
Rwanda and Uganda: 2 - 26 Jun 2003




Species List

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Taxonomy and scientific names follow Clements (2000) except where specifically noted. Common names generally follow Stevenson and Fanshawe (2002).

Long-tailed Cormorant Phalacrocorax africanus. Form africanus. Rwanda: 10 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 10 Lake Victoria on 11 Jun, 2 Lake Bisina on 13 Jun, 1 Mabamba on 14 Jun and 2 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo. Form lucidus. Rwanda: 4+ Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Only observed at Queen Elizabeth with 20 on 19 Jun and 2 on 20 Jun, with two individuals of the form sinensis.

African Darter Anhinga rufa. Monotypic. Uganda: A single en route on 13 Jun, and singles on both 24 Jun and 25 Jun at Murchison Falls.

Great White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus. Monotypic. Uganda: One group of 5 birds en route on 25 Jun.

Pink-backed Pelican Pelecanus rufescens. Monotypic Rwanda: One en route near Kigali on 5 Jun. Uganda: Widespread. Recorded on eight dates with max. 70 roosting outside Entebbe Botanical Gardens on 11 Jun.

White-faced Whistling Duck Dendrocygna viduata.
Monotypic. Uganda: 2 Mabamba on 14 Jun, and 15 on 24 Jun and 25 Jun at Murchison Falls.

Egyptian Goose Alopochen aegyptiacus. Monotypic. Uganda: One en route on 12 Jun and 40 on 19 Jun at Queen Elizabeth.

Spur-winged Goose Plectropterus gambensis. Form gambensis. Uganda: 3 en route on 14 Jun and 1 at Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

Comb Duck Sarkidiornis melanotos. Monotypic. Uganda: 3 en route on 14 Jun and 1 at Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

African Pygmy Goose Nettapus auritus. Monotypic. Uganda: 3 Lake Bisina on 13 Jun.

Yellow-billed Duck Anas undulata. Nominate form. Uganda: 4 Mabamba on 14 Jun.

Hottentot Teal Anas hottentota. Monotypic. Uganda: A single en route on 13 Jun.

Little Egret Egretta garzetta. Nominate form. Uganda: 3 Lake Victoria on 11 Jun, 4 en route on 13 Jun and 6 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Intermediate Egret Mesophoyx intermedia. Form brachyrhyncha. Uganda: Only one sighting of 2 during the boat trip at Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Grey Heron Ardea cinerea. Nominate form. Uganda: Occasional birds on five dates with max. 4 at Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Black-headed Heron Ardea melanocephala. Monotypic. Rwanda: Occasional singles. Uganda: Widespread in small numbers. Recorded almost daily.

Goliath Heron Ardea goliath. Monotypic. Rwanda: 2 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 1 Mabamba on 14 Jun, 3 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun, and a further single on 20 Jun, and another single en route on 22 Jun.

Purple Heron Ardea purpurea. Nominate form. Rwanda: A single en route near Kigali on 5 Jun. Uganda: 1 Mabamba on 13 Jun and 2 en route on 14 Jun.

Great Egret Casmerodius albus. Form melanorhynchus. Rwanda: 2 en route near Kigali on 5 Jun and 4 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Widespread. Recorded in small numbers on eight dates.

Western Cattle Egret Ardea ibis. Nominate form. Rwanda: 10 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Widespread and common, with up to 25 recorded on most dates.

Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides. Nominate form. Rwanda: A single at Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 2 en route on 5 Jun, 3 Lake Bisina on 13 Jun, 1 Mabamba on 13 Jun, and 4 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Madagascar Pond-Heron Ardeola idae. Monotypic. Uganda: 4 Mabamba on 13 Jun.

Little Heron Butorides atricapilla. Form atricapillus. Uganda: 2 Entebbe Botanical Gardens on 11 Jun and 2 Lake Bisina on 13 Jun.

Little Bittern Botaurus minutus. Form payesii. Uganda: A single at Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun and 3 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Shoebill Balaeniceps rex. Monotypic. Rwanda: A single at Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: A single at Mabamba on 14 Jun and another at Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Hamerkop Scopus umbretta. Nominate form. Uganda: Widespread. Recorded on nine dates with max. 6 at Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Hadada Ibis Bostrychia hagedash. Form nilotica is widespread, but in the southwest, and Rwanda the form brevirostris occurs. Rwanda: A few en route on 5 Jun and 10 Jun. Up to 10 at Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Common and widespread.

Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus. Nominate form. Rwanda: A total of 40+ birds en route, mostly around Kigali on 5 Jun and 9 Jun. Uganda: Rather uncommon. Four outside the hotel in Mbarara on 15 Jun, and 3 daily at Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun and 20 Jun.

African Spoonbill Platalea alba. Monotypic. Uganda: 3 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Yellow-billed Stork Mycteria ibis. Monotypic. Rwanda: Two en route near Kigali on 5 Jun and 2 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: A total of 20 at Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun and 20 Jun.

African Openbill Anastomus lamelligerus. Nominate form. Rwanda: 30 Akagera on 9 Jun and a single en route on 10 Jun. Uganda: Widespread and common except in the southwest. Recorded on nine dates with max. 60 at Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

African Woolly-necked Stork Ciconia episcopus.Form microscelis. Uganda: Four en route on 18 Jun and two en route on 23 Jun.

Saddle-billed Stork Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 Mburo 4 Jun, 2 Mabamba 14 Jun, 2 Queen Elizabeth 18 Jun and another there on 19 Jun, 2 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun and 2 en route on 25 Jun.

Marabou Stork Leptoptilos crumeniferus. Monotypic. Rwanda: A few en route on 5 Jun and 9 Jun. Uganda: Common, chiefly in the south with up to 50 around larger towns and cities.

African Cuckoo-Falcon Aviceda cuculoides. Form presumed to be verreauxii. Uganda: A single at Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Bat Hawk Macheiramphus alcinus. Form anderssoni. Uganda: A roosting pair at Buhoma on 18 Jun.

Black-shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus.. Nominate form. Rwanda: 2 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Singles en route on 11 Jun and 14 Jun, and 4 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun and 20 Jun.

Yellow-billed Kite Milvus (migrans) aegyptius. The African yellow-billed forms are sometimes treated as a separate species. Form parasiticus. Rwanda: Small numbers almost daily. Uganda: Widespread and common in the south, uncommon elsewhere.

African Fish-Eagle Haliaeetus vocifer. Monotypic. Rwanda: 10 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Widespread. Recorded on nine dates with max. 12 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Palm-nut Vulture Gypohierax angolensis. Monotypic. Uganda: Widespread but not numerous, with max. 3 Mabamba on 13 Jun.

Hooded Vulture Necrosyrtes monachus. Form pileatus. Uganda: Up to 20 daily around Kampala on 12 Jun and 13 Jun. Two at Mabamba on 13 Jun.

African White-backed Vulture Gyps africanus. Monotypic. Uganda: One group of 25 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

Lappet-faced Vulture Torgos tracheliotus. Monotypic. Uganda: 2 en route on 4 Jun.

White-headed Vulture Trigonoceps occipitalis. Monotypic. Uganda: 2 en route on 4 Jun, and 2 on 11 Jun.

Black-chested Snake Eagle Circaetus pectoralis. Monotypic. Rwanda: 1 Akagera on 9 Jun.

Brown Snake Eagle Circaetus cinereus. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 Mburo on 5 Jun.

Bateleur Terathopius ecaudatus. Monotypic. Rwanda: 6 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 1 Mburo on 4 Jun, 2 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun, and 4 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

African Marsh Harrier Circus ranivorus. Monotypic. Rwanda: 1 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 2 en route on 10 Jun, 4 en route on 14 Jun, and 1 on 25 Jun.

African Harrier-Hawk Polyboroides typus. Nominate form. Rwanda: 1 en route on 5 Jun and a single Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 1 en route on 14 Jun, 2 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun, 1 Budongo on 23 Jun, 2 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun, and 2 en route on 25 Jun.

Lizard Buzzard Kaupifalco monogrammicus. Nominate form. Uganda: Singles at Mburo on 11 Jun, near Ruhiza on 14 Jun and 2 Murchison Falls on 25 Jun.

Dark Chanting Goshawk Melierax metabates. Nominate form. Uganda: A single en route on 23 Jun.

Gabar Goshawk Melierax gabar. Form equatorialis. Uganda: 2 Buhoma on 19 Jun.

African Goshawk Aerospiza tachiro. The toussenelii group are sometimes considered distinct. The Zairian rainforest form canescens occurs in southwest Uganda and Rwanda.  Uganda: 1 Buhoma on 18 Jun, and 1 Kibale 21 Jun.

African Goshawk Aerospiza tachiro. Form sparmifasciatus. Rwanda: A single en route near Akagera on 9 Jun.

Shikra Tachyspiza badia. Form sphenurus. Uganda: 1 en route on 22 Jun.

Black Sparrowhawk Accipiter melanoleucos. Nominate form. Uganda: 1 Buhoma on 17 Jun, 1 Kibale on 22 Jun, and 1 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

African Mountain Buzzard Buteo oreophilus. Form oreophilus. Rwanda: Recorded on three dates at Nyungwe with max. 4 on 6 Jun. Uganda: 1 Ruhiza on 16 Jun.

Augur Buzzard Buteo augur. Nominate form. Rwanda: 2 en route on 5 Jun. Uganda: Recorded on four dates with max. 5 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Wahlberg's Eagle Aquila wahlbergi. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 Entebbe on 11 Jun, and 2 Mabira on 12 Jun.

African Hawk-Eagle Hieraaetus spilogaster. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 en route on 10 Jun, and 1 Mabira on 12 Jun.

Ayres' Hawk-Eagle Hieraaetus ayresii. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 Ruhiza on 16 Jun, and 1 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Martial Eagle Polemaetus bellicosus. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 Mburo on 4 Jun, singles en route on 15 Jun and 16 Jun, 2 Queen Elizabeth on 21 Jun, and 1 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Long-crested Eagle Lophaetus occipitalis. Monotypic. Rwanda: 2 en route on 5 Jun, and 1 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Fairly common and widespread, and frequently seen perched along the roadsides. Recorded on nine dates.

Cassin's Hawk-Eagle Spizaetus africanus. Monotypic. Uganda: A single perched at Mabira on 12 Jun.

African Crowned Eagle Stephanoaetus coronatus. Monotypic. Rwanda:  1 Nyungwe on 8 Jun. Uganda: 1 Mpanga on 10 Jun, 1 Mabira on 12 Jun, 2 Buhoma on 16 Jun, and 1 Budongo on 23 Jun.

Rock (Eurasian) Kestrel Falco (tinnunculus) rufescens. The African rufescens group is sometimes considered a separate species: Rock Kestrel. Rwanda: 1 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Singles en route on 14 Jun and 20 Jun.

Grey Kestrel Falco ardosiaceus. Monotypic. Uganda: Recorded on seven dates with max. 3 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Red-necked Falcon Falco chicquera. Form ruficollis. Uganda: 1 near Paraa Lodge at Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

African Hobby Falco cuvieri. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 feeding high over the Mount Elgon Hotel at Mbale on 13 Jun.

Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris. Nominate form. Rwanda: 6 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 6 Mburo on 4 Jun and 15 there on 14 Jun.  2 en route on 15 Jun, up to 30 daily Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun and 20 Jun, and 30 Murchison Falls on 25 Jun.

Kenya Crested Guineafowl Guttera pucherani. Form verreauxii. Uganda: Only recorded at Kibale, with 3 on 21 Jun and 6 on 22 Jun.

