Systematic species list
This report is divided into three sections:
Section 1 - Introduction, logistics general information and itinerary.
Section 2 - Birding sites.
Section 3 - Systematic species list.
Taxonomy, scientific and vernacular English names generally follow Clements (2000, with updates). The list below includes all species recorded from Socotra as of April 2006 (with thanks to Richard Porter.)
Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis. Vagrant.
Jouanin's Petrel Bulweria fallax.. Breeder.
Wedge-tailed Shearwater Puffinus pacificus. Visitor.
Flesh-footed Shearwater Puffinus carneipes. Visitor.
Persian Shearwater Puffinus persicus. Breeder. Trip: At least 10 feeding offshore Hadibu on 16-Jan.
Wilson's Storm Petrel Oceanites oceanicus. Visitor.
Red-billed Tropicbird Phaethon aethereus. Breeder.
Masked Booby Sula dactylatra. Breeder. Trip: A single seen from the boat between Qalansiyah and Shoep on 17-Jan.
Brown Booby Sula leucogaster. Breeder. Trip: Singles offshore of Hadibu on 14-Jan and 16-Jan and at least 20 on 18-Jan. Common offshore of Qalansiyah and Shoep with 200+ on 17-Jan.
Long-tailed Cormorant Phalacrocorax africanus. Vagrant.
Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo. Vagrant. Trip: Two offshore Hadibu on 14-Jan, and another on 18-Jan. A single at Qalansiyah on 16-Jan. This species is probably overlooked given the huge numbers of Socotra Cormorant.
Socotra Cormorant Phalacrocorax nigrogularis. Breeder. Trip: Abundant offshore at most localities. Most common offshore of Qalansiyah with 1,200+ on 17-Jan.
African Darter Anhinga rufa. Vagrant.
Great White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus. Vagrant.
Greater White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons. Vagrant.
Cotton Pygmy Goose Nettapus coromandelianus. Vagrant.
Eurasian Wigeon Anas penelope.
Gadwall Anas strepera.
Common Teal Anas crecca. Trip: Two at Khor Qalansiyah on 16-Jan.
Mallard Anas platyrhynchos. Vagrant. Trip: Four at Khor Sirhin on 13-Jan, 14-Jan and 18-Jan.
Northern Pintail Anas acuta. Trip: Nine at Khor Quryah on 18-Jan.
Garganey Anas querquedula. Trip: A total of 3 at Khor Qalansiyah on 16-Jan.
Northern Shoveler Anas clypeata. Trip: Two at Khor Quryah on 18-Jan.
Common Pochard Aythya farina. Vagrant.
Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca.
Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula . Vagrant.
Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber. Trip: Ten at Ditwah on 16-Jan and at least 55 at Khor Quryah on 18-Jan.
Little Egret Egretta garzetta. Trip: Widespread in small numbers with singles at Khor Sirhin on 13-Jan 14-Jan and 18-Jan and 4 there on 16-Jan. A single at Khor Qalansiyah on 17-Jan and another at Khor Quryah on 18-Jan.
Western Reef Heron Egretta gularis . Trip: Recorded daily along all coasts with max. 10 at Ditwah on 16-Jan.
Intermediate Egret Mesophoyx intermedia. Vagrant. Trip: A single at Khor Sirhin on 13-Jan, 14- Jan and 16-Jan, increasing to two birds on 18-Jan.
Grey Heron Ardea cinerea. Trip: Recorded daily along all coasts with max. 8 along the cliffs between Qalansiyah and Shoep on 17-Jan.
Black-headed Heron Ardea melanocephala. Vagrant.
Purple Heron Ardea purpurea Trip: A single at Khor Qalansiyah on 16-Jan.
Great Egret Casmerodius albus. Trip: A single at Khor Sirhin on 13-Jan, 14-Jan, 16-Jan and 18-Jan. Another at Khor Qalansiyah on 18-Jan.
