An annotated checklist of the birds of Junglaven Camp, Terr. Fed. Amazonas, Venezuela, compiled February 1999.
Taxonomy and nomenclature follow Clements (1991): Birds of the World: A checklist, including Supplements, with a few minor exceptions, which are noted.
All species listed have been recorded in and around Campamento Junglaven between March 1990 (when Junglaven was opened) and April 1998. To-date a total of 421 species have been recorded, with an additional eight which require confirmation. In compiling this checklist, no attempt has been made to judge or vet others’s observations as reported, but the observer's comments have been retained if a species was not identified with 100% confidence. Some South American avian families present problems for specific identification, which combined with the relatively little ornithological study at Junglaven, creates both difficulties and opportunities for the visitor. Where possible, full details are given of observations for species which are considered to be uncommon or rare, though sometimes this has not been possible. With further observations, the status of many species could well change.
Junglaven and its Birds
Junglaven is located at 5°05'N, 66°15'W, (approximately 86 nautical miles east-south-east of Puerto Ayacucho) south of the Orinoco, and just north-west of the Ventuari River. The camp itself is situated on the banks of what is referred to as the Big Lagoon which, with sufficient water levels, forms a tributary of the Ventuari. The surrounding area is a mosaic of various wetland, forest-types and savannas; humid terra firma forest (with a 20 metre canopy); Várzea (high seasonally-flooded forest); narrow streams and oxbow lakes with thick riparian scrub and small grassy marshes; scrubby, lower, semi-deciduous savanna-woodland on sandy soils; and extensive savannas (with some moriche palms) on poor, white sandy soils. The avifauna includes elements typical of the Guianas, some from western Amazonia, a few species endemic to the upper Orinoco/Rio Negro region, and some local species restricted to savanna-woodland.
I would like to thank Captain Lorenzo Rodriguez, the owner of Junglaven, and all who contributed to the compilation of this list, especially those who supplied copies of their observations and records (see references below). Special thanks go to Rose Ann Rowlett who supplied many additional observations, and to David Fisher who provided many observations and reviewed final drafts. Thanks also to Ketty Gutierrez who supplied copies of notes from the logbook situated at the camp.
Introduction to the Species Accounts and Abbreviations
Each species has been similarly laid-out. The common English, and scientific, names are followed by a short abbreviated code giving an indication of its relative abundance and habitats in which it can be found. This, in turn, is followed by a list of observers (see references below). Many abundance codes have been based on vocalisations, by which many rain-forest species are detected far more easily. In a few cases, codes have not been given for reasons of insufficient or conflicting data. Where relevant these are discussed in the text. A few species, listed in square brackets, are subject to confirmation.
Abundance codes:
C - Common. Recorded on most visits.
F - Fairly common. Recorded on about half of visits.
U - Uncommon. Recorded occasionally.
R - Rare. Only one or two observations in total.
M - Migrant. Hence seasonally observed.
Habitat codes:
r - Riverine. On rivers, streams or ponds or in habitat immediately bordering them.
s - Savanna. Open grasslands.
w - Savanna-woodland. Low, scrubby, semi-deciduous woods, usually bordering savannas.
v -Várzea. Seasonally flooded high forest bordering rivers, streams and ponds.
t -Terra-firma forest. Humid forest, not seasonally flooded, with a high canopy.
Observer codes:
These are the observers/references as listed below. Common species, recorded by all observers are marked as 'All observers'.
References and Field Notes
ROP/JDK. Preliminary Checklist of the Birds, Terr. Federal Amazonas, Venezuela, by Richard O. Prum, (Dept. of Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History, New York 10024, USA) and Joseph D. Kaplan (Whitefish Point Bird Observatory, Paradise, Michigan, USA). These first observations at Junglaven, recording 268 species, were made over the periods, 10-11 March, and 22 March - 28 April 1990.
RAR/JC. Updated checklist of Birds of Junglaven, Amazonas, Venezuela, by Rose Ann Rowlett, (Field Guides Inc., P.O.Box 160723, Austin, Texas 78716, USA), 15 April 91. This checklist merged additional observations (by Rose Ann Rowlett and John Coons, recorded during a Field Guides tour from 23 February - 2 March 91) with the above reference, and were subsequently included in a Junglaven advertising brochure. This list unfortunately suffered some reproduction problems with numerous spelling and abbreviated-code errors, together with several species being accidentally omitted.
JC/JP. Birds recorded on the Amazonas, Venezuela Tour by John Coons and Jan Pierson. A short list of species and numbers observed during a Field Guides tour between 15-26 February 92 (not all this time spent at Junglaven).
DF92. Personal notes of birds seen, by David Fisher and Judy Davis, (56, Western Way, Sandy, Bedfordshire, SG19 1DU, England). The daily log of species and numbers observed during a Sunbird reconnaissance trip from 21 - 25 March 92.
BB. Junglaven Bird List, by Bob Behrstock, 9707 S.Gessner, #3506, Houston, TX 77071, USA. A short list of species and numbers observed by Bob Behrstock, Brian Finch and Jeff Kingery during a visit 11-15 May 92.
DWF. Campamento Junglaven, by Davis W. Finch, USA. A simple checklist of species observed during a visit 19-25 May 92.
SLH. Bird List from Junglaven, Amazonas, Venezuela by Steve Hilty. Observations made during a Victor Emanuel Nature Tours tour from 29 December 92 to 5 January 93.
JC. Birds recorded on the Amazonas, Venezuela Tour by John Coons. A short list of species and numbers observed during a Field Guides tour between 16-26 January 93 (not all this time spent at Junglaven). Unfortunately sightings from Falcon State are mixed together with those from Junglaven, without an indication of which are from which area. I have taken a conservative approach and not included observations unless explicitly commented that they were from Junglaven.
DF94. Sunbird Tour to Venezuela. The Amazon : March 1994, by David Fisher. The daily log of species and numbers observed during a Sunbird tour from 19 - 24 March 94.
DES. Junglaven - April 1994, Dave E. Sargeant. Observations made between 30 March and 4 April 1994.
GG. Junglaven: November 1994, by Garry George. A list of species seen during a Field Guides trip around 18 November 1994.
PS/JK. Junglaven Bird List: Jan 8 - 13, 1995, by Phoebe Snetsinger. A list of species recorded on a trip with Jeff Kingery, Betsy Fikejs and Melinda Berger from 8 -13 January 1995.
DF95. Sunbird Tour to Venezuela. The Amazon : March 1995, by David Fisher. The daily log of species and numbers observed during a Sunbird tour from 18 - 23 March 95.
DM/NM. Birds seen in Southern Venezuela. Report from a private birding trip to Camturama, Junglaven and Hato El Frio, by David and Nancy Massie (43, Hazel Road, Purley Beeches, Reading, RG8 8HR, England.) An annotated list of the species observed, 12 - 28 January 1996.
JW. Venezuela (Junglaven, Henri Pittier). Report from a private birding trip to Junglaven and Henri Pittier, by John van der Woude (Netherlands). An annotated list of the species observed, 7 - 24 January 1997.
KJZ/SLH. Kevin J. Zimmer and Steven L. Hilty. (1997). Avifauna of a Locality in the Upper Orinoco
Drainage of Amazonas, Venezuela. Ornithological Monographs (1997). Volume 48. A paper summarising several surveys of the Junglaven area.
DF97. Sunbird visit to Junglaven - 15-20 March 1997, by David Fisher. The daily log of species and numbers observed during a Sunbird tour from 15 - 20 March 1997.
MBS. Junglaven: February 1998, by Mary Beth Stowe (San Diego, CA, USA). A list of species seen during the first week of February 1998.
DF98. Junglaven : March - April 1998, by David Fisher. The daily log of species and numbers observed during the period 28 March - 2 April 1998.
The abbreviations given for each of the references above are used throughout to indicate sources.
Other primary references:
Clements, J. (1991) Birds of the World: A checklist. Ibis.
Hilty, S.L, and Brown, W.L. (1986). Birds of Colombia. Princeton.
Howard, R., and Moore, A. (1991). A Complete Checklist of the Birds of the World. Academic.
Ridgely, R.S., and Tudor, G. (1989). The Birds of South America. Vol 1. Oxford Univ. Press.
Ridgely, R.S., and Tudor, G. (1994). The Birds of South America. Vol 2. Oxford Univ. Press.
de Schauensee, R.M., and Phelps Jr, W.H. (1978). A Guide to the Birds of Venezuela. Princeton.
Additional notes and observations have been supplied from the log book at Junglaven camp.
Several specific localities are mentioned in the species accounts below:
The Road. Refers to the driveable track running from the Junglaven Camp to the airfield. The first 8-10 km of this track passes through a variety of forest types, and without doubt offers some of the finest forest-birding in South America.
The Big Lagoon. This is the area of water on which Junglaven sits. Strictly speaking this is a tributary of the Ventuari river. However, during the dry season, insufficient water levels prevent it connecting with the river.
The Big Tree. About half-way along The Road stands an enormous tree, noticeable due to its size.
Loop Trails. Three short, loop trails through the forest, starting and finishing at points along The Road. Plans exist for several more trails in the near future.
Banana Plantation. A small plantation for bananas and vegetables has been cut in the forest about 300 metres along The Road from the camp.
Galapagos Lagoon. The permanently-wet, shallow lagoon a few kilometres from the airport. Access is via a trail (partly drivable) through dry woodland.
The Harbour. The bank of the Ventuari River, near Camani Camp, where supply boats tie up.
Guayage. A narrow tributary of the Ventuari, several kilometres up-river from Camani Camp. This is frequently the place that Agami Heron is searched for.
Annotated Checklist
Great Tinamou Tinamus major Fvt (All observers)
Birds have been noted calling in all months between Jan and May.
Cinereous Tinamou Crypturellus cinereus Fwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, JC, DF95/97/98, PS/JK, JW, MBS)
Birds were noted calling in Feb 91, Feb 92, May 92, Jan 95, Jan 97, Mar 97 and Mar 98.
Little Tinamou Crypturellus soui Fvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DF94/95/97, DES, JW)
Birds have been noted calling in all months between Jan and May.
Undulated Tinamou Crypturellus undulatus Fwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, SLH, JC, DF92/94/95/97/98, DES,
GG, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS). Birds have been noted calling in all months between Jan and May. One seen in the road early morning in Feb 92 (JC/JP). A few birds were seen well in scrub along the road to the harbour adjacent to Camani Camp, 4 Apr 94 (DES), and another there 24 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Heard daily 28 Mar - 1 Apr 98 (DF).
Grey-legged Tinamou Crypturellus duidae Rw (DES, GG)
This poorly-known species is restricted to the savanna-woodland of southern Venezuela (Amazonas from Caño Cuao and Sanariapo south to Cerro Duida), Columbia (s. Meta), and extreme northeast Brazil (Amazonas at Rio Uaupés). DES heard several tinamou Crypturellus sp. on the evening of 1 Apr 94 in scrubby woodland at the end of the driveable track to Galapagos Lagoon. The call, from several birds in the vicinity, was a single unquavering whistle, quite unlike other tinamou species calling at Junglaven at that time. A single recording was obtained. Despite playback none of the birds came into view. On 3 Apr 94 around midday a single bird was surprised, and seen at close range, along the same track. The description of the bird (strong rufous wash on head, neck, nape, breast and upper belly, upperparts not discernably barred, and grey underparts with narrow black barring on flanks) fits Grey-legged Tinamou well, though the leg colour was unfortunately not noted. Although a tape-recording was obtained, there appears to be no previous recording of this species with which to make a comparison. Also listed (GG) with remarks that "the bird seen in the road on the first afternoon was almost certainly this little-known species, assuming that the unfamiliar tinamous calling in the same habitat were this species".
Variegated Tinamou Crypturellus variegatus Fvt (RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, DF92/94/97/98, JC, DES, PS/JK,
DM/NM, JW, MBS). Birds have been noted calling in all months between Jan and May. In Feb 92, described as the most frequently heard tinamou, mainly at dusk (JC/JP).
Neotropic Cormorant Nannopterum brasilianum Cr (All observers)
Especially common on tributaries of the Ventuari, with some groups of up to 150+ birds (Apr 94, DES).
Anhinga Anhinga anhinga Cr (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, SLH, DWF, DF92/94/95/97/98, JC, DES, PS/JK, DM/NM,
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna autumnalis Ur (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DF92/94)
A total of 60 birds recorded on 24 Mar 92, and 15 birds seen on 21 Mar 94 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Blue-winged Teal Anas discors Rm (PS/JK, JW)
Only two records. A flock of 15 in Jan 95 (PS/JK) on a sandbar on the Ventuari River, and two groups of 20 in same place in Jan 97 (JW).
Muscovy Duck Cairina moschata Ur (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DF92/94/95/97, DES, PS/JK, DM/NM, MBS)
Small numbers along tributaries and around Galapagos Lagoon. Possibly some seasonal variability in numbers, as not recorded Jan 93 (SLH), but fairly common (up to 20 daily) in Apr 94 (DES). Small numbers (between 2 and 6 birds) seen by most visitors.
Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea Fr (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, SLH, DF92/94/95/97/98, JC, DES, PS/JK,
Snowy Egret Egretta thula Fr (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DF92/94/95/97, JC, DES, DM/NM, JW)
Capped Heron Pilherodius pileatus Fr (All observers)
Cocoi (White-necked) Heron Ardea cocoi Cr (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, DF92/94/95/97/98, JC,
PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS). Generally common. Possibly some seasonal variation, as none recorded Apr 94 (DES).
Western Great Egret Casmerodius albus Cr (All observers)
Western Cattle Egret Ardea ibis Rs (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DF94)
Five birds seen 21 May 94 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Striated Heron Butorides striatus Fr (All observers)
All birds are of the resident race B.s.striatus.
Agami (Chestnut-bellied) Heron Agamia agami Ur (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, SLH, DF92/95/97, JC, PS/JK, JW, MBS)
Evidently seasonal - none recorded Mar-Apr 94 (DF, DES) nor May 92 (BB) - with birds seemingly moving out of the area during the periods of lowest water levels. Most visitors see this species along the Guayage tributary of the Ventuari. One juvenile Mar and Apr 90 (ROP per KJZ/SLH), three 31 Dec 90 (KJZ/SLH), two 24 Mar 92 (DF), two Jan 93 (SLH), two Jan 93 (JC), 3 on 21 Mar 95 (DF), and 7 on 20 Jan 96 (DM/NM). One found along one of the creeks off the Big Lagoon in Jan 97 (JW), and two on 17 Mar 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Black-crowned Night-Heron Nycticorax nycticorax Fr (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DF92/94/95/97/98, DES,
Boat-billed Heron Cochlearius cochlearius Ur (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, SLH, DES, DF95/97, PS/JK, MBS)
Few records. A single recorded in Jan 93 (SLH), a few in Feb 92 (JC/JP), 4 in thick cover along the Guayage on 1 Apr 94 (DES), 10+ on 21-22 Mar 95 (DF), and 1 on 19 Mar 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Rufescent Tiger-Heron Tigrisoma lineatum Cr (All observers)
Common and conspicuous in its riverine habitat.
