Indonesia - Java and Bali: 1-16 Nov 1996
Section 8 - Annotated Checklist




Section 1 - Introduction, logistics, itinerary and general information.
Section 2 - Birding sites (Java - Bogor Botanical Garden).
Section 3 - Birding sites (Java - Gunung Gede and Cibodas).
Section 4 - Birding sites (Java - Carita, Indramayu, Pantai Song and Cangkring).
Section 5 - Birding sites (Java - Baluran, Pangandaran and Segara Anakan).
Section 6 - Birding sites (Bali - Gilimanuk and Bali Barat).
Section 7 - Birding sites (Bali - Bedugal, Ubud and Sanur).
Section 8 - Annotated checklist.

Annotated Checklist

The following lists all species known to date from Java and Bali. Nomenclature, sequence and taxonomy follow Clements (1991) with supplements and additions since. Notes and annotations are given for the speciality and more interesting species, including the site(s) where found most regularly. Observations for all species recorded during my trip are included. The '[]' bracketed sites give, in an approximate west-east direction, sites where the bird has been listed in any trip report(s) during the last ten years (see references section). These sites are abbreviated:

BAL - Baluran National Park, east Java.
BB - Bali Barat reserve, northwest Bali.
BBG - Bogor Botanical Gardens, west Java.
BED - Bedugal, central Bali
BRO - Mount Bromo, east Java.
BUY - Lake Buyan, central Bali.
CAR - Carita, west Java.
CK - Cangkring, north Java.
CI - Cilincing, south Java.
GG - Gunung Gede-Pangrango Nat. Park, west Java.

HAL - Halimun National Park, cen. Java.
IN - Indramayu, north Java.
MA - Muara Angke, west Java.
PAN - Pangandaran, south Java.
PD - Pulau Dua, west Java.
PEL - Pelabuhanratu, south Java.
SA - Segara Anakan, south Java.
SAN - Sanur Fish Ponds, south Bali.
SZ - Suyabaya Zoo, Java.
UB - Ubud, central Bali.

Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis

Australasian Grebe Tachybaptus novaehollandiae [Black-throated Grebe]

Antarctic Prion Pachyptila desolata [Dove Prion]

Slender-billed Prion Pachyptila belcheri [Thin-billed Prion, Narrow-billed Prion]

Bulwer's Petrel Bulweria bulwerii

Streaked Shearwater Calonectris leucomelas [White-fronted Shearwater]

Wedge-tailed Shearwater Ardenna pacifica

Wilson's Storm-Petrel Oceanites oceanicus

Swinhoe's Storm-Petrel Hydrobates monorhis

Matsudaira's Storm-Petrel Hydrobates matsudairae

Red-billed Tropicbird Phaethon aethereus

White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus [Yellow-billed Tropicbird]
Rarely recorded from Nusa Penida island, southeast Bali.

Great Frigatebird Fregata minor
Listed for Bali Barat. Trip: Bali Barat; 1 (11/11/96) over Pulau Menjangan. [BB].

Lesser Frigatebird Fregata ariel [Least Frigatebird]
Regular at Pangandaran. Occasional off Bali Barat. Trip: Gilimanuk; 1 (10/11/96). Bali Barat; 6 (11/11/96). [PAN, SA, BB].

Christmas Island Frigatebird Fregata andrewsi
Best place is Pangandaran. Scattered records elsewhere. Trip; Carita; 1 (7/11/96) along the coast thought to be this species. [PD, CI, PAN, BB]

Abbott's Booby Sula abbotti

Masked Booby Sula dactylatra [Blue-faced Booby]

Red-footed Booby Sula sula

Brown Booby Sula leucogaster [White-bellied Booby]
Has been seen off eastern Java and western Bali. Commonest in December and January. Trip: Bali Barat; 4 (12/11/96) from the Bali-Java ferry. Baluran; 2 (13/11/96) from Bama Beach, heading south. [BAL, BB].

Little Cormorant Phalacrocorax niger [Javan Cormorant]
Widespread. Easily seen at Pulau Dua, and Banten Bay reserve c45 km west of Jakarta. [PD, BBG, SZ].

Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos [White-throated Cormorant]

Little Black Cormorant Phalacrocorax sulcirostris
Common around Jakarta, Pulau Dua, and Banten Bay. Trip: Jakarta; 100+ (1/11/96) en route around the city. Cangkring; 1 (8/11/96). [PD, CK].

Oriental Darter Anhinga melanogaster
Trip: Jakarta; 2 (1/11/96) en route. [MA, PD, CI, SA, SAN].

Great White Pelican Pelecanus onocrotalus

Spot-billed Pelican Pelecanus philippensis [Philippine Pelican]

Australian Pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus

Wandering Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna arcuata
Scattered records. [SA, BAL, BB].

Lesser Whistling-Duck Dendrocygna javanica
Appears to be more common than the above. Trip: Cangkring; 2 (8/11/96). Baluran; 10+ (13/11/96). [CK, SA, BAL].

White-winged Duck Cairina scutulata [White-winged Wood-Duck]
No recent records from Java. More easily found in eastern Sumatra.

Cotton Pygmy-Goose Nettapus coromandelianus
Scarce. A few records from Pulau Dua.

Sunda Teal Anas gibberifrons [Sunda Grey Teal, Indonesian Grey Teal]
Widespread. Trip; Cangkring; 20 (8/11/96). Indramayu; 3 (9/11/96). Baluran; 2 (13/11/96). [PD, MA, PAN, SA, CK, IN, BAL, SAN].

Pacific Black Duck Anas superciliosa [Australian Grey Duck]
Listed for Bromo. [BRO].

Northern Pintail Anas acuta

Garganey Anas querquedula

White-eyed Duck Aythya australis [Hardhead, Australian White-eyed Pochard]
No recent records from Java.

White-faced Heron Egretta novaehollandiae
Rare Nusa Penida island, southeast Bali. Records from Bali Barat and Sanur [BB, SAN].

Little Egret Egretta garzetta
Widespread and common. Trip: Jakarta; 2 (1/11/96). Cangkring; 3+ (8/11/96). Buyan; 1 (15/11/96). [PD, PAN, CI, SA, IN, CK, BAL, BED, SAN, UB].

Chinese Egret Egretta eulophotes [Swinhoe's Egret]
Rarely recorded from Pangandaran. [PAN].

Pacific Reef-Egret Egretta sacra [Eastern Reef-Egret]
Fairly widespread. Most easily found at Pangandaran. Trip: Bali Barat; 1 (11/11/96). [PD, PAN, BAL, BB].

Medium Egret Egretta intermedia [Plumed Egret, Yellow-billed Egret]
Trip: Jakarta; 2 (1/11/96). [PD, SA, PAN, IN, UB].

Grey Heron Ardea cinerea

Great-billed Heron Ardea sumatrana [Dusky Grey Heron]
The best place to find this species seems to be Baluran, on the rocky spits north along the coast from Bama beach. Trip: Baluran; 2 (13/11/96). [SA, BAL, BB].

Purple Heron Ardea purpurea
Trip: Jakarta; 1 (1/11/96). Cangkring; 3 (8/11/07). [PD, PAN, CI, SA, CK, BAL, SAN].

Eastern Great Egret Casmerodius albus [Great White Heron]
Widespread and common. Trip: Cangkring; 2 (8/11/96). [PD, CK, CI, SA, SAN].

Eastern Cattle Egret Ardea coromandus
Not particularly common. Trip: Bali; 30+ en route near Denpasar. [PD, SA, CI, IN, SAN, UB].

Javan Pond-Heron Ardeola speciosa
Widespread. Trip: Carita; 1 (7/11/96) en route. Cangkring; 200+ (8/11/96). Indramayu; 50+ (9/11/96). Buyan; 100+ (15/11/96). [CK, IN, SA, CI, PAN, BAL, BUY, BED, BB, SAN, UB].

Little Heron Butorides atricapilla [Little Green Heron]
Trip: Cangkring; 20+ (8/11/96). Indramayu; 10+ (9/11/96). Gilimanuk; 1 (10/11/96). Bali Barat; 3 (11/11/96). [PD, IN, CK, PAN, SA, BAL, SAN, BB].

Black-crowned Night-Heron Nycticorax nycticorax
A colony is present in the trees over the ponds in Bogor Botanical Gardens. Elsewhere not common. Trip: Bogor; 50+ (1-2/11/96) in the botanical gardens. [PD, BBG, SA, SZ, SAN].

Rufous Night-Heron Nycticorax caledonicus [Nankeen Night-Heron]
Only a few recent records.

Malayan Night-Heron Gorsachius melanolophus [Malay Tiger-Bittern]
A couple of records from Bogor Botanical Gardens. [BBG].

Yellow Bittern Botaurus sinensis [Chinese Little Bittern]
Trip: Cangkring; 2 (8/11/96). Indramayu; 1 (9/11/96). [PD, CK, IN, BED, BUY, SAN]

Schrenck's Bittern Botaurus eurhythmus

Cinnamon Bittern Botaurus cinnamomeus [Chestnut Bittern]
Scattered records. Trip; Buyan; 15+ (15/11/96). [MA, SA, BED, BUY].

Black Bittern Botaurus flavicollis [Mangrove Bittern]
Listed for Maura Angke. [MA].

Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus
Common at Pulau Dua. [PD].

