
Chiang Mai odds and ends: 11 - 18 Jul 2024







11 - 18 Jul 2024.
Variable. Mostly cloudy with some scattered sunny spells. Occasional heavy rain. Temperatures ranged from 13°C to 33°C.
Doi Inthanon National Park, Omkoi Wildlife Sanctuary, Ban Pong, Doi Kham, Doi Suthep-Pui National Park, Mae Kamphong, Huay Hong Khrai and Chiang Mai city.

With Andy Pierce. Our itinerary was based loosely on some difficult butterfly and odonata targets at scattered localities around Chiang Mai and Omkoi. Being just after a new moon, with a largely dark sky, we figured moths could be potentially interesting.

10 Jul. A late afternoon meet-up with Andy at Chiang Mai airport, from where we drove to Doi Inthanon for our first night. Mountain Scops Owl was vocal early evening. A rather damp night with some heavy rain.

Abnormal Flash
Abnormal Flash

Doi Suthep Bent-toed Gecko
Doi Suthep Bent-toed Gecko

Lanna Pit Viper
Lanna Pit Viper

Tytler's Flash
Tytler's Flash

Spotted Pierrot
Spotted Pierrot

11 Jul. An early start at 05:15 to check the lights around the toilet blocks higher up the mountain. The summit area was fairly productive for moths, plus a few pre-dawn birds hopping about at close range included Lesser Shortwing and Himalayan Shortwing with vocal Rufous-throated Partridge in the background. Following a leisurely breakfast, we set out to look for dragonflies below Siriphum Waterfall. Disappointingly, little of note in that line, though a family of Brown-breasted Flycatcher were notable. Mid afternoon we drove the two plus hours to Omkoi.

12 Jul. A good variety of moths early morning, followed by another leisurely breakfast, after which we headed southward toward the higher hills south of town. As usual birding was hard going due to the hunting pressure. Some interesting butterflies included Chapman's Cupid, Abnormal Flash and White Punch. We finished the day at the 320 Million Year Old Rock viewpoint which rates as the best of the viewpoints at Omkoi.

13 Jul. Some rain overnight persisting into the morning. We intended to try the higher reaches of the road around the Doi Muser viewpoint, but clouds rolling in from the west made upper elevations overcast, with light rain, so we mainly worked lower levels toward Omkoi. We encountered a reasonable selection of butterflies, but nothing of particular note.

14 Jul. Light rain early morning, clearing by 09:00 when we left and headed back toward Chiang Mai. We made various stops along the way north of Omkoi, with the best find of the trip in the form of Tytler's Flash, a rarely seen or photgraphed species. Overnight at Doi Inthanon.

15 Jul. Our second attempt at Inthanon, targeting some specific odonata species, again ended with none found. Possibly the grey and overcast conditions were putting them in hiding, though we didn't really see many species of insect in general. A good flock of Striated Yuhina were unusual here. A rather disappointing day with a late afternoon return to Chiang Mai.

16 Jul. Once the morning rain had finished we headed out toward Ban Pong, west of Chiang Mai, to check for ponds for dragonflies, and although a selection seen, none were of our target species. We then attempted to visit Ob Khan Cave, but the road was under reconstruction, and impassable, so we deviated to Doi Kham where we found Splendid Plushblue and Slate Flash, as well as a few moths. Late evening, we joined a night reptile walk organised by Chiang Mai Birders, that was rather wet, but pretty successful, with Doi Suthep Bent-toed Gecko, Lanna Pit Viper and Indian Banded Wolf Snake.

17 Jul. A day around the valleys and hills of Mae Kamphong searching for dragonflies and butterflies. As mostly grey and overcast the activity was low, though we did find Dodona dracon. With the onset of heavy rain around 14:00 we headed back to Chiang Mai, with a stop en route at Huay Hong Khrai where several Green Peafowl were found feeding close to the roadside - no doubt drawn out by the wet conditions.

18 Jul. A final short stop in Chiang Mai city, with Spotted Pierrot a highlight, then a drop off at the airport. All in all quite successful considering the time of year and weather.

Species List

  Doi Inthanon Count   Omkoi Count
  Rufous-throated Partridge 2   Lesser Whistling Duck 3
  House Swift 4   Greater Coucal 3
  Spotted Dove 30   Banded Bay Cuckoo 1
  Asian Barred Owlet 1   Plaintive Cuckoo 1
  Mountain Scops Owl 2   Spotted Dove 4
  Collared Scops Owl 1   Red-wattled Lapwing 1
  Blue-throated Barbet 2   Cinnamon Bittern 1
  Ashy Woodswallow 4   Asian Barred Owlet 2
  Grey-chinned Minivet 1   Collared Scops Owl 1
  Scarlet Minivet 4   White-throated Kingfisher 2
  Black-naped Monarch 1   Blue-throated Barbet 3
  Blyth's Paradise Flycatcher 2   Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker 2
  Grey Treepie 2   Oriental Cuckooshrike 2
  Cinereous Tit 1   Black-naped Monarch 2
  Mountain Bulbul 3   Eurasian Jay 2
  Flavescent Bulbul 2   Grey-eyed Bulbul 1
  Barn Swallow 1   Black-crested Bulbul 3
  Pygmy Cupwing 3   Flavescent Bulbul 2
  Davison's Leaf Warbler 1   Dark-necked Tailorbird 1
  Hill Prinia 1   Puff-throated Babbler 2
  Grey-breasted Prinia 1   Velvet-fronted Nuthatch 2
  Striated Yuhina 25   Great Myna 4
  Streaked Wren-Babbler 2   Common Myna 5
  Silver-eared Laughingthrush 2   Oriental Magpie-Robin 2
  Dark-backed Sibia 2   Golden-fronted Leafbird 1
  Silver-eared Mesia 1   Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker 1
  Common Myna 2   Eurasian Tree Sparrow 5
  Oriental Magpie-Robin 2      
  Brown-breasted Flycatcher 3      
  Himalayan Shortwing 1      
  Lesser Shortwing 2      
  Eurasian Tree Sparrow 2