Zigzag Heron Zebrilus undulatus Urv (BB, SLH, DWF, PS/JK, JW, DF98, MBS)
Certainly under-recorded due to its nocturnal and skulking habits. First record seems to be one on 3 Mar 92 (KJZ/SLH). At least two seen and heard on 12-14 May 92 (BB). Also recorded in Jan 93 (SLH), Jan 95 (PS/JK), and on 29 Mar 97 and 1 Apr 98 (DF). Noted in April 98 (Marshall - logbook). According to Lorenzo Rodriguez it can be found regularly at dawn and dusk by taking a boat out on the Big Lagoon, and heard there in Jan 97 (JW).
Green Ibis Mesembrinibis cayennensis Fr (All observers)
Wood Stork Mycteria americana Fr (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DF92/94/95/97, JC, DES, JW)
Abundance probably seasonal. At least 100+ birds recorded 24 March 92 (DF), described as abundant in Feb 92 (JC/JP), and one group of 120+ at Galapagos Lagoon on 3 Apr 94 (DES). At least 20 birds on 20-21 Mar 95 (DF). Recorded along the Guayage in Jan 97 (JW).
Jabiru Jabiru mycteria Ur (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DWF, DF94/95/97, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW)
Two birds seen in Feb 92 (JC/JP), a single bird on 22 Mar 94 (DF), another 18 Mar 95 (DF), and one on sand bars of Ventuari River 20 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Nest (with bird?) reported opposite the ‘big village’ on the Ventuari in Jan 97 (JW). A single on 17 Mar 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Black Vulture Coragyps atratus Cswvt (All observers)
Several individuals can usually be found loitering in the forest behind Camani Camp where food and bones are thrown out from the kitchen.
Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura Cswvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, DF92/94/95/97, JC, PS/JK,
Greater Yellow-headed Vulture Cathartes melambrotus Uvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DWF, SLH, DES, GG,
DF94/95/97/98, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS). Generally appears to be uncommon (only odd single records), though recorded daily in Jan 93 (SLH) and up to 4 individuals daily in Apr 94 (DES).
King Vulture Sarcoramphus papa Uwvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, SLH, DF92/94/95/97, PS/JK, JW, MBS)
Listed as fairly common by RAR/JC, but apparently not many records are specifically from the vicinity of Junglaven - most are from around Puerto Ayacucho airport. The only explicit observations from Junglaven being one on 21 Mar 95 (DF), one high over the Ventuari in Jan 97 (JW), and 3 on 16/17 Mar 97 (DF).
FALCONIFORMES - ACCIPITRIDAE (Hawks, Eagles, Kites and Allies)
Osprey Pandion haliaetus Cr (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, SLH, DF92/94/95/97/98, JC, DES, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW,
Grey-headed Kite Leptodon cayanensis Rwt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC, DF98)
One perched along the Ventuari in Jan 93 (JC), and one on 1 Apr 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Hook-billed Kite Chondrohierax uncinatus Rs (DM/NM)
Only one record, 19 Jan 96 (DM/NM), of a single bird sitting in a tree in savanna at start of the track to Galapagos Lagoon.
American Swallow-tailed Kite Elanoides forficatus Rs (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DM/NM)
One on 18 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Details of other observations not available.
Double-toothed Kite Harpagus bidentatus Rvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, PS/JK)
A single bird in Feb 92 (JC/JP) was observed following Brown-bearded Saki Monkeys Chiropotes satanus through the trees. Details of other observations not available.
Plumbeous Kite Ictinia plumbea Cwvt (All observers)
Crane Hawk Geranospiza caerulescens Uwr (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, JC, DF95/97/98, JW)
A single on 14 May 92 (BB), 3 on 21 Mar 95 (DF), 1 in Jan 97 (JW), 2 on 16 Jan 97 (DF). One on 28 Mar 98 and 1 on 1 Apr 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
White Hawk Leucopternis albicollis Rw (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC)
Details of observations not available.
Great Black-Hawk Buteogallus urubitinga Frwt (All observers)
Savanna Hawk Buteogallus meriodionalis Usw (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, SLH, JC, DES, DF95/98, DM/NM)
A single on 15 May 92 (BB), and another by the airfield 4 Apr 94 (DES). A single recorded 18 Mar 95 (DF), one by the airstrip 27 Jan 96 (DM/NM), and 1 on 27 Mar 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Black-collared Hawk Busarellus nigricollis Fr (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, DF92/94/95/98, DES, PS/JK,
DM/NM, JW). Erratic in occurrence, common in Apr 94 - at least six on 1 Apr 94 (DES) - but only singles recorded by most visitors. Most easily found along tributaries of the Ventuari.
Roadside Hawk Buteo magnirostris Cswvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, DF92/94/95/97/98, JC, DES, PS/JK,
Harpy Eagle Harpia harpyja Rrvt (DF94). Three records. One on 22 Mar 94 (DF), of an adult perched along the Guayage tributary. The bird was observed for 15-20 minutes, as it surveyed the river watching several Capybara which were in the area. A video recording taken at the time is available for viewing at the Junglaven Lodge. Two birds in Feb 98 (Kingery - logbook) and another in Mar 98 (Marshall - logbook)
Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle Spizastur melanoleucus Rrw (RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, GG)
Three records. A single, adult bird flying over the Upper Caño Guayage 27 Feb 91 (JC/RAR), another seen well in Feb 92 (JC/JP), and another recorded on 14 May 92 (BB). Listed by (GG) in Nov 94 with a brief view flying overhead along the forest road.
Black Hawk-Eagle Spizaetus tyrannus R (JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, GG, DF97)
Few records. A pair calling overhead in Feb 92 (JC/JP), and single birds seen on 13 May 92 (BB), in Jan 93 (SLH), and on 16 Mar 97 (DF). Also listed by (JC) in Jan 93, and (GG) in Nov 94.
Ornate Hawk-Eagle Spizaetus ornatus R (JC/JP, DWF, SLH, DF97)
A single bird heard in Jan 92 (SLH), another heard in Feb 92 (JC/JP), and recorded May 92 (DWF). One on 16 Mar 97 (DF). No further details available.
FALCONIFORMES - FALCONIDAE (Falcons and Caracaras)
Black Caracara Daptrius ater Crswvt (All observers)
Red-throated Caracara Daptrius americanus Fvt (All observers)
Crested Caracara Polyborus plancus Rs (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC)
Details of observations not available.
Yellow-headed Caracara Milvago chimachima Rwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, SLH)
Details of observations not available.
Laughing Falcon Herpetotheres cachinnans R (JC/JP, SLH, DF98)
Heard in Feb 92 (JC/JP) and in Jan 93 (SLH). One on 1 Apr 98 (DF).
Lined Forest-Falcon Micrastur gilvicollis Uvt (RAR/JC, JC/JP, JC, DWF, GG)
Recorded as numerous and vocal at dawn Feb 91 (RAR and JC), and heard again in Feb 92 (JC/JP). One perched in Jan 93 (JC), and a record in Nov 94 (GG) concerning a pair that was called in just off the forest road. These appear to be the only records.
Slaty-backed Forest-Falcon Micrastur mirandollei R (MBS)
One along The Road in Feb 98 (MBS). The only record.
Collared Forest-Falcon Micrastur semitorquatus R (BB, DWF, PS/JK)
Few records. Two heard on 14 May 92 (BB), noted May 92 (DWF) and heard in Jan 95 (PS/JK).
Bat Falcon Falco rufigularis Rv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DF94/97/98, DES, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS)
A single recorded on 22 Mar 94 (DF), one along the Guayage tributary on 3 Apr 94 (DES), one along Ventuari River 20 Jan 96 (DM/NM), and another behind the camp on 22 Jan 96 (DM/NM). One along the Ventuari in Jan 97 (JW), one on 17 Mar 97 (DF), and 1 on 2 Apr 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Little (Variable) Chachalaca Ortalis motmot Fw (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DF92/94/97, DES, JW)
Although listed as fairly common by RAR/JC, some visitors have missed it. Small numbers heard Mar 92 and 94 (DF), and a single seen on 2 Apr 94 (DES).
Spix's Guan Penelope jacquacu Cvt (All observers)
Blue-throated Piping Guan Pipile cumanensis Frvt (All observers)
Crestless Curassow Mitu tomentosa Fwvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, DF92/94/95/97/98, JC, DES, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS). Although fairly common, this bird can be elusive. Does occur in terra firma forest, but has a distinct preference for the vicinity of water. Can be seen in forest along the banks of tributaries. One pair are regularly seen along the track running west from Junglaven camp along the edge of the Big Lagoon. Also found in terra firma forest along The Road, where they sometimes come to drink from pools in the track after rain showers, but much less common here than the Black Curassow.
Black Curassow Crax alector Ft (All observers)
Frequently encountered in the early to mid-morning when driving The Road through the forest. Birds were very vocal throughout the night in April 94 (DES).
GALLIFORMES - PHASIANIDAE (Partridges, Grouse, Turkeys and Quails)
Marbled Wood-Quail Odontophorus gujanensis Fvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC DF94/95/97,
DES, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS). Found in forest along The Road in small parties of 4-10 birds. Much more easily heard than seen.
GRUIFORMES - RALLIDAE (Rails, Gallinules and Coots)
Crake sp. Laterallus sp. (exilis?) Rs (ROP/JCK)
Specific details of observations not available. Presumably as unidentified, observations limited to one or only a few individuals - or only heard?.
Grey-necked Wood-Rail Aramides cajanea Frv (All observers)
Quite vocal during the evenings in April 94 (DES).
Sungrebe Heliornis fulica Rr (RAR/JC, SLH, DM/NM, DF98)
One seen along the Caño Guayage in Feb 91 (JC/RAR). Another observed at the edge of the Rio Ventuari in Jan 93 (SLH). Two along Caño Guayage on 20 Jan 96 (DM/NM), and 1 on 29 Mar 98 (DF). Recorded Feb 98 (both Scott and Kingery - logbook). Recorded on the camp lagoon in Mar 98 (Platt - logbook).
Sunbittern Eurypyga helias Crv (All observers)
Grey-winged Trumpeter Psophia crepitans Uvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DES, GG, DF95/97,
PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS). Singles and small groups occasionally found along The Road. Very vocal and quite common in April 94 with small numbers recorded daily (DES). In the past, one bird remained in Junglaven Camp for several months, having been found when very young. However, this bird reverted to the wild one day, when joining a small band of wild trumpeters which strayed into the camp.
Wattled Jacana Jacana jacana Fr (BB, SLH, DF92/94/95/98, DES)
Not listed by (RAR/JC) nor (ROP/JDK) (presumed to be a printing omission). The species appears to be fairly common along the Guayage tributary and around Galapagos Lagoon.
Pantanal (Magellan) Snipe Gallinago paraguaiae RMs (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, BB)
A single on 15 May 92 (BB). Details of other observations not available.
Giant Snipe Gallinago undulata Rs (RAR/JC)
Only one record. One flushed beside the track in savanna on 28 Feb 91 (RAR/JC).
Upland Sandpiper Bartramia longicauda RMs (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DF97/98)
Seen twice in Apr 90 (ROP/JDK). One near the airstrip on 2 Mar 92 (per KJZ/SLH). One on 19 Mar 97 (DF), and another on 1 Apr 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes Rr (BB)
Only one record. Four on 14 May 92 (BB).
Solitary Sandpiper Tringa solitaria FMr (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DF92, BB, SLH, DF94/95/97/98, DES, MBS)
Spotted Sandpiper Tringa macularia CMr (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DF92, BB, SLH, DF92/94/95/97/98, JC, DES, PS/JK,
White-rumped Sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis RMr (per KJZ/SLH)
A single individual reported by P. Coopmans (per KJZ/SLH) from 10-14 Oct 93.
American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica Rms (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC)
Details of observations not available.
Collared Plover Anarhynchus collaris Rs (BB, JW, MBS)
Three records. A single bird on the airstrip on 15 May 92 (BB), and one there in Jan 97 (JW). One by the airstrip in Feb 98 (MBS).
Pied Lapwing Vanellus cayanus Fr (All observers)
Mainly seen on the sandbanks of the main Ventuari River.
Southern Lapwing Vanellus chilensis Us (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, SLH, DF92/95, JC, MBS)
Occurs around the airstrip. A single bird on 24 Mar 92 (DF), at least one in Jan 93 (JC), and 2 on 21 Mar 95 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
CHARADRIIORMES - LARIDAE (Skuas, Gulls, Terns and Skimmers)
Large-billed Tern Phaetusa simplex Fr (All observers)
Yellow-billed Tern Sterna superciliaris Ur (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, SLH, JC, DF94/95/97, PS/JK, DM/NM, MBS)
Two birds on 22 Mar 92 (DF), 2 on 21 Mar 95 (DF), 4 on 20 Jan 96 (DM/NM), and 3 singles on 15, 16 and 18 Mar 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Black Skimmer Rynchops niger Fr (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, SLH, JC, DF92/94/95/97/98, DES, PS/JK, DM/NM,
JW, MBS). Listed as uncommon by RAR/JC, but recorded by most observers in varying numbers. Possibly some seasonal variance.
Scaled Pigeon Columba speciosa Uvt (RAR/JC, JC/JP, SLH, DWF, DF92/94/98, JC, PS/JK)
Only small numbers recorded. Several heard in Feb 91 (RAR/JC), and Feb 92 (JC/JP). Singles on 21 Mar 92 and 21 Mar 94 (DF). Listed in May 92 (DWF), Jan 93 (SLH) and again in Jan 93 (JC). A single on 29 Mar 98 (DF).
Pale-vented Pigeon Columba cayennensis Cwvt (All observers)
Ruddy Pigeon Columba subvinacea Uv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DWF, SLH, DF92/94/95/97, JC, GG, DM/NM,
JW, MBS). Singles on 24 Mar 92, 20 Mar 94 (DF), 21 Mar 95 (DF), 21 Jan 96 (DM/NM) and heard 23 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Seen around the Big Lagoon (number?) in Jan 97 (JW), and heard 16 and 19 Mar 97 and 31 Mar 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Eared Dove Zenaida auriculata R (DWF)
Only one record. Listed in May 93 (DWF).