Black-headed Ibis Threskiornis melanocephalus [Oriental Ibis]
Common at Pulau Dua and Maura Angke. [MA, PD].

Royal Spoonbill Platalea regia

Milky Stork Mycteria cinerea [Milky Wood-Stork]
Best place to find this bird is Pangandaran/Segara Anakan tidal lagoon, and from the Pangandaran-Cilincing ferry. Other regular places are Madura island, southwest of Sumenep along the numerous salt pans, and around Indramayu and Cangkring. [CI, MA, PD, IN, CK, PAN, SA, BAL].

Asian Woolly-necked Stork Ciconia episcopus [White-necked Stork]
[SA, BAL].

Lesser Adjutant Leptoptilos javanicus
Best place to find this bird is Pangandaran/Segara Anakan tidal lagoon, and the Pangandaran-Cilincing ferry. Also regular on the tidal mudflats of Gilimanuk. Trip: Gilimanuk; 4 (10/11/96). Bali Barat; 10+ (11/11/96), 4 (12/11/96). Baluran; 3 (13/11/96). [PD, PAN, SA, BAL, BB].

Osprey Pandion haliaetus
Trip: Bali Barat; 1 (11/11/96). [SA, BAL, BB].

Oriental Honey-Buzzard Pernis ptilorhynchus [Crested Honey-Buzzard]

Black-shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus
Trip: Cangkring; 1 (8/11/96). Bali Barat; 1 (11/11/96). [CK, IN, BAL, HAL, BB].

Brahminy Kite Haliastur indus [Red-backed Kite]
Most regular at Bali Barat. [SA, BB, SAN].

White-bellied Sea-Eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster [White-breasted Fish-Eagle]
Trip: Carita; 1 (7/11/96). Gilimanuk; 1 (10/11/96). Bali Barat; 1 (11/11/96). Baluran; 1 (14/11/96). [CAR, PAN, PEL, BB].

Grey-headed Fish-Eagle Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus [Greater Fishing-Eagle]
Listed from Labuan Lalang at Bali Barat. [BB].

Short-toed Eagle Circaetus gallicus [European Snake-Eagle]

Crested Serpent-Eagle Spilornis cheela
Widespread. Trip: Baluran; 3 (13/11/96), 1 (14/11/96). Bedugal; 1 (16/11/96). [CAR, GG, BBG, SA, BAL, PEL, HAL, BED, SAN].

Eastern Marsh-Harrier Circus spilonotus [Spot-backed Harrier, Spotted Harrier]

Crested Goshawk Lophospiza trivirgata

Chinese Goshawk Tachyspiza soloensis [Horsfield's Goshawk, Grey Goshawk, Frog-Hawk]
Trip: Cangkring; 1 (8/11/96). Bali Barat; 1 (11/11/96). [CK, BB].

Japanese Sparrowhawk Tachyspiza gularis [Asiatic Sparrowhawk]
Trip: Cangkring; 2 (8/11/96). Baluran; 1 (14/11/96). [PD, CK, BAL].

Besra Tachyspiza virgata
Trip: Cibodas; 1 (5/11/96). [GG, BAL].

Rufous-winged Buzzard Butastur liventer

Grey-faced Buzzard Butastur indicus

Common Buzzard Buteo buteo

Black Eagle Ictinaetus malayensis
Most often seen at Gede. [CAR, GG, SA, HAL, BED].

Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus

Rufous-bellied Eagle Hieraaetus kienerii [Chestnut-bellied Hawk-Eagle]
Scarce. [PEL, HAL, BB].

Changeable Hawk-Eagle Spizaetus cirrhatus [Sunda Hawk-Eagle, Crested Hawk-Eagle]
Trip: Baluran; 2 (12/11/96), 1 (13/11/96). [IND, BAL, BED].

Javan Hawk-Eagle Spizaetus bartelsi
Endemic to Java. The two key sites are Gede and Carita, though the species is not guaranteed at either. At Gede, most often seen soaring over the forested slopes above the golf course, or over the clearing at HM 20 (where 09h00 is said to be a good time). Also has been seen over the Cibeureum waterfall clearing. Another good site is at Selabintana, reached from Sukabumi (van Balen, OBC Bull 15 p29), but this area is now largely private. Also Gunung Salak, about 10 km from Bogor. Lenkong Plateau, sw of Sukabumi (Heath, 1991). [CAR, GG, HAL].

Black-thighed Falconet Microhierax fringillarius [Black-legged, Black-tailed]
Scarce. [CAR, GG, BB].

Spotted Kestrel Falco moluccensis [Moluccan Kestrel]
Endemic to Indonesia. Most regularly seen at Pangandaran and around Bromo. [CAR, GG, SA, PAN, BRO, BAL].

Australian Kestrel Falco cenchroides [Nankeen Kestrel]

Eurasian Hobby Falco subbuteo [Northern Hobby, European Hobby]

Oriental Hobby Falco severus
Scarce. [BAL].

Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus
Occasionally seen around the crater of Gede. Nusa Penida, Bali. [GG, BAL].

Orange-footed Scrubfowl Megapodius reinwardt [Reinwardt's Scrubfowl]

Blue-breasted Quail Coturnix chinensis [Painted Quail, Asian Blue Quail, King Quail]
The forest clearing at Pangandaran. [GG, PAN].

Grey-breasted Partridge Arborophila orientalis [Grey-bellied, Sumatran Hill-Partridge]
Some older records from Baluran.

Chestnut-bellied Partridge Arborophila javanica [Javan Hill-Partridge]
Endemic to Java. At Gede, small groups at all elevations, along main and side trails. Common though difficult to see if there is any disturbance along the trails. Apparently responds to tape. A good place is the elfin forest just above Kandang Badak at 2,400 m, and in the open mossy forest just below the summit. Specifically seen at HM 24, 26, 30, and along trail to Cibeureum falls. Trip: Gede; 4+ (4/11/96), 4 (5/11/96) along lower parts of trail before Blue Lake. [GG, HAL].

Red Junglefowl Gallus gallus
Widespread. Trip: Baluran; 3 (10/11/96). [CAR, GG, HAL, BAL, BRO, BED]

Green Junglefowl Gallus varius
Endemic to Indonesia. Baluran is the reliable stakeout. The birds roost behind the hostel at Bekol, and come to the waterhole in the evening. Can also be seen readily in the early morning crossing the main entrance road, especially along the 'evergreen' section. Commonly heard at Teluk Telur in Bali Barat. In Pangandaran, can often be viewed from the hide. Also Gunung Salak. Occurs on Gede in the moss forest. Trip: Bali Barat; 3 heard (11/11/96). Baluran; 12+ (12-14/11/96). [GG, PAN, BAL, BB, BUY].

Green Peafowl Pavo muticus
Baluran is the easiest stakeout in the world for this species, which otherwise almost requires an expedition to see. Common and noisy throughout the park. Strolls through the park headquarters at Bekol during the day, and more than ten often assemble at the waterhole at dusk. Also known to occur at Ujung Kulong National Park on southwest tip of Java. Trip: 30+ (12-14/11/96). [BAL].

Small Buttonquail Turnix sylvatica [Little, Striped, African Buttonquail, Andalusian Hemipode]

Barred Buttonquail Turnix suscitator [Lesser Sunda Buttonquail]
Best site is Baluran, where regularly recorded. Trip: Bali Barat; 1 (11/11/96). Baluran; 1 (13/11/96). [GG, BAL, HAL, BB, SAN]

Red-legged Crake Rallina fasciata [Malay Banded Crake, Malay Crake]

Slaty-legged Crake Rallina eurizonoides [Ryukyu Crake, Philippine Crake, Banded Crake]

Slaty-breasted Rail Lewinia striata [Blue-breasted Banded Rail]
[CK, SA, SAN].

White-breasted Waterhen Amaurornis phoenicurus
Trip: Bogor; 1 (1/11/96). Buyan; 1 (15/11/96). [MA, BBG, BAL, SA, IN, SAN, UB].

Baillon's Crake Zapornia pusilla [Lesser Spotted Crake, Marsh Crake, Tiny Crake]

Ruddy-breasted Crake Zapornia fusca [Ruddy Crake]
[MA, SA, SAN].

Band-bellied Crake Zapornia paykullii [Siberian Ruddy Crake, Chinese Banded Crake]

White-browed Crake Poliolimnas cinereus [Ashy Crake, Grey-bellied Crake]

Watercock Gallicrex cinerea

Purple Swamphen Porphyrio porphyrio [Purple Gallinule, Purple Waterhen, Purple Coot]
[MA, SA, BAL].

Common Moorhen Gallinula chloropus [Common Gallinule]
Trip: Buyan; 100+ (15/11/96). [BAL, BUY].

Eurasian Coot Fulica atra [Black Coot, Common Coot, European Coot]

Masked Finfoot Heliopais personata [Asian Finfoot]

Pheasant-tailed Jacana Hydrophasianus chirurgus

Bronze-winged Jacana Metopidius indicus

Greater Painted-snipe Rostratula benghalensis

Dusky Woodcock Scolopax saturata [Rufous, Horsfield's, East Indian, Indonesian Woodcock]
One of the specialities of Gede. Usually flushed from near the main trail, and thus easier outside weekends when the trails are busy. Has been seen roding around Kandang Badak at 2,400 m, at dusk. Also below the hot springs. Other sightings on main trail 500 m. beyond Air Panas and at HM 17, 36, 45.