Western Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis. Trip: Small numbers around Hadibu with max. 22 on 18-Jan. A single at Khor Quryah on 18-Jan.
Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides. Trip: Two at Khor Sirhin on 16-Jan and one there on 18-Jan.
Indian Pond Heron Ardeola grayii. Vagrant. Trip: A single in the mangroves at Shoep on 17-Jan and another in the palms around Khor Sirhin on 18-Jan.
Madagascar Pond Heron Ardeola idea. Vagrant.
Little Heron Butorides atricapilla. Trip: A single at Khor Qalansiyah on 16-Jan.
Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax. Trip: One flushed from palms in Wadi Shoq on 14-Jan. Two at Khor Sirhin on 16-Jan and 3 there on 18-Jan.
Yellow Bittern Botaurus sinensis. Vagrant. Trip: One seen well in the palms at Khor Sirhin on 16-Jan and 18-Jan.
Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus.
Sacred Ibis Threskiornis aethiopicus. Vagrant. Trip: An immature on Khor Dilish on 18-Jan. This bird, the first for Socotra, had been present at this site some weeks.
African Spoonbill Platalea alba. Vagrant.
White Stork Ciconia ciconia. Vagrant. Trip: A single by the roadside near Hadibu Airport on 13-Jan.
Osprey Pandion haliaetus. Breeder. Trip: Two at Ditwah on 17-Jan.
Black Kite Milvus migrans. Vagrant.
Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus. Breeder. Trip: One of the commonest birds on Socotra, and frequently tame, allowing approach to within a few metres. Recorded from all areas except the dry south, with max. 30+ around Hadibu on 15-Jan.
Western Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus. Vagrant.
Pallid Harrier Circus macrourus. Vagrant.
Common Buzzard Buteo buteo.
Steppe [Common] Buzzard Buteo buteo vulpinus. Vagrant.
Socotra Buzzard Buteo (buteo) socotrae. Breeder. Taxonomic status of this taxon unresolved. Trip: Up to six birds present in Wadi Ayhaft on 14-Jan, a single en route on 15-Jan, and two near Hadibu on 18-Jan.
Eurasian Kestrel Falco tinnunculus. Breeder. Trip: Recorded in small numbers daily, with max. 3 on 17-Jan.
Amur (Eastern Red-footed) Falcon Falco amurensis. Vagrant.
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus. Breeder. Trip: Singles at Wadi Dihazafaq on 13-Jan, Ditwah on 16-Jan, on sea cliffs near Shoep on 17-Jan and Khor Quryah on 18-Jan.
Common Quail Coturnix coturnix. Trip: Two flushed from Wadi Zerig on 19-Jan.
Water Rail Rallus aquaticus. Vagrant.
Little Crake Porzana parva. Vagrant.
Spotted Crake Porzana porzana. Vagrant.
Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus. Trip: One a Khor Sirhin on 16-Jan, and 3 there on 18-Jan.
Eurasian (Common) Coot Fulica atra. Vagrant.
Common (Eurasian) Crane Grus grus. Vagrant.
Houbara Bustard Chlamydotis undulate. Vagrant.
Pheasant-tailed Jacana Hydrophasianus chirurgus. Vagrant.
Pin-tailed Snipe Gallinago stenura.
Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago . Trip: Singles at Khor Sirhin on 13-Jan and 14-Jan, 3 there on 16-Jan, and 2 on 18-Jan. One flushed from Wadi Zerig on 19-Jan.
Jack Snipe Lymnocryptes minimus. Vagrant.
Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa. Vagrant.
Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica.
Eurasian Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus. Trip: Small numbers daily in coastal areas with max. 10 on 16-Jan.
Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata. Trip: Small numbers daily in coastal areas with max. 15 on 16-Jan.
Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus.
Common Redshank Tringa totanus. Trip: Small numbers daily in coastal areas with max. 5 on 16-Jan.
Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis . Vagrant. Trip: Singles at Khor Sirhin on 14-Jan, 16-Jan and 18-Jan.
Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia. Trip: Seen almost daily with 40+ at Ditwah on 16-Jan.
Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus. Trip: Three at Khor Sirhin on 14-Jan and a single there on 16-Jan. One at Khor Qalansiyah on 16-Jan.
Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola. Trip: Two at Khor Sirhin on 14-Jan and 16-Jan. A single at Khor Qalansiyah on 16-Jan.
Terek Sandpiper Tringa cinerea. Vagrant.
Common Sandpiper Tringa hypoleucos. Trip: Seen daily with max. 4 at Khor Sirhin on 16-Jan.
Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres. Trip: Nine at Khor Sirhin on 16-Jan, increasing to 13 on 18-Jan.
Red Knot Calidris canutus. Vagrant.
Sanderling Calidris alba. Trip: A single on the beach near Khor Sirhin on 13-Jan.
Little Stint Calidris minuta. Trip: Seen almost daily with 25+ at Khor Sirhin on 14-Jan.
Temminck's Stint Calidris temminckii. Trip: Small numbers at Khor Sirhin with max. 7 on 16-Jan. Two at Khor Quryah on 18-Jan.
Dunlin Calidris alpine. Trip: A single at Khor Ghuba on 17-Jan.
Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea.
Broad-billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus. Vagrant.
Ruff Philomachus pugnax. Vagrant. Trip: Singles at Khor Sirhin on 14-Jan and 16-Jan. Another at Khor Qalansiyah on 16-Jan.
Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus.
Crab Plover Dromas ardeola. Vagrant.
Eurasian Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus. Vagrant. Trip: Two at Ditwah on 16-Jan.
Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus. Trip: Recorded almost daily with max. 110+ at Qalansiyah on 16-Jan.
Cream-coloured Courser Cursorius cursor. Breeder. Trip: Adults with up to three young on the plains near Hadibu on 13-Jan.
Collared Pratincole Glareola pratincola. Vagrant. Trip: A single at Khor Qalansiyah on 16-Jan.
Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva.
Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola. Trip: Three at Deham on 13-Jan. Four at Khor Sirhin on 16-Jan on one there on 18-Jan. A total of 40+ at Ditwah on 16-Jan and a single at Khor Ghuba on 17-Jan.
Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula. Trip: Small numbers at Khor Sirhin, Khor Qalansiyah, Ditwah and Khor Quryah with max. 20 at Khor Sirhin on 16-Jan.
Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius. Trip: Two at Khor Sirhin on 16-Jan, and 3 there on 18-Jan. Five at Khor Qalansiyah on 16-Jan, and a single on the south coast on 19-Jan.
Kentish Plover Charadrius alexandrinus. Breeder. Trip: At least 20 at Deham on 13-Jan. Seven at Khor Sirhin on 16-Jan and 10 there on 18-Jan. A total of 120 at Khor Ghuba on 17-Jan, and 20 at Khor Quryah on 18-Jan.
Lesser Sand Plover Charadrius mongolus. Trip: A single at Khor Ghuba on 17-Jan.
Greater Sand Plover Charadrius leschenaultii.
Caspian Plover Charadrius asiaticus. Vagrant.
Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus. Vagrant.
White-eyed Gull Larus leucopthalmus.
Sooty Gull Larus hemprichii. Breeder. Trip: Common in coastal areas with max. 2,000+ at Qalansiyah on 16-17 Jan-06.
Caspian Gull Larus cachinnans. Trip: Surprisingly uncommon. Two at Sirhin on 16-Jan and 2 Qalansiyah on 17-Jan.
Steppe Gull Larus barabensis.
Heuglin's Gull Larus heuglini. Trip: Common in coastal areas with max. 1,000+ along the coast at Hadibu on 18-Jan.
Baltic Gull Larus (fuscus) fuscus.