Plain-breasted Ground-Dove Columbina minuta Usw (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, SLH, DF92, DES, DM/NM,
MBS). Mainly recorded in small numbers around the airstrip. Two flushed in the savanna in Feb 92 (JC/JP), two seen 15 May 92 (BB), and two on 4 Apr 94 (DES). Also 3 around airstrip on 24 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Details of other observations not avaiable.
Ruddy Ground-Dove Columbina talpacoti Rs (BB)
Only one record. A single territorial male at the airstrip on 15 May 92 (BB).
Blue Ground-Dove Claravis pretiosa Urv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, BB, SLH, DF94/95/97, DES, DM/NM, JW, MBS)
A single heard on 14 May 92 (BB), a single female seen in Jan 93 (SLH), three on 22 Mar 94 (DF), 20+ along the Guayage on 1 Apr 94 (DES), and one on 21 Mar 95 (DF). A small flock (number?) regularly seen around the camp from 17-24 Jan 96 (DM/NM), and reported in Jan 97 (JW), and 3 on 16-17 Mar 97 (DF). Two on 1 Apr 98 (DF).
Grey-fronted Dove Leptotila rufaxilla Frwv (All observers)
White-tipped Dove Leptotila verreauxi Rs (JW)
Only one record. One at airstrip in Jan 97 (JW).
Ruddy Quail-Dove Geotrygon montana Rt (BB, DM/NM)
Only two records. Two birds in forest along The Road on 14-15 May 92 (BB), and a single along The Road on 20 Jan 96 (DM/NM).
Scarlet Macaw Ara macao Uvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DF92/94/95/97/98, PS/JK, DM/NM , JW)
Two birds on 22 Mar 92, a total of 11 birds on 21-23 Mar 94 (DF), and 9 birds on 18 -20 Mar 95 (DF). Two flying over the airstrip on 19 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Two on 18 Mar 97, 2 on 19 Mar 97, and 2 on 31 Mar 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Red-and-green Macaw Ara chloropterus Cwvt (All observers)
Chestnut-fronted Macaw Ara severa Fswv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, DF92/94/95/97, JC, PS/JK,
Red-bellied Macaw Ara manilata Rs (DF94/95, MBS)
Three records. Two birds seen extremely well perched out in the savanna on 21 and 23 Mar 94 (DF), and 2 on 19 Mar 95 (DF). Recorded in Feb 98 (MBS); details not available.
Red-shouldered Macaw Ara nobilis R (DWF)
Only one record. Listed in May 92 (DWF).
White-eyed Parakeet Aratinga leucopthalmus R (JC/JP, SLH, JC , JW)
One group flying over in Feb 92 (JC/JP) and Jan 93 (JC). Recorded daily in Jan 93 (SLH). One possible record in Jan 97 (JW). Details not available, and these are the only observations.
Brown-throated Parakeet Aratinga pertinax Fswv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, SLH, JC, DF94/95, DES,
Maroon-tailed Parakeet Pyrrhura melanura Fwvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DF94/95/97/98,
Green-rumped Parrotlet Forpus passerinus R (JC/JP)
Only one record. Listed by (JC/JP) in Feb 92. Details not available.
Cobalt-winged Parakeet Brotogeris cyanoptera Cwvt (All observers)
Tepui Parrotlet Nannopsittaca panychlora R (PS/JK, GG, MBS)
Three records. A flock of 15-20 birds flying overhead calling in Jan 95 (PS/JK). Also small numbers flying over in Feb 98 (MBS). Listed by (GG) in Nov 94 with birds calling overhead most mornings.
Scarlet-shouldered Parrotlet Touit huetii Rvt (ROP/JDK, SLH, JC, DES, PS/JK)
A pair on 3 Jan 91 (KJZ/SLH). Two records in Jan 93 (SLH) and (JC). Four birds flying over the banana planation on 1 Apr 94 (DES). Details of other observations not available.
Sapphire-rumped Parrotlet Touit purpurata R (SLH , JW)
Large, high-flying flocks were seen daily in Jan 93 (SLH). One group of 25 in Jan 97 (JW). These are the only records.
Black-headed Parrot Pionites melanocephala Cwvt (All observers)
Orange-cheeked Parrot Pionopsitta barrabandi Fswvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DWF, DF92/94/95/97/98, BB, SLH,
Blue-headed Parrot Pionus menstruus Fvt (All observers)
Yellow-crowned Parrot Amazona ochrocephala Cswv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, BB, SLH, DF92/94/95/97/98, JC, PS/JK,
Orange-winged Parrot Amazona amazonica Fwvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, DF92/94/97, GG,
Mealy Amazon Amazona farinosa Ft (All observers)
CUCULIFORMES - CUCULIDAE (Cuckoos, Roadrunners and Allies)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Coccyzus americanus UMv (ROP/JDK, KJZ/SLH))
Sightings by P. Coopmans in Oct 93 (per KJZ/SLH). Details of other observations not available.
[Pearly-breasted Cuckoo Coccyzus julieni] Rt (SLH)
Only one record. A single bird, believed to be this species, observed at length in the canopy in Jan 93 (SLH).
Squirrel Cuckoo Piaya cayana Cwvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DES, PS/JK, DM/NM, DF98,
Black-bellied Cuckoo Piaya melanogaster Fwvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DF94/97/98, GG, DM/NM, JW). Listed as fairly common, but likely to be elusive if not found by voice. A single bird seen in Feb 92 (JC/JP), four birds 13-14 May 92 (BB), a single in Jan 93 (SLH), several in Jan 93 (JC), and two on 22 Mar 94 (DF). Singles seen most days 17-23 Jan 96 (DM/NM), one in Jan 97 (JW), 2 on 16 Mar 97 (DF), and 1 on 29 Mar 98 and 1 on 1 Apr 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Greater Ani Crotophaga major Ur (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, DF94/95/98, JW, MBS)
Generally uncommon, but up to ten birds recorded daily 11-14 May 92 (BB). A pair along the Guayage in Feb 92 (JC/JP), two birds on 22 Mar 94 (DF), and singles on 18 and 20 Mar 95 (DF). Three on 29 Apr 98 and 4 on 1 Apr 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Smooth-billed Ani Crotophaga ani Ur (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, SLH, JC, DM/NM)
Two recorded in Jan 93 (SLH). Two by the camp on 19 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Details of other observations not available.
Rufous-winged Ground-Cuckoo Neomorphus rufipennis Rtv (JC/JP, DWF, PS/JK , JW)
One record in Jan 92 and four sightings during Feb-Mar 93 (KJZ/SLH). A single bird attending an antswarm seen in Feb 92 (JC/JP), listed in May 92 (DWF), another heard in Jan 95 (PS/JK), and recorded in Jan 97 (JW). Noted in April 98 (Marshall - logbook). According to Lorenzo, several visitors had seen the bird near the banana plantation in early 94.
[Rufous-vented Ground-Cuckoo Neomorphus geoffroyi] R (KJZ/SLH)
A bird heard on 3 Mar 93 made several loud mandible clackings similar to those described for this species (KJZ/SLH).
Tropical Screech-Owl Otus choliba Fwvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, SLH, DF94/97, DES, DM/NM, MBS)
Birds regularly heard around the Junglaven camp at night.
Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl Otus watsonii Uvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, BB, DWF, JC, GG, PS/JK, DF97)
Listed as fairly common by RAR/JC, who found birds vocal and responsive in Feb 91. However, few records since. A single bird heard on 13 May 92 (BB), reported May 92 (DWF), one seen in Jan 93 (JC), reported Nov 94 and at least one heard in Jan 95 (PS/JK). One heard on 17 Mar 97 (DF).
Vermiculated Screech-Owl Otus vermiculatus Uvt (RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DES, DM/NM)
At least two birds were calling along The Road in Feb 91 (RAR/JC), and several in Feb 92 (JC/JP). A single heard on 12 May 92 (BB). In Apr 94, DES recorded at least one, possibly two pairs between the start of the forest and the banana plantation, hearing birds on all trips into the forest, evening and pre-dawn. However, all vocalisations were in response to initial tape playing. Despite being able to identify the tree from which these birds were calling, they always remained stubbornly, well-hidden in the canopy. A single heard at dusk along The Road on 18 Jan 96 (DM/NM).
Mottled Owl Strix virgata Rt (JW)
Taped along The Road in Jan 97 (JW).
Black-banded Owl Ciccaba huhula Rt (JC/JP)
Only one record. A single bird heard distantly in Feb 92 (JC/JP).
Crested Owl Lophostrix cristata Fvt (RAR/JC, BB, JC/JP, DWF, SLH, JC, DF94/97, GG, PS/JK, JW)
As many as seven calling birds along The Road during Feb 91 (RAR/JC), and one seen in Feb 92 (JC/JP). Heard on two evenings on 13-14 May 92 (BB). Singles observed within the forest in Jan 93 (SLH) and (JC), and another on 20 Mar 94 (DF). A probable heard along The Road in Jan 97 (JW), and one heard on 18 Mar 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Spectacled Owl Pulsatrix perspicillata Rvt (RAR/JC, DF97, MBS)
Two records. An odd immature bird seen and heard giving an atypical call each dawn in late Feb 91 (RAR/JC), and one heard on 16 Mar 97 (DF). One calling around the camp most nights in first week of Feb 98 (MBS).
Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl Glaucidium brasilianum R (ROP/JDK)
Listed as uncommon in several forest types by (ROP/JDK). No other record. (RAR/JC) noted that small birds were not very responsive to its call, except in savanna woodland.
Great Potoo Nyctibius grandis Rvt (RAR/JC, SLH, DF94, JC, DES)
Few records. Vocal in Feb 91 (RAR/JC). A single seen in a forest clearing in Jan 93 (SLH), one heard from the camp in Jan 93 (JC), one seen 22 Mar 94 (DF), and a single heard near Junglaven Camp early morning of 2 Apr 94 (DES).
Long-tailed Potoo Nyctibius aethereus Rvt (RAR/JC, BB, DF94, DM/NM)
Two birds taped and one seen along The Road, pre-dawn on 2 Mar 91 (RAR/JC). At least three heard and one seen 12-13 May 92 (BB). Two birds heard on 22 Mar 94 (DF), but no response to tape during 1-3 Apr 94 (DES). Singles flushed from The Road on 17 and 19 Jan 96 (DM/NM).
Grey (Common) Potoo Nyctibius griseus Fvw (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DWF, BB, SLH, PS/JK, DF97/98, MBS)
Listed as fairly common, but can be elusive. Several birds vocal in Feb 91 (RAR/JC) and Feb 92 (JC/JP). Singles heard 12-13 May 92 (BB), one seen in Jan 93 (SLH), and singles on 16 and 18 Mar 97 (DF). One on 29 Mar 98 and 1 on 1 Apr 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Short-tailed (Semi-collared) Nighthawk Lurocalis semitorquatus R (BB, DWF, SLH, PS/JK)
A single seen 11 May 92 (BB), reported May 92 (DWF), another seen in Jan 93 (SLH) and listed in Jan 95 (PS/JK).
Least Nighthawk Chordeiles pusillus Us (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, GG, DM/NM, DF97, MBS)
Listed as fairly common by (ROP/JDK) and (RAR/JC), but few other records. A single over the airstrip at dusk 19 Jan 96 (DM/NM), and 6 on 19 Mar 97 (DF).
Sand-colored Nighthawk Chordeiles rupestris Ur (ROP/JDK, DM/NM)
Listed as fairly common by (ROP/JDK), but only one other record; a flock (number?) roosting on large sand bank in Ventuari River on 20 Jan 96 (DM/NM).
Lesser Nighthawk Chordeiles acutipennis Us (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, DF94/95, JW)
Recorded in Feb 92 (JC/JP), a total of seven birds on 11-12 May 92 (BB), a single 23 Mar 94 (DF), 2 on 19 Mar 95 (DF), and one in Jan 97 (JW). Details of other observations not available.
Band-tailed Nighthawk Nyctiprogne leucopyga Fr (All observers)
Easily seen most evenings at dusk, feeding over the Big Lagoon.
Pauraque Nyctidromus albicollis Crwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DF92, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DF94/95/97/98, DES, PS/JK,
DM/NM, JW, MBS). Common around Junglaven camp at night.
Rufous Nightjar Caprimulgus rufus Rv (JC/JP, SLH, JW, DF97, MBS)
Heard in Feb 92 (JC/JP), and on two evenings during Dec 92 - Jan 93 (SLH). Recorded on 10-14 Oct 93 (Coopmans per KJZ/SLH). Several along the Big Lagoon in Jan 97 (JW), and singles heard on evenings of 16-20 Mar 97 (DF). Recorded in Feb 98 (MBS).
White-tailed Nightjar Caprimulgus cayennensis Fs (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, BB, SLH, DF94, MBS)
Blackish Nightjar Caprimulgus nigrescens Us (ROP/JDK, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, DF94/95, GG, PS/JK) A single flushed from the black dome rock near the Ventuari in Feb 92 (JC/JP). At least four seen and heard 13-14 May 92 (BB), a single seen at dusk, resting on a stump at Camani Creek in Jan 93 (SLH), a single outside the cabins on 19 Mar 94 (DF), and 3 over three days in Mar 95 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
White-collared Swift Streptoprocne zonaris C (All observers)
Tepui Swift Cypseloides phelpsi R (GG)
One record. Listed by (GG) in Nov 94 presumed to be a straggler from the highlands.
Band-rumped Swift Chaetura spinicauda R (PS/JK, GG, DM/NM, DF97/98, MBS)
Three records. Five birds seen well in Jan 95 (PS/JK), 30 birds on 21 Jan 96 (DM/NM), 2 on 18 Mar 97 (DF), and 4 on 1 Apr 98 (DF).
Grey-rumped Swift Chaetura cinereiventris Fswv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DF92, BB, SLH, DF92/94/95/97, JC, DES, GG, JW)
Short-tailed Swift Chaetura brachyura Cs (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DF92, BB, DWF, SLH, DF94/95/98, DES, DM/NM, JW)
Fork-tailed Palm-Swift Tachornis squamata Us (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, DF92/94/95/97/98, MBS)
Small numbers recorded 15 May 92 (BB), 25 Mar 92, 20-22 Mar 94 (DF), and 2 on 18 Mar 95 (DF). Two on 18 Mar 97 (DF), and singles on 28 Mar 98 and 1 Apr 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift Panyptila cayennensis Rv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, GG)
One above the camp in Nov 94 (GG). Details of other observations not available.
