Dates: |
25 August - 5 September 2014. |
With Josep and Dolors del Hoyo, plus Richard Carden and John Lobel in parts. Although only a stone's throw between Thailand and Halmahera, poor flight connections ensured short extensions at either end of actually setting foot on Halmahera. The main aim of the trip was to target the Halmahera endemics.
22 Aug. Despite having booked the direct Silk Air flight from Chiang Mai to Singapore, two weeks beforehand, Silk Air cancelled the flight, so was rerouted via Bangkok with several hours to kill between flights. Left Chiang Mai at 07:00 on Thai Airways with the onward connection to Singapore on Singapore Airlines arriving late afternoon. Overnight with Richard in Singapore.
23 Aug. A day of leisure with a late evening trip to the Singapore Botanic Garden to try for the cnephaeus race of Collared Scops Owl, a possible future split as Singapore Scops Owl. This attempt, similar to three previously, resulted in not even a bird heard. For such a supposedly common species, rather tough to find. Likewise we didn't run into any Red-legged Crake.
24 Aug. An early start for the drive across the Malaysian border to Panti Forest Reserve where we arrived around 07:00. Spent the next six hours birding the main access road as well as a few tracks and trails off it. The generally cloudy conditions meant bird activity remained reasonable most of the morning with us finding a good selection, including the highly sought after Grey-breasted Babbler. Also Banded Kingfisher, Black Hornbill, Wrinkled Hornbill, Sooty Barbet, Black-thighed Falconet, Black-and-yellow Broadbill, Rufous-winged Philentoma, Lesser Cuckooshrike, Fiery Minivet, Rail-babbler and Malayan Black-capped Babbler.
Novotel Manado More formally known as the Novotel Manado Golf Resort and Convention Centre. As our incoming flight from Singapore did not connect with the daily flight to Ternate an overnight in Manado was necessary. The Novotel was chosen due to being the closest hotel to Manado airport - all other accommodation being much farther away in town. Pre-booked in advance through the web we paid about US$42 that, for the standard of this top class hotel, was very good. |
25 Aug. Met up with Josep and Dolors at Singapore Changi airport from where we took the Silk Air flight, leaving an hour late, to Manado. Immigration and customs very smooth - other than the visa counter not having any change for a US$50 note and having to wait for someone else to pay with small notes. How many visas per day are they issuing? Evidently no one is trusted with the takings that disappear immediately. A taxi to the Novotel hotel, about 4 kilometres away, was US$5. A late afternoon walk, in the rain, around the grounds, gave Buff-banded Rail, Olive-backed Sunbird and Moluccan Swiftlet. |
26 Aug. Took the daily Garuda flight to Ternate, leaving 11:30, but arriving 50 minutes later at 13:20 due to the one hour time change. Rather wet weather greeted us as we transferred to the port at Ternate town and onto a fast speedboat for the open sea crossing to Halmahera. This bustling port was overrun with touts and porters vying for services, and it would be easy to lose belongings here if not paying attention. The 40 minute crossing was fast and choppy with almost constant torrential rain and the engine noise from the three outboards, deafening - earplugs would have been beneficial. Met at the dock by the driver Bang-Bang from Weda Resort, for the near four hour drive to Weda. Even though this was supposedly the dry season we had almost constant rain throughout the drive, and from the look of the amount of water lying in the villages and the water levels in the rivers it had been extremely wet the last week or so. A few stops en route gave us our first taste of Halmahera birding with Spectacled Imperial Pigeon, Pied Imperial Pigeon, Goliath Coucal, Azure Dollarbird, Blue-and-white Kingfisher, Beach Kingfisher, Blyth's Hornbill, Red-flanked Lorikeet, White-bellied Cuckooshrike and Long-billed Crow. Arrived well after dark at Weda Resort, where we met up with Denny, our local guide, and tentatively planned for tomorrow - weather permitting. During the evening the rain eased, so it looked more promising for tomorrow.