Crested Francolin Francolinus sephaena. Form grantii. Uganda: Three observations at Mburo, with 2 on 4 Jun, 2 on 5 Jun, and 4 on 14 Jun. 20 en route on 23 Jun, and 4Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Scaly Francolin Francolinus squamatus. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 en route near Mabamba on 14 Jun.

Nahan's Francolin Francolinus nahani. Monotypic. Uganda: 3 Budongo on 23 Jun.

Heuglin's Francolin Francolinus icterorhynchus. Monotypic. Uganda: 15 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Handsome Francolin Francolinus nobilis. Monotypic. Rwanda: 2 Nyungwe on 6 Jun and another on 8 Jun. Uganda: 2 heard at Ruhiza on 15 Jun and another heard there on 16 Jun. This species appeared far tamer in Rwanda.

Red-necked Francolin (Spurfowl) Francolinus afer. Form cranchii. Rwanda: 2 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 12 Mburo on 4 Jun, 4 on 5 Jun, and 15 on 14 Jun. 2 en route on 15 Jun, 40 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun, and 50 there on 20 Jun.

Common Buttonquail Turnix sylvatica. Form lepurana. Uganda: 2 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Black-rumped Buttonquail Turnix nana. Black-rumped Buttonquail nana is sometimes considered conspecific with Hottentot Buttonquail T. hottentota. Nominate form. Uganda: A single flushed at Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

White-spotted Flufftail Sarothrura pulchra. Form centralis. Uganda: 4 heard Mpanga on 10 Jun, 3 heard Mabira on 12 Jun, 3 Kibale on 20 Jun and 21 Jun, and up to 3 heard daily at Budongo on 22 Jun and 23 Jun.

Red-chested Flufftail Sarothrura rufa. Form elizabethae. Uganda: 1 seen at very close range at Buhoma on 18 Jun.

Kaffir Rail Rallus caerulescens. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 Ruhiza on 15 Jun.

African Crake Crecopsis egregia. Monotypic. Uganda: Only recorded at Queen Elizabeth where fairly common on tracks in grassland, with 14 on 19 Jun and 5 on 20 Jun.

Black Crake Amaurornis flavirostra. Monotypic. Rwanda: 4 heard Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Widespread and common. Recorded on nine dates with max. 6 Mabamba on 14 Jun.

Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio. Form madagascariensis. Uganda: 2 Mabamba on 14 Jun.

Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus. Form meridionalis. Uganda: 2 Mabamba on 14 Jun.

Grey Crowned Crane Balearica regulorum. Form gibbericeps. Uganda: Widespread and fairly common. Recorded on nine dates with max. 20 en route on 15 Jun.

Black-bellied Bustard Eupodotis melanogaster. Nominate form. Uganda: 2 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

African Jacana Actophilornis africanus. Monotypic. Rwanda: 10 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Widespread in wetlands, with max. 6 daily at Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun and 20 Jun.

Lesser Jacana Microparra capensis. Monotypic. Uganda: 2 Lake Bisina on 13 Jun.

Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia. Uganda: 2 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Water Thick-knee Burhinus vermiculatus. Nominate form. Rwanda: 1 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 1 Mburo on 4 Jun, 6 Mabamba on 14 Jun and 25 from the boat at Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus. Nominate form. Uganda: 5 from the boat at Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Violet-tipped Courser Rhinoptilus chalcopterus.Monotypic. Rwanda: 1 Akagera on 9 Jun.

Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola. Form fuellibornis. Uganda: At least 50 from the boat at Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun and 5 on 20 Jun.

Rock Pratincole Glareola nuchalis. Nominate form: Uganda: 30+ at the falls in Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Kittlitz's Plover Charadrius pecuarius. Nominate form. Uganda: 10 from the boat at Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Three-banded Plover Charadrius tricollaris. Nominate form. Uganda: 3 Mburo on 14 Jun.

Long-toed Lapwing Vanellus crassirostris. Nominate form. Rwanda: 2 Akagera on 14 Jun. Uganda: 4 Mabamba on 14 Jun and 2 Mburo on 14 Jun.

Spur-winged Plover Vanellus spinosus. Monotypic. Rwanda: 2 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 8 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun and 8 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Black-headed Lapwing Vanellus tectus. Nominate form. Uganda: 2 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun and 2 there again on 25 Jun.

African Wattled Lapwing Vanellus senegallus. Nominate form. Rwanda: 2 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Recorded on seven dates with max. 8 at Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Senegal Lapwing Vanellus lugubris. Monotypic. Rwanda: 2 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 12 Mburo on 14 Jun, 30+ Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun and 20 Jun.

Crowned Lapwing Vanellus coronatus. Monotypic. Uganda: 2 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

Grey-headed Gull Larus cirrocephalus. Monotypic. Uganda: 3 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun, and 60 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus. Form uncertain as migrant to the area. Uganda: 2 Lake Victoria on 11 Jun.

White-winged Tern Chlidonias leucopterus. Form uncertain as the species occurs as a migrant to the area. Uganda: 5 from the boat at Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Gull-billed Tern Sterna nilotica. Form uncertain as migrant to the area. Uganda: 3 Lake Victoria on 11 Jun, 3 Mabamba on 14 Jun and 1 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Rock Dove (Feral Pigeon) Columba livia. Introduced. Uganda: Only seen on three dates in the environs of Entebbe and Kampala.

Speckled Pigeon Columba guinea. Nominate form. Uganda: Only recorded on three dates en route around Entebbe and Kampala.

Afep Pigeon Columba unicincta. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 Mabira on 12 Jun, 3 Kibale on 21 Jun and 5 there on 22 Jun.

African Olive Pigeon Columba arquatrix. Monotypic. Rwanda: Up to 6 daily on at Nyungwe from 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: Only recorded at Ruhiza with 7 on 15 Jun and 4 on 16 Jun.

Western Bronze-naped Pigeon Columba iriditorques. Monotypic. Uganda: 4+ Buhoma 17 Jun and another during the gorilla trek on 18 Jun.

Laughing Dove Streptopelia senegalensis. Nominate form. Rwanda: 2 en route on 9 Jun. Uganda: Common in more northerly areas. Recorded on seven dates with max. 50 around Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

African Mourning Dove Streptopelia decipiens. Form logonensis. Uganda: 2 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun. Very common at Murchison Falls on 24 Jun and 25 Jun.

Vinaceous Dove Streptopelia vinacea. Monotypic. Uganda: Only recorded at Murchison Falls on 24 Jun– 25 Jun, where common.

Ring-necked Dove Streptopelia capicola. Form tropica. Rwanda: Common around Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Only recorded at Entebbe, Kampala and Queen Elizabeth with max. 50+ Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Red-eyed Dove Streptopelia semitorquata. Monotypic. Rwanda: Common around Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Widespread and common. Recorded on 13 dates.

Black-billed Wood Dove Turtur abyssinicus. Monotypic. Uganda: Only recorded from Murchison Falls where common with 50+ daily on 24 Jun – 25 Jun.

Blue-spotted Wood Dove Turtur afer. Monotypic. Rwanda: 10+ Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Common and widespread.

Tambourine Dove Turtur tympanistria. Monotypic. Rwanda: 6 Akagera on 7 Jun and 2 there on 8 Jun.  Uganda: Small numbers on ten dates.

African Green Pigeon Treron calva. Form gibberifrons. Rwanda: 20 Nyungwe on 7 Jun. Uganda: Small numbers daily in the more southerly areas of the country.

Grey Parrot Psittacus erithacus. Nominate form. Uganda: 1 Mpanga on 10 Jun, 4 Entebbe on 11 Jun, 3 en route on 13 Jun, 2 Kibale on 20 Jun and 2 more on 21 Jun.

Brown (Meyer’s) Parrot Poicephalus meyeri. Form saturatus. Rwanda: 20 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 6 Mburo on 5 Jun, 6 en route on 13 Jun, 6 en route on 15 Jun, and two en route on 25 Jun.

Red-headed Lovebird Agapornis pullarius. Form ugandae. Uganda: 2 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

Speckled Mousebird Colius striatus. Form kiwuensis. Rwanda: Widespread and common. Uganda: Widespread and common especially in the north.

Blue-naped Mousebird Urocolius macrourus. Form griseogularis. Rwanda: 1 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 1 Mburo on 4 Jun, 10 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun and 25 on 20 Jun, and 4 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun and 12 on 25 Jun.

Black-billed Turaco Tauraco schuettii. Form emini. Uganda: Widespread but only in small numbers. Commonest in the southwest around Ruhiza and Buhoma.

White-crested Turaco Tauraco leucolophus. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 Murchison Falls on 25 Jun and another en route on 25 Jun.

Rwenzori Turaco Musophaga johnstoni. Nominate form. Rwanda: Up to 10 daily at Nyungwe from 6 Jun – 8 Jun.

Ross's Turaco Musophaga rossae. Monotypic. Uganda: 2 Entebbe Botanical Gardens on 11 Jun, 1 en route on 13 Jun, and 1 heard Kibale on 21 Jun.

Bare-faced Go-away-bird Corythaixoides personata. Form leopoldi. Rwanda: 3 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 6 Mburo on 4 Jun and 3 on 14 Jun. 2 en route on 15 Jun.

Eastern Grey Plantain-eater Crinifer zonurus. Monotypic. Uganda: Widespread and common.

Great Blue Turaco Corythaeola cristata. Monotypic. Rwanda: Up to 6 daily at Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun.  Uganda: Widespread and fairly common with max. 25 at Mabira on 12 Jun.

Levaillant's Cuckoo Oxylophus levaillantii. Monotypic. Rwanda: 2+ Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 2 Mburo on 4 Jun and 1 on 14 Jun. 1 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun, 2 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun and  on 25 Jun.

Red-chested Cuckoo Cuculus solitarius. Form solitarius. Uganda: Heard, and a few seen, on 11 dates with max. 3 at Kibale on 20 Jun.

Black Cuckoo Cuculus clamosus. Form gabonensis. Uganda: Heard on seven dates.

Dusky Long-tailed Cuckoo Cercococcyx mechowi. Monotypic. Uganda: 3 Mabira on 12 Jun, 2 heard Buhoma on 17 Jun and 2 heard on 18 Jun, 1 Kibale on 21 Jun and another heard on 22 Jun and 23 Jun.

Olive Long-tailed Cuckoo Cercococcyx olivinus. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 heard at Kibale on 22 Jun.

Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo Cercococcyx montanus. Monotypic. Rwanda: Up to 10 daily at Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 3 heard at Ruhiza on 16 Jun – 17 Jun.

Klaas's Cuckoo Chrysococcyx klaas. Monotypic. Rwanda: 2 heard Nyungwe on 7 Jun. Uganda: Widespread with small numbers, mainly heard on seven dates.

African Emerald Cuckoo Chrysococcyx cupreus. Nominate form. Uganda: Widespread with small numbers, mainly heard on nine dates.

Dideric Cuckoo Chrysococcyx caprius. Monotypic. Uganda: A single en route on 20 Jun, 1 Kibale on 21 Jun, and 1 heard Murchison Falls on 25 Jun.

Yellowbill Coucal Ceuthmochares aereus. Nominate form. Uganda: 2 Mabira on 12 Jun., 2 Kibale on 21 Jun, 3 Budongo on 22 Jun and 2 there on 23 Jun.

Black Coucal Centropus grillii. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 coucal sp. Mburo on 4 Jun flushed and thought to be this species. Up to 12 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun and 2 on 20 Jun. 1 en route on 23 Jun.

Blue-headed Coucal Centropus monachus. Form ficsheri. Uganda: 1 Lake Bisina on 13 Jun,  en route on 15 Jun, 1 heard at Buhoma on 18 Jun, 2 Kibale on 20 Jun and another heard on 21 Jun.

