbul | 16 | ||
Golden-fronted Leafbird | 3 | Pacific Swallow | 6 | ||
Plain Flowerpecker | 2 | Sakhalin Leaf Warbler | 2 | ||
Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker | 3 | Great Myna | 120 | ||
Ornate Sumbird | 5 | Common Myna | 20 | ||
Crimson Sunbird | 1 | Vinous-breasted Myna | 6 | ||
Little Spiderhunter | 2 | Siamese Pied Myna | 10 | ||
Plain-backed Sparrow | 10 | Oriental Magpie-Robin | 2 | ||
Grey Wagtail | 2 | Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker | 2 | ||
Paddyfield Pipit | 10 | Ornate Sumbird | 2 | ||
Olive-backed Pipit | 2 | Eurasian Tree Sparrow | 2 | ||
Scaly-breasted Munia | 4 | ||||
Laem Pakarang | Count | Chestnut Munia | 1 | ||
Little Egret | 1 | ||||
Pacific Golden Plover | 4 | Sri Phang-nga NP | Count | ||
Grey Plover | 12 | Striated Heron | 2 | ||
Tibetan Sand Plover | 500 | Chinese Pond Heron | 6 | ||
Greater Sand Plover | 40 | Black Baza | 1 | ||
Eurasian Whimbrel | 70 | Blyth's Hawk-Eagle | 2 | ||
Eurasian Curlew | 3 | Shikra | 2 | ||
Bar-tailed Godwit | 3 | Red-wattled Lapwing | 2 | ||
Ruddy Turnstone | 100 | Spotted Dove | 2 | ||
Red-necked Stint | 120 | Thick-billed Green Pigeon | 2 | ||
Terek Sandpiper | 60 | Greater Coucal | 3 | ||
Common Sandpiper | 1 | Raffles's Malkoha | 2 | ||
Grey-tailed Tattler | 1 | Grey-rumped Treeswift | 3 | ||
Spotted Dove | 2 | Edible-nest Swiftlet | 40 | ||
Collared Kingfisher | 2 | Silver-rumped Spinetail | 2 | ||
Common Kingfisher | 1 | Brown-backed Needletail | 30 | ||
Lineated Barbet | 1 | Asian Palm Swift | 3 | ||
Malaysian Pied Fantail | 2 | Bushy-crested Hornbill | 6 | ||
Common Tailorbird | 1 | Wreathed Hornbill | 2 | ||
Common Myna | 2 | Golden-whiskered Barbet | 2 | ||
Red-throated Barbet | 5 | ||||
Krung Ching | Count | Blue-eared Barbet | 4 | ||
Great Argus | 6 | Sooty Barbet | 1 | ||
Oriental Honey Buzzard | 1 | Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker | 1 | ||
Crested Serpent Eagle | 5 | Maroon Woodpecker | 2 | ||
Blyth's Hawk-Eagle | 2 | Vernal Hanging Parrot | 5 | ||
Wallace's Hawk-Eagle | 3 | Green Iora | 1 | ||
Shikra | 1 | Black-naped Oriole | 2 | ||
Common Emerald Dove | 6 | Ashy Drongo | 2 | ||
Thick-billed Green Pigeon | 60 | Crow-billed Drongo | 1 | ||
Greater Coucal | 6 | Greater Racket-tailed Drongo | 5 | ||
Raffles's Malkoha | 6 | Black-naped Monarch | 1 | ||
Red-billed Malkoha | 1 | Blyth's Paradise Flycatcher | 2 | ||
Chestnut-breasted Malkoha | 8 | Black-headed Bulbul | 10 | ||
Violet Cuckoo | 8 | Black-crested Bulbul | 3 | ||
Plaintive Cuckoo | 6 | Stripe-throated Bulbul | 4 | ||
Square-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo | 4 | Ochraceous Bulbul | 8 | ||
Indian Cuckoo | 1 | Hairy-backed Bulbul | 4 | ||
Blyth's Frogmouth | 1 | Baker's Bulbul | 10 | ||
Grey-rumped Treeswift | 10 | Pacific Swallow | 12 | ||
Himalayan Swiftlet | 50 | Arctic Warbler | 2 | ||
Asian Palm Swift | 5 | Sakhalin Leaf Warbler | 2 | ||
Scarlet-rumped Trogon | 2 | Eastern Crowned Warbler | 4 | ||
Orange-breasted Trogon | 10 | Rufous-fronted Babbler | 4 | ||
White-throated Kingfisher | 1 | Pin-striped Tit-Babbler | 12 | ||
Red-bearded Bee-eater | 3 | Brown-cheeked Fulvetta | 3 | ||
White-crowned Hornbill | 4 | Abbott's Babbler | 2 | ||
Golden-whiskered Barbet | 6 | Asian Fairy-bluebird | 4 | ||
Red-throated Barbet | 12 | Orange-headed Thrush | 1 | ||
Blue-eared Barbet | 6 | Dark-sided Flycatcher | 1 | ||
Sooty Barbet | 3 | Asian Brown Flycatcher | 6 | ||
Rufous Piculet | 3 | Taiga Flycatcher | 1 | ||
Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker | 1 | Lesser Green Leafbird | 3 | ||
Banded Woodpecker | 3 | Blue-winged Leafbird | 1 | ||
Streak-breasted Woodpecker | 1 | Crimson-breasted Flowerpecker | 1 | ||
Olive-backed Woodpecker | 1 | Thick-billed Flowerpecker | 2 | ||
Greater Flameback | 2 | Yellow-vented Flowerpecker | 1 | ||