27 Aug. Although clear throughout the night it clouded over at dawn and looked ominous for another wet day. At first light we started the short walk to the Standardwing lek and were not disappointed, with at least four displaying males. Photography was quite tricky, given the poor, early, light. The next few hours spent in the forest having poor views of many good species - the high dense forest seemingly designed to frustrate birders obtaining good views of anything. Both Ivory-breasted Pitta and Invisible Rail heard, with fleeting looks at Paradise Crow, Halmahera Golden Bulbul, Superb Fruit Dove and Scarlet-breasted Fruit Dove. Instead of the anticipated rain, the skies cleared and the weather improved superbly and by 10:30, when we exited the forest, the sun was strong and the temperatures high. The late morning spent in the open edges of the road finding Blyth's Hornbill, Sombre Kingfisher, Metallic Starling and Red-cheeked Parrot. Returned to Weda Resort for lunch and a short siesta from the heat. Out again at 14:30 from where we birded to the south, along the road back toward Weda town. The habitat here is much more hacked-over and degraded but the area seemed good for parrots and pigeons with Great-billed Parrot, White Cockatoo, Red-cheeked Parrot, Moluccan Hanging Parrot, Grey-headed Fruit Dove, Scarlet-chested Fruit Dove and Spectacled Imperial Pigeon. Late afternoon we found a good fruiting tree being visited by several pigeon and parrot species as well as Halmahera Cuckooshrike. The local yobs had also found the tree and were picking off pigeons with an air rifle as entertainment. A lecture on the merits of birding versus shooting was of course totally ignored. An evening owling session heard both Moluccan Owlet-nightjar and Moluccan Scops Owl, though neither seen. The session was cut short by the onset of rain. We'd forgotten how irritating Indonesian drivers were - as usual all vehicles that pass feel obliged to blast the horn and yell "hello mister". Additionally, the whole day we listened to the Indonesian National Anthem, also known as the Chainsaw Drone. |
It's quite amazing that there's any trees or birds left on this island, and it's noticeable how distant all birds keep from people and an almost total lack of small birds at low levels. Bird photography was difficult to say the least.
28 Aug. Rain for most of the night had not eased by morning, so we had a delayed start at 06:30, although it was still raining and continued to do so until around 09:00 when the first birds actually started activity. In the next hour, till the rain started again, we managed some new species including Cinnamon-breasted Whistler and Moluccan Monarch. We tried a couple of places for Ivory-breasted Pitta but the poor weather deterred any from calling. On our return to the main road, our track was totally blocked by a large truck skewed sideways across the track and totally stuck in the mud. As clearly it was not going to be dug out in the near future, we opted to leave Denny and vehicle and walk the three kilometres back to the resort. This proved a good move with White Cockatoo, Moluccan Flycatcher, White-naped Monarch, Moluccan Monarch, Cream-throated White-eye, Red-cheeked Parrot and Red-flanked Lorikeet seen relatively well.
Weda Resort Since the establishment of Weda Resort, around 2011, the surrounding forests have been found to hold the majority of the Halmahera lowland endemics, including a readily accessible Standardwing lek. This, coupled with the excellent accommodation, has led to birders using Weda as a comfortable addition to sites such as Foli. Note though that this comfort does not come cheaply - around Euro 75-95 per day for lodging and food. The use of a 4x4 vehicle and bird guide is around Euro 180 per day (shared). Helpfully, rubber boots were also available which were absolutely essential during our stay, as the rainy season was still ongoing and the forests under water. Birding in the area is along the main dirt road running north-south of the resort, plus a few trails. Highly recommended for those who can afford it. |
Arrived back for a late lunch, with Denny eventually turning up an hour later. Another delayed start due to heavy rain, which abated around 15:30, though no sooner had we ventured out it became torrential and we ended up glumly sitting in a shelter twiddling our thumbs. During a brief drier spell from 17:30 - 18:30 we found a good collection of parrots including a pair of flyby Chattering Lory. Evening owling washed out by a return of heavy rain.
29 Aug. Mostly dry overnight, until 04:00 when the downpour started again. As it would have been pretty pointless to attempt finding pittas and rails in the rain, we opted to drive to higher elevations of the cross-island road west of Weda. We had to wait till after 09:00 for the rain to stop but the increasingly better weather enabled us to find a interesting collection of birds at altitudes up to 480 metres, including Invisible Rail heard, Blue-capped Fruit Dove, Spectacled Imperial Pigeon, Pied Imperial Pigeon, Goliath Coucal, Sacred Kingfisher, Violet-necked Lory, Chattering Lory, Moluccan Myzomela, Moluccan Starling and a pair of Halmahera Flowerpecker. An afternoon return to the lowlands that were, amazingly, still dry and a final afternoon session north of Weda Resort trying successfully for Ivory-breasted Pitta. We also found more Chattering Lory, White Cockatoo, Paradise Crow, Long-billed Crow, Moluccan Monarch, Moluccan Flycatcher, Rufous-bellied Triller and Violet-necked Lory. Heavy rain late afternoon continued into the evening ruling out any night birding yet again.
30 Aug. A wet night with torrential rain. Although still raining at dawn, it has eased considerably - enough for us to head out north of the resort. The first three hours were cool and misty with light rain, but with improving conditions the birding also improved. A good area of fruiting trees gave Cinnamon-bellied Imperial Pigeon, Blue-capped Fruit Dove, Rufous-bellied Triller, Black-chinned Whistler and Grey-headed Fruit Dove. We also heard Ivory-breasted Pitta, North Moluccan Pitta and Pale-vented Bush-hen. Still no luck with Invisible Rail. By afternoon the weather appeared to have changed for the better with low wind, a calm sea and blue sky. A hot afternoon concentrating on the Invisible Rail. However the areas we visited were by now unsuitable due to flooding in the forest pushing the birds away from their usual territories. Best bird of the afternoon was Azure Kingfisher. Just as yesterday the skies clouded over at 18:00 but after a few drops the rain ceased so we were at last able to do some night birding. The provided three Moluccan Owlet-nightjar calling, with one at reasonable range spot-lighted. We were now the only guests at Weda.