Senegal Coucal Centropus senegalensis. Nominate form. Uganda: Only recorded in the Murchison Falls area with max. 5 on 24 Jun.

White-browed Coucal Centropus superciliosus. Form loandae. Rwanda: 2 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Recorded on at least ten dates with max. 25 at Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

African Scops Owl Otus senegalensis. Form ugandae. Uganda: 4+ heard around the HQ at Mburo on 4 Jun.

Vermiculated (Greyish) Eagle-Owl Bubo cinerascens. Formerly the cinerascens forms north of the equator were considered conspecific with the southern africanus forms under Spotted Eagle-Owl B. africanus. Uganda: 1 flushed from the road outside Paraa Lodge, Murchison Falls, on 24 Jun night. One recent road casualty en route on 25 Jun.

Verreaux's Eagle-Owl Bubo lacteus. Monotypic. Uganda: A pair roosting high in trees at the Entebbe Botanical Gardens on 11 Jun.

Pel's Fishing Owl Scotopelia peli. Monotypic. Uganda: A spooky single along the river below the falls at Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

African Wood Owl Strix woodfordii. Form nuchalis. Uganda: At least 5 calling around Ruhiza on 15 Jun, 2 heard Kibale on 20 Jun and 22 Jun, and 1 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Pearl-spotted Owlet Glaucidium perlatum. Form licua. Uganda: 1 Butiaba escarpment on 23 Jun.

Red-chested Owlet Glaucidium tephronotum. Form medje. Uganda: 1 heard briefly at Kibale on 21 Jun.

Black-shouldered Nightjar Caprimulgus nigriscapularis. Formerly considered conspecific with Fiery-necked Nightjar C. pectoralis. Nominate form. Uganda: 4 heard around the HQ At Mburo on 4 Jun.

Rwenzori Nightjar Caprimulgus rwenzorii. Monotypic. Rwanda: 2+ around the disused army camp at Nyungwe on 7 Jun. Uganda: 1 circling above the hut at Ruhiza on the evening on 15 Jun.

Swamp Nightjar Caprimulgus natalensis. Form chadensis? Uganda: 1 road casualty near Murchison Falls on 25 Jun.

Long-tailed Nightjar Caprimulgus climacurus. Form sclateri. Uganda: 2 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Gabon Nightjar Caprimulgus fossii. Form welwitschii. Uganda: 2 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Pennant-winged Nightjar Macrodipteryx vexillarius. Monotypic. Uganda: 2 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Scarce Swift Schoutedenapus myoptilus. Form chapini. Uganda: 2 en route on 16 Jun, 2 Kibale on 21 Jun, and 2 Budongo on 23 Jun.

Schouteden's Swift Schoutedenapus schoutedeni. Monotypic. Rwanda: Two all dark swifts, possibly this species, were seen briefly on the evening of 7 Jun and 3 more were seen fairly well on the morning of the 8 Jun at Nyungwe. Although somewhat similar to Scarce Swift, these birds appeared very dark, and flew in a more spinetail-like manner than Scarce. On the 8 Jun, the birds were calling overhead, giving just single well-separated tics (1-3 second intervals). Scarce Swifts we have previously heard (on tape and in the field) tend to be very vocal, with tic-tic-tic faster, and sometimes followed by a chittering call. Although the call of Schouteden's Swift is unknown, as it resides in the same genus as Scarce, it would not be unexpected that they had the same type of call. One of only the handful of Schouteden's recorded, was collected only 70 km from Nyungwe, and at a similar altitude to Gisakura.

Sabine's Spinetail Rhaphidura sabini. Monotypic. Uganda: Only recorded at Kibale and Budongo, where seen daily from 20 Jun – 23 Jun, with max. 3 at Kibale on 21 Jun.

Cassin's Spinetail Neafrapus cassini. Monotypic. Uganda: 2 Mabira on 12 Jun.

African Palm Swift Cypsiurus parvus. Form myochrus. Rwanda: 2 en route on 5 Jun. Uganda: 10 Entebbe Botanical Gardens on 11 Jun, 10 en route on 13 Jun, and 10 Murchison Falls on 25 Jun.

Alpine Swift Tachymarptis melba. Form probably maximus. Uganda: A total of 6 Budongo on 21 Jun – 22 Jun.

Mottled Swift Tachymarptis aequatorialis. Nominate form. Rwanda: 2 Akagera on 9 Jun.

Nyanza Swift Apus niansae. Nominate form. Uganda: 10 Entebbe on 11 Jun.

Little Swift Apus affinis. Form likely nominate or aerobates. Rwanda: A few en route on 5 Jun and 10 Jun. Uganda: Widespread and very common, with up to 200 daily.

White-rumped Swift Apus caffer. Monotypic. Uganda: 4 Mburo on 5 Jun, 12 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun, 1 Budongo on 22 Jun, and 10 daily Murchison Falls on 24 Jun - 25 Jun.

Narina Trogon Apaloderma narina. Nominate form. Uganda: 2 heard Mabira on 12 Jun, 3 Ruhiza on 15 Jun, and 2 heard Kibale on 21 Jun.

Bar-tailed Trogon Apaloderma vittatum. Monotypic. Uganda: 3 Ruhiza on 16 Jun – 17 Jun, and 1 heard Buhoma on 18 Jun.

Malachite Kingfisher Alcedo cristata. Form galerita. Uganda: 6 Mburo on 5 Jun, 4 Lake Bisina on 13 Jun, 1 Mabamba on 14 Jun, 10 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun and 3 there on 20 Jun, and 2 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

African Pygmy Kingfisher Ispidina picta. Form ferrugina in the southwest, nominate elsewhere. Uganda: 2 Buhoma on 17 Jun, 1 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun, 2 Murchison Falls on 23 Jun and another on 24 Jun.

African Dwarf Kingfisher Ispidina lecontei. Monotypic. Uganda: 2 Budongo on 23 Jun.

Chocolate-backed Kingfisher Halcyon badia. Monotypic. Uganda: 3 Budongo on 22 Jun, and 2 there on 23 Jun.

Grey-headed Kingfisher Halcyon leucocephala. Nominate form. Rwanda: 1 Nyungwe on 7 Jun. Uganda: Only recorded at Queen Elizabeth and Murchison Falls with max. 6 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Woodland Kingfisher Halcyon senegalensis. Nominate form. Rwanda: 2 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Recorded almost daily.

Blue-breasted Kingfisher Halcyon malimbica. Nominate form. Uganda: 1 heard Mabira on 12 Jun, 2 Budongo on 22 Jun and 3 there on 23 Jun.

Striped Kingfisher Halcyon chelicuti. Nominate form. Rwanda: 4 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 1 Mabira on 12 Jun, 1 en route on 23 Jun, 1 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun, and 2 en route on 25 Jun.

Pied Kingfisher Ceryle rudis. Nominate form. Rwanda: 3 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Recorded on eight dates with max. 100+ Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Black Bee-eater Merops gularis. Form australis. Uganda: 3 near Ruhiza on 16 Jun.

Red-throated Bee-eater Merops bulocki. Form frenatus. Uganda: 4 Buhoma on 17 Jun – 18 Jun, and 6 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun – 25 Jun.

Little Bee-eater Merops pusillus. Form meridionalis. Rwanda: 20 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 6 en route on 14 Jun, 3 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun and 1 there on 20 Jun, and 4 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Blue-breasted Bee-eater Merops variegatus. Form loringi. Uganda: 20 Mabamba on 14 Jun.

Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater Merops oreobates. Monotypic. Rwanda: Up to 20 daily Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 3 Ruhiza on 15 Jun and 3 there on 16 Jun, 3 Buhoma on 17 Jun, and 1 en route on 19 Jun.

Swallow-tailed Bee-eater Merops hirundineus. Form heuglini. Uganda: Only recorded at Murchison Falls with 3 on 23 Jun and 6 on 24 Jun.

White-throated Bee-eater Merops albicollis. Monotypic. Uganda: 40+ Mabira on 12 Jun.

Northern Carmine Bee-eater Merops nubicus. Monotypic. Uganda: 3 Murchison Falls on 25 Jun.

Lilac-breasted Roller Coracias caudata. Nominate form. Rwanda: 10 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 2 en route on 4 Jun and 2 en route on 14 Jun.

Broad-billed Roller Eurystomus glaucurus. Form suahelicus and migratory nominate form. Uganda: 2 Mpanga on 10 Jun, 1 Budongo on 22 Jun, 5 en route on 23 Jun, and 4 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun. One group of 8 near Mabamba on 14 Jun were non-breeding migrants from Madagascar.

Blue-throated Roller Eurystomus gularis. Form neglectus. Uganda: 4 Mburo on 4 Jun and 10 there on 5 Jun, 2 Mabira on 12 Jun, and 4 Kibale on 22 Jun.

Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops. Form senegalensis sometimes considered distinct from the Eurasian Hoopoe U. epops. Nominate form. Uganda: 1 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun and  Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Green Woodhoopoe Phoeniculus purpureus. Form marwitzi. Uganda: 1 Butiaba Escarpment on 23 Jun.

White-headed Woodhoopoe Phoeniculus bollei. Form jacksoni. Rwanda: Up to 15 daily at Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 4  daily at Ruhiza on 15 Jun and 16 Jun. 2 Buhoma on 18 Jun.

Crowned Hornbill Tockus alboterminatus. Monotypic. Rwanda: 2 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 2 Mburo on 5 Jun, 3 Ruhiza on 15 Jun, and a total of 10 at Kibale on 20 Jun – 22 Jun.

African Pied Hornbill Tockus fasciatus. Nominate form. Uganda: 6 Mpanga on 10 Jun, 10 Entebbe Botanical Gardens on 11 Jun, 3 Mabira on 12 Jun, and 2 Budongo on 22 Jun.

African Grey Hornbill Tockus nasutus. Nominate form. Rwanda: 3 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 4 Mburo on 4 Jun and 2 there on 5 Jun. 10 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Black-and-white-casqued Hornbill Ceratogymna subcylindricus. Form subquadratus. Uganda: Widespread and common. Recorded on 10 dates with max. 20 at Mabira on 12 Jun.

White-thighed Hornbill Ceratogymna albotibialis. Monotypic. Uganda: Only recorded at Budongo, with 2 daily on 22 Jun and 23 Jun.

Abyssinian Ground Hornbill Bucorvus abyssinicus. Monotypic. Uganda: A total of 9 at Murchison Falls on 24 Jun and 25 Jun.

Grey-throated Barbet Gymnobucco bonapartei. Form cinereiceps. Uganda: Recorded on eight dates with max. 6 at Mabira on 12 Jun.

Speckled Tinkerbird Pogoniulus scolopaceus. Form flavisquamatus. Uganda: Recorded on seven dates with max. 20+ at Mabira on 12 Jun.

Western Green Tinkerbird Pogoniulus coryphaeus. Form hildamariae. Uganda: A single at Ruhiza on 15 Jun.

Yellow-throated Tinkerbird Pogoniulus subsulphureus. Form flavimetum. Uganda: 2 Mabira on 12 Jun, 2 heard at Buhoma on 18 Jun, and 2 Kibale on 22 Jun.

Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird Pogoniulus bilineatus. Form mfumbiri widespread and leucolaima in the north.  Rwanda: Up to 10 daily at Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun, and 2 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 4 Mabira on 12 Jun, 3 Ruhiza on 15 Jun and 6 there on 16 Jun, 20 Buhoma on 17 Jun and 2 there on 18 Jun, 10 Kibale on 21 Jun and 1 en route on 23 Jun.

Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird Pogoniulus chrysoconus. Nominate form. Rwanda: 6 heard at Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 2 heard Entebbe Botanical Gardens on 11 Jun, 1 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun, and 2 en route on 23 Jun.

Yellow-spotted Barbet Buccanodon duchaillui. Monotypic. Uganda: 6 heard Mpanga on 10 Jun, 2 heard Mabira on 12 Jun, 2 Buhoma on 17 Jun, 1 heard Kibale on 21 Jun, and 4 heard Budongo on 22 Jun.

Hairy-breasted Barbet Tricholaema hirsuta. Form ansorgii. Uganda: 2 Mabira on 12 Jun, 1 en route on 14 Jun, and 3 Kibale on 21 Jun.

Spot-flanked Barbet Tricholaema lachrymosa. Nominate form. Uganda: 4 Mburo on 4 Jun, and 1 en route on 15 Jun.

Red-faced Barbet Lybius rubrifacies. Monotypic. Rwanda: 1 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 3 Mburo on 4 Jun.

Black-billed Barbet Lybius guifsobalito. Monotypic. Uganda: Only recorded from Murchison Falls with 5 on 24 Jun and 25 Jun.

Double-toothed Barbet Lybius bidentatus. Form equatorialis. Uganda: A few recorded at scattered localities en route, and 2 Buhoma on 18 Jun.

Eastern Yellow-billed Barbet Trachyphonus purpuratus. Form elgonensis. Uganda: 2 heard Mabira on 12 Jun, 1 heard Buhoma on 17 Jun, 2 heard Kibale on 21 Jun, and 2 heard Budongo on 23 Jun.

Greater Honeyguide Indicator indicator. Nominate form. Rwanda: 1 Akagera on 9 Jun.

Thick-billed Honeyguide Indicator conirostris. Nominate form. Uganda: 1 heard Mabira on 12 Jun, 1 heard Ruhiza on 16 Jun, 1 heard Buhoma on 17 Jun, and 1 Kibale on 22 Jun.

Willcock's Honeyguide Indicator willcocksi. Nominate form. Uganda: 1 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Dwarf Honeyguide Indicator pumilio. Monotypic. Uganda: 1+ Ruhiza on 16 Jun.

Rufous-necked Wryneck Jynx ruficollis. Form pulchricollis. Uganda: 1 Buhoma on 18 Jun.

Nubian Woodpecker Campethera nubica. Nominate form. Uganda: 2 Mburo on 14 Jun.

Bennett's Woodpecker Campethera bennettii. Form scroptoricauda. Rwanda: 1 Akagera on 9 Jun.

Little-spotted Woodpecker Campethera cailliautii. Form nyansae. Rwanda: 1 Akagera on 9 Jun.

Buff-spotted Woodpecker Campethera nivosa. Form herberti. Uganda: 2 Mabira on 12 Jun.

Brown-eared Woodpecker Campethera caroli. Nominate form. Uganda: Budongo on 23 Jun.

Cardinal Woodpecker Dendropicos fuscescens. Form lepidus. Rwanda: 6 Nyungwe on 6 Jun. Uganda: 1 Mburo on 4 Jun, 1 heard Buhoma on 17 Jun and 3 there on 18 Jun, 2 Kibale on 21 Jun and 1 on 22 Jun, and 1 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Yellow-crested Woodpecker Dendropicos xantholophus. Monotypic. Uganda: 2 Mabira on 12 Jun, 1 Buhoma on 17 Jun, 2 Kibale on 20 Jun, 1 Budongo on 22 Jun and 2 there on 23 Jun.

Elliot's Woodpecker Dendropicos elliotii. Nominate form. Uganda: 1 heard Ruhiza on 16 Jun, and 1 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Grey Woodpecker Dendropicos goertae. Nominate form. Rwanda:  Nyungwe on 6 Jun. Uganda: 2 Entebbe on 11 Jun, and 2 en route on 13 Jun.

Olive Woodpecker Dendropicos griseocephalus. Form ruwenzori. Uganda: 1 en route on 15 Jun.

Brown-backed Woodpecker Dendropicos obsoletus. Nominate form. Uganda:  Budongo on 23 Jun.

Rufous-sided Broadbill Smithornis rufolateralis. Form budongoensis. Rwanda: Up to 3 heard daily at Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun.

Grauer's (African Green) Broadbill Pseudocalyptomena graueri. Monotypic. Uganda: 4 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Chestnut-capped Flycatcher Erythrocercus mccallii. Form congicus. Uganda: 4 Budongo on 22 Jun and 3 on 23 Jun.

African Blue Flycatcher Elminia longicauda. Form teresita. Uganda: 1 en route on 22 Jun.

White-tailed Blue Flycatcher Elminia albicauda. Monotypic. Rwanda: 2 Nyungwe on 7 Jun, and 2 there on 8 Jun. Uganda: 2 Ruhiza on 16 Jun and 2 Buhoma on 18 Jun.

White-bellied Crested Flycatcher Trochocercus albiventris. Form toroensis. Rwanda: 2 Nyungwe on 6 Jun. Uganda: 2+ Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Red-bellied Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone rufiventer. Form somereni. Uganda: 1 Mpanga on 10 Jun, 1 Mabira on 12 Jun, 2 Kibale on 21 Jun, and 1 Budongo on 23 Jun.

African Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone viridis. Form kivuensis in the south and ferreti in the dryer north. Rwanda: Up to 6 daily Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: Small numbers recorded at Ruhiza, Buhoma, Queen Elizabeth, and Murchison Falls.

Fork-tailed Drongo Dicrurus adsimilis. Nominate form. Rwanda: 10 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Widespread and fairly common in open areas.

Velvet-mantled Drongo Dicrurus modestus. Form coracinus. Uganda: 1 Mabira on 12 Jun, 3 Buhoma on 17 Jun, and 3 Kibale on 21 Jun.

Piapiac Ptilostomus afer. Monotypic. Uganda: 2 Entebbe on 4 Jun, 8 Mount Elgon Hotel on 13 Jun, and up to 10 daily Murchison Falls on 24 Jun – 25 Jun.

Pied Crow Corvus albus. Monotypic. Rwanda: Widespread and common. Uganda: Widespread and common.

White-necked Raven Corvus albicollis. Monotypic. Rwanda: 6 on Nyungwe 6 Jun, and 2 there on 8 Jun. Uganda: A single en route on 20 Jun.

Western Black-headed Oriole Oriolus brachyrhynchus. Form laetior. Uganda: 2 Mpanga on 10 Jun, 3 Mabira on 12 Jun, 2 Kibale on 21 Jun, 1 heard Budongo on 21 Jun and 2 there on 22 Jun.

African Black-headed Oriole Oriolus larvatus. Form rolleti. Rwanda: 3 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 2 Entebbe Bot. Gardens on 11 Jun.

Montane Oriole Oriolus percivali. Monotypic. Rwanda: 2 Nyungwe on 6 Jun and 1 heard there on 8 Jun. Uganda: Only recorded at Ruhiza and Buhoma where seen daily with max. 3 on 18 Jun.

Grey Cuckoo-shrike Coracina caesia. Form pura. Rwanda: 4 Nyungwe on 6 Jun and 1 on 8 Jun. Uganda: 3 Ruhiza on 15 Jun and 2 there on 16 Jun.

Petit's Cuckoo-shrike Campephaga petiti. Monotypic. Uganda: 4 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Black Cuckoo-shrike Campephaga flava. Monotypic. Uganda:  Ruhiza on 15 Jun.

Red-shouldered Cuckoo-shrike Campephaga phoenicea. Monotypic. Rwanda: 1 Nyungwe on 6 Jun, and 1 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 1 Butiaba Escarpment on 23 Jun.

Purple-throated Cuckoo-shrike Campephaga quiscalina. Form martini. Uganda: 1 Mabira on 12 Jun.

Grey-backed Fiscal Lanius excubitoroides. Form intercedens. Rwanda: 10 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Recorded on eight dates with max. 20 Queen Elizabeth on 9 Jun.

Mackinnon's Shrike Lanius mackinnoni. Monotypic. Rwanda: 2 Akagera on 7 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: Only recorded at Ruhiza and Buhoma with –2 daily 15 Jun – 18 Jun.

Common Fiscal Lanius collaris. Form smithii in the south and humeralis in the dryer north. Rwanda: 2 en route on 10 Jun. Uganda: Recorded on six dates with max. 8 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Brubru Nilaus afer. Nominate form. Rwanda: A single at Akagera on 9 Jun.

Northern Puffback Dryoscopus gambensis. Form ewini in the south, and malzacii in the dryer north. Rwanda: 2 daily Nyungwe 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 3 Ruhiza on 15 Jun and 1 on 16 Jun, and  en route on 25 Jun.

Pink-footed Puffback Dryoscopus angolensis. Form nandensis. Uganda: 3 Buhoma on 17 Jun, and 1 Kibale on 22 Jun.

Marsh Tchagra Tchagra minuta. Nominate form. Uganda: 3 in marshland just outside Mbarara on 15 Jun.

Black-crowned Tchagra Tchagra senegala. Form armena. Uganda: 2 Kibale on 21 Jun, and 3 Murchison Falls on 23 Jun - 24 Jun.

Brown-crowned Tchagra Tchagra australis. Form emini. Rwanda: 1 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 2 en route on 16 Jun, and 3 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

Luehder's Bush-shrike Laniarius luehderi. Form castaneiceps. Uganda: 2 Buhoma on 17 Jun – 19 Jun, and 1 Kibale on 22 Jun.

Tropical Boubou Laniarius aethiopicus. Form major. Uganda: 2 Mburo on 4 Jun, heard Buhoma on 18 Jun and Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun, and 2 heard Kibale on 22 Jun.

Black-headed Gonolek Laniarius erythrogaster. Monotypic. Uganda: Small numbers on eight dates, with max. 15 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Papyrus Gonolek Laniarius mufumbiri. Monotypic. Uganda: 2 near Mburo on 5 Jun, 3 Mabamba on 14 Jun, 1 heard Kibale 20 Jun and 2 heard there on 21 Jun.

Slate-coloured Boubou Laniarius funebris. Nominate form. Rwanda: 3 Akagera on 9 Jun.

Sooty Boubou Laniarius leucorhynchus. Monotypic. Uganda: 2 Mabira on 12 Jun.

Mountain Boubou Laniarius poensis. Form holomelas. Rwanda: 3 Nyungwe on 7 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 1 Ruhiza on 16 Jun, and 1 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Grey-green Bushshrike Telophorus bocagei. Form jacksoni. Uganda: 1 heard Mabira on 12 Jun, and 3 Ruhiza on 16 Jun.

Sulphur-breasted Bushshrike Telophorus sulfureopectus. Form similis. Uganda: 1 Mburo on 4 Jun, and 2 there on 14 Jun.

Many-coloured Bushshrike Telophorus multicolor. Form batsi. Uganda: 2 Kibale on 22 Jun.

Doherty's Bushshrike Telophorus dohertyi. Monotypic. Rwanda: 3+ Nyungwe 7 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 3+ Ruhiza on 17 Jun.

African Shrike-Flycatcher Bias flammulatus. Form aequatorialis. Uganda: 3 Mabira on 12 Jun, 1 Buhoma on 17 Jun, and 6 Kibale on  21 Jun.

Black-and-white Flycatcher Bias musicus. Nominate form. Uganda: 1 Entebbe Botanical Gardens on 11 Jun, 1 Mabamba on 14 Jun, 1 Buhoma on 17 Jun, and up to 6 daily at Kibale on 21 Jun – 23 Jun.