Long-tailed Hermit Phaethornis superciliosus Fvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, SLH, DWF, JC,
DF92/94/95/97/98, DES, DM/NM, JW, MBS).
White-bearded Hermit Phaethornis hispidus Uwt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DES, DM/NM)
A single bird seen low down in the forest, near the Big Tree, along The Road 3 Apr 94 (DES). A single at the bananna plantation 19 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Details of other observations not available.
Dusky-throated Hermit Phaethornis squalidus Uw (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DWF, SLH, JC, DF94, DES,
PS/JK, MBS). Two birds in Feb 92 (JC/JP), a few in Jan 93 (JC), and a single bird seen 23 Mar 94 (DF). One in scrub woodland near The Harbour, 1 Apr 94 (DES). Details of other observations not available.
Reddish Hermit Phaethornis ruber Fvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DF92, BB, DWF, SLH, DF94/95/97/98, DES,
Grey-breasted Sabrewing Campylopterus largipennis Rt (SLH, DF94, DES).
Three records. Two in Jan 93 (SLH), two singles 20-23 Mar 94 (DF), and a single seen near the Big Tree along The Road on 3 Apr 94 (DES).
White-necked Jacobin Florisuga mellivora R (JC/JP, DF94, GG).
Recorded at the black dome rock and around the camp in Feb 92 (JC/JP), a single bird on 20 Mar 94 (DF), and recorded near the camp in Nov 94 (GG).
Black-throated Mango Anthracothorax nigricollis Rs (SLH, PS/JK, GG, MBS)
Three records. Seen in savanna in Jan 93 (SLH), listed in Jan 95 (PS/JK), and Feb 98 (MBS). One seen repeatedly in the camp in Nov 94 (GG).
Ruby-topaz Hummingbird Chrysolampis mosquitus R (GG)
One male in the camp in Nov 94 (GG). The only record.
Festive Coquette Lophornis chalybeus Rr (SLH, GG, JW)
Few records. A single male along a creek near Junglaven camp in Jan 93 (SLH), and several recorded in the camp in Nov 94 (GG). A further record of a coquette spp. In Jan 97 (JW).
Racquet-tailed Coquette Discosura longicauda R (GG)
One in the camp in Nov 94 (GG). The only record.
Blue-chinned Sapphire Chlorestes notatus Rv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, JC, JW, DF97)
Singles on 16-17 Jan 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Blue-tailed Emerald Chlorostilbon mellisugus Rwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DWF, JW, DF97)
A single on 19 Mar 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Rufous-throated Sapphire Hylocharis sapphirina R (SLH, DWF, GG)
Two records. A single female recorded in Jan 93 (SLH), and listed in May 92 (DWF). Seen on two occasions in the camp in Nov 94 (GG).
White-chinned Sapphire Chlorestes cyanus Uvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, GG, DF95, MBS)
A total of seven recorded 12-14 May 92 (BB), and a single on 19 Mar 95 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
White-tailed Goldenthroat Polytmus guainumbi Rsv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC)
Details of observations not available.
Green-tailed Goldenthroat Polytmus theresiae Rs (JC/JP, PS/JK, GG, JW)
Few records. A single seen in the savanna in Feb 92 and one in Nov 94 (GG) and Jan 95 (PS/JK). Two or three in savanna in Jan 97 (JW).
White-chested Emerald Chrysuronia brevirostris Rv (RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, JC, MBS)
Few records. One each evening at the camp in Feb 92 (JC/JP), a single feeding at flowers in the Junglaven camp clearing in Feb 91 (RAR/JC), two singles 14-15 May 92 (BB), one in the camp in Jan 93 (JC), and recorded in Feb 98 (MBS).
Versicolored Emerald Amazilia versicolor R (SLH, DWF, DF94/95, GG, PS/JK)
Three birds recorded in Jan 93 (SLH), a single on the edge of the camp on 19 Mar 94 (DF), and 1 on 21 Mar 95 (DF). Two singing males in the camp in nov 94 (GG). Details of other records not available.
Black-eared Fairy Heliothryx aurita Fvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DWF, SLH, JC, DES, DF95, DM/NM)
Two seen in Feb 92 (JC/JP), two singles feeding high in the trees around the Junglaven Camp 2 Apr 94 (DES), 1 on 19 Mar 95 (DF), and singles along The Road 21 Jan 96 and 23 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Details of other observations not available.
Long-billed Starthroat Heliomaster longirostris Rw (RAR/JC, GG, JW)
Recorded at the Big Lagoon in Jan 97 (JW), and one near the camp in Nov 94 (GG). Details of other observations not available.
Black-tailed Trogon Trogon melanurus Fvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DWF, SLH, DF92/94/95/97/98, JC, PS/JK, JW)
White-tailed Trogon Trogon viridis Cvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, DF92/94/95/97/98, GG, JC,
PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS). Much commoner than Black-tailed Trogon.
Violaceous Trogon Trogon violaceus Fvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, JC, DF94/97, PS/JK, JW)
Although listed as fairly common only seems to be seen in small numbers, and not by all observers.
Ringed Kingfisher Ceryle torquata Cr (All observers)
Amazon Kingfisher Chloroceryle amazona Cr (All observers)
Green Kingfisher Chloroceryle americana Fr (All observers)
Green-and-rufous Kingfisher Chloroceryle inda Fr (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DF92/94/95/97/98, BB, DWF, SLH, JC,
DES, GG, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS). Found, in smaller numbers than the above two species, along creeks and tributaries.
American Pygmy-Kingfisher Chloroceryle aenea Rr (SLH, BB, DWF, JC, DF94/97, GG, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS)
Few records. Two birds on 14 May 92 (BB), singles in Jan 93 (SLH) and 22 Mar 94 (DF), and a single along the Guayage on 20 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Recorded from small creeks in Jan 97 (JW), and a single on 17 Jan 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available. Can be found by taking a boat out on the Big Lagoon adjacent to Junglaven Camp.
Blue-crowned Motmot Momotus momota Cvt (All observers)
Brown Jacamar Brachygalba lugubris Urv (ROP/JDK, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, GG, JC)
Listed as fairly common by ROP/JDK, but appears to be erratic in occurrence, with none recorded by several observers. A few along the Guayage in Feb 92 (JC/JP), at least nine birds 12-15 May 92 (BB), listed in May 92 (DWF), at least one on the savanna edge in Jan 93 (JC), and two individuals in Jan 93 (SLH).
Yellow-billed Jacamar Galbula albirostris Ut (ROP/JDK, JC/JP, BB, DF92/95, JC, DES, PS/JK, DM/NM, MBS)
Few records. A single in Feb 92 (JC/JP), singles on 12 May 92 (BB), 23 Mar 92 (DF), and 22 Mar 95 (DF). Heard in Jan 93 (JC). A total of four birds, recorded on three dates, along The Road between 1-3 Apr 94 (DES). One along The Road on 22 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Details of other observations not available.
Green-tailed Jacamar Galbula galbula Cwvt (All observers)
Bronzy Jacamar Galbula leucogastra Rt (SLH, DF95, GG, JW, MBS)
Few records. A pair around Junglaven Camp 29 Dec 92 (SLH), a single, again around the camp on 23 Mar 95 (DF), and 3 from the Mirador in Jan 97 (JW). One along The Road in Feb 98 (MBS). One in the savanna and one in the camp in Nov 94 (GG). Recorded on trails to Galapagos and Cameron Lagoons in Mar 98 (Platt - logbook). Details of other observations not available.
Paradise Jacamar Galbula dea Uvt (RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, JC, DF94/95/97/98, GG, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS)
Three birds at the black dome rock in Feb 92 (JC/JP), and a single seen in Feb 91, high in a tree at the Vista Point Pavilion, which overlooks the Rio Ventuari (RAR/JC). Three in forest/edge savanna on 13 May 92 (BB), one in Jan 93 (JC), two in the banana plantation on 19 Mar 94 (DF), and 1 on 21 Mar 95 (DF). A single by Camani Camp on 20 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Recorded from forest/savanna border along The Road in Jan 97. Singles on 16 and 18 Mar 97 (DF). Two on 30 Mar 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Great Jacamar Jacamerops aurea Rwvt (RAR/JC, DWF, SLH, JC, DF98)
Seen and heard along The Road in Feb 91 (RAR/JC), reported in May 92 (DWF), a single seen in Jan 93 (SLH), a pair in Jan 93 (JC), and 1 on 31 Mar 98 (DF).
PICIFORMES - BUCCONIDAE (Puffbirds and Allies)
White-necked Puffbird Notharchus macrorhynchos Uvt (ROP/JGK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, SLH, DF94/95)
One bird in Feb 92 (JC/JP), and a pair, apparently nesting in a termitarium, high in a tree, in transition forest on 24 Feb 91 (RAR/JC). Three individuals in Jan 93 (SLH), one on 23 Mar 94 (DF), and 1 on 22 Mar 95.
Brown-banded Puffbird Bucco ordii Rvt (SLH, GG)
Three records. Found nesting in a hole in a dead stump in Dec 90 (SLH). Also listed in Nov 94 (GG), and one in Feb 98 in savanna about 200 metres after exiting the forest (Kingery - logbook).
Pied Puffbird Notharchus tectus R (SLH)
Only one record. Recorded in Jan 93 (SLH), but no specific details available.
Spotted Puffbird Bucco tamatia Fwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, JC, DES, GG, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, DF97)
Listed as fairly common, but like many of its congeners easily overlooked due to its remaining motionless for long periods. Three seen 14-15 May 92 (BB), and two in Feb 93 (JC). Up to four seen in savanna woodland along the trail to Galapagos Lagoon in Apr 94 (DES). Singles along the track to Galapagos Lagoon 19 Jan and 22 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Several in Jan 97 (JW), one on 19 Mar 97 (DF), and 2 on 30 Mar 98 (DF). Noted in Mar 98 (Platt - logbook). Details of other observations not available.
Rusty-breasted Nunlet Nonnula rubecula Uv (ROP/JDK, JC/JP, SLH, DF95/97/98, DM/NM, JW, MBS)
A single on 31 Dec 90 (KJZ/SLH). One in Feb 92 (JC/JP), four recorded on 2 Jan 93 (SLH), 2 on 22 Mar 95 (DF), and one perched in the canopy by the Big Tree 18 Jan 96. One at the start of Trail 4 in Jan 97 (JW). Singles on 16 and 18 Mar 97 and 2 on 19 Mar 97 (DF). One in Feb 98 just beyong the big tree (Kingery - logbook). Singles on 29-31 Mar 98 (DF), and recorded from start of Loop 1 Trail in Mar 98 (Platt - logbook). Details of other observations not available.
Black Nunbird Monasa atra Cwvt (All observers)
Very common in forest along The road. One of the most conspicuous species in the forests around Junglaven.
Swallow-wing Chelidoptera tenebrosa Crsv (All observers)
Several birds usually perched in bushes around the start of The Road (airfield end).
Black-spotted Barbet Capito niger Cwvt (All observers)
Green Aracari Pteroglossus viridis Fvt (POR/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DF 92/94/95, BB, SLH, JC, DES, GG, PS/JK, JW,
MBS). Birds at Junglaven are well west of the range given in Birds of Venezuela, of north-west, west and southern Bolivar. Small numbers recorded by all observers.
Ivory-billed Aracari Pteroglossus azara Fvt (All observers)
Many-banded Aracari Pteroglossus pluricinctus Fvt (All observers)
Tawny-tufted Toucanet Selenidera nattereri Rtw (RAR/JC, DES, DF95, PS/JK, MBS)
Few records. A female seen in dense savanna woodland on 25 Feb 91 (RAR/JC) and in Mar 92 (Ridgely per KJZ/SLH). The visitor's book at Junglaven records a pair seen at the end of The Road near Junglaven camp by P. Boesman on 6 Nov 93. A pair in the dense scrubby forest along the drivable track to Galapagos Lagoon on 3 Apr 94 (DES). Single males seen 19 and 22 Mar 95 (DF). A single male at forest/savanna edge in Jan 95 (PS/JK). Recorded in Feb 98 (MBS) at ‘Y’ junction of trail to Galapagos Lagoon and the old road..
"Osculating" Toucan Ramphastos "osculans" Cvt (POR/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DF92/94/95/97/98, BB, SLH, JC, DES, PS/JK, DM/NM, MBS). Birds at Junglaven R. "osculans" are supposedly a hybrid between Yellow-ridged Toucan R. culminatus and Channel-billed Toucan R. vitellinus. However pure individuals of either are almost completely absent (though see Channel-billed Toucan below). Most, if not all of the birds at Junglaven, have a yellow wash on the chest similar to Channel-billed, with a well-marked yellow ridge on the bill. The call is croaking. Ranges, based on collected specimens, suggest that most birds here should look like nominate culminatus. Evidently more work is required here.
Channel-billed Toucan Ramphastos vitellinus R (DF95/98)
Two birds seen well and specifically studied on 21 Mar 95 (DF) along the main river. Singles on 30-31 Mar 98 (DF). These are the only records.
Red-billed Toucan Ramphastos tucanus R (PS/JK)
One one record. A single bird with a deep maroon bill noted in Jan 95 (PS/JK).
Cuvier's Toucan Ramphastos cuvieri Cvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, SLH, DWF, JC, DF92/94/95/97/98, DES,
PICIFORMES - PICIDAE (Woodpeckers and Allies)
Golden-spangled Piculet Picumnus exilis Fwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, DF92/95/97/98, JC, DES,
PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS). Although listed as fairly common only small numbers seen by most observers. Several recorded in Feb 92 (JC/JP), and three seen and heard 12-13 May 92 (BB). Two 22 Mar 92 (DF), a single seen at Galapagos Lagoon on 1 Apr 94 (DES), and 1 on 20 Mar 95. A single by Galapagos Lagoon on 19 Jan 96 (DM/NM). A pair on a forest island within the savanna in Jan 97 (JW), and 4 on 16-18 Mar 97 (DF). One on 29 Mar 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available. [Birds at Junglaven have very pale underparts and very few spots above.]
Yellow-tufted Woodpecker Melanerpes cruentatus Fwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, SLH, DWF, JC, DES, JW,DF92/94/95/97/98, DM/NM, MBS).