31 Aug. A dry night with a cloudless start to the day. We headed north out of the resort to the Standardwing lek, where we entered the forest pre-dawn. A somewhat frustrating morning with Ivory-breasted Pitta, Invisible Rail, North Moluccan Pitta, Moluccan Goshawk and Dusky Megapode all heard only, though perched Nicobar Pigeon and Common Paradise Kingfisher were memorable. Some better luck in the heat of the late morning with soaring Gurney's Eagle and a fly over Great Cuckoo-Dove. Some light rain at noon. Mid afternoon we headed out southward to check other areas for Invisible Rail, where heard distantly but without any real chance of seeing. We did though have Dusky Megapode feeding in the open. At dusk we did a roadside stop for owling and despite a cacophony of frogs and toads were able to pick up a calling Moluccan Scops Owl which took a full twenty minutes to track down and spotlight. The only other nightbird was Large-tailed Nightjar.
1 Sep. A second dry morning, where we again returned to the Standardwing lek. The main targets were again Invisible Rail and North Moluccan Pitta, with only the former being heard. Other species recorded during the morning included Superb Fruit Dove, Blue-capped Fruit Dove and Moluccan Goshawk heard again. For a change of habitat in the afternoon we revisted the mountain areas along the cross-island road. Excellent weather and blue sky. We heard Standardwing and saw a pair of Halmahera Flowerpecker, Moluccan Starling, Moluccan Flycatcher and Great Cuckoo-Dove. One of the chief reasons for the revisit was to look for Halmahera Swiftlet, which is supposedly more common at altitude. However, no luck and all identified swiftlets were definitely Uniform Swiftlet. On the return at dusk Barking Owl heard close to the road but took off before located.
2 Sep. For reasons unclear, we left 20 minutes later than planned at 05:50, for our three plus hour drive to Sofifi. As expected, we had a few stops en route - for various raptors, Azure Roller and Beach Kingfisher.
Highland Resort Situated just outside the town of Tomohon, this is a pleasant hill resort, which we were booked into by Malia tours. The main reason to stay here, is that all other accommodation in town suffers from close proximity to noisy karaoke, churches, mosques and the suchlike, and it's only a short drive from Gunung Mahawu. Although small, it provides all the essentials for birders including Wi-Fi in the rooms and a small restaurant. The rustic cabins look a bit old but it was comfortable with good hot showers, that were useful up in these lower mountains. Pleasantly cool at night. |
Eventually arrived at the Sofifi speedboat mélange at 10:30, grabbed what appeared to be any available boat and were again across the sea in 40 minutes to Ternate, where our pre-arranged pickup whisked us to the airport, a quick check in and an on-time departure at 12:25 to Manado. Met by our guide Nurlin from Malia Tours and quickly on our way to Tomohon and the Highland Resort where we dropped our bags before heading up to Gunung Mahawu to search, unsuccessfully, for Scaly-breasted Kingfisher. A couple of hours here gave us Yellow-sided Flycatcher, Sulawesi Blue Flycatcher and Banded Rail. A short night bird session back near the resort provided Sulawesi Nightjar and Great Eared Nightjar. |
3 Sep. Still awoken by the wailing mosque, but at least it was distant. Up to the mountain for 05:30 pre-dawn. A couple of hours in the steep gullies and forest disappointingly produced almost nothing. After breakfast in the field a look along the road edges had Crimson-crowned Flowerpecker, Peregrine Falcon, Sulawesi Myzomela, Sulawesi Leaf Warbler and Sulphur-vented Whistler. However, not even a sniff of the targeted Scaly-breasted Kingfisher, which the two previous groups had also been unable to find. After lunch in town a two plus hour drive to Tangkoko where we checked into the Ranger's Homestay and met up with local guide Samuel.