Rwenzori Batis Batis diops. Monotypic. Rwanda: Up to 5 daily Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 2 Ruhiza on 15 Jun and 3 there on 16 Jun.

Chin-spot Batis Batis molitor. Form puella. Rwanda: 2 Nyungwe on 8 Jun and 2 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 1 heard Ruhiza on 15 Jun.

Black-headed Batis Batis minor. Form erlangeri. Uganda: 2 Butiaba Escarpment on 23 Jun.

Common Wattle-eye Platysteira cyanea. Form nyansae. Uganda: Small numbers on eight dates at Mabamba, Ruhiza, Buhoma, Queen Elizabeth and Murchison Falls.

Chestnut Wattle-eye Platysteira castanea. Nominate form. Uganda: 2 Mpanga on 10 Jun, 2+ Mabira on 12 Jun, 10 Kibale on 21 Jun, and 4 Budongo on 23 Jun.

Jameson's Wattle-eye Platysteira jamesoni. Monotyic. Uganda: 2 Mabira on 12 Jun.

Rufous Flycatcher-Thrush Neocossyphus fraseri. Form vulpine. Uganda: 2 heard Mabira on 12 Jun, 1 Kibale on 22 Jun, on 3 Budongo on 23 Jun.

Red-tailed Ant Thrush Neocossyphus rufus. Form gabunensis. Uganda:  A single at Kibale on 22 Jun.

White-tailed Ant Thrush Neocossyphus poensis. Form praepectoralis. Uganda: 1+ Kibale on 21 Jun and 8 there on 22 Jun, and 2 Budongo on 23 Jun.

Kivu Ground-Thrush Zoothera tanganjicae. Monotypic. Rwanda: 2 heard Nyungwe on 7 Jun.

Southern Olive Thrush Turdus olivaceus. Form graueri? Rwanda: Common at Nyungwe with up to 10 daily on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. 2 Akagera on 9 Jun.  Uganda: 10 Entebbe Bot. Gardens on 11 Jun, and 1 Ruhiza on 16 Jun.

African Thrush Turdus pelios. Form centralis. Uganda: Small numbers recorded almost daily.

Red-throated Alethe Alethe poliophrys. Monotypic Rwanda: 8 Nyungwe on 7 Jun. Uganda: 2 heard Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Stuhlmann's Starling Poeoptera stuhlmanni. Monotypic. Uganda: 6 Ruhiza on 15 Jun – 16 Jun, and 8 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Narrow-tailed Starling Poeoptera lugubris. Form major. Uganda: 2 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Waller's Starling Onychognathus walleri. Form elgonensis. Rwanda: Up to 10 daily Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 6 Ruhiza on 16 Jun and 10 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Slender-billed Starling Onychognathus tenuirostris. Form therasae. Rwanda: 6 Nyungwe on 8 Jun. Uganda: A single en route on 13 Jun.

Purple-headed Glossy Starling Lamprotornis purpureiceps. Monotypic. Uganda: 30 Mabira on 12 Jun, 2 Buhoma on 17 Jun, up to 25 daily Kibale 20 Jun – 22 Jun, and 2 Budongo on 23 Jun.

Bronze-tailed Glossy Starling Lamprotornis chalcurus. Form emini. Uganda: 2 Mburo on 4 Jun.

Greater Blue-eared Glossy Starling Lamprotornis chalybaeus. Form cyaniventris. Rwanda: 20 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 6 Mburo on 14 Jun, and 2 en route on 15 Jun.

Lesser Blue-eared Glossy Starling Lamprotornis chloropterus. Nominate form. Uganda: Very common at Murchison Falls with up to 500 daily on 23 Jun – 25 Jun.

Splendid Glossy Starling Lamprotornis splendidus. Nominate form. Uganda: A few en route on 13 Jun and 14 Jun, and up to 500 at Kibale on 20 Jun – 22 Jun.

Rueppell's Glossy Starling Lamprotornis purpuropterus. Nominate form. Rwanda: 25 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Widespread and fairly common. Recorded on nine dates with max. numbers up to 50 daily at Murchison Falls on 23- 25 Jun.

Sharpe's Starling Cinnyricinclus sharpii. Monotypic. Rwanda: 3 Nyungwe on 7 Jun. Uganda: 4 Ruhiza on 15 Jun.

Plum-coloured (Violet-backed) Starling Cinnyricinclus leucogaster. Nominate form mainly, with verreauxii at Murchison Falls. Rwanda: 10 Akagera on 9 Jun.  Uganda: 3 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun, 70 en route on 23 Jun, and 4 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Wattled Starling Creatophora cinerea. Monotypic. Uganda: 100 Mburo on 14 Jun, and 12 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Yellow-billed Oxpecker Buphagus africanus. Monotypic. Uganda: 4 Mburo on 5 Jun, 30 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun – 20 Jun, and 3 Murchison Falls on 23 Jun and 25 there on 24 Jun.

Silverbird Empidornis semipartitus. Monotypic. Uganda: Only seen at Murchison Falls with up to 10 daily on 23 Jun - 25 Jun.

Pale Flycatcher Bradornis pallidus. Form parvus. Uganda: 1 Butiaba Escarpment on 23 Jun.

White-eyed Slaty Flycatcher Dioptrornis (Melaenornis) fischeri. Form toruensis. Rwanda: 2 daily Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 1 Ruhiza on 16 Jun and 2 Buhoma on 18 Jun.

Northern Black Flycatcher Melaenornis edolioides. Form lugubris. Uganda: 2 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun and 1 there on 20 Jun.

Southern Black Flycatcher Melaenornis pammelaina. Nominate form. Uganda: 2 Mburo on 4 Jun.

Yellow-eyed Black Flycatcher Melaenornis ardesiacus. Monotypic. Rwanda: 12 Nyungwe on 7 Jun, and 10 there on 8 Jun. Uganda: 3 Ruhiza on 16 Jun and 1 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

African Forest Flycatcher Fraseria ocreata. Nominate form. Uganda: 2 Budongo on 23 Jun.

Sooty Flycatcher Artomyias fuliginosa. Form minuscule. Uganda: 1 en route near Kibale on 22 Jun.

Swamp Flycatcher Muscicapa aquatica. Form infulata. Rwanda: 2 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Small numbers recorded on seven dates, always near water and papyrus. Max. 20 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Chapins's Flycatcher Muscicapa lendu. Nominate form. Uganda: 2 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

African Dusky Flycatcher Muscicapa adusta. Form pumila. Rwanda: Common at Nyungwe with up to 15 daily on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 4 Buhoma on 17 Jun, and 4 there on 18 Jun, and 2 en route on 20 Jun.

Dusky-blue Flycatcher Muscicapa comitata. Nominate form. Uganda: 2 en route near Ruhiza on 16 Jun, and singles en route near Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun and 20 Jun.

Cassin's Flycatcher Muscicapa cassini. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 at “The Neck” on 16 Jun.

Ashy Flycatcher Muscicapa caerulescens. Form brevicauda. Rwanda: 2 Nyungwe on 6 Jun. Uganda: A single en route on 16 Jun.

Grey-throated Flycatcher Myioparus griseigularis. Nominate form. Uganda: 2 Kibale on 21 Jun, and 2 Budongo on 23 Jun.

Lead-coloured Flycatcher (Grey Tit-Flycatcher) Myioparus plumbeus. Nominate form. Uganda: 1 Mburo on 4 Jun, and 1 heard Kibale on 21 Jun.

White-starred Robin Pogonocichla stellata. Form ruwenzorii. Rwanda: 3 Nyungwe on 6 Jun and 4 there on 8 Jun. Uganda: 2 Ruhiza on 15 Jun.

Yellow-breasted Forest Robin Stiphrornis mabirae. Form xanthogaster. Uganda: Only recorded from Budongo with 1 on 22 Jun and 2 heard on 23 Jun.

Equatorial Akalat Sheppardia aequatorialis. Nominate form. Rwanda: 3 Nyungwe on 7 Jun. Uganda: 1 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

White-bellied Robin-Chat Cossypha roberti. Form rufescentior. Rwanda: 2 Nyungwe on 7 Jun. Uganda: 2 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Archer's Robin-Chat Cossypha archeri. Nominate form. Rwanda: 2 heard Nyungwe on 6 Jun, and 2 there on 8 Jun. Uganda: 2 Ruhiza on 15 Jun.

Blue-shouldered Robin-Chat Cossypha cyanocampter. Form bartteloti. Uganda: 1 Mabira on 12 Jun.

White-browed Robin-Chat Cossypha heuglini. Nominate form. Rwanda: Several en route on 5 Jun, 9 Jun and 10 Jun. 1 Nyungwe on 7 Jun. Uganda: Fairly widespread and common. Recorded on seven dates with max. 10 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

Snowy-crowned Robin-Chat Cossypha niveicapilla. Form melanota. Uganda: 2 en route on 17 Jun, 4 Buhoma on 18 Jun, 2 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun, and heard Kibale on 22 Jun.

Spotted Morning Thrush Cichladusa guttata. Monotypic. Uganda: 2 Butiaba Escarpment on 23 Jun, 3 Murchison Falls on 24 and 4 there on 25 Jun.

Brown-backed Scrub Robin Cercotrichas hartlaubi. Monotypic. Uganda: 2 en route near Buhoma on 17 Jun.

White-browed Scrub-Robin Cercotrichas leucophrys. Form zambesian. Uganda: 1 Akagera on 9 Jun.

Stonechat Saxicola torquata. Form axillaries. Rwanda: 3 Nyungwe on 8 Jun, 2 Akagera on 9 Jun, and 2 en route on 10 Jun. Uganda: 4 en route on 15 Jun, and 8 en route on 16 Jun.

Sooty Chat Myrmecocichla nigra. Monotypic. Rwanda: 5 Akagera on 9 Jun and 2 en route on 10 Jun. Uganda: Widespread and fairly common, especially in the north. Recorded on ten dates with max. 20 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

White-headed Black Chat Myrmecocichla arnotti. Form leucolaema. Rwanda: 10 Akagera on 9 Jun.

Common Cliff Chat Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris. Form subufippenis. Uganda: 3 Butiaba Escarpment on 23 Jun.

Plain Martin Riparia paludicola. Form ducis. Uganda: 150+ from the boat trip on the Nile at Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Banded Martin Riparia cincta. Form suahelica. Uganda: 4 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

Grey-rumped Swallow Hirundo griseopyga. Nominate form. Uganda: 8 Mabamba on 14 Jun.

Rock Martin Hirundo fuligula. Form fusciventris. Rwanda: 3 Nyungwe on 6 Jun, and 4 there on 7 Jun. Uganda: 2 en route on 10 Jun and 2 en route on 15 Jun.

Angola Swallow Hirundo angolensis. Monotypic. Rwanda: 6 en route to Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Widespread and common. Recorded daily.

Wire-tailed Swallow Hirundo smithii. Nominate form. Uganda: 4 en route on 16 Jun, and 10 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun – 25 Jun.

Lesser Striped Swallow Hirundo abyssinica. Form unitatis. Rwanda: Recorded in small numbers away from Nyungwe. Uganda: Widespread and common.

Rufous-chested Swallow Hirundo semirufa. Form gordoni. Uganda: 2 Mburo on 14 Jun, 12 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun – 20 Jun, and 4 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Mosque Swallow Hirundo senegalensis. Form saturator. Rwanda: 20 en route on 9 Jun. Uganda: Small numbers on five dates.