Golden-collared Woodpecker Veniliornis cassini Uwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, DF92/94/95/97, DES, GG, PS/JK, DM/NM, MBS). The exact status of Golden-collared and Red-stained Woodpeckers at Junglaven is unclear, and both species could occur. Although Golden-collared is listed by most observers, according to SLH this is in error of Red-stained (see below). In Mar 94, DF paid specific attention to those birds seen, checking them carefully through a Questar scope. All birds had spotted wing-coverts, and no sign of any red streaking. Further information and field notes are required to satisfactorily resolve this issue. "Golden-collared Woodpecker" has been recorded as follows: Two on 13 May 92 (BB), two on 23 Mar 92 (DF), two on 20-21 Mar 94 (DF), one on 30 Mar 94 (DES), 1 on 22 Mar 95 (DF), 1 on 20 Jan 96 (DM/NM), and 1 on 18 Mar 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Red-stained Woodpecker Veniliornis affinis Uwv (SLH)
See Golden-collared Woodpecker above. Several recorded in Jan 93 (SLH). SLH notes that both Golden-collared and Red-stained almost certainly occur at Junglaven, or very nearby (may be some habitat separation, or maybe they are interspecifically territorial). V. cassini has been collected at San Juan de Manapiare which is not far away. V. affinis has been taken just downriver at Las Carmelitas and Yapacana etc. There are specimens of V. affinis all over the western half of Amazonas. Also, there are specimens of Little Woodpecker V. passerinus from throughout Amazonas as well (but more concentrated in the norther half, and few in the northwest). Confusion reigns!
Yellow-throated Woodpecker Piculus flavigula Fvt (ROP/JDK, BB, SLH, DF92, JC, DES, GG, PS/JK)
Golden-green Woodpecker Piculus chrysochloros Uvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, BB, DWF, JC, DF94, GG, PS/JK)
Few records. Singles in Feb 92 (JC/JP), on 12 May 92 (BB), in Jan 93 (JC), and a female on 21 Mar 94 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
[Golden-olive Woodpecker Piculus rubiginosus] (SLH)
One possible listed (with reservations) in Jan 93 (SLH). SLH notes that although marked on the daily log on one occasion, this is primarily a montane species, with Junglaven more than 20 km from the nearest mountain.
Variable Woodpecker Celeus undatus Cwvt (All observers)
Chestnut Woodpecker Celeus elegans Fwvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, BB, DWF, SLH, DF94/95/97/98, DES, GG, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS)
Cream-colored Woodpecker Celeus flavus Uvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DWF, SLH, DF92/94/95/97/98, JC, DES, GG, PS/JK). A single in Feb 92 (JC/JP), one on 23 Mar 92 (DF), a single in Jan 93 (SLH), pair in Jan 93 (JC), two on 23 Mar 94 (DF), a total of four over three dates in Apr 94 (DES), and 3 over two days in Mar 95 (DF). Two on 18 Mar 97 (DF), and 4 on 1-2 Apr 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Ringed Woodpecker Celeus torquatus Uwvt (RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DF95. PS/JK, JW, MBS)
One seen in the camp in Feb 92 (JC/JP), several seen in Feb 91 (RAR/JC), one on 13 May 92 (BB), three in Jan 93 (SLH), one in Jan 93 (JC), and a single on 18 Mar 95 (DF). Heard in Jan 95 (PS/JK). One near the airstrip in Jan 97 (JW). Recorded on trail to Cameron Lagoon in Mar 98 (Platt - logbook). Details of other observations not available. [SLH notes that this species is commoner at Junglaven than almost anywhere known for this species.]
Lineated Woodpecker Dryocopus lineatus Fwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DWF, SLH, DF92/94/95/97/98, JC, DES,PS/JK, JW, MBS)
Red-necked Woodpecker Campephilus rubricollis R (SLH, DF94, GG, DM/NM)
Few records. Several recorded in Jan 93 (SLH), a single on 19 Mar 94 (DF), and one along The Road 23 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Listed in Nov 94 (GG).
Crimson-crested Woodpecker Campephilus melanoleucos Cwvt (All observers)
Plain-brown Woodcreeper Dendrocincla fuliginosa Uwvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DWF, SLH, JC, DF94/95/98,
DES, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW). Two birds in Feb 92 (JC/JP), two in Jan 93 (SLH), one heard on 21 Mar 94 (DF), two in forest along The Road on 30 Mar 94 (DES), a single on 19 Mar 95 (DF), and 1-2 birds on 21 and 23 Jan 96 (DM/NM). One on 31 Mar 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
White-chinned Woodcreeper Dendrocincla merula Rt (JC/JP)
Only one record. A single bird attending an antswarm in Feb 92 (JC/JP).
Olivaceous Woodcreeper Sittasomus griseicapillus Rvt (ROP/JDK, JC, JW)
One along The Road in Jan 97 (JW). Details of other observations not available.
Wedge-billed Woodcreeper Glyphorynchus spirurus Fvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DF92/94/95/97/98, BB, DWF, SLH, DES, GG, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS). Listed as uncommon by (ROP/JDK) and (RAR/JC). Seen in small numbers by most observers.
Long-billed Woodcreeper Nasica longirostris Frv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, SLH, JC, DF94/95/97/98, DES, GG, PS/JK, JW, MBS). Small numbers recorded in by most observers in its riverine habitat.
Barred Woodcreeper Dendrocolaptes certhia R (SLH, DWF. DF92/94/98, PS/JK, JW). Few records. A single recorded on 23 Mar 92 (DF), and two on 21 Mar 94 (DF). Listed in May 92 (DWF) and Jan 93 (SLH), but with no details of numbers. Listed in Jan 95 (PS/JK). One near the savanna end of The Road in Jan 97 (JW). One on 31 Mar 98 and 2 on 1 Apr 98 (DF).
Black-banded Woodcreeper Dendrocolaptes picumnus Rvt (RAR/JC, MBS)
Only two records. A single heard along The Road at dawn on 26-28 Feb 91 (RAR/JC). Recorded in Feb 98 (MBS); no details available.
Straight-billed Woodcreeper Xiphorhynchus picus Frwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DF94/97/98,
DES, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS). DM/NM notes that Junglaven birds look completely different to those in the Llanos, having much less white about the face and could only be separeated from Striped Woodcreeper by lack of streaking on the mantle.
Striped Woodcreeper Xiphorhynchus obsoletus Uwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DWF, SLH, DF92/94/95/97/98,
JC, DES, GG, PS/JK, DM/NM, MBS). The exact abundance of this species is unclear. Listed as common by (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, and JC), but few other records. Singles recorded on 24 Mar 92 (DF), in Jan 93 (SLH), 19 and 21 Mar 94 (DF), 4 Apr 94 (DES), and 22 Mar 95 (DF). A single along The Road on 19 Jan 96, a second by Camani Camp on 20 Jan 96, and 4 along The Road on 23 Jan 96 (DM/NM). A single on 1 Apr 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available. Described as the most commonly seen woodcreeper by (JC/JP).
Chestnut-rumped Woodcreeper Xiphorhynchus pardalotus R (BB, DWF, GG, DF95, PS/JK, MBS)
A total of five birds seen 12-13 May 92 (BB), listed in May 92 (DWF), and two on 19 Mar 95 (DF). Listed in Nov 94 (GG), Jan 95 (PS/JK) and Feb 98 (MBS).
Buff-throated Woodcreeper Xiphorhynchus guttatus Ft (BB, DWF, SLH, DF94, DES, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, DF98) Another woodcreeper species of which the exact abundance is unclear. Not recorded by either ROP/JC nor RAR/JC. All other records as follows: Three birds over 12-13 May 92 (BB), listed in MAy 92 (DWF), recorded daily in Jan 93 (SLH), a single 23 Mar 94 (DF), and up to six recorded daily in Apr 94 (DES). Listed in Jan 95 (PS/JK). One to two birds recorded almost daily along The Road 17-23 Jan 96 (DM/NM), and in Jan 97 (JW). Two on 30-31 Mar 98 (DF).
Streak-headed Woodcreeper Lepidocolaptes souleyetii Uv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, BB, DF98)
Few records. Four birds 14 May 92 (BB), and 3 0n 30-31 Mar 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Lineated Woodcreeper Lepidocolaptes albolineatus R (DWF, SLH, GG)
Listed in May 92 (DWF), and Nov 94 (GG) but no details available. Several recorded by in Jan 93 (SLH).
[Red-billed Scythebill Campylorhamphus trochilirostris] R (JW)
One tape-recorded in Jan 97 (JW).
Ruddy Spinetail Synallaxis rutilans Fvt (All observers)
Much more readily heard than seen.
Pale-breasted Spinetail Synallaxis albescens R (MBS)
One singing from a bush near the airstrip in Feb 98 (MBS).
Rusty-backed Spinetail Cranioleuca vulpina Ur (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DWF, SLH, GG, DF95/97, MBS)
One or more individuals along the Guayage tributary in Jan 93 (SLH). At least two seen 21 Mar 95 (DF), and 2 on 17 Mar 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Orinoco Softtail Thripophaga cherriei R
Only one record. A single trapped in Mar 92 by M.L.Goodwin (reported by DF).
Cinnamon-rumped Foliage-gleaner Philydor pyrrhodes Rvt (RAR/JC, BB, DF92/97, GG, MBS)
At least two birds, vocalising, within feeding flocks along The Road in Feb 91 (RAR/JC). A single along the track to Galapagos Lagoon 14 May 92 (BB). One seen in the forest in Nov 94 (GG). Two birds (one seen, one heard) along The Road on 24 Mar 92 (DF), and 2 singles heard on 18-19 Mar 97 (DF).
Ochre-throated Foliage-gleaner Automolus ochrolaemus Fvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, SLH, DF92/94/95/97/98,
Olive-backed Foliage-gleaner Automolus infuscatus Rvt (RAR/JC, BB, DWF, DF92, GG)
Few records. A single bird seen and heard along The Road on 24 Feb 91 (RAR/JC). A total of four on 11-12 May 92 (BB), listed in May 92 (DWF), and 2 along The Road on 24 Mar 92 (DF). Listed in Nov 94 (GG).
Leaftosser sp. Sclerurus sp. R (PS/JK)
A single record of a Leaftosser sp., possibly Short-billed Leaftosser L. rufigularis, seen briefly, in Jan 95 (PS/JK).
Slender-billed Xenops Xenops tenuirostris Rr (SLH, JW)
Only two records. A single in riverside scrub in Jan 93 (SLH), and one seen well in forest around Galapagos Lagoon in Jan 97 (JW).
Amazonian Plain Xenops Xenops genibarbis Fvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, SLH, BB, JC, DES, DM/NM, JW, DF98, MBS)
Rufous-tailed Xenops Xenops milleri R (DF95)
Only one record. A single on 19 Mar 95 (DF).
Fasciated Antshrike Cymbilaimus lineatus Ft (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DF92/94/98, DWF, BB, SLH, DES, GG,
Black-throated Antshrike Frederickena viridis Rvt (RAR/JC, DWF)
Two to three singing males heard along The Road in Feb 91 (RAR/JC). The only other record a possible heard (listed provisionally) in May 92 (DWF).
Great Antshrike Taraba major Rv (RAR/JC)
Only one record. A single bird, heard in a manioc plantation amid várzea forest, on 1 Mar 91 (RAR/JC).
Black-crested Antshrike Sakesphorus canadensis Crw (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DES,
DF95/97, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS).
Blackish-grey Antshrike Thamnophilus nigrocinereus Rwv (RAR/JC, JC/JP, DWF, SLH, JC, DF94, GG, PS/JK,DM/NM, MBS). Few records. Several in savanna forest in Feb 92 (JC/JP), a group of two males and two females, all vocalising, in dense, savanna woodland on 28 Feb 91 (RAR/JC). Heard in Jan 93 (SLH), and another seen Jan 93 (JC). A single female recorded 21 Mar 94 (DF). A pair taped out along the track to Galapagos Lagoon on 22 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Recorded on trail to Cameron Lagoon in Mar 98 (Platt - logbook). Described as occuring in low densities in higher-canopy várzea forest along the Ventuari and its tributaries (KJZ/SLH). Details of other observations not available.
White-shouldered Antshrike Thamnophilus aethiops Ft (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, SLH, DWF, JC,
DF92/94/95/97, DES, MBS). Four on 12 May 92 (BB), a single male on 24 Mar 92 (DF), one seen and several heard in Jan 92 (SLH), a single male on 21 Mar 94 (DF), a pair in forest along The Road on 2 Apr 94 (DES), at least 6 over two dates in Mar 95 (DF), and 3+ on 19-20 Mar 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Eastern Slaty Antshrike Thamnophilus punctatus R (JC/JP)
Only one record. Listed by (JC/JP), but no details available.
Amazonian Antshrike Thamnophilus amazonicus Cwvt (All observers)
The commonest antshrike species at Junglaven.
Spot-winged Antshrike Pygiptila stellaris Fvt (RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, DF92/94/95/97/98, JC, DES, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS). Although probably fairly common, this is a canopy species, and is thus probably overlooked. Recorded in small numbers by most observers. Several seen and heard with forest flocks in Feb 91 (RAR/JC), and a single in Feb 92 (JC/JP). A total of five birds on 11-12 May 92 (BB). Recorded in Jan 93 (SLH) and (JC). Two on 22 Mar 92 and a single on 20 Mar 94 (DF). About six birds over three dates along The Road in Apr 94 (DES), four birds over two days in Mar 95 (DF), and 4 on 17-18 Mar 97 (DF). A single female on 22 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Single males on 28 Mar 98 and 1 Apr 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Cinereous Antshrike Thamnomanes caesius Cvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DF92/94/95/97/98, BB, DWF, SLH,
Pygmy Antwren Myrmotherula brachyura Fvt (All observers)
Streaked Antwren Myrmotherula surinamensis Rv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, SLH, DF94/95, PS/JK)
Listed as fairly common by ROP/JDK, but few definite sightings by other observers. Easily confused with Cherrie's Antwren, which seems to be far commoner at Junglaven. One bird, possibly this species, along the edge of the Big Lagoon in Feb 91 (RAR/JC). Definite sightings of a pair in Jan 93 (SLH), a single female 22 Mar 94 (DF), and two on 21 Mar 95 (DF). Listed in Jan 95 (PS/JK). [See Birds of Colombia or Birds of South America for identification].
Cherrie's Antwren Myrmotherula cherriei Fwv (All observers)
See Streaked Antwren above.
Rufous-bellied Antwren Myrmotherula guttata R (PS/JK)
Only one record. At least one bird heard and seen well in Jan 95 (PS/JK).