Pintail Snipe Gallinago stenura
Trip: Buyan; 2 (15/11/96). [BUY].

Swinhoe's Snipe Gallinago megala [Chinese Snipe, Forest Snipe, Marsh Snipe]

Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago [Fantail Snipe]

Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa

Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica

Little Curlew Numenius minutus [Little Whimbrel]

Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus
Trip: Cangkring; 3 (8/11/96), Indramayu; 1 (9/11/96). Gilimanuk; 3 (10/11/96). Bali Barat; 10+ (11/11/96). Baluran; 1 (13/11/96). [IN, CK, PAN, SA, BAL, BB, SAN].

Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata [Western, Common, European Curlew]
[PD, SA, BAL, BB].

Far Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis [Eastern, Australian Curlew]
[SA, SAN].

Common Redshank Tringa totanus
[PD, SA, SAN].

Marsh Sandpiper Tringa stagnatilis

Common Greenshank Tringa nebularia [Greater, Eurasian Greenshank]
Trip: Cangkring; 3 (8/11/96). Buyan; 1 (15/11/96). [PD, CK, SA, BED, SAN].

Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus

Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola
Trip: Buyan; 10+ (15/11/96). [PD, CI, BAL, BED, BB, SAN, UB]

Terek Sandpiper Tringa cinerea
[SA, SAN].

Common Sandpiper Tringa hypoleucos
Trip: Bogor; 1 (2/11/96). Cangkring; 1 (8/11/96). Indramayu; 10 (9/11/96). Gilimanuk; 25+ (10/11/96). Bali Barat; 6 (11/11/96). Buyan; 2 (15/11/96). [SA, CI, SA, PAN, BAL, SAN, BB].

Grey-tailed Tattler Tringa brevipes [Siberian, Polynesian Tattler]
[SA, SAN, BB].

Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres

Long-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus

Asian Dowitcher Limnodromus semipalmatus [Asiatic Dowitcher]
A regular spot in January is the mudflats by Ujung Pangkah west of Surabaya.

Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris

Red Knot Calidris canutus [Lesser Knot]

Sanderling Calidris alba

Rufous-necked Stint Calidris ruficollis [Red-necked Stint]
Trip: Indramayu; 20+ (9/11/96). [IN, SAN].

Long-toed Stint Calidris subminuta

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata [Siberian Pectoral Sandpiper]

Dunlin Calidris alpina

Curlew Sandpiper Calidris ferruginea

Broad-billed Sandpiper Calidris falcinellus

Ruff Calidris pugnax

Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus [Northern Phalarope]

Beach Thick-knee Burhinus giganteus
In Bali the best place is Pulau Menjangan offshore from Bali Barat. Another regular spot is around the mangroves and exposed mudflats of Gilimanuk Bay. Also check the exposed mud and rocks at Baluran. [BAL, BB]

Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus [Common, Pied Stilt]

White-headed Stilt Himantopus leucocephalus

Oriental Pratincole Glareola maldivarum [Eastern Collared, Large Indian Pratincole]

Australian Pratincole Stiltia isabella [Long-legged, Isabelline Pratincole, Australian Courser]

Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva [Asian Golden Plover]
[PD, SA, SAN].

Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola [Black-bellied Plover]
[PD, SA, SAN].

Long-billed Plover Charadrius placidus [Long-billed Ringed Plover]

Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius [Little Dotterel]

Kentish Plover Anarhynchus alexandrinus [Snowy Plover]

Red-capped Plover Anarhynchus ruficapillus [Red-capped Sand-Plover]

Malaysian Plover Anarhynchus peronii [Malay Sand-Plover]

Javan Plover Charadrius javanicus [Javan Sand-Plover]
Endemic to Java. Formerly considered a race of Kentish Plover C. alexandrinus. Coastal areas of Java. One area is the saltpans southwest of Sumanep on Madura island. Another reliable site is Indramayu, where the species can be seen along the coast near Cangkring and Pantai Song. Also reported from Muara Angke, and Cilincing. Beware of the identification difficulties of this species. The best illustration and description is in Vol 3 of the Handbook of the Birds of the World. Other references often seem to confuse the situation. Trip: Indramayu; 30+ (9/11/96) including males in full breeding plumage. A few on the fish ponds at Pantai Song beach, and others on dried fish ponds inland from Pantai Song village. [MA, IN, CK, CI].

Siberian Sand Plover Anarhynchus mongolus [Lesser Sand-Plover]

Greater Sand-Plover Anarhynchus leschenaultii [Geoffrey's, Large, Great, Large-billed Sand-Plover]

Oriental Plover Anarhynchus veredus
Regular winter visitor on the grassy savanna around Gilimanuk Bay. Trip: Indramayu; 6 (9/11/96) feeding with other various waders on a recently drained fishpond near Pantai Song village. [IN, SAN].

Javan Lapwing Vanellus macropterus [Sunda Plover, Javan Wattled Plover, Javanese Plover]
Endemic to Java. Almost certainly extinct. Not recorded since 1940.

Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus

White-winged Tern Chlidonias leucopterus
[CI, SAN, BB].

Gull-billed Tern Sterna nilotica
[SAN, BB].

Great Crested Tern Sterna bergii [Swift Tern]
Trip: Indramayu; 10 (9/11/96). Bali Barat; 30 (11/11/96), 2 (12/11/96). Baluran; 10+ (13/11/96). Java-Bali ferry; 10+ (14/11/96). [IN, PAN, BAL, BB, SAN].

Lesser Crested Tern Sterna bengalensis
[BB, SAN].

Roseate Tern Sterna dougallii

Black-naped Tern Sterna sumatrana
Most often seen on the rocks at the eastern end of Palau Menjangan. [BAL, BB].

Common Tern Sterna hirundo
Trip: Gilimanuk/Bali Barat; 20+ (10-12/11/96) probably this species. Java-Bali ferry; few (14/11/96). [BB].

Bridled Tern Sterna anaethetus [Brown-winged Tern]

Sooty Tern Sterna fuscata

Little Tern Sterna albifrons
[BB, SAN].

Brown Noddy Anous stolidus [Common Noddy]

Black Noddy Anous minutus [White-capped Noddy]

Common White Tern Gygis alba [Fairy Tern, White Noddy]

Pomarine Skua Stercorarius pomarinus

Arctic Skua Stercorarius parasiticus
Trip: Java-Bali ferry; 1 (14/10/96).

Long-tailed Skua Stercorarius longicaudus

Feral Pigeon Columba livia
Widespread and common. Trip: Common.

Spotted Dove Streptopelia chinensis [Burmese Spotted, Spot-necked Dove]
Widespread and common. Trip: Bogor; 2 (1/11/96), 4 (2/11/96). Cangkring; 10 (8/11/96). Gilimanuk; 6+ (10/11/96). Baluran; 20+ (13-14/11/96). Bedugal; 1 (15/11/96). Buyan; 1 (15/11/96). [PD, CAR, BBG, BAL, CI, HAL, BB, SAN, UB].

Sunda Collared Dove Streptopelia bitorquata [Javan Collared-Dove, Javan Turtle-Dove]
Widespread and locally common. Trip: Pulau Manjangan; 3 (11/11/96). Baluran; 30+ (12-14/11/96). [PD, CAR, CK, SA, BAL, BB, SAN].

Barred Cuckoo-Dove Macropygia unchall [Large Cuckoo-Dove]
Most easily found at Gede. [GG, BRO].

Ruddy Cuckoo-Dove Macropygia emiliana [Sunda Red Cuckoo-Dove]
Widespread but uncommon. Trip: Gede; 2 (5/11/96) main trail above Cibeureum Falls turn. [SA, GG, HAL, BAL, BB].

Little Cuckoo-Dove Macropygia ruficeps
Supposedly common at Gede, scarce elsewhere. Trip: Bedugal; 2 (15/11/96) thought to be this species. [GG, PAN, BRO, BAL, BED].

Emerald Dove Chalcophaps indica [Green-winged Pigeon]
Commonest at Baluran and Bali Barat. Trip: Gede; 1 (6/11/96). Bedugal; 1 (15/11/96), 2 (16/11/96). [GG, CAR, PEL, BAL, BB, BED].

Zebra Dove Geopelia striata [Peaceful Dove, Barred Dove]
Trip: Bali Barat; 1 (12/11/96. Baluran; 2 (13/11/96). [CAR, PD, BBG, PAN, HAL, BAL, BB, BED].

Nicobar Pigeon Caloenas nicobarica [Hackled Pigeon]

Little Green-Pigeon Treron olax

Pink-necked Green-Pigeon Treron vernans [Pink-necked Pigeon]
Easier to find on Sumatra. Has been seen at Gede (recorded once at HM 19). On Java, commonest at Sangara Anakan. Bama Beach in Baluran is also a known site. [GG, SA, BAL, BB].

Orange-breasted Green-Pigeon Treron bicincta [Orange-breasted Pigeon]
Easiest to find at Baluran, in dry deciduous forest. Not previously known from east Java and Bali, but recently found to be fairly common there (seasonal?). Savanna areas around Bali Barat and Gilimanuk are likely spots. Trip: Gilimanuk; 6+ (11/11/96), 10+ (12/11/96). Bali Barat; 10+ (12/11/96), 6+ (13/11/96). [BAL, BB].