African Red-rumped Swallow Cecropis melanocrissus. Form emini. Uganda: Recorded en route on 4 Jun, 15 Jun and 22 Jun.

White-headed Saw-wing Psalidoprocne albiceps. Nominate form. Uganda: 2 Mburo on 5 Jun, 4 Mabira on 12 Jun, 2 Mabamba on 14 Jun, 11 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun – 20 Jun, and up to 80 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun – 25 Jun.

Black Saw-wing Psalidoprocne homomelas. Form ruwenzori. Rwanda: Up to 20 daily at Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun, and 4 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 10 Ruhiza on 15 Jun, and 10 Buhoma on 18 Jun.

Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus. Form tricolor sometime considered distinct from the nominate barbatus group. Rwanda: Widespread and common. Uganda: Widespread and common.

Kakamega Greenbul Andropadus kakamegae. Monotypic. Here considered distinct from Shelley’s Greenbul A. masukuensis. Uganda: Only recorded at Buhoma with 4 on 17 Jun and 2 on 18 Jun.

Little Greenbul Andropadus virens. Form holochlorus. Uganda: 5 Mabira on 12 Jun, 8 heard Buhoma on 17 Jun, 10 Kibale on 21 Jun, 3 Budongo on 22 Jun and 5 there on 23 Jun, and 2 heard Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Little Grey Greenbul Andropadus gracilis. Nominate form. Uganda: 4 Buhoma on 17 Jun, 8 Kibale on 21 Jun, and 2 Budongo on 23 Jun.

Cameroon Sombre Greenbul Andropadus curvirostris. Nominate form. Uganda: 2 Mabira on 12 Jun, and 2 Kibale on 21 Jun.

Slender-billed Greenbul Andropadus gracilirostris. Nominate form. Rwanda: 1 Nyungwe on 8 Jun. Uganda: 12 Mabira on 12 Jun, 1 Ruhiza on 16 Jun, 1 Buhoma on 17 Jun, 6 Kibale on 21 Jun and 4 there on 22 Jun, and 1 Budongo on 22 Jun and 5 there on 23 Jun.

Yellow-whiskered Greenbul Andropadus latirostris. Nominate form. Rwanda: 20+ daily Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: Fairly common at Mabira, Ruhiza, Buhoma and Budongo.

Kikuyu Mountain Greenbul Andropadus kikuyuensis. Monotypic. Here considered distinct from Mountain Greenbul A. nigriceps. Rwanda: Up to 10 daily at Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 6 Ruhiza on 15 Jun and 4 there on 16 Jun.

Honeyguide Greenbul Baeopogon indicator. Nominate form. Uganda: 3 Budongo on 22 Jun.

Spotted Greenbul Ixonotus guttatus. Form bugoma. Uganda: Only recorded from Budongo with 2 on 22 Jun and 3 on 23 Jun.

Pale-throated Greenbul Atimastillas flavigula. Rwanda: Several heard Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 7 Jun. Uganda: 2 Mburo on 4 Jun, 2 heard Entebbe Botanical Garden on 11 Jun, 2 Buhoma on 17 Jun and 4 there on 18 Jun, and 2 heard en route on 19 Jun.

Joyful Greenbul Chlorocichla laetissima. Nominate form. Uganda: 3 Kibale on 22 Jun.

Toro Olive Greenbul Phyllastrephus hypochloris. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 heard Mabira on 12 Jun, 1 heard Buhoma on 17 Jun, and 2 Kibale on 21 Jun adjacent to the park HQ.

Yellow-streaked Greenbul Phyllastrephus flavostriatus. Form olivaceogriseus. Rwanda: A total of 11 Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 3 Ruhiza on 15 Jun and 3 there on 16 Jun, and 1 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

White-throated Greenbul Phyllastrephus albigularis. Nominate form. Uganda: 2 Kibale on 21 Jun.

Xavier's Greenbul Phyllastrephus xavieri. Form sethsmithi. Uganda: 1 Budongo on 22 Jun.

Red-tailed (Common) Bristlebill Bleda syndactyla. Form woosnami. Uganda: 3 heard Mabira on 12 Jun, 1 Buhoma on 17 Jun, and at least 4 heard Kibale on 20 Jun – 22 Jun.

Western (Yellow-spotted) Nicator Nicator chloris. Monotypic. Uganda: 2 Mabira on 12 Jun, 6+ Kibale on 20 Jun – 22 Jun, and 2 Budongo on 23 Jun.

Red-tailed Greenbul Criniger calurus. Form emini. Uganda: 1 Mabira on 12 Jun, 2 Buhoma on 17 Jun, and 4 Budongo on 23 Jun.

African Yellow White-eye Zosterops senegalensis. Nominate form and stuhlmanni. Rwanda: Common at Nyungwe on 6 Jun to 8 Jun, with 30+ daily. Uganda: Recorded on nine dates in forested areas. Fairly common with max. 10 Ruhiza on 15 Jun.

Red-faced Cisticola Cisticola erythrops. Form sylvia. Uganda: 1 heard Ruhiza on 15 Jun, 1 heard Buhoma on 17 Jun and 2 there on 18 Jun, and heard daily near Budongo on 22 Jun – 23 Jun.

Singing Cisticola Cisticola cantans. Form belli. Uganda: 1 heard Ruhiza on 15 Jun.

Whistling Cisticola Cisticola lateralis. Form antinorii. Uganda: 2 Mabamba on 14 Jun, and several en route on 22 Jun and 23 Jun.

Trilling Cisticola Cisticola woosnami. Nominate form. Rwanda: 2 heard Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 20 Mburo on 4 Jun and 10 there on 14 Jun, and 2 Entebbe Botanical Gardens on 11 Jun.

Chubb's Cisticola Cisticola chubbi. Nominate form. Rwanda: 10+ daily Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 10+ daily Ruhiza on 15 Jun – 16 Jun.

Rattling Cisticola Cisticola chinianus. Form simplex. Rwanda: 15 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Only recorded from Murchison Falls with 5 on 23 Jun and 2 on 24 Jun.

Winding Cisticola Cisticola galactotes. Form nyansae. Rwanda: 4 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Recorded on eight dates with max. 20 Mabamba on 14 Jun.

Carruthers's Cisticola Cisticola carruthersi. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 near Mbarara on 15 Jun and 1+ Ruhiza on 16 Jun.

Stout Cisticola Cisticola robustus. Form nuchalis. Uganda: 1 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

Croaking Cisticola Cisticola natalensis. Form strangi. Uganda: 4 Mburo on 4 Jun, 4 Queen Elizabeth on 18 Jun and 5 there on 20 Jun, and 10 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Tabora (Long-tailed) Cisticola Cisticola angusticuada. Monotypic. Rwanda: 3 Akagera on 9 Jun.

Siffling (Short-winged) Cisticola Cisticola brachypterus. Form ankole in the south, with the nominate form in the dry north of Uganda. Rwanda: 1 Gisakura tea estate on 7 Jun. Uganda: 1 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun, and 7 Murchison Falls on 23 Jun – 24 Jun.

Foxy Cisticola Cisticola troglodytes. Monotypic. Uganda: 2 Butiaba Escarpment on 23 Jun.

Zitting Cisticola Cisticola juncidis. Form uropygialis. Uganda: Up to 20 daily Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun – 20 Jun, and 12 Murchison Falls 23 Jun – 24 Jun.

Wing-snapping Cisticola Cisticola ayresii. Form Entebbe. Uganda: 1 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

Tawny-flanked Prinia Prinia subflava. Form melanothyncha in the south, the nominate form in the dryer north. Uganda: Recorded on nine dates with max. 6 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

White-chinned Prinia Prinia leucopogon. Form reichenowi. Uganda: 4 Buhoma on 17 Jun and 4 there on 18 Jun, and 10 Kibale on 21 Jun.

Banded Prinia Prinia bairdii. Form obscura. Rwanda: 2 Nyungwe on 6 Jun and 4 there on 7 Jun. Uganda: 2 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Red-winged (Warbler) Prinia Prinia erythroptera. Form jodoptera. Uganda: 2 Butiaba Escarpment on 23 Jun.

Red-winged Grey Warbler Drymocichla incana. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Collared Apalis Apalis rwenzorii. Monotypic. Rwanda: 2+ Nyungwe on 8 Jun. Uganda: 4 Ruhiza on 15 Jun.

Black-capped Apalis Apalis nigriceps. Form collaris. Uganda: 2 heard Budongo on 23 Jun.

Black-throated Apalis Apalis jacksoni. Nominate form. Rwanda: A total of 4 Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: A few daily at Ruhiza, Buhoma and Kibale.

Masked Apalis Apalis binotata. Monotypic. Uganda: 2 Kibale on 22 Jun, and 10 Budongo on 23 Jun.

Mountain Masked Apalis Apalis personata. Nominate form. Rwanda: Up to 10 daily Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: A few daily at Ruhiza and Buhoma on 15 Jun – 18 Jun.

Yellow-breasted Apalis Apalis flavida. Form caniceps. Uganda: 1 en route on 22 Jun.

Buff-throated Apalis Apalis rufogularis. Form kigezi in the Rwenzoris, nigrescens elsewhere. Uganda: 4 Mabira on 12 Jun, 10 Buhoma on 17 Jun, 15 Kibale on 21 Jun and Budongo on 24 Jun.

Kungwe Apalis Apalis argentea. Form eidos? Rwanda: 2 heard on the Waterfall Trail at Nyungwe. Despite a lot of searching in the canopy they could not be seen.

Chestnut-throated Apalis Apalis porphyrolaema. Form affinis. Rwanda: 2 Nyungwe on 6 Jun and 4 there on 8 Jun. Uganda: Only recorded at Ruhiza with 4 on 15 Jun and 10 on 16 Jun.

Grey Apalis Apalis cinerea. Nominate form. Uganda: 4 around the HQ at Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Grey-capped Warbler Eminia lepida. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 Mburo on 14 Jun, 1 heard en route on 18 Jun, and 3 Queen Elizabeth on 18 Jun.

Grey-backed Camaroptera Camaroptera brevicaudata. Form aschani in the south, with form abessinica in the dry north at Murchison Falls. Rwanda: 2 heard Nyungwe on 7 Jun and 2 heard Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Widespread and common. Recorded almost daily.

Yellow-browed Camaroptera Camaroptera superciliaris. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 Mabira on 12 Jun, and 2 heard Budongo on 22 Jun.

Olive-green Camaroptera Camaroptera chloronota. Form toroensis. Uganda: 2+ Mabira on 12 Jun, 2 heard Ruhiza on 17 Jun and 2 heard there on 18 Jun, 2 heard Kibale on 21 Jun, and 2 Budongo on 23 Jun.

Miombo Wren-Warbler Calamonastes undosus. Form buttoni. Rwanda: 2 Akagera on 9 Jun.

Little Rush Warbler Bradypterus baboecala. Form centralis. Uganda:  heard en route on 15 Jun.

White-winged Warbler Bradypterus carpalis. Monotypic. Uganda: 4 near Mabamba on 14 Jun, 3 en route on 15 Jun, and 1 heard near the camp at Kibale on 21 Jun.

Grauer's Scrub Warbler Bradypterus graueri. Monotypic. Rwanda: 1 Nyungwe on 6 Jun, and 2 in the same place on 8 Jun. Uganda: 1 heard Ruhiza on 16 Jun.

Evergreen Scrub Warbler Bradypterus lopesi. Form barakae. Uganda: 1+ Ruhiza on 16 Jun.

Cinnamon Bracken Warbler Bradypterus cinnamomeus. Form mibreadi. Rwanda: 6 Nyungwe on 6 Jun and 10 there on 8 Jun. Uganda: 2 heard Ruhiza on 15 Jun.