The last hour of the day along a nearby track with Bay Coucal, Isabelline Bush-hen, Barred Rail and Yellow-billed Malkoha. Night birding failed to find either Sulawesi Nightjar or Minahasa Masked Owl, but good view of Sulawesi Scops Owl. |
Ranger's Homestay Only basic accommodation is available anywhere near the Tangkoko National Park entrance. The least basic, and newest, is Bobbie's Guesthouse, which was unfortunately full, so we stayed at the Ranger's Homestay, situated immediately opposite the park entrance. Basic rooms, with private bathroom cost US$42 per day including all meals. Air conditioning was available at night when the backup generator was running. Although the rooms were clean, the bathrooms and their water systems were in serious need of some maintenance. Simple but good food was prepared by the ranger's family. In the forest, be prepared for chiggers - use leech socks, rubber boots or trousers tucked into socks and insect repellent around feet and belt line. |
4 Sep. Into Tangkoko early, with fine weather. Our first stop was a clearing just inside the park entrance that held, Green Imperial Pigeon, Bay Coucal, Yellow-billed Malkoha and Silver-tipped Imperial Pigeon. For the remainder of the morning we walked various tracks inside the forest up to an elevation around 200 metres. A string of excellent species well found by Samuel and Nurlin - Sulawesi Pitta, Ochre-breasted Boobook, Speckled Boobook, Ashy Woodpecker, Red-backed Thrush, Pied Cuckooshrike and Green-backed Kingfisher. Eventually after a couple of hours of hunting, the sought after Sulawesi Lilac Kingfisher and Tarsier were located. A small troupe of Crested Black Macaque were found on the way out. |
A quick lunch back at the Ranger's Homestay, after which we took a boat 30 minutes along the coastline then up a narrow creek. Our main target, Great-billed Kingfisher, seen well. Also Blue-eared Kingfisher, Golden-bellied Gerygone, Sulawesi Crow, a few Lesser Frigatebird, Christmas Frigatebird, Common Sandpiper, and a group of Pied Imperial Pigeon flying to islands. Late afternoon we landed the boat at edge of park where a short nightbird session gave us Sulawesi Nightjar and Sulawesi Scops Owl heard. |
5 Sep. An 05:00 departure to the nearby Teboan Hill where at first light we had quick breakfast overlooking the valley. From here we proceeded to hike down the valley to a lower viewpoint overlooking the edge of the park. Unfortunately, rather windy which seemed to keep the hoped-for hornbills absent with only a single calling Knobbed Hornbill.
However, over the next three hours we had excellent views of a good selection, including Yellow-breasted Racquet-tail, Grosbeak Starling, White-necked Myna, Purple-winged Roller, Grey-cheeked Green Pigeon, White-bellied Imperial Pigeon, Grey-headed Imperial Pigeon, Silver-tipped Imperial Pigeon, Yellow-billed Malkoha, Great Hanging Parrot, Ornate Lorikeet, Golden-mantled Racquet-tail, Ivory-backed Woodswallow, Sulawesi Triller and Grey-sided Flowerpecker. A great way to finish the trip. About an hour and half drive to the airport and departure on Silk Air to Singapore. |
Overnight near the airport where met up with John Lobel en route the opposite direction, to Sulawesi and Halmahera.
6 Sep. Following a leisurely breakfast, and with a morning to kill, we walked the two minutes to the public jetty and took a bumboat across the bay to Pulau Ubin. Being a Saturday, this recreational island/park was pretty busy with photographers, campers and the like, but still allowed us a few hours peace wandering through the quiet roads, trails and mangroves. This area holds one of the few remaining, healthy populations of Straw-headed Bulbul of which we had at least a dozen. Other birds included White-bellied Sea Eagle, Common Flameback, Pink-necked Green Pigeon, Blue-throated Bee-eater and Olive-winged Bulbul. Afternoon flight to Chiang Mai.