Pallas's Gull Larus ichthyaetus. Vagrant. Trip: An immature at Khor Qalansiyah on 16-Jan, was the first record for Socotra.
Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus. Trip: Small numbers in coastal areas with max. 12 at Khor Qalansiyah on 16-Jan.
Slender-billed Gull Larus genei. Vagrant. Trip: A single, with Black-headed Gulls, at Khor Qadab on 15-Jan, was the first record for Socotra.
Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybrida. Vagrant. Trip: One at Khor Qalansiyah on 16-Jan.
White-winged Tern Chlidonias leucopterus. Vagrant.
Gull-billed Tern Sterna nilotica. Vagrant.
Caspian Tern Sterna caspia. Trip: Two at Ditwah on 16-Jan.
Great Crested Tern Sterna bergii. Trip: Common in coastal areas with max. 100+ at between Qalansiyah and Shoep on 17-Jan.
Lesser Crested Tern Sterna bengalensis. Trip: Common in coastal areas with max. 200+ at Qalansiyah on 16-Jan.
Sandwich Tern Sterna sandvicensis. Trip: Common in coastal areas with max. 100+ offshore Hadibu on 18-Jan.
Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii. Vagrant.
Common Tern Sterna Hirundo. Trip: Singles at Sirhin on 16-Jan, Qalansiyah on 16-Jan, and Hadibu on 19-Jan.
White-cheeked Tern Sterna repressa.
Bridled Tern Sterna anaethetus. Breeder.
Sooty Tern Sterna fuscata.
Saunders's Tern Sterna saundersi. Breeder.
Brown Noddy Anous stolidus. Breeder.
Parasitic Jaeger Stercorarius parasiticus. Vagrant.
Lichtenstein's Sandgrouse Pterocles lichtensteinii. Breeder. Trip: Heard around Hadibu on 14-Jan and 15-Jan and Ditwah on 17-Jan. Six en route to Khor Quryah on 18-Jan. A pair with nest and three eggs on the south coast on 19-Jan.
Rock Dove (Feral Pigeon) Columba livia. Introduced feral breeder. Trip: Singles around Hadibu and Qalansiyah on 16-Jan and 17-Jan
Laughing Dove Streptopelia senegalensis. Breeder. Trip: Widespread and common with max. 50+ Wadi Ayhaft on 14-Jan.
Namaqua Dove Oena capensis. Vagrant.
Bruce's Green Pigeon Treron waalia. Breeder. Trip: Heard in wadis on the northern coast, with max. 20+ Wadi Ayhaft on 14-Jan.
Pied (Jacobin) Cuckoo Oxylophus jacobinus. Vagrant.
Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus.
Asian Koel Eudynamys scolopacea. Vagrant.
White-browed Coucal Centropus superciliosus. Breeder.
Socotra Scops Owl Otus socotranus. Breeder. Trip: At least three heard and another seen well in Wadi Shoq on 14-Jan. Heard in Wadi Sirhin on 15-Jan and 18-Jan.
Eurasian Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus.
Nubian Nightjar Caprimulgus nubicus. Breeder.
Forbes-Watson's Swift Apus berliozi. Breeder. Arrives April, leaves early December.
Little Swift Apus affinis.
Blue-cheeked Bee-eater Merops persicus.
European Roller Coracias garrulus.
Abyssinian Roller Coracias abyssinica. Vagrant.
Indian Roller Coracias benghalensis. Vagrant.
Eurasian Hoopoe Upupa epops.
House Crow Corvus splendens Ship-assisted introduction. Breeder. Trip: Three in Hadibu on 18-Jan.
Brown-necked Raven Corvus ruficollis. Breeder. Trip: Widespread, with max. 12+ en route to Dixem on 15-Jan.
Eurasian Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus. Vagrant.
Turkestan (Isabelline) Shrike Lanius isabellinus phoenicuroides.
Southern Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis. Breeder. Trip: Widespread. Recorded in small numbers daily with max. 6 on 15-Jan.
Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius. Trip: A female at Dixem on 15-Jan, and another en route on 19-Jan.
Somali Starling Onychognathus blythii. Breeder. Trip: Widespread and common with max. 50+ at Wadi Ayhaft on 14-Jan
Socotra Starling Onychognathus frater. Breeder. Species endemic to Socotra. Trip: Ten at Dixem on 15-Jan and 4 there again en route on 19-Jan. Two on the south coast on 19-Jan.
Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris. Vagrant.
Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata. Vagrant.
Bluethroat Luscinia svecica. Trip: Three at Wadi Zerig on 19-Jan.
Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros.
Pied Wheatear Oenanthe pleschanka.
Desert Wheatear Oenanthe deserti. Trip: Small numbers daily.
Isabelline Wheatear Oenanthe isabellina. Trip: Four near Hadibu on 14-Jan, two en route to Dixem on 15-Jan, and a single en route on 16-Jan.
Sand Martin Riparia riparia. Trip: One at Khor Sirhin on 16-Jan.
Rock Martin Hirundo fuligula. Breeder.
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica.
Western House Martin Delichon urbica.
White-breasted (Abyssinian) White-eye Zosterops abyssinicus. Breeder. Trip: Fairly common in northern wadis with max. 20+ Wadi Ayhaft on 14-Jan.
Socotra Warbler Incana incana. Breeder. Trip: Five at Wadi Ayhaft on 14-Jan. Three en route to Qalansiyah on 16-Jan. Eight en route near Dixem on 19-Jan.
Socotra Cisticola Cisticola haesitatus. Breeder. Trip: At least 20 birds at Deham on 13-Jan. Two heard at Shoep on 17-Jan.
Eurasian Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita. Vagrant.
Siberian Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita tristis. Vagrant.
Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix. Vagrant.
Common Whitethroat Sylvia communis. Vagrant.
Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca. Trip: Singles in Wadi Dihazafaq on 12-Jan and Wadi Zerig on 19-Jan.
Ménétries's Warbler Sylvia mystacea.
Black-crowned Sparrow-Lark Eremopterix nigriceps. Breeder. Trip: Widespread and common with max. 50 on 15-Jan.
Greater Short-toed Lark Calandrella brachydactyla.
Socotra Sparrow Passer insularis. Breeder. Species endemic to Socotra. Trip: Widespread and common.
White Wagtail Motacilla alba. Trip: Small numbers at coastal khors with max. 6 at Khor Qalansiyah on 16-Jan.
Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreola. Vagrant. Trip: One at Khor Sirhin on 16-Jan, increasing to 2 on 18-Jan. One at Khor Qalansiyah on 16-Jan.
Western Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava. Trip: One at Khor Sirhin on 12-Jan, 5 there on 16-Jan and 4 on 18-Jan. One at Khor Qalansiyah on 16-Jan.
Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea.
Tawny Pipit Anthus campestris.
Long-billed Pipit Anthus similis. Breeder. Trip: Widespread and fairly common with max. 20 around Hadibu on 13-Jan.
Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis.
Red-throated Pipit Anthus cervinus.
Socotra Sunbird Nectarinia balfouri. Breeder. Trip: Common in northern wadis with max. 30+ at Wadi Ayhaft on 14-Jan.
Socotra Golden-winged Grosbeak Rhynchostruthus socotranus. Breeder. Trip: Six at Wadi Ayhaft on 15-Jan and 1 en route below Dixem on 19-Jan.
African (Cinnamon-breasted) Rock Bunting Emberiza tahapisi. Breeder. Trip: Widespread with max. 10+ at Wadi Ayhaft on 13-Jan.
Socotra Bunting Emberiza socotrana. Breeder. Species endemic to Socotra. Trip: Up to 6 at Dixem on 15-Jan.
Section 1 - Introduction, logistics general information and itinerary.
Section 2 - Birding sites.