Black-faced Rufous Warbler Bathmocercus rufus. Form vulpinus. Uganda: 4 Buhoma on 17 Jun and 2 heard there on 18 Jun, and 2 heard Kibale on 22 Jun.

Moustached Grass Warbler Melocichla mentalis. Form amaurourus. Uganda: 1 near Budongo on 22 Jun, and 1 Butiaba Escarpment on 23 Jun.

African Reed Warbler Acrocephalus baeticatus. Form cinnamomeus. Uganda: 1 en route on 15 Jun.

Greater Swamp Warbler Acrocephalus rufescens. Form ansorgei. Uganda: 1 Bisina Lake on 13 Jun, and 2 near Mbarara on 15 Jun.

Lesser Swamp Warbler Acrocephalus gracilirostris. Form jacksoni. Uganda: 4 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Dark-capped Yellow Warbler Chloropeta natalensis. Form massaica. Uganda: 1 near Mbarara on 15 Jun, and 2 heard Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Mountain (Mountain Yellow) Warbler Chloropeta similis. Monotypic. Rwanda: 7 Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 2 en route on 15 Jun and another heard en route on 16 Jun.

Buff-bellied Warbler Phyllolais pulchella. Monotypic. Uganda: 3 Mburo on 4 Jun, and 3 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Grauer's Warbler Graueria vittata. Monotypic. Rwanda: 5 heard Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 7 Jun. Uganda: 1 Ruhiza on 15 Jun and 2 heard there on 16 Jun, and 2 heard Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Greencap Eremomela Eremomela scotops. Form citriniceps. Rwanda: 1 Akagera on 9 Jun.

Rufous-crowned Eremomela Eremomela badiceps. Nominate form. Uganda: Only recorded at Budongo, where a total of 9 on 22 Jun – 23 Jun.

Green Crombec Sylvietta virens. Form baraka. Uganda: 5+ Kibale on 21 Jun and 4 there on 22 Jun, and 4 Budongo on 22 Jun.

Lemon-bellied Crombec Sylvietta denti. Nominate form. Uganda: 3 Budongo on 23 Jun.

White-browed Crombec Sylvietta leucophrys. Form chloronota. Rwanda: 2 Nyungwe on 8 Jun. Uganda: 2 Ruhiza on 16 Jun, and 2 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Northern Crombec Sylvietta brachyura. Form carnapi. Uganda:  Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Red-faced Crombec Sylvietta whytii. Form jacksoni. Rwanda: 2 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 1 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Neumann's Warbler Hemitesia neumanni. Monotypic. Rwanda: 3 Nyungwe on 7 Jun along the Waterfall Trail were tame and confiding. Uganda: 1+ Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Yellow Longbill Macrosphenus flavicans. Form hypochondriacus. Uganda: 1 heard Mabira on 12 Jun, and 1 heard Budongo on 23 Jun.

Grey Longbill Macrosphenus concolor. Monotypic. Uganda: 2 Mabira on 12 Jun.

Green Hylia Hylia prasina. Nominate form. Uganda: Small numbers at Mabira on 12 Jun, Buhoma on 17 Jun – 18 Jun, and Kibale on 20 Jun – 22 Jun.

Red-faced Woodland Warbler Phylloscopus laetus. Nominate form. Rwanda: A total of 11 Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 2 Ruhiza on 15 Jun and 4 there on 16 Jun, and 4 heard Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Uganda Wood Warbler Phylloscopus budongoensis. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 Mpanga on 10 Jun, and 1 Budongo on 22 Jun.

Broad-tailed Warbler Schoenicola brevirostris. Form alexinae. Rwanda: 1 Akagera on 9 Jun.

Scaly-breasted Illadopsis Illadopsis albipectus. Form barakae. Uganda: 1 heard Mabira on 12 Jun, and 1 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Pale-breasted Illadopsis Illadopsis rufipennis. Nominate form. Uganda: 3 Mpanga on 10 Jun.

Mountain Illadopsis Illadopsis pyrrhoptera. Form kivuensis. Uganda: 2 heard Ruhiza on 16 Jun, and 2 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Rwenzori Hill Babbler Illadopsis atriceps. Monotypic. Rwanda: 5 Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 3 Ruhiza on 15 Jun.

Sharpe's Pied Babbler Turdoides sharpei. Nominate form. Uganda: 10 Mburo on 14 Jun, and 12 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun and 4 there on 20 Jun.

Brown Babbler Turdoides plebejus. Form cinereus. Uganda: 4 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Arrow-marked Babbler Turdoides jardineii. Form emini. Rwanda: 10 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 20 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

Red-collared Mountain Babbler Kupeornis rofocinctus. Monotypic. Rwanda: 2 Nyungwe on 6 Jun and 7 there on 8 Jun.

White-winged Black Tit Parus leucomelas. Form insignis. Rwanda: 2 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 2 Mburo on 4 Jun.

Dusky Tit Parus funereus. Nominate form. Rwanda: 10 Nyungwe on 7 Jun. Uganda: 10 Buhoma on 17 Jun, 15 Kibale on 21 Jun and 6 there on 22 Jun, and 2 Budongo on 22 Jun and 4 there on 23 Jun.

Stripe-breasted Tit Parus fasciiventer. Nominate form. Rwanda: A total of 18 Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 4 Ruhiza on 15 Jun.

White-tailed Lark Mirafra albicauda. Nominate form. Uganda: 2+ Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

Rufous-naped Lark Corypha africana. Form ruwenzoria. Uganda: 2 Mabamba on 14 Jun, and a total of 8 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun – 20 Jun.

Flappet Lark Amirafra rufocinnamomea. Form kavirondensis. Rwanda: 4 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 5 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun and 15+ there  on 20 Jun, and 25+ Murchison Falls on 24 Jun – 25 Jun.

Red-capped Lark Calandrella cinerea. Form saturatior. Uganda: 3 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

Southern Rufous Sparrow Passer motitensis. Form shelleyi. Uganda: 4 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Grey-headed Sparrow Passer griseus. Form ugandae. Rwanda: 10 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Widespread and common. Recorded almost daily.

Jameson's Antpecker Parmoptila rubrifrons. Form jamesoni. Uganda: 1 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

White-breasted Negrofinch Nigrita fusconota. Nominate form. Rwanda: 1 Nyungwe on 7 Jun. Uganda: 2 Mabira on 12 Jun, 2 Buhoma on 17 Jun, 3 Kibale on 21 Jun, and 1 Budongo on 23 Jun.

Grey-headed Negrofinch Nigrita canicapilla. Form schistanea. Rwanda: A total of 5 Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: Small numbers recorded on eight dates, with max. 6 Kibale on 21 Jun.

White-collared Oliveback Nesocharis ansorgei. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 near marshland just outside Mbarara on 15 Jun.

Green-winged Pytilia Pytilia melba. Form belli. Uganda: 2 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun, and 1 Murchison Falls on 25 Jun.

Green-backed Twinspot Mandingoa nitidula. Nominate form. Uganda: 3 Mabira on 12 Jun.

Dusky Crimson-wing Cryptospiza jacksoni. Monotypic. Rwanda: 1 Nyungwe on 6 Jun.

Red-headed Bluebill Spermophaga ruficapilla. Nominate form. Uganda: 1 Mabira on 12 Jun, and 6 Buhoma on 17 Jun – 18 Jun.

Dusky Twinspot Euschistospiza cinereovinacea. Monotypic. Uganda: 2 along the track to Kyogo below Ruhiza on 16 Jun.

Red-billed Firefinch Lagonosticta senegala. Form ruberrima. Rwanda:  A few en route on 5 Jun and 9 Jun. Uganda: Recorded on seven dates with max. 50 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

Black-bellied Firefinch Lagonosticta rara. Nominate form. Uganda: 8 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Blue-billed Firefinch Lagonosticta rubricata. Form ugandae. Uganda: 1 en route on 16 Jun.

Red-cheeked Cordonbleu Uraeginthus bengalus. Nominate form. Rwanda: 20 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: A few en route around Kampala on 13 Jun – 15 Jun, and 20+ Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Yellow-bellied Waxbill Estrilda quartinia. Form kilimensis. Uganda: 6 en route on 16 Jun.

Fawn-breasted Waxbill Estrilda paludicola. Nominate form. Uganda: 2 en route on 14 Jun.

Crimson-rumped Waxbill Estrilda rhodopyga. Form centralis. Rwanda: 1 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 8 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

Black-rumped Waxbill Estrilda troglodytes. Monotypic. Uganda: 12 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun – 25 Jun.

Common Waxbill Estrilda astrild. Form peasei. Uganda: 10 Mburo on 5 Jun, 4 Mabamba on 14 Jun, and 4 en route on 15 Jun.

Black-crowned Waxbill Estrilda nonnula. Nominate form. Rwanda: 20 Nyungwe on 7 Jun, and 4 there on 8 Jun. Uganda: 3 Mabira on 12 Jun.

Kandt's Waxbill Estrilda (atricapilla) kandti. Often considered conspecific with Black-headed Waxbill E. atricapilla. Form graueri. Rwanda: 20 Nyungwe on 6 Jun, and 2 there on the 8 Jun.

Black-faced Waxbill Estrilda erythronotos. Form delamerei. Uganda: 2 Butiaba Escarpment on 23 Jun.

African Quailfinch Ortygospiza atricollis. Nominate form. Uganda: 1 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Bronze Mannikin Lonchura cucullata. Nominate form. Rwanda: 10 Nyungwe on 7 Jun, and 10 Akagera on 9 Jun.
Uganda: Widespread and common.

Black-and-white Mannikin Lonchura bicolor. Form poensis. Rwanda: 8 Nyungwe on 7 Jun. Uganda: 4 Ruhiza on 16 Jun.

Magpie Mannikin Lonchura fringilloides. Monotypic. Uganda: 4 Buhoma on 17 Jun around the HQ.

Village Indigobird Vidua chalybeata. Form centralis. Uganda: 2 Butiaba Escarpment on 23 Jun.

Pin-tailed Whydah Vidua macroura. Monotypic. Rwanda: 10 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Common and widespread.

African Pied Wagtail Motacilla aguimp. Form vidua. Rwanda: A few almost daily. Uganda: Common and widespread with up to 10 daily.

Cape Wagtail Motacilla capensis. Form wellsi. Uganda: 1 en route on 16 Jun and 1 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Mountain Wagtail Motacilla clara. Form torrentium. Rwanda: 1 Nyungwe on 7 Jun. Uganda: 1 en route on 16 Jun, and 4 Kibale on 22 Jun.

Yellow-throated Longclaw Macronyx croceus. Monotypic. Rwanda: 2 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 2 Mburo on 5 Jun, 4 Mabamba on 14 Jun, 15 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun and 30 there on 20 Jun, and 1 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Grassland Pipit Anthus cinnamomeus. Form latistratus? Uganda: 2 near Kibale on 15 Jun.

Plain-backed Pipit Anthus leucophrys. Form zenkeri. Rwanda: 3 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 2 Mburo on 4 Jun, 6 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun, and 10 there on 20 Jun.

Speckle-fronted Weaver Sporopipes frontalis. Form emini. Uganda: 3 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

White-browed Sparrow-Weaver Plocepasser mahali. Form melanorhynchus. Uganda: 2 Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Chestnut-crowned Sparrow-Weaver Plocepasser superciliosus. Form brunnescens. Uganda: 4 Butiaba Escarpment on 23 Jun.