Buff-rumped Woodpecker | 2 | Orange-bellied Flowerpecker | 4 | ||
Buff-necked Woodpecker | 3 | Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker | 2 | ||
Black-thighed Falconet | 1 | Ruby-cheeked Sunbird | 2 | ||
Vernal Hanging Parrot | 14 | Brown-throated Sunbird | 2 | ||
Green Broadbill | 2 | Ornate Sumbird | 1 | ||
Banded Broadbill | 4 | Crimson Sunbird | 1 | ||
Black-and-yellow Broadbill | 12 | Little Spiderhunter | 3 | ||
Blue-winged Pitta | 1 | Grey-breasted Spiderhunter | 2 | ||
Golden-bellied Gerygone | 3 | Grey Wagtail | 2 | ||
Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike | 4 | ||||
Common Iora | 2 | Phang-nga mangroves | Count | ||
Green Iora | 1 | Yellow Bittern | 1 | ||
Great Iora | 4 | Black-crowned Night Heron | 1 | ||
Lesser Cuckooshrike | 2 | Chinese Pond Heron | 3 | ||
Rosy Minivet | 1 | Eastern Great Egret | 1 | ||
Swinhoe's Minivet | 4 | Little Egret | 3 | ||
Brown Shrike | 1 | Black Baza | 1 | ||
White-bellied Erpornis | 1 | Crested Serpent Eagle | 1 | ||
Dark-throated Oriole | 6 | Brahminy Kite | 3 | ||
Black-naped Oriole | 3 | Common Sandpiper | 1 | ||
Bronzed Drongo | 3 | Spotted Dove | 3 | ||
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo | 6 | Greater Coucal | 2 | ||
Malaysian Pied Fantail | 2 | Black-bellied Malkoha | 2 | ||
Black-naped Monarch | 5 | Asian Koel | 1 | ||
Blyth's Paradise Flycatcher | 3 | Little Bronze Cuckoo | 1 | ||
Amur Paradise Flycatcher | 2 | Edible-nest Swiftlet | 10 | ||
Large-billed Crow | 2 | Oriental Dollarbird | 2 | ||
Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher | 2 | Brown-winged Kingfisher | 6 | ||
Black-crested Bulbul | 1 | Collared Kingfisher | 6 | ||
Stripe-throated Bulbul | 6 | Blue-tailed Bee-eater | 6 | ||
Asian Red-eyed Bulbul | 6 | Coppersmith Barbet | 1 | ||
Spectacled Bulbul | 6 | Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker | 1 | ||
Ochraceous Bulbul | 6 | Streak-breasted Woodpecker | 2 | ||
Hairy-backed Bulbul | 4 | Greater Flameback | 2 | ||
Baker's Bulbul | 1 | Black-and-red Broadbill | 2 | ||
Barn Swallow | 10 | Mangrove Pitta | 1 | ||
Arctic Warbler | 4 | Golden-bellied Gerygone | 5 | ||
Sakhalin Leaf Warbler | 2 | Common Iora | 3 | ||
Eastern Crowned Warbler | 4 | Black-naped Oriole | 1 | ||
Common Tailorbird | 2 | Ashy Drongo | 3 | ||
Dark-necked Tailorbird | 10 | Malaysian Pied Fantail | 5 | ||
Rufous-tailed Tailorbird | 1 | Streak-eared Bulbul | 4 | ||
Chestnut-winged Babbler | 20 | Barn Swallow | 4 | ||
Pin-striped Tit-Babbler | 10 | Pacific Swallow | 2 | ||
Fluffy-backed Tit-Babbler | 2 | Rufous-bellied Swallow | 8 | ||
Abbott's Babbler | 1 | Arctic Warbler | 4 | ||
Mourning Babbler | 2 | Sakhalin Leaf Warbler | 6 | ||
Moustached Babbler | 7 | Dark-necked Tailorbird | 2 | ||
Puff-throated Babbler | 4 | Ashy Tailorbird | 5 | ||
Asian Fairy-bluebird | 15 | Malayan Swamp Babbler | 5 | ||
Common Myna | 2 | Swinhoe's White-eye | 10 | ||
Oriental Magpie-Robin | 1 | Jungle Myna | 3 | ||
White-rumped Shama | 6 | Common Myna | 4 | ||
Asian Brown Flycatcher | 6 | Asian Brown Flycatcher | 4 | ||
Verditer Flycatcher | 1 | Orange-bellied Flowerpecker | 1 | ||
Greater Green Leafbird | 1 | Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker | 2 | ||
Lesser Green Leafbird | 14 | Ruby-cheeked Sunbird | 4 | ||
Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker | 2 | Brown-throated Sunbird | 2 | ||
Orange-bellied Flowerpecker | 4 | Ornate Sumbird | 4 | ||
Ruby-cheeked Sunbird | 2 | Eurasian Tree Sparrow | 6 | ||
Red-throated Sunbird | 2 | ||||
Little Spiderhunter | 6 | Thai Mueang | Count | ||
Yellow-eared Spiderhunter | 3 | Spotted Dove | 4 | ||
Grey-breasted Spiderhunter | 1 | Edible-nest Swiftlet | 20 | ||
Grey Wagtail | 2 | Oriental Dollarbird | 1 | ||
Vernal Hanging Parrot | 2 | ||||
Black-naped Oriole | 2 | ||||
Large-billed Crow | 4 | ||||
Great Myna | 4 | ||||
Common Myna | 4 |