Rufous-backed Stipplethroat Epinecrophylla haematonota Rt (JC/JP, DF92/94/95/97, JC, DES, PS/JK, JW)
Few records. Two in Feb 92 (JC/JP), and single males recorded 23 Mar 92, 23 Mar 94, and 21-22 Mar 95 (DF). Recorded in Jan 93 (JC). A pair seen very well with a mixed feeding flock along The Road on 30 Mar 94 (DES), and another in the same area the following day (DES). Listed in Jan 95 (PS/JK). One group of 5 in Jan 97 (JW). Details of other observations not avaiable.
White-flanked Antwren Myrmotherula axillaris Cvt (All observers)
Probably the commonest, and certainly the most readily seen, antwren in understorey of the forest along The Road.
Grey Antwren Myrmotherula menetriesii Fvt (RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, DF92/94/95/97/98, JC, DES, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW)
Spot-backed Antwren Herpsilochmus dorsimaculatus Rt (SLH, DES, PS/JK)
Three records. Heard in Jan 93 (SLH), and one individual seen in forest along The Road on 31 Mar 94 (DES). Listed in Jan 95 (PS/JK). Described as fairly common in leafy canopy of várzea forest (KJZ/SLH).
Grey Antbird Cercomacra cinerascens Ft (All observers)
Small numbers seen by all observers. Seen in Feb 92 (JC/JP), at least four on 12-13 May 92 (BB), a single heard on 22 Mar 92 (DF), at least one in Jan 93 (JC), two on 20-21 Mar 94, a single on 2 Apr 94 (DES), four heard on two dates in Mar 95 (DF), and 1 heard on 16 Mar 97 (DF). One heard 29 Mar 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Dusky Antbird Cercomacra tyrannina Rv (RAR/JC, DWF, SLH, JC, DF95/97/98, GG, PS/JK, JW, MBS)
A pair calling from a manioc plantation amid várzea forest on 1 Mar 91 (RAR/JC). Recorded in May 92 (DWF). Two individuals recorded in Jan 93 (SLH). Heard in Jan 93 (JC), and a single on 19 Mar 95 (DF). Listed in Nov 94 (GG) and Jan 95 (PS/JK). One or more recorded together with a Yellow-crested Manakin lek near Galapagos Lagoon in Jan 97 (JW), and 2 on 19 Mar 97 (DF). Two on 28 Mar 98 (DF). Recorded in Feb 98 (MBS).
White-browed Antbird Myrmoborus leucophrys Fwvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DES, GG,
DF95/97/98, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS).
Warbling Antbird Hypocnemis cantator Cvt (All observers)
Black-chinned Antbird Hypocnemoides melanopogon Crwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DES, GG, DF94/95/97/98, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS). Easily seen in low scrub near the water's edge along the Guayage tributary.
Silvered Antbird Sclateria naevia Ur (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, JC, DF92/94/95, DM/NM, JW, MBS)
Recorded along the Guayage in Feb 92 (JC/JP), two on 24 Mar 92 (DF), two heard 11-12 May 92 (BB), one in Jan 93 (JC), and a single female 20 Mar 94 (DF). Three individuals over three days in Mar 95 (DF). A single female along the shore of the lagoon on 21 Jan 98 (DM/NM), and one male along a creek off Big Lagoon in Jan 97 (JW). Details of other observations not available.
Spot-winged Antbird Percnostola leucostigma Rv (ROP/JDK)
Details of observations not available.
White-bellied Antbird Myrmeciza longipes Crw (All observers)
Birds at Junglaven belong to the griseipectus race, which in the male has the black of the throat and chest bordered grey below. [See Birds of Columbia for identification].
Black-throated Antbird Myrmeciza atrothorax Urw (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, GG, PS/JK, JW,
DF98, MBS). Two on 13 May 92 (BB), and a pair in Jan 93 (JC). Two on 1 Apr 98 (DF). No details of other observation available.
White-plumed Antbird Pithys albifrons R (DF98)
Two records. One in Oct 93 (Coopmans per KJZ/SLH), and one 31 Mar 98 (DF).
Rufous-throated Antbird Gymnopithys rufigula Uvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, DF92/95/98, JC, DES, PS/JK, JW, MBS). Known as an ant-follower. Noted with army ants in Feb 91 (RAR/JC), Feb 92 (JC/JP), Jan 93 (JC) and two others on 22 Mar 92 (DF). Other observations of birds not with ants were of four on 13 May 92 (BB), and four on 2-3 Apr 94 (DES). Four seen over 19-20 Mar 95 (DF), and 5 on 29-31 Mar 97. Details of other observations not available.
Wing-banded Antbird Myrmornis torquata R (BB)
Only one record. Two birds recorded on 12 May 92 by JK (BB). [Also called Wing-banded Antpitta.]
Spot-backed Antbird Hylophylax naevia Rvt (ROP/JDK)
Details of observations not available.
Scale-backed Antbird Hylophylax poecilonota Ut (RAR/JC, SLH, JC, DF94/95/97, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW)
Few records. Several recorded in Feb 91 (RAR/JC), several in Jan 93 (SLH), and a single on 20 Mar 94 (DF). Heard at dusk in Jan 93 (JC), and a single on 22 Mar 95 (DF). A single male taped out along The Road on 21 Jan 96. Recorded near the Big Tree in Jan 97 (JW), and 3+ heard in Mar 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
PASSERIFORMES - FORMICARIIDAE (Antthrushes and Antpittas)
Rufous-capped Antthrush Formicarius colma Fvt (RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DFW, SLH, DF92/94/95/97/98, JC, DES,
PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS). Mainly recorded by voice. Recorded in Feb 91 (RAR/JC), a single in Feb 92 (JC/JP), a single bird heard on 12 May 92 (BB), two on 22 Mar 92 (DF), recorded in Jan 93 (SLH) and (JC), a total of six on 20-22 Mar 92 (DF), a total of three seen and heard along the two loop trails in the forest on 1-3 Apr 94 (DES), and three heard over 19-22 Mar 95 (DF). Singles on 18 Jan 96 and 23 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Heard daily from 16-20 Mar 97 (DF), 29 Mar - 1 Apr 98. Details of other observations not available.
Cinereous Mourner Laniocera hypopyrra Uv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, BB, DWF, SLH, DF94/95, JW)
Singles recorded on 12-14 May 92 (BB), 21 Mar 94 (DF), and 22 Mar 95 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
White-browed Purpletuft Iodopleura isabellae Uwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, BB, SLH, JC, GG, DM/NM, JW, DF97) A total of six birds on 13-14 May 92 (BB). At least 11 birds over four dates in Jan 93 (SLH). Four seen in savanna woodland in Jan 93 (JC), and one along the track to Galapagos Lagoon on 19 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Recorded near Galapagos Lagoon and along Big Lagoon in Jan 97 (JW), and one on 18 Mar 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Screaming Piha Lipaugus vociferans R (SLH, JC, JW, DF97)
Recorded in Jan 93 (SLH), heard from the south side of the Ventuari in Jan 93 (JC), and one heard to call twice along the Guayage tributary in Jan 97 (JW). One heard on 17 Mar 97 (DF). Further details not available.
Spangled Cotinga Cotinga cayana Fwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, SLH, DF92/94/97/98, GG, PS/JK, DM/NM,
MBS). Small numbers recorded by most observers.
Pompadour Cotinga Xipholena punicea R (JC/JP, BB, JC, DF94/97, GG, JW)
Few records. A pair in Feb 92 (JC/JP), a female at the mirador in Jan 93 (JC), five on 14 May 92 (BB), and three males on 22-23 Mar 94 (DF). Listed in Nov 94 (GG). In Jan 97 recorded from The Road, Galapagos Lagoon, the Big Lagoon and Mirador (JW). A male on 17 Mar 97 (DF).
Bare-necked Fruitcrow Gymnoderus foetidus Rvt (RAR/JC, JC/JP, JC, DF94/97)
Few records. A single in transition forest along The Road in Feb 91 (RAR/JC), one in Feb 92 (JC/JP), one in Jan 93 (JC), and a female on 22 Mar 94 and a male 23 Mar 94 (DF). A single male on 16 Mar 97 (DF).
Amazonian Umbrellabird Cephalopterus ornatus Urv (ROP/JDK, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DF94/95/97, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW). Listed as fairly common by ROP/JDK, but erratic in occurrence. Several in Feb 92 (JC/JP), five on 12-13 May 92 (BB), and a single in Jan 93 (JC). A single bird in flight and briefly perched along Camani Creek in Jan 93 (SLH). Five between 20-22 Mar 94 (DF). A single on 21 Mar 95 (DF), two on 23 Mar 95 (DF), and a single flying across the Guayage on 20 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Small numbers daily 15-18 Mar 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
[Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock Rupicola rupicola] Rt (JW)
Although not strictly within the bounds of “Junglaven”, a one day excursion by boat can be made to the Piedras River at the border of the Ventuari basin, where the tepui uplands start. Although not yet well explored by birders, the differing habitat is bound to have potential for recording species not found within the environs of Junglaven. In Jan 97, 400 m. Below the waterfalls, Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock was observed (JW).
Golden-headed Manakin Pipra erythrocephala Cvt (All observers)
Several leks can be readily found in the forest along The Road.
White-crowned Manakin Pipra pipra Rvt (ROP/JDK, JC/JP, DWF, SLH, DF95/97/98, GG, PS/JK, JW, MBS)
Listed as fairly common by ROP/JDK, but few subsequent records. Recorded in Feb 92 (JC/JP), May 92 (DWF), Jan 93 (SLH), and three on 19 and 22 Mar 95 (DF). A pair along a creek off the Big Lagoon and another along The Road in Jan 97 (JW). Singles heard on 18-19 Mar 97 (DF), and singles daily 30 Mar 98 - 1 Apr 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Wing-barred Manakin Piprites chloris R (JC/JP)
Only one record. Listed by (JC/JP) in Jan 92. No details available.
White-bearded Manakin Manacus manacus Uwt (ROP/JDK, JC/JP, SLH, JC, GG, DM/NM, JW)
Listed as fairly common by ROP/JDK, but few subsequent records. Recorded in Feb 92 (JC/JP), and Jan 93 (SLH) and (JC). Two in scrub by the airstrip on 19 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Lekking at the border of forest island in savanna in Jan 97 (JW).
Black Manakin Xenopipo atronitens Uw (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DF94/95, GG, PS/JK,DM/NM, MBS). Four on 12-14 Mar 92 (BB), and two near the camp 22-24 Mar 94 (DF). A single male on 19 Mar 95 and on 20 Mar 95 (DF). A single by the airstrip on 24 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Recorded from the trailhead to Galapagos Lagoon in Mar 98 (Platt - logbook). Details of other observations not available.
Yellow-crested Manakin Heterocercus flavivertex Uwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DES, GG, PS/JK DF94/95/97/98, DM/NM, MBS). Six on 14 May 92 (BB), a singing male in Jan 93 (JC), and a single male along the track to Galapagos Lagoon on 21 Mar 94 (DF). A single female seen by The Harbour on 1 Apr 94 (DES), and at least six individuals (including one excellently plumaged male) along the trail to Galapagos Lagoon on 3 Apr 94 (DES). Five birds on 20-21 Mar 95 (DF). Three along the track to Galapagos Lagoon on 19 Jan 96 and 22 Jan 96 (DM/NM), and a lek at the start of this trail in Jan 97 (JW). Three on 19 Mar 97 (DF). Two on 30 Mar 98 and 1 on 1 Apr 98. (DF). Details of other observations not available. [Also called Yellow-crowned Manakin].
[Saffron-crested Tyrant-Manakin Neopelma chrysocephalum] (ROP/JDK)
Listed by ROP/JDK with a status of 'H', not defined - possibly hypothetical?.
Dwarf Tyrant-Manakin Tyranneutes stolzmanni Cvt (All observers)
Common and very vocal (at least between January and April). [Apparently mistakenly misidentified as Tiny Tyrant-Manakin by (ROP/JDK) who do not list Dwarf Tyrant-Manakin; probably because it is difficult, if not impossible, to see the pale iris on this species.]
Olive-streaked Flycatcher Mionectes galbinus Rvt (ROP/JDK)
Listed as common by (ROP/JDK). No subsequent observations.
Ochre-bellied Flycatcher Mionectes oleagineus and [McConnell's Flycatcher Mionectes macconnelli] Ut (BB, DWF, SLH, DF94/95/97/98, DES, PS/JK, DM/NM, MBS). A total of eight birds (assigned to Ochre-bellied) on 12-14 May 92 (BB), and listed in May 92 (DWF). DES noted at least 4 individuals (tentatively assigned to Ochre-bellied) in terra firma forest along The Road in Mar/Apr 94. DF saw a single and heard one other (assigned to Ochre-bellied) on 21 Mar 94. Recordings of an individual, made in Mar 95 (DF) were subsequently identified as definitely those of Ochre-bellied. Definitely identified as Ochre-bellied in Jan 95 (PS/JK). Singles along The Road on 20, 21 and 23 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Four on 19 Mar 97 (DF), and 3 on 30 Mar 98 (DF). SLH listed non-specifically assigned birds in Jan 93. Some birds were seen well and studied by DES in April 94. As these lacked wing-bars, identification would generally point toward McConnell's. However, the same birds still exhibited strong edgings to the tertials more typical of Ochre-bellied. DM/NM noted that birds were seen to raise one wing over their back, a feature of Ochre-bellied. [According to the ranges given in Birds of Venezuela, both species could well occur together at Junglaven, though McConnell's is listed as not occurring below 450 metres altitude. Both Birds of Columbia and Birds of South America note that where the species are sympatric, McConnell's usually occurs in terra firma forest, whereas Ochre-bellied does not.]
Slate-headed Tody-Flycatcher Todirostrum sylvia Rw (RAR/JC, JC/JP, JC, DF95)
Few records. A single bird calling in dense savanna woodland on 28 Feb 91 (RAR/JC). A single on 20 Mar 95 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Painted Tody-Flycatcher Todirostrum pictum Uvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DWF, SLH, JC, GG, DF95, PS/JK,
MBS). A single on 19 Mar 95 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Ringed Antpipit Corythopis torquata Rvt (RAR/JC)
Only one record. RAR saw and heard a responsive individual along The Road on 26 Feb 91.
Slender-footed Tyrannulet Zimmerius gracilipes Rv (ROP/JDK, JC/JP, SLH, JC, DF98)
One on 29 Mar 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
White-lored Tyrannulet Ornithion inerme R (JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, GG, DM/NM)
A single along the track to Galapagos Lagoon 22 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Details of observations not available.