Thick-billed Green-Pigeon Treron curvirostra

Pompadour Green-Pigeon Treron pompadora
Listed for Baluran. [BAL].

Grey-cheeked Green-Pigeon Treron griseicauda
Endemic to Indonesia. Bogor Botanical Gardens are a reliable spot. Also at Baluran National Park, in the forest by Bama Beach regularly. Bedugal Botanical Gardens. Trip: Bogor; 6+ (1/11/96). [CAR, BBG, SA, BB, BED, BUY].

Large Green-Pigeon Treron capellei
Scarce. [BAL, BED, BB].

Sumatran Green-Pigeon Treron oxyura [Sunda Pin-tailed Pigeon, Green-spectacled Pigeon]
Endemic to Sumatra and Java. Has been seen at Gede, but rarely, where it occurs in lower parts of park. Easier to see on Sumatra. [GG, HAL]

Wedge-tailed Green-Pigeon Treron sphenura
Has been seen at Gede, where a good spot is the elfin forest just above Kandang Badak, 2,400 m. Trip: Gede; 2 (3/11/96) flushed in the elfin forest. [GG].

Pink-headed Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus porphyreus [Pink-necked Fruit-Dove]
Endemic to Sumatra and Java. Usually seen at Gede, between the Cibeureum waterfall junction and Air Panes. Trip: 1 (5/11/96) below Air Panes. [GG].

Black-backed Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus cinctus [White-headed Fruit-Dove, Banded Fruit-Dove]
Endemic to Indonesia. The forest ridge trail above Lake Bratan near Bedugal appears to be the most reliable spot, but evidently scarce here. Trip: Bedugal; 5+ (16/11/96) along Bratan ridge trail. [BRO, BED].

Jambu Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus jambu

Black-naped Fruit-Dove Ptilinopus melanospila
Common in the taller fruiting trees near the ponds at Bogor Botanical Gardens. Regular at Pangandaran and Carita. Trip: Bogor; 10 (2/11/96). [CAR, BBG, PAN, BAL].

Green Imperial-Pigeon Ducula aenea
Common at Segara Anakan and Baluran. Trip: Baluran; 2 (13/11/96) near Bama beach in evening. [SA, BAL, BB].

Pink-headed Imperial-Pigeon Ducula rosacea [Javan Imperial-Pigeon]
Endemic to Indonesia.

Mountain Imperial-Pigeon Ducula badia
Scarce. [HAL].

Dark-backed Imperial-Pigeon Ducula lacernulata [Black-backed Imperial-Pigeon]
Endemic to Indonesia. Has been seen at Gede at high elevations above the moss forest. The forest trail above the Bedugal Botanical Gardens is the only other reported locality. Trip: Bedugal Botanical Gardens; 2+ (10/11/96) not far up forest trail. [GG, BED].

Pied Imperial-Pigeon Ducula bicolor [Nutmeg Imperial-Pigeon]
Rarely reported from Baluran. [BAL].

Yellow-throated Hanging-Parrot Loriculus pusillus [Yellow-throated Lorikeet]
Endemic to Indonesia. Widespread but local. Reported in small numbers from many localities. Nowhere common. On Bali try the river bed west of Lubuan Lalang. [CAR, GG, BBG, PAN, BB, BED].

Red-breasted Parakeet Psittacula alexandri [Moustached, Rose-breasted Parakeet]
The best spot appears to be Baluran. [MA, BBG, BAL, BB].

Yellow-crested Cockatoo Cacatua sulphurea [Lesser Sulphur-crested Cockatoo]
Endemic to Indonesia.

Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus [Coconut Lorikeet]
Formerly bred at Bedugal on Bali, but not seen since mid '80s (trapped-out?). Birds were of the form michelii (as on Lombok) with the blue head and belly replaced by black.

Chestnut-winged Cuckoo Clamator coromandus [Red-winged Cuckoo]

Large Hawk-Cuckoo Cuculus sparverioides
Trip: Cangkring; 1 (8/11/96). [GG, CK]

Moustached Hawk-Cuckoo Cuculus vagans [Lesser Hawk-Cuckoo]

Hodgson's Hawk-Cuckoo Cuculus fugax [Fugitive Cuckoo]
Scarce. Trip: Baluran; 1 (14/11/96), calling and taped out from the 'evergreen' forest along the main entrance road.

Indian Cuckoo Cuculus micropterus [Short-winged Cuckoo]

Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus

Oriental Cuckoo Cuculus saturatus [Himalayan Cuckoo]
Commonly heard at Gede. Trip: Unidentified Cuculus spp. at Cangkring; 1 (8/11/96), and Bali Barat; 2 (11/11/96) presumed to be this species. [GG, CK, HAL, BB, BED].

Banded Bay Cuckoo Cacomantis sonneratii

Plaintive Cuckoo Cacomantis merulinus

Sunda Brush Cuckoo Cacomantis sepulcralis [Grey-headed Cuckoo]
Commonest at Gede. Trip: Baluran; 1 (14/11/96) calling. [CAR, GG, BAL, BED].

Little Bronze-Cuckoo Chalcites minutillus [Malay, Australian Bronze-Cuckoo]
Scarce. [BRO].

Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo Chalcites basalis [Rufous-tailed, Narrow-billed Bronze-Cuckoo]

Violet Cuckoo Chrysococcyx xanthorhynchus

Drongo Cuckoo Surniculus lugubris

Asian Koel Eudynamys scolopacea [Common, Indian Koel]
Historical records from Bogor and Baluran.

Green-billed Malkoha Phaenicophaeus tristis

Red-billed Malkoha Phaenicophaeus javanicus

Chestnut-breasted Malkoha Phaenicophaeus curvirostris [Palawan Malkoha]
Trip: Gilimanuk; 2 (10/11/96). Bali Barat; 1 (12/11/96). [CAR, MA, PAN, BAL, BB].

Greater Coucal Centropus sinensis [Crow Pheasant]
[CAR, SA].

Sunda Coucal Centropus nigrorufus [Javan Coucal]
Endemic to Java. Now endangered due to continued mangrove clearance for fish ponds. Best sites are the mangroves around Pangandaran/Segara Anakan (south), or Cangkring (north coast). Also Ujung Pangkah west of Surabaya (no details). The species is apparently restricted to Nipah palms and young mangroves at water's edge where vegetation floating, and adjacent swampy areas. Might occur at Muara Angke. Much more easily heard than seen. Trip; Cangkring; 6+ (8/11/96) Centropus spp. heard, in mangroves bordering ponds and the river, were probably this species, though Greater Coucal also occurs in the area (commonly?). [MA, IND, CK, PAN, SA].

Lesser Coucal Centropus bengalensis
Trip: Buyan; 1 (15/11/96). [SA, BAL, BED, BB]

Barn Owl Tyto alba
Scarce. [BBG].

Oriental Bay-Owl Phodilus badius [Asian Bay-Owl]
Only two records.

Reddish Scops Owl Otus rufescens
Scarce. No recent records.

Javan Scops Owl Otus angelinae [Angeline's Scops Owl]
Endemic to Java. Gede is currently the only regular site, but difficult to find there. Call not known, although small birds at Gede respond to whistles or tape of Mountain Scops Owl, to which it must be closely related. Sightings are almost always along the lower main trail between the PHPA headquarters and the trail to Cibeureum waterfall. [GG].

Sunda Scops Owl Otus lempiji [Japanese Scops Owl]

Barred Eagle-Owl Ketupa sumatrana [Malaysian Eagle-Owl, Malay Eagle-Owl]
Has been seen at Gede, along the lower section of main trail before the side loop. Also Baluran in the Bama Beach forest area. [GG, HAL, BAL].

Buffy Fish-Owl Ketupa ketupu [Malay Fish-Owl, Malaysian Fish-Owl]
The best site is Baluran, around the permanent pools in the forest at Bama Beach. Check the large trees around the pools for roosting birds. Also seen at Gede around the old park PHPA office at the back of the botanical gardens. [GG, BAL].

Spotted Wood-Owl Strix seloputo
Rare. At Baluran, regularly calls from the trees around the car parking area at Bama Beach. Trip: Baluran; 2+ (12-13/11/96) calling from large trees in the valley below the guesthouse at Bekol. Nightly excursions into the trees failed to find any, as they promptly stopped calling when approached. [BBG, BAL].

Brown Wood-Owl Strix leptogrammica
Rare. At Baluran, occasionally found in forest edge/mangroves just south of the Bama Beach guesthouse. [BAL].

Javan Owlet Glaucidium castanopterum [Chestnut-winged Owlet, Spadiced Pygmy-Owl]
Endemic to Indonesia. Scarce. Recently regular in the Carita area - walk the roads around the bungalows and forest in the evening. Also known from Pelabuhanratu, a small fishing town on south coast of Java. Unfortunately I couldn't find the bird. [CAR, HAL].

Brown Boobook Ninox scutulata [Oriental, Philippine Hawk-Owl, Oriental Boobook]
Scarce. [CAR, GG, HAL].

Javan Frogmouth Batrachostomus javensis
Endemic to Java. Has been recorded at Carita. At Gede sightings from HM 2, 5, 48. [CAR, GG].

Sunda Frogmouth Batrachostomus cornutus [Horned, Long-tailed Frogmouth].
Known only from Gunung Pancar, Ujung Kulon.