Bird images from this, and other, birding trips.
Travel images from this, and other, birding trips.
Species List
Panti Forest Reserve | Count | ||
Changeable Hawk-Eagle | Nisaetus cirrhatus | 1 | |
Common Emerald Dove | Chalcophaps indica | 4 | |
Little Green Pigeon | Treron olax | 10 | |
Whiskered Treeswift | Hemiprocne comata | 2 | |
Edible-nest Swiftlet | Aerodramus fuciphagus | 30 | |
Silver-rumped Spinetail | Rhaphidura leucopygialis | 3 | |
House Swift | Apus nipalensis | 10 | |
Banded Kingfisher | Lacedo pulchella | 2 | |
Malaysian Blue-banded Kingfsher | Alcedo peninsulae | 1 | |
Black Hornbill | Anthracoceros malayanus | 4 | |
Helmeted Hornbill | Rhinoplax vigil | 1 | |
Wrinkled Hornbill | Rhabdotorrhinus corrugatus | 2 | |
Red-crowned Barbet | Psilopogon rafflesii | 10 | |
Black-eared Barbet | Psilopogon duvaucelii | 2 | |
Sooty Barbet | Caloramphus fuliginosus | 4 | |
Crimson-winged Woodpecker | Picus puniceus | 2 | |
Buff-rumped Woodpecker | Meiglyptes grammithorax | 2 | |
Black-thighed Falconet | Microhierax fringillarius | 1 | |
Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot | Loriculus galgulus | 2 | |
Black-and-yellow Broadbill | Eurylaimus ochromalus | 4 | |
Rufous-winged Philentoma | Philentoma pyrhoptera | 2 | |
Common Iora | Aegithina tiphia | 4 | |
Lesser Cuckooshrike | Lalage fimbriata | 2 | |
Fiery Minivet | Pericrocotus igneus | 4 | |
White-bellied Erpornis | Erpornis zantholeuca | 4 | |
Dark-throated Oriole | Oriolus xanthonotus | 1 | |
Black-naped Oriole | Oriolus chinensis | 4 | |
Greater Racket-tailed Drongo | Dicrurus paradiseus | 4 | |
Black-naped Monarch | Hypothymis azurea | 2 | |
House Crow | Corvus splendens | 4 | |
Rail-babbler | Eupetes macrocerus | 1 | |
Black-headed Bulbul | Brachypodius melanocephalos | 1 | |
Cream-vented Bulbul | Pycnonotus simplex | 10 | |
Spectacled Bulbul | Ixodia erythropthalmos | 6 | |
Hairy-backed Bulbul | Tricholestes criniger | 1 | |
Streaked Bulbul | Ixos malaccensis | 4 | |
Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica | 2 | |
Dark-necked Tailorbird | Orthotomus atrogularis | 4 | |
Rufous-fronted Babbler | Cyanoderma rufifrons | 8 | |
Pin-striped Tit-Babbler | Mixornis gularis | 4 | |
Moustached Babbler | Malacopteron magnirostre | 2 | |
Grey-breasted Babbler | Malacopteron albogulare | 2 | |
Malayan Black-capped Babbler | Pellorneum nigrocapitatum | 4 | |
Asian Fairy-bluebird | Irena puella | 2 | |
Velvet-fronted Nuthatch | Sitta frontalis | 2 | |
Javan Myna | Acridotheres javanicus | 5 | |
White-rumped Shama | Copsychus malabaricus | 2 | |
Lesser Green Leafbird | Chloropsis cyanopogon | 4 | |
Blue-winged Leafbird | Chloropsis moluccensis | 2 | |
Crimson-breasted Flowerpecker | Prionochilus percussus | 3 | |
Orange-bellied Flowerpecker | Dicaeum trigonostigma | 3 | |
Ruby-cheeked Sunbird | Chalcoparia singalensis | 1 | |
Little Spiderhunter | Arachnothera longirostra | 2 | |
Grey Wagtail | Motacilla cinerea | 1 | |
Sofifi - Weda Road | Count | ||
Little Egret | Egretta garzetta | 2 | |
Lesser Frigatebird | Fregata ariel | 10 | |
Brahminy Kite | Haliastur indus | 4 | |
Grey-tailed Tattler | Tringa brevipes | 1 | |
Greater Crested Tern | Thalasseus bergii | 2 | |
Spotted Dove | Spilopelia chinensis | 10 | |
Spectacled Imperial Pigeon | Ducula perspicillata | 2 | |
Pied Imperial Pigeon | Ducula bicolor | 7 | |
Barking Owl | Ninox connivens | 1 | |
Goliath Coucal | Centropus goliath | 1 | |
Sahul Brush Cuckoo | Cacomantis variolosus | 3 | |
Glossy Swiftlet | Collocalia esculenta | 30 | |
Uniform Swiftlet | Aerodramus vanikorensis | 20 | |