Southern Beardless Tyrannulet Camptostoma obsoletum Rs (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DWF, SLH)
Details of observations not available.
Mouse-colored Tyrannulet Phaeomyias murina Rrv (ROP/JDK)
Details of observations not available.
Yellow Tyrannulet Capsiempis flaveola Rw (DWF, SLH, DES, PS/JK, DF97, MBS)
A pair along the trail to Galapagos Lagoon on 1 and 3 Apr 94 (DES). One on 19 Mar 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet Tyrannulus elatus Cwvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DF94,
PS/JK, MBS). (JC/JP) notes that most individuals were heard near the camp.
Forest Elaenia Myiopagis gaimardii Fwv (All observers)
Amazonian Elaenia Myiopagis cinerea R (SLH, PS/JK, JW, MBS)
Listed in Jan 93 (SLH) and Jan 95 (PS/JK). One high in tree along The Road in Jan 97 (JW). Full details not available.
Greenish Elaenia Myiopagis viridicata Rs (JC/JP)
Only one record. Seen in the savanna in Jan 92 (JC/JP).
Small-billed Elaenia Elaenia parvirostris RMs (ROP/JDK, BB)
Details of observations not available.
Plain-crested Elaenia Elaenia cristata Usw (ROP/JDK, JC/JP, BB, DWF, DM/NM, JW)
A few recorded in the savanna in Feb 92 (JC/JP). Single in savanna on 23 Jan 96 (DM/NM), and again in Jan 97 (JW). Details of other observations not available.
Rufous-crowned Elaenia Elaenia ruficeps Usw (ROP/JDK, SLH, DF94/95, PS/JK)
Listed as fairly common by (ROP/JDK), but few observations. Two in the savanna on 21 Mar 94 (DF), and a single on 20 Mar 95 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Pale-tipped Tyrannulet Inezia subflava Urv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, BB, SLH, JC, DF94/95/97, GG, PS/JK)
A total of 4 on 12-14 May 92 (BB), a pair at a nest along Camani Creek in Jan 93 (SLH), a single 21 Mar 94 (DF), and another on 20 Mar 95 (DF). Four over 16-18 Mar 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Short-tailed Pygmy-Tyrant Myiornis ecaudatus R (PS/JK)
Only one record. At least one bird heard in Jan 95 (PS/JK).
Helmeted Pygmy-Tyrant Lophotriccus galeatus Cvt (All observers)
Rufous-tailed Flatbill Ramphotrigon ruficauda Uv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DWF, SLH, JC, DF94/95/98, GG, PS/JK,
JW). A couple seen in mixed-feeding flocks, and a nest discovered about one metre from the ground containing two, white with strawberry blotches, eggs in Jan 93 (JC). Four together along The Road on 23 Mar 94 (DF), and two observed on 22 Mar 95 (DF). One on 1 Apr 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Yellow-olive Flycatcher Tolmomyias sulphurescens Uv (ROP/JDK, SLH, DF92, DES, DM/NM)
A single on 25 Mar 92 (DF), two on 1 Apr 94 (DES), and singles on 22 Jan and 23 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Details of other observations not available.
Yellow-margined Flatbill Tolmomyias assimilis R (RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, GG, PS/JK)
Few records. Recorded in Feb 92 (JC/JP), and at least four seen and heard on 12-14 May 92 (BB). Listed in May 92 (DWF). Also a possible seen in Feb 91 (RAR/JC). Listed in Nov 94 (GG) and Jan 95 (PS/JK).
Grey-crowned Flycatcher Tolmomyias poliocephalus Uv (ROP/JDK, DWF, SLH, DF94/95/97, MBS)
A singles on 19 Mar 94, and 22 Mar 95 (DF). Four on 18 Mar 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Yellow-breasted Flycatcher Tolmomyias flaviventris Fwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, DF92,
Cinnamon-crested Spadebill Platyrinchus saturatus Rt (JC/JP)
Only one record. A single seen well on 28 Feb 92 (JC/JP).
Golden-crowned Spadebill Platyrinchus coronatus R (SLH)
Only one record. Heard in Jan 93 (SLH). Details not available.
White-crested Spadebill Platyrinchus platyrhynchos R (JC/JP, SLH, DF92, PS/JK, GG)
Single birds in Feb 92 (JC/JP), along The Road on 22 and 24 Mar 92 (DF), and reported in Nov 94 (GG). Details of other observations not available.
Bran-colored Flycatcher Myiophobus fasciatus R (SLH)
Details not available.
Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher Myiobius erythrurus Uvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, SLH, DF92/95/97, GG, JC, PS/JK, DM/NM). Heard in Feb 92 (JC/JP), three on 11 May 92 (BB), another on 23 Mar 92 (DF), two singles on 18 and 22 Mar 95 (DF), and one along The Road 21 Jan 96 (DM/NM). One on 18 Mar 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Fuscous Flycatcher Cnemotriccus fuscatus Rs (JC/JP, DWF)
Two records. At least one seen in the savanna in Feb 92 (JC/JP). Listed in May 92 (DWF).
Euler's Flycatcher Lathrotriccus euleri Rv (ROP/JDK)
Details of observations not available.
Olive-sided Flycatcher Contopus borealis UMv (ROP/JDK)
Details of observations not available.
[Eastern Wood-Pewee Contopus virens] (SLH)
A single bird, possibly this species, heard on 30 Dec 92 (SLH).
Drab Water-Tyrant Ochthornis littoralis Fr (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, DF92/94/95/97/98, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS)
Amazonian Black-Tyrant Knipolegus poecilocercus Frv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, SLH, JC, DES, GG, DM/DM, JW, DF97, MBS). Listed as fairly common by ROP/JDK and RAR/JC, but evidently can be difficult to find. Three seen along the Guayage in Feb 92 (JC/JP), a single bird along the Camani Creek in Jan 93 (SLH), a female in Jan 93 (JC), and two singles around Galapagos Lagoon on 3 Apr 94 (DES). A single male in Camani Camp on 18 and 19 Jan 96, and a pair around the lagoon on 21 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Three birds on 17-18 Mar 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available. [Beware of the striking similarity between the female of this species and Bran-coloured Flycatcher.]
Pied Water-Tyrant Fluvicola pica Fr (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DF92/94/95/97/98, BB, SLH, JC, DES, DM/NM, JW)
Cinnamon Attila Attila cinnamomeus R (DWF, DF95/97, JW, MBS)
Few records. Recorded in May 92 (DWF), and one on 20 Mar 95 at the left hand end of the Big Lagoon (DF). Pair near the Big Tree, and near the Big Lagoon in Jan 97 (JW). One from the boat down river in Feb 98. (MBS).
Citron-bellied Attila Attila cinnamomeus Rt ( JW)
Close view of an individual along The Road in Jan 97 (JW).
Bright-rumped Attila Attila spadiceus Uvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, SLH, JC, GG, PS/JK, JW, DF97/98)
Listed as fairly common by (ROP/JDK) and (RAR/JC). Heard in Feb 92 (JC/JP), Nov 94 (GG), on 17 and 19 Mar 97 (DF), and 1 Apr 98 (DF). Details not available.
Greyish Mourner Rhytipterna simplex Fvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DWF, SLH, JC, DF94/97/98, DES, GG, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS)
Pale-bellied Mourner Rhytipterna immunda Fwt (JC/JP, SLH, JC, GG, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS)
According to (JC/JP) and (JC) this species is fairly common, but is easily overlooked because it looks very similar to a Myiarchus flycatcher. Most commonly seen in the savanna woodland. Seen on 31 Dec 90 and 1 Mar 92 (KJZ/SLH). A single bird seen in Jan 93 (SLH), and recorded on six of eight days in Feb-Mar 93 (KJZ/SLH). A single on the track to Galapagos Lagoon on 19 Jan 96 and two there on 22 Jan 96 (DM/NM). One in savanna near the airstrip in Jan 97 (JW). Details of other observations not available. [This species is not included in Birds of Venezuela. For a description see Birds of Columbia or Birds of South America.]
Dusky-capped Flycatcher Myiarchus tuberculifer Rt (JC/JP, DWF, SLH, DF98, MBS)
Recorded in Feb 92 (JC/JP), May 92 (DWF), and at least one bird heard in forest in Jan 93 (SLH). A single on 29 Mar 98 (DF).
Swainson's Flycatcher Myiarchus swainsoni Usw (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DWF, DF94/95, GG, PS/JK, MBS)
A pair nesting in Junglaven Camp in Feb 91 (RAR/JC), recorded in Feb 92 (JC/JP), one seen 23 Mar 94 (DF), and two seen 18-20 Mar 95 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Short-crested Flycatcher Myiarchus ferox U (BB, DWF, SLH, DF92/94/97, DES)
A single 21 Mar 92 (DF). Three birds thought to be this species seen on 15 May 92 (BB). Recorded in Jan 93 (SLH). Three singles on 19-21 Mar 94 (DF). A single bird, thought to be this species, near Galapagos Lagoon on 3 Apr 94 (DES). One on 15 Mar 97 and 6 on 18 Mar 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Brown-crested Flycatcher Myiarchus tyrannulus R (JC/JP)
Only one record. Listed by (JC/JP) as heard in Feb 92.
Tropical Kingbird Tyrannus melancholicus Csrv (All observers)
Fork-tailed Flycatcher Tyrannus savana CMsv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DF92/94/95/97/98, DES, DM/NM)
Variegated Flycatcher Empidonomus varius Rsw (BB, DWF, DF94/97/98)
Eight birds on 13 May 92 (BB), listed May 92 (DWF), singles on 21-22 Mar 94 (DF), and 1 on 19 Mar 97 (DF). One on 30 Mar 98 and 2 on 31 Mar 98 (DF).
Sulphury Flycatcher Tyrannopsis sulphurea Rsr (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DF95/97, MBS)
A single on 19 Mar 95 (DF), and 2 on 18 Mar 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Streaked Flycatcher Myiodynastes maculatus Uvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, DES, PS/JK,
DM/NM, DF98). Singles on 14-15 Mar 92 (BB), and at least four, over two dates, around Junglaven Camp in Apr 94 (DES). One at the camp on 20 Jan 96 (DM/NM), and 2 on 31 Mar 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Rusty-margined Flycatcher Myiozetetes cayanensis Fswv (All observers)
Social Flycatcher Myiozetetes similis Usv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DM/NM)
Pair in the camp on 18-19 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Details of other observations not available.
Dusky-chested Flycatcher Myiozetetes luteiventris Rt (SLH, DES, DF95, JW)
Four records of this rarely seen flycatcher. A single bird in Jan 93 (SLH), a pair seen, heard and taped in terra firma forest about half way along The Road on 31 Mar 94 (DES), and a single on 22 Mar 95 (DF). A pair in a small clearing near the Big Tree, and another pair about 3/4 way down The Road from the camp in Jan 97 (JW).
Piratic Flycatcher Legatus leucophaius Cswv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DF92/94/97, DES,
Lesser Kiskadee Philohydor lictor Fr (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DF94/97/98, DES, PS/JK,
Great Kiskadee Pitangus sulphuratus Rr (KJZ/SLH, DES, PS/JK)
Four records. Recorded in Feb 90 and Mar 92 (KJZ/SLH). A single bird along the edge of Galapagos Lagoon on 3 Apr 94 (DES), and listed in Jan 95 (PS/JK).
Thrush-like Schiffornis (Manakin) Schiffornis turdinus Fvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH,
DF94/95/97/98, DES, PS/JK, JW).
White-winged Becard Pachyramphus polychopterus Fwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, SLH, JC, DF94/97)
Black-capped Becard Pachyramphus marginatus Uwvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, GG, DWF, JC, PS/JK, MBS) Listed as fairly common by ROP/JDK and RAR/JC, but few other observations. Two on 12 Mar 92 (BB), and a pair in a mixed flock in Jan 93 (JC). Recorded in Feb 98 (MBS). Details of other observations not available.
Pink-throated Becard Pachyramphus minor R (SLH, JC, DF95, JW)
A single recorded in Jan 93 (SLH). Another record listed in (JC) Jan 93, was also probably from Junglaven. A single on 22 Mar 95 (DF), and one middle part of The Road in Jan 97 (JW).
Black-tailed Tityra Tityra cayana Fwvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DF94/95/98, DES, GG, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS). [Misnamed as Masked Tityra on the list of ROP/JDK.]
Black-crowned Tityra Tityra inquisitor Rs (DF94)
One record. A single male on the edge of the savanna on 21 and 23 Mar 94 (DF).
PASSERIFORMES - CORVIDAE (Jays, Magpies and Crows)
Violaceous Jay Cyanocorax violaceus Cswvt (All observers)
Rufous-browed Peppershrike Cyclarhis gujanensis Rwv (ROP/JDK, BB)
Listed as uncommon by (ROP/JDK), but only one record since. One heard on 14 May 92 (BB).
Red-eyed Vireo Vireo olivaceus Uwv (ROP/JDK, JC/JP, SLH, DF92/94/95/97/98, JC, DES)
Two on 23 Mar 92 (DF), several in Jan 93 (SLH), three singles 21-23 Mar 94 (DF), three on two dates in Mar 95 (DF), and three birds on 2 Apr 94 (DES). One on 18 Mar 97 (DF), and singles on 29 and 31 Mar 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available. [Birds recorded at Junglaven probably relate to two different taxonomic groups; the northern olivaceus group should be present from September to March, the southern chivi group from March to August. The chivi group is sometimes considered a distinct species, Chivi Vireo V. chivi.].
Black-whiskered Vireo Vireo altilocquus Rt (KJZ/SLH, MBS)
One on 5 Mar 92 (KJZ/SLH). Listed (MBS) but no details available.
Grey-chested Greenlet Hylophilus semicinereus Rsv (KJZ/SLH, JW)
Singing birds near the camp on 2 Mar 92 (KJZ/SLH). Birds tape-recorded in savanna in Oct 93 (Coopmans per KJZ/SLH) and in Jan 97 (JW).
Brown-headed Greenlet Hylophilus brunneiceps Uwvt (ROP/JDK, JC/JP, BB, SLH, JC, DES, GG, PS/JK, DF97/98, MBS). Listed as fairly common by (ROP/JDK), but is evidently not easy to find. A single bird on 14 May 92 (BB), recorded in Jan 93 (SLH) and (JC) a pair in forest along The Road on 31 Mar 94 (DES), 2 on 19 Mar 97 (DF), and 2 on 2 Apr 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Dusky-capped Greenlet Pachysylvia hypoxantha R (JW)
Listed in Jan 97 (JW). No details available.