Jungle Nightjar Caprimulgus indicus [Grey, Indian Jungle, Japanese Nightjar].
Occasional at Gede - beware confusion with Salvadori's. [GG].

Large-tailed Nightjar Caprimulgus macrurus
Easily found at Baluran as it calls from around the guesthouse at Bekol. Trip: Baluran; 4+ (12-14/11/96) evenings around the Bekol guesthouse. [CAR, BAL, BB].

Savanna Nightjar Caprimulgus affinis [Allied Nightjar]
At Baluran, occurs with the above, and along the road across the savanna toward Bama Beach. Trip: Gilimanuk; 1 (10/11/96). Bali Barat; 3 (11-12/11/96). Baluran; (6+ (12-14/11/96). [PD, IN, CK, BAL, SAN, BB].

Salvadori's Nightjar Caprimulgus pulchellus
Endemic to Sumatra and Java. On Sumatra only known from one specimen. In Java restricted to the western mountain areas. Regularly seen at Gede, around the Cibeureum waterfall arriving at dusk and leaving first light. Seems to favour the cliffs around the middle fall. As the birds are very high, only a very powerful light gives any views other than a silhouette. They have been seen during the day in the trees above the falls. The "noodle vendor" tocking call can be heard along the main trail too. Recently found at Mount Bromo. Trip: Gede; 2 (4/11/96) out well before dark over the Cibeuruem Falls. [GG BRO].

Grey-rumped Treeswift Hemiprocne longipennis
Trip: Bali Barat; 30+ (12/11/96). Baluran; 10+ (12-14/11/96). [CAR, PEL, SA, BAL, BB].

Waterfall Swift Hydrochous gigas [Giant Swiftlet]
Although not endemic to the region, Gede is one of the few sites in the world where this swift can be found regularly. Occurs anywhere in small flocks feeding high overhead. Formerly roosted behind the Cineureum Falls where it was regularly seen dusk and dawn, but no longer appears to be there. Specific sites where found have been above the grassy clearing on main trail before the waterfall junction, over the golf course or botanic gardens, and also over the Cibeureum Waterfall clearing. Trip: Gede; 20+ feeding over the Cibodas Botanical Gardens around 07h00. [GG, HAL].

Cave Swiftlet Collocalia linchi [Linchi Swiftlet, Sunda Swiftlet]
Abundant throughout. Trip: Widespread and common. [CAR, GG, BBG, CK, IN, PAN, SA, BAL, HAL, BED, BB, BUY, UB].

Volcano Swiftlet Collocalia vulcanorum
Endemic to Java. Sometimes considered an isolated form of the Himalayan Swiftlet. Most easily seen inside the Gede crater. Beware Linchi Swiftlet which also occurs there. [GG].

Mossy-nest Swiftlet Collocalia salangana [Mossy Swiftlet, Sunda Swiftlet, Thunberg's Swiftlet]

Black-nest Swiftlet Collocalia maxima
[MA, GG]

Edible-nest Swiftlet Collocalia fuciphaga

Silver-rumped Needletail Rhaphidura leucopygialis

White-throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacautus [Northern, Spine-tailed Swift]

Silver-backed Needletail Hirundapus cochinchinensis [White-vented, Grey-throated Needletail]

Brown-backed Needletail Hirundapus giganteus [Brown, Giant Needletail]

Asian Palm-Swift Cypsiurus balasiensis
Trip: Bogor; 1 (2/11/96). Bali Barat; 6 (11-12/11/96). Baluran; 10+ (11-12/11/96). [CAR, BBG, PAN, BAL, HAL, BED, BB, BUY, SAN, UB].

Pacific Swift Apus pacificus [Fork-tailed, White-rumped Swift]
Trip: Cangkring; 10 (8/11/96). Bali Barat; 10 (11/11/96). Baluran; 20+ (13/11/96). [BBG, CK, BAL, BB].

House Swift Apus nipalensis
Trip: Bogor; 4 (1-2/11/96). En route; 20+ (6/11/96). [CAR, GG, BBG, CK, IN, PAN, BAL, BB].

Blue-tailed Trogon Harpactes reinwardtii [Blue-billed Trogon]
Endemic to Sumatra and Java. Uncommon at Gede. Most sightings are along the steep section of the main trail just after the turn-off to Cibeureum Waterfall, as far as Air Panas. Specific sightings at markers HM 16, 22, 27, 45, 46. The main call is a quiet 'ka-ka-khew' similar to Red-headed Trogon. [GG, HAL].

Orange-breasted Trogon Harpactes oreskios
Scarce. One record from Carita. [CAR].

Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis [River, European Kingfisher]

Blue-eared Kingfisher Alcedo meninting [Deep-Blue Kingfisher]
Readily seen around the ponds in the Bogor Botanical Gardens. Scarce elsewhere. Trip: Bogor; 1+ (2/11/96). [BBG, PAN, SA].

Javan Blue-banded Kingfisher Alcedo euryzona
Rare. Only two records.

Small Blue Kingfisher Alcedo coerulescens
Endemic to Indonesia. Common at Sarakan Ankaran and Cangkring. Also seen at Bali Barat (try mangroves east of Labuan Lalang), Pangandaran. Indramayu, Palau Dua, Baluran (Bama Beach area). Trip: Cangkring; 8+ (8/11/96). Indramayu; 1 (9/11/96). Bali Barat; 2 (11/11/96) at the Bali Starling site. [MA, PD, IN, CK, SA, CI, PAN, BAL, SAN, HAL].

Black-backed Kingfisher Ceyx erithacus [Oriental, Oriental Dwarf, Three-toed, Malay Kingfisher]
This and the following species are sometimes treated as one species, and often not reported specifically. Trip: Bali Barat; 1 (12/11/96) not specifically identified. [CAR, BB].

Rufous-backed Kingfisher Ceyx rufidorsa [Red-backed Pygmy-Kingfisher]

Banded Kingfisher Lacedo pulchella
Rare. [CAR].

Stork-billed Kingfisher Pelargopsis capensis

Ruddy Kingfisher Halcyon coromanda

White-throated Kingfisher Halcyon smyrnensis [Smyrna, White-breasted Kingfisher].

Black-capped Kingfisher Halcyon pileata

Javan Kingfisher Halcyon cyanoventris
Endemic to Indonesia. Widespread, but can be tricky to find. Carita and Baluran are the most productive sites for this bird. At Baluran can most often be found along the main entrance road at around HM 98.5 around the wet area within the evergreen forest. Also try along the shores of the small mountain lake Telaga Biru at Gede. Apparently fairly common in the rice paddies around Ubud. Trip: Baluran; 2 (14/11/96) along the road in the evergreen forest. [CAR, GG, PEL, SA, BAL, HAL, BB, UB].

Collared Kingfisher Todirhamphus chloris [Mangrove Kingfisher, White-collared Kingfisher]
Widespread. Trip: Bogor; 10+ (1-2/11/96). Cangkring; 1 (8/11/96). Gilimanuk; 1 (10/11/96). Bali Barat; 6 (11/11/96). Baluran; 25+ (13-14/11/96). Buyan; 1 (15/11/96). Bedugal; 2 (16/11/96). [CAR, PD, BBG, GG, SA, HAL, BAL, BED, BB, UB].

Sacred Kingfisher Todirhamphus sanctus
Common migrant. Trip: Gilimanuk; 1 (10/11/96). [SA, CK, PD, CK, IN, PAN, BAL, SA, BB, SAN].

Blue-throated Bee-eater Merops viridis

Blue-tailed Bee-eater Merops philippinus
Trip: Gilimanuk; 10+ (10/11/96). Bali Barat; 20+ (11/11/96). Baluran; 10+ (13/11/96). [CAR, PD, CK, BB, SAN, UB]

Rainbow Bee-eater Merops ornatus [Rainbow-bird]

Chestnut-headed Bee-eater Merops leschenaulti [Bay-headed Bee-eater]
Trip: Gilimanuk; 20+ (10/11/96). Bali Barat; 20+ (11/11/96). Baluran; 10+ (12/11/96). [BAL, BB, UB].

Dollarbird Eurystomus orientalis [Broad-billed Roller]
Trip: Bali Barat; 2 (12/11/96). [CAR, HAL, BB].

Oriental Pied Hornbill Anthracoceros albirostris [Malaysian Pied Hornbill]
The local form convexus is sometimes considered distinct, Southern Pied Hornbill. Common at Pangandaran. Trip: Baluran; 6 (12-14/11/96). [PAN, BAL].

Rhinoceros Hornbill Buceros rhinoceros
Scarce. [PAN, HAL].

Wreathed Hornbill Aceros undulatus
Carita is the best spot, but not common. [CAR, HAL, BAL, BB].

Lineated Barbet Psilopogon lineatus
Surprisingly, listed for Gede in the log book. Trip: Bali Barat; 2 (11-12/11/96). Baluran; 1 (14/11/96). [GG, BAL, HAL, BB].

Brown-throated Barbet Psilopogon corvinus [Javan Brown-throated Barbet]
Endemic to Java. Commonly heard at lower elevations at Gede. Trip: Gede; 2 (5/11/96). [GG, HAL].

Black-banded Barbet Psilopogon javensis [Javan Barbet]
Endemic to Java. Common at Carita and Pangandaran. Also recorded from Cimungkat-Gungkat Pangrango, an area now included in the Gede-Pangrango National Park (van Balen, OBC Bull 15 p27). [CAR, PAN, PEL, HAL].