Azure Dollarbird | Eurystomus azureus | 2 | |
Blue-and-white Kingfisher | Todiramphus diops | 4 | |
Sombre Kingfisher | Todiramphus funebris | 2 | |
Beach Kingfisher | Todiramphus saurophagus | 2 | |
Blyth's Hornbill | Rhyticeros plicatus | 2 | |
Spotted Kestrel | Falco moluccensis | 2 | |
Moluccan Hanging Parrot | Loriculus amabilis | 2 | |
Chattering Lory | Lorius garrulus | 2 | |
Red-flanked Lorikeet | Hypocharmosyna placentis | 20 | |
Red-cheeked Parrot | Geoffroyus geoffroyi | 4 | |
Great-billed Parrot | Tanygnathus megalorynchos | 2 | |
Ivory-breasted Pitta | Pitta maxima | 2 | |
White-breasted Woodswallow | Artamus leucorynchus | 7 | |
White-bellied Cuckooshrike | Coracina papuensis | 7 | |
Rufous-bellied Triller | Lalage aurea | 2 | |
Papuan Drongo | Dicrurus bracteatus | 3 | |
Willie Wagtail | Rhipidura leucophrys | 7 | |
Sulawesi Crow | Corvus celebensis | 1 | |
Long-billed Crow | Corvus validus | 7 | |
Halmahera Paradise-crow | Lycocorax pyrrhopterus | 3 | |
Halmahera Golden Bulbul | Hypsipetes longirostris | 5 | |
Pacific Swallow | Hirundo javanica | 15 | |
Metallic Starling | Aplonis metallica | 30 | |
Black Sunbird | Leptocoma aspasia | 4 | |
Sahul Sunbird | Cinnyris frenatus | 4 | |
Eurasian Tree Sparrow | Passer montanus | 30 | |
Weda | Count | ||
Dusky Megapode | Megapodius freycinet | 5 | |
Eastern Osprey | Pandion haliaetus cristatus | 1 | |
Gurney's Eagle | Aquila gurneyi | 1 | |
Variable Goshawk | Tachyspiza hiogaster | 5 | |
Moluccan Goshawk | Tachyspiza henicogramma | 4 | |
Brahminy Kite | Haliastur indus | 15 | |
Pale-vented Bush-hen | Amaurornis moluccana | 3 | |
Invisible Rail | Gallicrex cinerea | 6 | |
Spotted Dove | Spilopelia chinensis | 4 | |
Sultan's Cuckoo-Dove | Macropygia doreya | 15 | |
Great Cuckoo-Dove | Reinwardtoena reinwardti | 3 | |
Common Emerald Dove | Chalcophaps indica | 3 | |
Nicobar Pigeon | Caloenas nicobarica | 2 | |
Scarlet-breasted Fruit Dove | Ptilinopus bernsteinii | 3 | |
Superb Fruit Dove | Ptilinopus superbus | 2 | |
Blue-capped Fruit Dove | Ptilinopus monacha | 25 | |
Grey-headed Fruit Dove | Ptilinopus hyogastrus | 70 | |
Spectacled Imperial Pigeon | Ducula perspicillata | 15 | |
Cinnamon-bellied Imperial Pigeon | Ducula basilica | 6 | |
Pied Imperial Pigeon | Ducula bicolor | 40 | |
Goliath Coucal | Centropus goliath | 15 | |
Lesser Coucal | Centropus bengalensis | 1 | |
Moluccan Scops Owl | Otus magicus | 1 | |
Large-tailed Nightjar | Caprimulgus macrurus | 2 | |
Moluccan Owlet-nightjar | Aegotheles crinifrons | 3 | |
Moustached Treeswift | Hemiprocne mystacea | 25 | |
Uniform Swiftlet | Aerodramus vanikorensis | 100 | |
Oriental Dollarbird | Eurystomus orientalis | 7 | |
Common Paradise Kingfisher | Tanysiptera galatea | 3 | |
Blue-and-white Kingfisher | Todiramphus diops | 25 | |
Sombre Kingfisher | Todiramphus funebris | 15 | |
Sacred Kingfisher | Todiramphus sanctus | 2 | |
Azure Kingfisher | Ceyx lepidus | 2 | |
Rainbow Bee-eater | Merops ornatus | 20 | |
Blyth's Hornbill | Rhyticeros plicatus | 40 | |
Spotted Kestrel | Falco moluccensis | 2 | |
White Cockatoo | Cacatua alba | 12 | |
Moluccan Hanging Parrot | Loriculus amabilis | 3 | |
Violet-necked Lory | Eos squamata | 15 | |
Chattering Lory | Lorius garrulus | 15 | |
Red-flanked Lorikeet | Hypocharmosyna placentis | 30 | |
Red-cheeked Parrot | Geoffroyus geoffroyi | 30 | |
Great-billed Parrot | Tanygnathus megalorynchos | 20 | |
Moluccan Eclectus | Eclectus roratus | 30 | |
Ivory-breasted Pitta | Pitta maxima | 6 | |
Moluccan Myzomela | Myzomela simplex | 2 | |
White-streaked Friarbird | Melitograis gilolensis | 6 | |
Moluccan Cuckooshrike | Coracina atriceps | 8 | |
White-bellied Cuckooshrike | Coracina papuensis | 15 | |
Halmahera Cuckooshrike | Coracina parvula | 20 | |