Baglafecht Weaver Ploceus baglafecht. Form stuhlmanni. Rwanda: A total of 19 Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: A few daily in the Buhoma and Ruhiza areas, and a few elsewhere.

Slender-billed Weaver Ploceus pelzelni. Nominate form. Rwanda: 2 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Widespread in small numbers. Recorded on eight dates with max. 50 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

Little Weaver Ploceus luteolus. Form kavirondensis. Uganda: 1 en route on 23 Jun.

Lesser Masked Weaver Ploceus intermedius. Nominate form. Rwanda: 4 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 1 Mburo on 4 Jun, 10 Mabamba on 14 Jun, 2 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun, and 2 en route on 23 Jun.

Spectacled Weaver Ploceus ocularis. Form crocatus. Uganda: 6 Mburo on 5 Jun, and 3 en route on 15 Jun.

Black-necked Weaver Ploceus nigricollis. Nominate form. Uganda: 20 Mpanga on 10 Jun, 12 Mabira on 12 Jun, 10+ Kibale on 21 Jun, and 2 Budongo on 23 Jun.

Black-billed Weaver Ploceus melanogaster. Form stephanophorus. Uganda: 1 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Strange Weaver Ploceus alienus. Monotypic. Rwanda: A total of 9 Nyungwe 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda:  Ruhiza on 16 Jun.

Holub's Golden Weaver Ploceus xanthops. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 Mburo on 4 Jun, 2 Buhoma on 18 Jun, and 2 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Orange Weaver Ploceus aurantius. Form rex. Uganda: 10 Entebbe Botanical Gardens on 11 Jun.

Northern Brown-throated Weaver Ploceus castanops. Monotypic. Uganda: 4 Mburo on 5 Jun, 10 Mabira on 12 Jun, 2 Mabamba on 14 Jun, and 2 Murchison Falls on 25 Jun.

Vitelline Masked Weaver Ploceus vitellinus. Form uluensis. Uganda: 10 Entebbe Botanical Gardens on 11 Jun.

Village Weaver Ploceus cucullatus. Form bohndorffi. Uganda: Recorded in large numbers from scattered localities around habitation.

Fox's Weaver Ploceus spekeoides. Monotypic. Uganda: 10 Lake Bisina on 13 Jun. One of the highlights of the trip.

Vieillot's Black Weaver Ploceus nigerrimus. Nominate form. Uganda: 5 Mabira on 12 Jun, 20 Buhoma on 17 Jun, and 15 Kibale on 20 Jun – 21 Jun.

Weyns's Weaver Ploceus weynsi. Monotypic. Uganda: 300 Mabira on 12 Jun.

Yellow-backed Weaver Ploceus melanocephalus. Form fischeri. Uganda: Widespread. Recorded in small numbers on eight dates with max. 50 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

Golden-backed Weaver Ploceus jacksoni. Monotypic. Uganda: 5 Entebbe Botanical Gardens on 11 Jun, and 3 Lake Bisina on 13 Jun.

Yellow-mantled Weaver Ploceus tricolor. Form interscapularis. Uganda: 20 Mabira on 12 Jun.

Forest Weaver Ploceus bicolor. Form mentalis. Rwanda: 5 Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 7 Jun.

Brown-capped Weaver Ploceus insignis. Nominate form. Uganda: 1 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Red-headed Malimbe Malimbus rubricollis. Nominate form. Uganda: 3 Mabira on 12 Jun, 3+ Kibale on 1st – 22 Jun, and 4 Budongo on 22 Jun – 23 Jun.

Cardinal Quelea Quelea cardinalis. Nominate form. Uganda: 1 Lake Bisina on 13 Jun, and 3 Mabamba on 14 Jun.

Red-headed Quelea Quelea erythrops. Monotypic. Uganda: 100+ daily at Murchison Falls on 24 Jun – 25 Jun.

Red-billed Quelea Quelea quelea. Nominate form. Uganda: 1 Ruhiza on 15 Jun, and 25 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

Black Bishop Euplectes gierowii. Form ansorgei. Uganda: 2 en route on 22 Jun.

Black-winged Bishop Euplectes hordeaceus. Form terus in the south, craspodep in the north. Rwanda: 4 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 2 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun, 20 near Murchison Falls on 23 Jun, and 4 Murchison Falls on 25 Jun.

Northern Red (Orange) Bishop Euplectes franciscanus. Monotypic. Uganda: Common around Murchison Falls with max. 40 on 24 Jun.

Southern Red Bishop Euplectes orix. Form nigrifrons. Uganda: 30 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

Fan-tailed Widowbird Euplectes axillaris. Form phoeniceus. Rwanda: 6 near the border crossing on 5 Jun and 10 Jun. Uganda: Widespread but not common. Max. 20 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

Yellow-mantled Widowbird Euplectes macrourus. Monotypic. Uganda: Common at Murchison Falls with 30+ daily on 24 Jun – 25 Jun.

Yellow-shouldered Widowbird Euplectes macrocercus. Monotypic. Uganda: 1 en route on 4 Jun, and 10 en route on 23 Jun.

White-winged Widowbird Euplectes albonotatus. Form eques. Uganda: 6 Queen Elizabeth on 20 Jun.

Red-collared Widowbird Euplectes ardens. Form concolor. Uganda: 8 Butiaba Escarpment on 23 Jun.

Hartlaub's Marsh Widowbird Euplectes hartlaubi. Form psammocromius. Uganda: 6 en route on 14 Jun.

Grosbeak Weaver Amblyospiza albifrons. Form melanota. Rwanda: 2 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: Recorded on seven dates with max. 20+ Kibale on 21 Jun.

Grey-headed Sunbird Anthreptes axillaris. Monotypic. Uganda: 3 Buhoma on 17 Jun, and 4 Budongo on 23 Jun.

Western Violet-backed Sunbird Anthreptes longuemarei. Form haussarum. Uganda: 2 Butiaba Escarpment on 23 Jun.

Green (Grey-chinned Sunbird) Sunbird Anthreptes rectirostris. Form tephrolaema. Uganda: 5 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Collared Sunbird Anthreptes collaris. Form garguensis. Rwanda: Up to 10 daily Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: Small numbers recorded daily in forested sites.

Little Green Sunbird Nectarinia seimundi. Form traylori. Rwanda: 2 Nyungwe on 8 Jun. Uganda: 2 Mabira on 12 Jun, 2 Buhoma on 17 Jun and 3 there on 18 Jun, 10 Kibale on 21 Jun, and 4 Budongo on 23 Jun.

Western Olive Sunbird Nectarinia obscura. Form vincenti. Rwanda: 3+ Nyungwe on 7 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: Recorded on six dates with max. 40+ Kibale on 21 Jun.

Blue-headed Sunbird Nectarinia alinae. Nominate form. Rwanda: 10 Nyungwe on 7 Jun, and 20 there on 8 Jun. Uganda: Only recorded at Ruhiza and Buhoma with max. 20 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Green-headed Sunbird Nectarinia verticalis. Form viridisplendens. Rwanda: 1 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 2 Mabira on 12 Jun, 1 Ruhiza on 16 Jun, 2 Buhoma on 17 Jun and 1 there on 18 Jun, and 2 Kibale on 21 Jun.

Blue-throated Brown Sunbird Nectarinia cyanolaema. Form octavia. Uganda: 1 Ruhiza on 16 Jun, 2 Buhoma on 17 Jun, and 6 Kibale 21 Jun.

Green-throated Sunbird Nectarinia rubescens. Nominate form. Uganda: 1 Mabira on 12 Jun, and 3 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Scarlet-chested Sunbird Nectarinia senegalensis. Form lamperti in the south with form ocik in the north. Uganda: Recorded on seven dates. Commonest around Entebbe with 6+ Entebbe Botanical Gardens on 11 Jun.

Variable Sunbird Nectarinia venusta. Form igniventris. Rwanda: Common Nyungwe with 30+ on 7 Jun. Uganda: 1 en route on 16 Jun.

Rwenzori Sunbird Nectarinia stuhlmanni. Form graueri. Rwanda: 22 Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun.

Northern Double-collared Sunbird Nectarinia preussi. Form reichenowi. Uganda: 5 Ruhiza on 17 Jun, and 4 Buhoma on 17 Jun – 18 Jun.

Olive-bellied Sunbird Nectarinia chloropygia. Form orphogaster. Rwanda: 2 en route on 5 Jun. Uganda: 3 Mabira on 12 Jun, 11 Kibale on 22 Jun.

Tiny Sunbird Nectarinia minulla. Nominate form. Uganda: 5 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Regal Sunbird Nectarinia regia. Nominate form, or kivuensis? Rwanda: 28 Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 6 Ruhiza on 16 Jun.

Copper Sunbird Nectarinia cuprea. Nominate form. Uganda: 1 en route on 13 Jun, and 2 Kibale on 1st.

Purple-breasted Sunbird Nectarinia purpureiventris. Monotypic. Rwanda: Up to 8 daily Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 3 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Bronze Sunbird Nectarinia kilimensis. Nominate form. Rwanda: 2 near the border checkpoint on 10 Jun. Uganda: 2 en route on 15 Jun, 5 Buhoma on 17 Jun and 2 there on 18 Jun.

Red-chested Sunbird Nectarinia erythrocerca. Monotypic. Uganda: Recorded on seven dates with max. 10 Entebbe Botanical Gardens on 11 Jun.

Mariqua Sunbird Nectarinia mariquensis. Form suahelica. Rwanda: 4 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 1 Mburo on 4 Jun, 1 Lake Bisina on 13 Jun, and 3 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun – 20 Jun.

Purple-banded Sunbird Nectarinia bifasciata. Form strophium. Uganda: 3 Mabira on 12 Jun.

Superb Sunbird Nectarinia superba. Form buvuma. Rwanda: 1 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 1 Kibale on 21 Jun.

Beautiful Sunbird Nectarinia pulchella. Form lucidipecta. Uganda: 10+ Murchison Falls on 23 Jun – 25 Jun.

Yellow-crowned Canary Serinus canicollis. Form sassii. Rwanda: 5 Nyungwe on 6 Jun.

West African Citril Serinus frontalis. Nominate form. Rwanda: 3+ Nyungwe on 7 Jun. Uganda: 4 Ruhiza on 16 Jun.

White-rumped Seedeater Serinus leucopygius. Monotypic. Uganda: 2 around the chilli campsite at Murchison Falls on 24 Jun.

Yellow-fronted Canary Serinus mozambicus. Form barbatus. Rwanda: 10 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 4 Mburo on 4 Jun, and 20+ daily Murchison Falls on 24 Jun – 25 Jun.

Brimstone Canary Serinus sulphuratus. Form sharpii. Rwanda: 4 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 2 Buhoma on 18 Jun.

Streaky Seedeater Serinus striolatus. Form graueri. Rwanda: Common Nyungwe with 10+ daily6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 2 Ruhiza on 16 Jun.

Thick-billed Seedeater Serinus burtoni. Form tanganijicae. Rwanda: 15 Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 8 Jun. Uganda: 6 Buhoma on 17 Jun.

Oriole Finch Linurgus olivaceus. Form progoginei. Uganda: 1 Ruhiza on 17 Jun.

African (Cinnamon-breasted) Rock-Bunting Emberiza tahapisi. Nominate form. Uganda: 2 singing Butiaba Escarpment on 23 Jun.

Golden-breasted Bunting Emberiza flaviventris. Form kalaharica. Rwanda: 5 Nyungwe on 6 Jun – 7 Jun, and 2 Akagera on 9 Jun. Uganda: 2 Ruhiza on 15 Jun, and 2 Queen Elizabeth on 19 Jun.

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