Flame-fronted Barbet Psilopogon armillaris [Orange-fronted Barbet, Blue-crowned Barbet]
Endemic to Indonesia. Common at Gede and Bedugal. Trip: Gede; 20+ (2-5/11/96). Bedugal; 6+ (10,15,16/11/96). Buyan; 4+ (15/11/96). [GG, HAL, BED].

Black-eared Barbet Psilopogon duvaucelii
The form in Java lacks any trace of red. [CAR, GG, BBG, PAN, BAL, PEL, HAL].

Coppersmith Barbet Psilopogon haemacephalus [Crimson-breasted Barbet]
Javan birds have much more red on head. Trip: Bogor; 2 (1/11/96). Bali Barat; 7+ (11-12/11/96). Baluran; 5+ (12-14/11/96). [CAR, GG, BBG, BAL, BB].

Rufous Piculet Sasia abnormis
Scarce. [GG, CAR].

Sunda Woodpecker Dendrocopos moluccensis [Brown-capped, Malaysian Pygmy-Woodpecker]

Grey-capped Woodpecker Yungipicus canicapillus [Grey-headed Pygmy-Woodpecker]

Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker Dendrocopos macei [Streak-bellied Woodpecker]
Common in lowland forest of both Java and Bali. Trip: Bali Barat; 3 (12/11/96). Baluran; 15+ (12-14/11/96). [CAR, BBG, BAL, BB, BUY, SAN].

Rufous Woodpecker Celeus brachyurus

White-bellied Woodpecker Dryocopus javensis [Great Black Woodpecker]

Banded Woodpecker Picus mineaceus

Crimson-winged Woodpecker Picus puniceus

Checker-throated Woodpecker Picus mentalis [Chequer-throated Woodpecker]
Rare. [GG, HAL].

Laced Woodpecker Picus vittatus [Laced Green Woodpecker]

Common Flameback Dinopium javanense [Common Goldenback]
Trip: Bali Barat; 3+ (11-12/11/96). [CAR, BBG, BAL, HAL, BED, BB].

Greater Flameback Chrysocolaptes lucidus [Greater Goldenback]

Orange-backed Woodpecker Chrysocolaptes validus
Rare. [GG].

Zebra Woodpecker Meiglyptes tristis [Fulvous-rumped Woodpecker]

Grey-and-buff Woodpecker Hemicircus concretus [Grey-breasted Woodpecker]

Great Slaty Woodpecker Mulleripicus pulverulentus
Trip: Baluran; 3+ (13/11/96) in the forest at Bama Beach. [BAL].

Banded Pitta Pitta guajana [Blue-tailed Pitta]
Fairly common, but difficult to observe. The form guajana of Bali and east Java looks and sounds very different to the other form irena. Trip: Bali Barat; 2 (12/11/96) along dry river bed near Lubuan Lalang. Baluran; 2 (14/10/96). [CAR, GG, PAN, BAL, BB].

Western Hooded Pitta Pitta sordida [Black-headed Pitta]

Blue-winged Pitta Pitta moluccensis [Moluccan Pitta]

Elegant Pitta Pitta elegans
Endemic to Indonesia. One record from Nusa Penida.

Banded Broadbill Eurylaimus javanicus
[CAR, GG].

Golden-bellied Gerygone Gerygone sulphurea [Flyeater, Yellow-breasted Gerygone]
Trip: Cangkring; 20+ (8/11/96). [CAR, IN, CK, SA, PD, BAL, BB, SAN].

Indonesian Honeyeater Lichmera indistincta
Common in the exotic scrubs of the Bedugal Botanical Gardens. Trip: Bedugal; 3 (10/11/96). Buyan; 20+ (15/11/96). [BED, BUY].

Mangrove Whistler Pachycephala grisola [White-bellied Whistler, Palawan Whistler, Grey Thickhead]
Trip: Baluran; 2 (13-14/11/96). [BBG, PAN, SA, BAL, BB].

Golden Whistler Pachycephala pectoralis [Common Golden Thickhead]
Rare. Trip: Bedugal; 3 (10/11/96) in the forest above the Botanical Gardens, and 2 (15/11/96) at the start of the trail above Lake Bratan. [BED, BUY].

Rufous-tailed Fantail Rhipidura phoenicura [Red-tailed Fantail]
Endemic to Java. Fairly common at Gede. Trip: Gede; 5+ (3,5/11/96). [GG, HAL].

White-bellied Fantail Rhipidura euryura [Javan Fantail]
Endemic to Java. Gede is the best place to find this bird, but even here it is local and seems only to be seen regularly along the lowest sections of the main trail, the lowest part of the trail by old PHPA office and along start of loop trail. Inconspicuous, and does not fan tail. [GG, HAL].

Pied Fantail Rhipidura javanica [Malaysian Fantail-Flycatcher]
Trip: Bogor; 3+ (1-2/11/96). Cangkring; 10+ (8/11/96). Bali Barat; 9+ (11-12/11/96). Baluran; 8+ (12-14/11/96). Buyan; 2 (15/11/96). Bedugal; 4 (16/11/96). [PD, BBG, IN, CK, SA, HAL, BAL, BB, BED, BUY, SAN].

Spotted Fantail Rhipidura perlata [Pearlated, Perlated, Pearl-spotted Fantail-Flycatcher]

Black-naped Monarch Hypothymis azurea [Pacific Monarch, Small Monarch]
Trip: Bedugal; 6 (10/11/96). Bali Barat; 1 (11/11/96). Baluran; 4+ (12-14/11/96). [CAR, BAL, BB, BUY].

Blyth's Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone affinis
Rare. Recorded from Ujong Kulon.

Black Drongo Dicrurus macrocercus
Declining, especially in the west. Trip: Gilimanuk; 2 (10/11/96). Bali Barat; 10+ (11-12/11/96). Baluran; 13 (12-14/11/96). [BBG, CK, IN, PAN, SA, BAL, HAL, BB, SAN].

Ashy Drongo Dicrurus leucophaeus [Pale Drongo, Grey Drongo]
Trip: Carita; 1 (6/11/96). Bali Barat; 4+ (12-11/11/96). Baluran; 2 (12/11/96). Buyan; 4 (15/11/96). [CAR, GG, BBG, PAN, PEL, HAL, BAL, BED, BB].

Crow-billed Drongo Dicrurus annectens

Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo Dicrurus remifer
Trip: 48 (3-5/11/96). [GG, HAL].

Hair-crested Drongo Dicrurus hottentotus [Spangled Drongo]
[BAL, BB].

Greater Racket-tailed Drongo Dicrurus paradiseus
Trip: 2 (12/11/96). [CAR, PEL, HAL, BB].

Crested Jayshrike Platylophus galericulatus [Malay, Crested Malay Jay]

Short-tailed Magpie Cissa thalassina [Bornean, Short-tailed Green-Magpie]
[GG, HAL].

Racket-tailed Treepie Crypsirina temia [Bronzed Treepie, Black Treepie]
Trip: Cangkring; 4 (8/11/96). Baluran; 2 (12/11/96). [CAR, MA, CK, SA, HAL, BAL, BB].

Sunda Crow Corvus enca [Little Crow]
Trip: Baluran; 7 (12-14/11/96). [BBG, PAN, SA, HAL, BAL, BB].

Large-billed Crow Corvus macrorhynchos [Jungle Crow]
Trip: Cangkring; 1 (8/11/96). [BBG, CK, PAN, SA, BAL, BB].

White-breasted Woodswallow Artamus leucorynchus [White-rumped, Lesser Woodswallow]
Trip: Gilimanuk; 10+ (10/11/197). Bali Barat; 26+ (11-12-11/96). [CK, IN, PAN, HAL, BAL, BB, SAN].

Common Iora Aegithina tiphia [Black-winged, Small Iora]
Trip: Bogor; 2 (2/11/96). Gede; 2 (3/11/96). Bali Barat; 12+ (11-12/11/96). Baluran; 20+ (12-14/11/96). [CAR, GG, BBG, CK, IN, PAN, SA, BAL, BB, BED].

Black-naped Oriole Oriolus chinensis
Trip: Bali Barat; 12+ (11-12/11/96). Baluran; 4 (12,14/11/96). Buyan; 1 (15/11/96). Bedugal; 1 (16/11/96). [CAR, GG, BBG, PAN. BAL, HAL, BB, BED].

Dark-throated Oriole Oriolus xanthonotus

Javan Oriole Oriolus cruentus [Crimson-breasted Oriole]
Rare. [HAL].

Sunda Cuckooshrike Coracina larvata [Black-faced Cuckooshrike]
Uncommon at Gede. Sometimes seen in feeding flocks. [GG, HAL].

Javan Cuckooshrike Coracina javensis [Malaysian Cuckooshrike]
Endemic to Indonesia. Formerly lumped under Large Cuckooshrike C. noveaseelandiae. At Gede, mentioned at HM 10 in the logbook. Trip: Bedugal; 2 (10/11/96) in the forest above the Botanical Gardens. Bali Barat; 12+ (11-12/11/96). Baluran; 2 (13/11/96). [GG, BAL, BB].

Bar-bellied Cuckooshrike Coracina striata [Barred Cuckooshrike]

Lesser Cuckooshrike Lalage fimbriata

Pied Triller Lalage nigra
Does not occur on Bali. [CAR, GG, BBG, SA, BAL].