Rufous-bellied Triller | Lalage aurea | 20 | |
Black-chinned Whistler | Pachycephala mentalis | 4 | |
Cinnamon-breasted Whistler | Pachycephala johni | 4 | |
Dusky-brown Oriole | Oriolus phaeochromus | 20 | |
Spangled Drongo | Dicrurus bracteatus | 20 | |
Willie Wagtail | Rhipidura leucophrys | 25 | |
Moluccan Monarch | Symposiachrus bimaculatus | 15 | |
White-naped Monarch | Carterornis pileatus | 4 | |
Moluccan Flycatcher | Myiagra galeata | 5 | |
Shining Flycatcher | Myiagra alecto | 7 | |
Long-billed Crow | Corvus validus | 30 | |
Halmahera Paradise-crow | Lycocorax pyrrhopterus | 22 | |
Standardwing | Semioptera wallacii | 13 | |
Halmahera Golden Bulbul | Hypsipetes chloris | 42 | |
Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica | 5 | |
Pacific Swallow | Hirundo javanica | 8 | |
Cream-throated White-eye | Zosterops atriceps | 3 | |
Metallic Starling | Aplonis metallica | 200 | |
Moluccan Starling | Aplonis mysolensis | 32 | |
Halmahera Flowerpecker | Dicaeum schistaceiceps | 6 | |
Black Sunbird | Leptocoma aspasia | 40 | |
Sahul Sunbird | Cinnyris frenatus | 4 | |
Eurasian Tree Sparrow | Passer montanus | 12 | |
Black-faced Munia | Lonchura molucca | 6 | |
Gunung Mahawu | Count | ||
Tabon Scrubfowl | Megapodius cumingii | 1 | |
Black Eagle | Ictinaetus malaiensis | 1 | |
Spotted Harrier | Circus assimilis | 1 | |
Barred Rail | Gallirallus torquatus | 1 | |
Buff-banded Rail | Hypotaenidia philippensis | 1 | |
Spotted Dove | Spilopelia chinensis | 4 | |
Sultan's Cuckoo-Dove | Macropygia doreya | 12 | |
Superb Fruit Dove | Ptilinopus superbus | 3 | |
White-bellied Imperial Pigeon | Ducula forsteni | 10 | |
Great Eared Nightjar | Lyncornis macrotis | 2 | |
Sulawesi Nightjar | Caprimulgus celebensis | 2 | |
Moluccan Swiftlet | Aerodramus infuscatus | 20 | |
Collared Kingfisher | Todiramphus chloris | 1 | |
Peregrine Falcon | Falco peregrinus | 2 | |
Sulawesi Myzomela | Myzomela chloroptera | 4 | |
Sulphur-vented Whistler | Pachycephala sulfuriventer | 4 | |
Citrine Canary-flycatcher | Culicicapa helianthea | 1 | |
Mountain Tailorbird | Phyllergates cucullatus | 5 | |
Sulawesi Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus sarasinorum | 2 | |
Sulawesi Bush Warbler | Locustella castanea | 2 | |
Mountain White-eye | Zosterops montanus | 6 | |
Black-crowned White-eye | Zosterops atrifrons | 20 | |
Sulawesi Blue Flycatcher | Cyornis omissus | 3 | |
Turquoise Flycatcher | Eumyias panayensis | 2 | |
Yellow-sided Flowerpecker | Dicaeum aureolimbatum | 15 | |
Crimson-crowned Flowerpecker | Dicaeum nehrkorni | 4 | |
Grey-sided Flowerpecker | Dicaeum celebicum | 2 | |
Black-faced Munia | Lonchura molucca | 6 | |
Tangkoko | Count | ||
Tabon Scrubfowl | Megapodius cumingii | 2 | |
Little Heron | Butorides atricapilla | 2 | |
Eastern Cattle Egret | Ardea coromandus | 1 | |
Christmas Frigatebird | Fregata andrewsi | 1 | |
Lesser Frigatebird | Fregata ariel | 6 | |
Sulawesi Hawk-Eagle | Nisaetus lanceolatus | 1 | |
Brahminy Kite | Haliastur indus | 1 | |
White-bellied Sea Eagle | Haliaeetus leucogaster | 1 | |
Barred Rail | Gallirallus torquatus | 4 | |
Isabelline Bush-hen | Amaurornis isabellina | 6 | |
Common Sandpiper | Actitis hypoleucos | 3 | |
Rock Dove | Columba livia | 20 | |
Sultan's Cuckoo-Dove | Macropygia doreya | 3 | |
White-faced Cuckoo-Dove | Turacoena manadensis | 2 | |
Common Emerald Dove | Chalcophaps indica | 1 | |
Stephan's Emerald Dove | Chalcophaps stephani | 2 | |
Pink-necked Green Pigeon | Treron vernans | 3 | |
Grey-cheeked Green Pigeon | Treron griseicauda | 5 | |
Black-naped Fruit Dove | Ptilinopus melanospilus | 2 | |
White-bellied Imperial Pigeon | Ducula forsteni | 1 | |
Grey-headed Imperial Pigeon | Ducula radiata | 4 | |
Green Imperial Pigeon | Ducula aenea | 15 | |