Tawny-crowned Greenlet Tunchiornis ochraceiceps Fvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, SLH, DF92, DES, PS/JK,
PASSERIFORMES - TURDIDAE (Thrushes and Allies)
Veery Catharus fuscescens RMwv (ROP/JDK)
Details of observations not available.
Grey-cheeked Thrush Catharus minimus UMvt (RAR/JC, SLH, DF94/98, MBS)
One in Dec 91 and on 3 Jan 93 (KJZ/SLH). Seen on 1 Feb 92 (RAR/JC), another, probably this species, in Jan 93 (SLH), a single along The Road on 20 Mar 94 (DF), a single on 20 Mar 95 (DF), and two singles 31 Mar 98 and 1 Apr 98 (DF). Recorded in Feb 98 (MBS).
Swainson's Thrush Catharus ustulatus FMvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC, DES, GG, DM/NM, MBS)
Cocoa Thrush Turdus fumigatus Uvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, BB, DWF, DF94, DES, GG, PS/JK, JW)
Two birds, though to be this species, heard 12-14 May 92. A single bird near the camp on 23 Mar 94 (DF), and at least two singing birds, presumed to be this species, around Junglaven Camp in Apr 94 (DES). A further single on 20 Mar 95 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Tropical Mockingbird Mimus gilvus RM (DF95)
A single on 20 Mar 95 (DF).
Buff-breasted Wren Thryothorus leucotis Cwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DF94/95/97/98, DES, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS).
Southern House Wren Troglodytes musculus R (JC/JP, SLH, JW, DF97/98)
Listed by (JC/JP) in Feb 92, and heard in Jan 93 (SLH). Recorded in the camp (below the truck) in Jan 97 (JW), on 16 and 18 mar 97 (DF), and 30 Mar 98 and 1 Apr 98 (DF). Perhaps a recent coloniser?
White-breasted Wood-Wren Henicorhina leucosticta R (JC/JP)
Only one record. Heard in Feb 92 (JC/JP).
Long-billed Gnatwren Ramphocaenus melanurus Rv (RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF)
Listed as uncommon by (RAR/JC). Heard in Feb 92 (JC/JP), and a single heard on 12 Mar 92 (BB). Details of other observations not available.
Tropical Gnatcatcher Polioptila plumbea Fwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DES, PS/JK,
White-winged Swallow Tachycineta albiventer Csr (All observers)
Brown-chested Martin Phaeoprogne tapera Us (ROP/JDK, JC/JP, BB, DF94/97/98, GG, DM/NM)
Up to 30 birds on 11-12 May 92 (BB), and 13 birds on 20-22 Mar 94 (DF). Two over the Ventuari River on 20 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Four on 15 Mar 97 and 8 on 18 Mar 97 (DF). Small numbers almost daily 28 Mar -1 Apr 98 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Purple Martin Progne subis RM (DF95)
One group of 20 feeding over the Big Lagoon 18 Mar 95 (DF).
Grey-breasted Martin Progne chalybea Fs (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, SLH, JC, DF94/95/97, DES, GG, PS/JK, DM/NM)
White-banded Swallow Atticora fasciata Fr (All observers)
Black-collared Swallow Pygochelidon melanoleuca Fr (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DWF, SLH, GG, DM/NM, DF98)
Southern Rough-winged Swallow Stelgidopteryx ruficollis Csr (All observers)
Sand Martin (Bank Swallow) Riparia riparia RMs (DES)
Only one record. At least 10 birds feeding with other hirundines over the savanna between the airfield and Camani Camp on the morning of 4 Apr 94 (DES).
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica FMsr (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DF92/94/95/97, JC, DES, PS/JK, JW)
Yellow Warbler Dendroica petechia FMv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, SLH, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, DF97)
Blackpoll Warbler Dendroica striata FMvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, SLH, DF92/94/95/97, JC, DES)
American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla RMvt (ROP/JDK, JC/JP, SLH)
Details of observations not available.
Prothonotary Warbler Protonotaria citrea RM (PS/JK)
One record only. A single along the Guayage tributary in Jan 95 (PS/JK).
Northern Waterthrush Seiurus noveboracensis FMrv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, SLH, JC, DF94/95/97/98, DES, PS/JK, JW, MBS).
Connecticut Warbler Oporornis agilis RMw (ROP/JDK)
Details of observations not available.
Rose-breasted Chat Granatellus pelzelni R (DWF)
Only one record. Recorded in May 92 (DWF).
PASSERIFORMES - EMBERIZIDAE (Tanagers, Buntings, Sparrows and Allies)
Rufous-collared Sparrow Zonotrichia capensis Rs (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC)
Details of observations not available.
Grassland Sparrow Ammodramus humeralis Cs (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DES, DF95/97,
Bananaquit Coereba flaveola Cswv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DF94/95/97/98, DES, PS/JK,
Black-faced Tanager Schistochlamys melanopis Us (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DF92, DES,GG, JW). Small numbers appear to be resident around the airfield. Two birds on 23 Mar 92 (DF), a single on 15 May 92 (BB), another in Jan 93 (SLH), and two on 4 Apr 94 (DES). Recorded at airstrip in Jan 97. Details of other observations not available.
Yellow-backed Tanager Hemithraupis flavicollis Fvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, DF92/94/95/97, DES, GG, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS). Small numbers seen by most observers.
Flame-crested Tanager Loriotus cristatus Cwvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, DF92/97/98, JC, DES, GG, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS).
Fulvous-crested Tanager Tachyphonus surinamus Rvt (ROP/JDK, BB, GG, DF95, JW)
Two on 13 May 92 (BB), two on 19 Mar 95, and recorded along The Road and Big Lagoon in Jan 97 (JW). Details of other observations not available.
White-shouldered Tanager Loriotus luctuosus Rs (JW)
Several pairs in savanna-woodland in Jan 97 (JW).
Red-shouldered Tanager Tachyphonus phoenicius Us (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, DF92/95/97,
JW). Two in the savanna in Feb 92 (JC/JP), two on 23 Mar 92 (DF), at least four on 15 May 92 (BB), and 2 on 20 Mar 95 (DF). Recorded at the airstrip in Jan 97 (JW), and two on 19 Mar 97 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Summer Tanager Piranga rubra RM (PS/JK, DM/NM)
Only two records. One seen and heard in Jan 95 (PS/JK). A single in the camp 19-22 Jan 96 (DM/NM).
Silver-beaked Tanager Ramphocelus carbo Uw (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, BB, DWF, SLH, DES, DF95, PS/JK)
Four on 12 May 92 (BB), and two at Galapagos Lagoon on 1 Apr 94 (DES). A single on 18 Mar 95 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
Blue-grey Tanager Thraupis episcopus Fwv (All observers)
Palm Tanager Thraupis palmarum Fwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, JC, DES, GG, DM/NM, JW,
DF97/98, MBS)
Plumbeous Euphonia Euphonia plumbea Rvw (JC/JP, DWF, SLH, GG, PS/JK, DM/NM, MBS)
Seen in Feb 92 (JDC/JP). A pair around Junglaven Camp in Jan 93 (SLH), and 4 moving through the camp on 23 Jan 96. One group of ten on one occasion moving through the camp in Nov 94 (GG). Details of other observations not available.
Purple-throated Euphonia Euphonia chlorotica and [Trinidad Euphonia Euphonia trinitatis] Usw (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, DF92, PS/JK, JW)
These two species are almost inseparable in the field. Based on range and voice, birds at Junglaven are probably Purple-throated. A total of five on 12-14 May 92 (BB), and a female on 23 Mar 92 (DF). Listed specifically as Purple-throated in Jan 95 (PS/JK). Several in savanna-woodland in Jan 97 (JW). Details of other observations not available.
Violaceous Euphonia Euphonia violacea Rvw (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC)
Listed as fairly common by (ROP/JDK) and (RAR/JC), but no subsequent observations.
Golden-rumped Euphonia Chlorophonia cyanocephala Uw (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC)
Details of observations not available. [Listed as E. musica by (ROP/JDK).]
White-lored (Golden-bellied) Euphonia Euphonia chrysopasta Uvw (ROP/JDK, JC/JP, BB, DF92, SLH, JC,
GG, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS). Listed as common by ROP/JDK, but evidently difficult to find or erratic in occurrence. Described as quite common in Feb 92 (JC/JP), a single 13 May 92 (BB), three 24-25 Mar 92 (DF), and 3 on 21-22 Mar 95 (DF). A pair regularly at the camp, and eventually found to be nesting by the bar/restaurant 17-22 Jan 96 (DM/NM). Recorded around the camp and along The Road in Jan 97 (JW). Details of other observations not available.
White-vented Euphonia Euphonia minuta Uvw (ROP/JDK, JC/JP, DWF, SLH, GG, PS/JK, JW, MBS)
Listed as common by (ROP/JDK), but few subsequent records. Recorded in Jan 93 (SLH). Details of other observations not available.
Rufous-bellied Euphonia Euphonia rufiventris Uvt (RAR/JC, BB, SLH, DF92, DES, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW)
A single male along the bank of the Rio Ventuari on 27 Feb 91 (RAR/JC). Single males on 23 Mar 92 (DF), and 14 May 92 (BB). Recorded in Jan 93 (SLH), and a total of 5 along The Road on 3 Apr 94 (DES). Two along The Road on 23 Jan 96 (DM/NM), and in the canopy of the Big Tree in Jan 97 (JW). Details of other observations not available.
Turquoise Tanager Tangara mexicana Rv (RAR/JC)
Only one record. A small group along the banks of the Ventuari on 1 Mar 91 (RAR/JC).
Paradise Tanager Tangara chilensis Rv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC)
Details of observations not available.
Burnished-buff Tanager Stilpnia cayana Rs (RAR/JC)
Details of observations not available.
Opal-rumped Tanager Tangara velia Uvt (RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, DF92/94, GG, JC, PS/JK)
Three on 23 Mar 92 (DF), four on 13 May 92 (BB), and two on 23 Mar 94 (DF). Details of other observations not available.
White-bellied Dacnis Dacnis albiventris Rt (BB, DM/NM)
Only two records. One male seen well a mixed feeding flock, about half-way along The Road on 13 May 92 (BB), and a single moving through the camp at lunchtime on 19 Jan 96 (DM/NM).
Black-faced Dacnis Dacnis lineata R (JC/JP, SLH)
Two records. At least one seen in Feb 92 (JC/JP), and another in Jan 93 (SLH). Details not available.
Yellow-bellied Dacnis Dacnis flaviventer Rvwt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, SLH)
A female in Jan 93 (SLH). Details of other observations not available.
Blue Dacnis Dacnis cayana Fvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, DF92/94/97/98, GG, JC, PS/JK, DM/NM, MBS)
Green Honeycreeper Chlorophanes spiza R (BB, SLH)
Two records. A total of six birds on 12-14 May 92 (BB), and recorded in Jan 93 (SLH).
Short-billed Honeycreeper Cyanerpes nitidus Fwvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, DWF, SLH, DF92/94/95/97/98, GG, JC, DES, PS/JK, DM/NM, MBS). [SLH notes that this species is commoner at Junglaven than almost anywhere known for this species].
Purple Honeycreeper Cyanerpes caeruleus Fwvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, SLH, DF92/94, GG, JC, PS/JK,
Red-legged Honeycreeper Cyanerpes cyaneus R (BB, DM/NM, MBS)
Three records. Three birds on 13-14 May 92 (BB), and 1-2 birds seen almost daily along The Road 17-24 Jan 96 (DM/NM). A few recorded near the savanna end of The Road in Feb 98 (MBS).
Swallow-Tanager Tersina viridis Fwv (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, JC/JP, BB, SLH, JC, DF94/95/97/98, DES, PS/JK, MBS)
Orange-fronted Yellow Finch Sicalis columbiana Rr (ROP/JDK, SLH)
Listed as fairly common by (ROP/JDK), but the only subsequent observation is two in Jan 93 (SLH).
Wedge-tailed Grass-Finch Emberizoides herbicolaE Rs (RAR/JC, DM/NM)
Only two records. One seen in Feb 91 (RAR/JC), and one flushed from the track across the savanna on 19 Jan 96 (DM/NM).
Yellow-bellied Seedeater Sporophila nigricollis Ur (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DWF, DF92, DES, JW, MBS)
A single male on 21 Mar 92 (DF), and a single bird in savanna near the airfield on 3 Apr 94 (DES). Details of other observations not available.
Ruddy-breasted Seedeater Sporophila minuta Rs (DES)
Only one record. A single male in savanna near the airfield on 3 Apr 94 (DES).
Chestnut-bellied Seed Finch Sporophila angolensis Rrv (ROP/JDK, BB, DWF, DES)
Few records. Two on 14 May 92 (BB), and a singing male in scrub at Galapagos Lagoon on 3 Apr 94 (DES). Details of other observations not available.
Buff-throated Saltator Saltator maximus Uw (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC)
Details of observations not available.
Blue-black Grosbeak Cyanoloxia cyanoides Uvt (ROP/JDK, RAR/JC, DWF, SLH, PS/JK, JW, DF97)
One pair along The Road near the savanna in Jan 97 (JW), and 1 on 18 Mar 97 (DF). Details of observations not available.
Olive (Amazonian) Oropendola Gymnostinops yuracares Frvt (JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, DF92/94/95/97/98, JC,
DES, GG, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS). Not listed by (RAR/JC) nor (ROP/JDK) (presumed to be a printing ommision). [Clements lumps G. yuracares (Olive Oropendola) and G. bifasciatus (Para Oropendola from n. Brazil) into G. bifasciatus (Amazonian Oropendola). The treatment here follows Howard and Moore, and others.]
Yellow-rumped Cacique Cacicus cela Ft (JC/JP, BB, DWF, SLH, DF92/94/95/97/98, JC, DES, PS/JK, DM/NM, JW, MBS). Not listed by (RAR/JC) nor (ROP/JDK) (presumed to be a printing ommision).
Moriche Oriole Icterus cayanensis chrysocephalus Rs (DWF, DF95)
Two records. Recorded May 92 (DWF) and one seen in the savanna on 20 Mar 95 (DF).
Yellow-hooded Blackbird Agelaius icterocephalus Rr (SLH)
Only one record. A single in Jan 93 (SLH).
Giant Cowbird Scaphidura oryzivora R (DF97)
Only one record. A single male on 16 Mar 97 (DF).
Bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorus Rs (KJZ/SLH)
One in savanna 10-14 Oct 93 (Coopmans per KLZ/SLH).