White-shouldered Triller Lalage sueurii [White-winged Triller, Sueur's Triller]
Endemic to Indonesia. Common in eastern Java and Bali. Trip: Gilimanuk; 1 (10/11/96). Bali Barat; 25+ (12-12/11/96). Baluran; 6+ (12-14/11/96). [BAL, BB, SAN].

Small Minivet Pericrocotus cinnamomeus [Little Minivet, Lesser Minivet]
Trip: Bali Barat; 8+ (12/11/96). Baluran; 60+ (12-14/11/96). [CAR, HAL, BAL, BB].

Sunda Minivet Pericrocotus miniatus
Endemic to Sumatra and Java. Supposedly, fairly common at Gede, with small flocks reported along the main trail [GG, HAL].

Scarlet Minivet Pericrocotus flammeus [Indian Minivet, Flame Minivet]
Trip: Carita; 3 (6/11/96). Gilimanuk; 2 (10/11/96). [CAR, GG, SA, HAL, BAL, BED, BB].

Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike Hemipus hirundinaceus

Asian Fairy-bluebird Irena puella [Fairy Bluebird, Blue-mantled, Blue-backed Fairy-bluebird]

Greater Green Leafbird Chloropsis sonnerati [Greater Leafbird, Great Green Leafbird]

Javan Leafbird Chloropsis cochinchinensis [Golden-hooded, Yellow-headed Leafbird]

Tiger Shrike Lanius tigrinus [Thick-billed Shrike]

Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus

Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach [Schach, Rufous-backed, Black-capped, Black-headed, Dusky Shrike]
Trip: Cangkring; 3 (8/11/96). Gilimanuk; 2 (10/11/96). Bali Barat; 7+ (11-12/11/96). Baluran; 3 (14/11/96). Buyan; 2 (15/11/96). [GG, CK, CI, BAL, BED, BB, SAN, UB].

Maroon-breasted Philentoma Philentoma velatum [Maroon-breasted Flycatcher, Monarch]

Large Woodshrike Tephrodornis gularis [Brown-tailed, Hook-billed Woodshrike]
Trip: Gede; 6+ (3-5/11/96). [GG, BAL].

Sunda Whistling-Thrush Myiophoneus glaucinus
Common at Gede near streams along the main trail. Trip: Gede; 30+ (3-4/11/96). Bedugal; 1 (16/11/96) along the ridge above Lake Bratan. [GG, HAL, BED].

Blue Whistling-Thrush Myiophoneus caeruleus [Violet Whistling-Thrush]

Chestnut-capped Thrush Zoothera interpres [Kuhl's Thrush, Chestnut-headed Thrush]
Has been seen at Carita in the primary forest near the waterfall in dense bamboo. Noticeably arboreal and shy. [CAR, BBG].

Orange-headed Thrush Zoothera citrina [White-throated Thrush]
Shy. Numbers much reduced in Bogor Botanical Gardens by continued trapping. [GG, BBG, BED].

Siberian Thrush Zoothera sibirica
Regular winter visitor to Gede, where can be found in forest near summit. Trip: Gede; 3+ (5/11/96) in elfin forest near summit. [GG, BBG].

Sunda Ground-Thrush Zoothera andromedae [Sunda Thrush]
Often seen at Gede, along lower part of main trail. Rare at Bedugal. Shy. Trip: Buyan; 1 (15/11/96) in heavy secondary forest. [GG, HAL, BED].

Horsfield's Thrush Zoothera dauma [White's, White's Scaly, Golden, Small-billed, Tiger Thrush]
Formerly considered conspecific with Scaly Thrush Z. dauma. Best place to look is at Gede in the elfin forest above Kandang Badak 2,400 m. Listen for heavy wing flapping. Trip: Gede; 1+ (5/11/96) just above Kandang Badak. [GG].

Sundaic Island Thrush Turdus javanicus
Has been seen at Gede in the dwarf montane forest at 2500 m, and dwarf forest at crater rim. [GG, BRO].

Eyebrowed Thrush Turdus obscurus [White-browed, Dark, Grey-headed Thrush]

Lesser Shortwing Brachypteryx leucophrys [Mrs. La Touche's Shortwing]
Fairly common at Gede, especially if song known. Trip: Gede; 5+ (4-5/11/96). Bedugal; 1 (15/11/96) on trail above Lake Bratan. [GG, BED].

Javan Shortwing Brachypteryx montana [Blue, Himalayan Blue, Indigo-blue Shortwing]
Fairly common at Gede. Occurs mainly at higher elevations than Lesser Shortwing. [GG, HAL].

Short-tailed Starling Aplonis minor [Lesser Glossy Starling]
Very rare on Bali and Java, and situation confused due to identification confusion with Asian Glossy Starling. [HAL, BAL, BED].

Asian Glossy Starling Aplonis panayensis [Indian, Great, Philippine Starling]
Trip: Bedugal; 100+ (10/11/96) in the botanical gardens. Immatures present. Buyan; 30+ (15/11/96). [GG, BBG, BAL, HAL, BED].

Daurian Starling Sturnus sturninus [Purple-backed Starling].

Javan Pied Myna Gracupica jalla [Pied Starling, Asiatic Starling]

Black-winged Starling Sturnus melanopterus
Endemic to Indonesia. Commonest in east Java and Bali. Most easily found at Baluran, Gilimanuk and Bali Barat. Trip: 2 (10/11/96). Bali Barat; 2+ (11/11/96). Baluran; 4 (12-14/11/96). [MA, PD, BRO, BAL, BB, BED, BUY].

Bali Starling Leucopsar rothschildi [Rothschild's Myna, White Starling]
Endemic to Bali. Critically endangered. Only 25-27 birds now remain, with numbers continuing to decline. Can only be seen on the Bali-Barat Reserve, where a permit and guide are necessary. Usually seen in the early morning when birds leave roosting areas. Trip: Bali Barat; 4+ (11/11/96) seen feeding in barren hillsides above Brumbun during late afternoon. [BB].

Javan Myna Acridotheres javanicus
Sometimes treated as a race of Jungle Myna A. fuscans or, more probably, a race of White-vented Myna A. grandis. Widespread but now difficult to find due to continued trapping. [PD, BBG, SA, BRO, BB].

Hill Myna Gracula religiosa [Talking Myna, Indian Grackle, Eastern Hill Myna]

Fulvous-chested Jungle-Flycatcher Rhinomyias olivacea [Olive-backed Jungle-Flycatcher]
Rare. Probably most easily found along dry river bed west of Lubuan Lalang. Has also been seen in the botanical gardens at Bedugal. Trip: Bali Barat; 1 (12/11/96) along dry river bed west of Lubuan Lalang. [CAR, BED, BB].

Dark-sided Flycatcher Muscicapa sibirica [Sooty, Siberian Flycatcher]

Asian Brown Flycatcher Muscicapa dauurica [Grey-breasted Flycatcher]
Trip: Carita; 1 (6/11/96). [CAR, BBG].

Ferruginous Flycatcher Muscicapa ferruginea

Yellow-rumped Flycatcher Ficedula zanthopygia [Tricolour, Korean Flycatcher]

Mugimaki Flycatcher Ficedula mugimaki [Robin Flycatcher]
[GG, HAL].

Snowy-browed Flycatcher Ficedula hyperythra [White-fronted, Thicket Flycatcher]
Trip: Gede; 12+ (3-5/11/96). Bedugal; 4+ (15-16/11/96). [GG, BED].

Rufous-chested Flycatcher Ficedula dumetoria [Orange-breasted, Short-tailed Flycatcher]

Little Pied Flycatcher Ficedula westermanni
Trip: Gede; 7+ (3-5/11/96). [GG, BAL, BED, HAL].

Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana [Japanese Blue Flycatcher]

Indigo Flycatcher Euymias indigo [Sunda Island Blue Flycatcher]
Javan birds lack the rufous undertail coverts, and strongly resemble Pale Blue Flycatcher of which there are numerous claims in the log book at Freddy's. Fairly common at lower elevations at Gede. Trip: Gede; 12 (4-5/11/96). [GG].

Pale Blue Flycatcher Cyornis unicolor

Javan Blue Flycatcher Cyornis banyumas
Trip: Baluran; 1 (13/11/96). Bedugal; 2 (16/11/96). [GG, BBG, BAL].

Mangrove Blue Flycatcher Cyornis rufigaster
Rare. [BAL].

Grey-headed Flycatcher Culicicapa ceylonensis [Canary Flycatcher]
Trip: Gede; 6+ (3,5/11/96). Bedugal; 2 (10/11/96). [GG, BED].

Siberian Blue Robin Luscinia cyane
Few records from Java. A single record at Gede in the logbook at Freddy's.

Oriental Magpie-Robin Copsychus saularis
Widespread. Trip: Bogor; 2 (2/11/96). Bali Barat; 2 (11/11/96). [CAR, GG, BBG, PAN, HAL, BAL, BB, SAN].

White-rumped Shama Copsychus malabaricus
A commonly captured cage bird, most often seen in markets, not the field. Trip: Baluran; 1 (14/11/96). [BBG, PAN, BAL].

Javan Blue Robin Cinclidium diana [Sunda Blue Robin]
Endemic to Sumatra and Java. Frequently encountered on the main trail at Gede up to 2,000 m., but more common at lower elevations. Sometimes seen at the forest edge in Cibodas Botanical Gardens. Trip: 3 (4-5/11/96). [GG, HAL].