Pied Imperial Pigeon | Ducula bicolor | 8 | |
Silver-tipped Imperial Pigeon | Ducula luctuosa | 16 | |
Bay Coucal | Centropus celebensis | 5 | |
Yellow-billed Malkoha | Rhamphococcyx calyorhynchus | 6 | |
Black-billed Koel | Eudynamys melanorhynchus | 2 | |
Sulawesi Scops Owl | Otus manadensis | 1 | |
Ochre-bellied Boobook | Ninox ochracea | 2 | |
Speckled Boobook | Ninox punctulata | 1 | |
Great Eared Nightjar | Lyncornis macrotis | 1 | |
Sulawesi Nightjar | Caprimulgus celebensis | 2 | |
Grey-rumped Treeswift | Hemiprocne longipennis | 4 | |
Glossy Swiftlet | Collocalia esculenta | 5 | |
Sulawesi Swiftlet | Aerodramus infuscatus | 45 | |
Purple-winged Roller | Coracias temminckii | 1 | |
Green-backed Kingfisher | Actenoides monachus | 3 | |
Sulawesi Lilac Kingfisher | Cittura cyanotis | 2 | |
Great-billed Kingfisher | Pelargopsis melanorhyncha | 1 | |
Sacred Kingfisher | Todiramphus sanctus | 2 | |
Blue-eared Kingfisher | Alcedo meninting | 1 | |
Sulawesi Dwarf Kingfisher | Ceyx fallax | 1 | |
Knobbed Hornbill | Aceros cassidix | 2 | |
Ashy Woodpecker | Mulleripicus fulvus | 2 | |
Great Hanging Parrot | Loriculus stigmatus | 6 | |
Pygmy Hanging Parrot | Loriculus exilis | 2 | |
Ornate Lorikeet | Saudareos ornatus | 13 | |
Yellow-breasted Racquet-tail | Prioniturus flavicans | 3 | |
Golden-mantled Racquet-tail | Prioniturus platurus | 4 | |
Azure-rumped Parrot | Tanygnathus sumatranus | 2 | |
Sulawesi Pitta | Erythropitta erythrogaster | 2 | |
Golden-bellied Gerygone | Gerygone sulphurea | 4 | |
Ivory-backed Woodswallow | Artamus monachus | 4 | |
Pied Cuckooshrike | Coracina bicolor | 2 | |
White-rumped Cuckooshrike | Coracina leucopygia | 4 | |
Sulawesi Triller | Lalage leucopygialis | 2 | |
Black-naped Oriole | Oriolus chinensis | 3 | |
Hair-crested Drongo | Dicrurus hottentottus | 7 | |
Sulawesi Crow | Corvus celebensis | 7 | |
Sooty-headed Bulbul | Pycnonotus aurigaster | 10 | |
Pacific Swallow | Hirundo javanica | 10 | |
Sulawesi Babbler | Pellorneum celebense | 3 | |
Black-crowned White-eye | Zosterops atrifrons | 5 | |
Asian Glossy Starling | Aplonis panayensis | 25 | |
Sulawesi Myna | Basilornis celebensis | 1 | |
White-necked Myna | Streptocitta albicollis | 1 | |
Grosbeak Starling | Scissirostrum dubium | 100 | |
Red-backed Thrush | Geokichla erythronota | 3 | |
Yellow-sided Flowerpecker | Dicaeum aureolimbatum | 1 | |
Grey-sided Flowerpecker | Dicaeum celebicum | 2 | |
Brown-throated Sunbird | Anthreptes malacensis | 2 | |
Ornate Sunbird | Cinnyris ornatus | 2 | |
Pulau Ubin | Count | ||
Red Junglefowl | Gallus gallus | 2 | |
Brahminy Kite | Haliastur indus | 2 | |
White-bellied Sea Eagle | Haliaeetus leucogaster | 2 | |
Common Sandpiper | Actitis hypoleucos | 3 | |
Spotted Dove | Spilopelia chinensis | 10 | |
Zebra Dove | Geopelia striata | 6 | |
Pink-necked Green Pigeon | Treron vernans | 4 | |
Asian Koel | Eudynamys scolopaceus | 2 | |
Edible-nest Swiftlet | Aerodramus fuciphagus | 10 | |
White-throated Kingfisher | Halcyon smyrnensis | 1 | |
Blue-throated Bee-eater | Merops viridis | 4 | |
Oriental Pied Hornbill | Anthracoceros albirostris | 10 | |
Common Flameback | Dinopium javanense | 1 | |
Black-naped Oriole | Oriolus chinensis | 2 | |
House Crow | Corvus splendens | 4 | |
Straw-headed Bulbul | Pycnonotus zeylanicus | 12 | |
Yellow-vented Bulbul | Pycnonotus goiavier | 6 | |
Olive-winged Bulbul | Pycnonotus plumosus | 4 | |
Abbott's Babbler | Malacocincla abbotti | 2 | |
Asian Glossy Starling | Aplonis panayensis | 20 | |
Javan Myna | Acridotheres javanicus | 10 | |
Common Myna | Acridotheres tristis | 2 | |
White-rumped Shama | Copsychus malabaricus | 2 | |
Brown-throated Sunbird | Anthreptes malacensis | 4 | |
Ornate Sunbird | Cinnyris ornatus | 2 |