Sunda Forktail Enicurus velatus [Lesser Forktail]
Endemic to Sumatra and Java. Mostly mountains and hills, and most easily found at Gede especially on the trail to the Cibeureum Waterfalls. A pair regularly roosts at the base of the falls there. Also the shores of the small mountain lake Telaga Biru, and often seen near the streams alongside main trail. Look around the streams in the Cibodas Botanical gardens. Has been recorded above the waterfall at Carita. Trip: Gede; 2 (4/11/96) at dusk at the Cineureum Falls. [CAR, GG, BRO].

White-crowned Forktail Enicurus leschenaulti
Trip: Gede; 5 (4-5/11/96) mainly along the lower main trail. Surprisingly most trips report this species less commonly than Sunda Forktail. [GG, BAL, PEL, HAL].

Javan Cochoa Cochoa azurea
Endemic to Java. Usually in company of feeding flocks. The best spot at Gede to find it is around Kandang Badak at 2,400 m. These birds are quiet and fairly inconspicuous. Other specific sightings are between the Cibeureum Falls turn off and Air Panas springs, HM 14, 36, 40, 48. [GG, HAL].

Pied Bushchat Saxicola caprata [Pied Stonechat]
Trip: Bedugal; 2 (10/11/96). Buyan; 20 (15/11/96). [CK, PAN, BAL, BED, BUY, SAN, UB].

Velvet-fronted Nuthatch Sitta frontalis
Trip: Carita; 6 (6/11/96). ([CAR, BBG, PEL].

Blue Nuthatch Sitta azurea
Trip: 10+ (2-5/11/96). [GG, HAL].

Pygmy Tit Psaltria exilis
Endemic to Java. Fairly common at Gede, mainly at lower elevations. Trip: Gede; 2 (5/11/07) along the loop trail. [GG, HAL].

Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica [Common Swallow, House Swallow, Rustic Swallow]
Trip: Widespread and common in central and eastern Java and Bali. [PD, BBG, CK, IN, BAL, BED, BB, SAN].

Pacific Swallow Hirundo javanica [Eastern House, Small House, Least Swallow]
Trip: Gede; 2 (4/11/96). En route; 3 (6/11/96). Bedugal; 1 (10/11/96). [CAR, GG, BBG, CK, SA, CI, BAL, BB, SAN].

Striated Swallow Hirundo striolata [Oriental Mosque, Greater Striated Swallow]
Trip: Baluran; 1+ (12/11/96). [CAR, GG, BBG, SA, PEL, PAN, BB, UB]

Asian Martin Delichon dasypus [Asiatic House-Swallow]

Straw-headed Bulbul Pycnonotus zeylanicus [Straw-crowned, Yellow-crowned Bulbul]

Black-headed Bulbul Brachypodius melanocephalos

Ruby-throated Bulbul Rubigula dispar [Black-headed, Black-crested Yellow Bulbul]
The local name of the Javan form dispar is Ruby-throated Bulbul. Also recorded from Cimungkat-Gungkat Pangrango, an area now included in the Gede-Pangrango National Park (van Balen, OBC Bull 15 p27). [CAR, PAN, BAL].

Scaly-breasted Bulbul Ixodia squamata
Rare. Probably no longer extant in Java and Bali.

Sooty-headed Bulbul Pycnonotus aurigaster [Black-capped, Golden-vented Bulbul]
Trip: Bogor; 30+ (1-2/11/96). Jakarta Airport; 3 (9/11/96). Baluran; 5+ (13-14/11/96). [CAR, BBG, PAN, SA, HAL, BAL, BB].

Orange-spotted Bulbul Pycnonotus bimaculatus
Endemic to Sumatra, Java and Bali. Fairly common at Gede and Bromo, especially around the crater and cleared areas at higher elevations. Also found in smaller numbers in Bedugal area. Old records from Baluran. Trip: Gede; 9 (4-5/11/96). Buyan; 1 (15/11/96). [GG, BRO, HAL, BUY].

Yellow-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus goiavier
Trip: Gilimanuk; 10+ (10/11/96). Bali Barat; common (11/11/96). Baluran; 100+ (13-14/11/96). Buyan; 20+ (15/11/96). [CAR, PD, GG, PAN, BAL, IN, BB, BED, BUY, SAN, UB].

Olive-winged Bulbul Pycnonotus plumosus [Olive-brown Bulbul, Large Olive Bulbul]

Cream-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus simplex [White-eyed Bulbul]
Trip: Baluran; 1 (13/11/96) thought to be this species. Not previously recorded here, but possible. [CAR, PAN].

Red-eyed Bulbul Pycnonotus brunneus [Brown Bulbul]

Brown-cheeked Bulbul Alophoixus bres [Scrub Bulbul, Olive White-throated Bulbul]
Trip: Carita; 2 (6/11/96). Bedugal; 2 (16/11/96). [CAR, GG, BBG, PAN, PEL, HAL, BAL, BB, BED].

Sunda Bulbul Iole virescens [Green Mountain, Green-winged, Sunda Streaked Bulbul]
Endemic to Sumatra and Java. Common at Gede. Has a call similar to Eurasian Chaffinch. Rare at Carita. Trip: Gede; 4 (4-5/11/96). [CAR, GG, HAL].

Sangkar White-eye Zosterops melanurus [Indian White-eye, Small White-eye]
On Bali, Indian White-eye of form melanurus has yellow belly, whereas Mountain form montanus has grey belly, and in close view a grey iris. Bogor; 2 (2/11/96). Gede; 3+ (3/11/96) in the botanical gardens. Buyan; 20+ (15/11/96). [CAR, GG, BED, PEL, PAN, BBG, BUY].

Warbling White-eye Zosterops japonicus
Trip: Gilimanuk; 6+ (10/11/96). Bedugal; 20+ (15-16/11/96). Buyan; 30+ (15/11/96). [BED, GG, BUY, BRO].

Javan White-eye Zosterops flavus
Watch out for confusion with names! Despite its name, this bird is not endemic to Java. Occurs in northwest Java and southern Borneo. Rare. There is supposedly a small population in the coastal scrub at Pulau Dua just west of Jakarta. Best place to look for this bird is the Indramayu and Cangkring areas. Also reported from Madura island in low mangrove bushes (if still existing) southeast of Sampang, as well as Ujung Pangkah west of Surabaya. Trip: Cangkring; 10+ (8/11/96). Indramayu; 8 (9/11/96). [PD, IN, CK].

Lemon-bellied White-eye Zosterops chloris [Mangrove White-eye, Yellow-bellied White-eye]
Endemic to Indonesia. Rare. Coastal mangrove on norther Java and Bali. Reported (but rare? and seasonal?) from Indramayu. In Bali the best place is Pulau Menjangan offshore from Bali Barat reserve. Reportedly easily found around Teluk Telur in Bali Barat Reserve in mangroves and scrub. Occurs on Nusa Penida, Bali. Trip: Bali Barat; 2 (11/11/96) on the western end of Pulau Menjangan. [BB].

Javan Heleia Heleia javanica [Java Darkeye]
Endemic to Indonesia. In the field, not immediately evident that this is a white-eye. Trip: Gede; 26+ (4-5/11/96). Bedugal; common (10,15,16/11/96). Buyan; 50+ (15/11/96). [GG, HAL, BED, BUY].

Zitting Cisticola Cisticola juncidis [Fan-tailed Warbler]
Trip: Cangkring; 6 (8/11/96). Indramayu; 4 (9/11/96). Buyan; 4+ (15/11/96). [CAR, PD, IN, SA, CI, BUY, SAN].

Golden-headed Cisticola Cisticola exilis [Bright-capped Cisticola]

Brown Prinia Prinia polychroa [David's Hill-Warbler, Javan Brown Prinia]
[GG, BAL].

Bar-winged Prinia Prinia familiaris
Endemic to Sumatra, Java and Bali. Common and widespread. Trip: Bogor; 30+ (1-2/11/96). Gede; 10+ (3-5/11/96) mainly botanical gardens. Bali Barat; 4+ (11-12/11/96). Baluran; 2+ (14/11/96). Buyan; 10+ (15/11/96). Bedugal; 10+ (16/11/96). [CAR, PD, GG, BBG, CK, PAN, SA, CI, BAL, BED, BUY, BB, UB, SAN].

Yellow-bellied Prinia Prinia flaviventris [Yellow-bellied Wren-Warbler]

Plain Prinia Prinia inornata [Tawny, Plain-coloured Prinia]
Trip: Carita; 1+ (6/11/96). Cangkring; 50+ (8/11/96). Indramayu; 10+ (9/11/96). Baluran; 8+ (12,14/11/96). [CAR, IN, CK, SA, PAN, BAL, BED].

Javan Tesia Tesia superciliaris [Eyebrowed, Malaysian Tesia]
Endemic to Java. Common and vocal at Gede. Load alarm call. Trip: Gede; 12 (3-5/11/96). [GG, BRO, HAL].

Sunda Bush-Warbler Cettia vulcania [Müller's, Mountain, Malaysian, Javan, Indonesian Bush-Warbler]
Common but skulking. Open grassy areas of all elevations at Gede. Trip: Gede; 4+ (3/11/96) near the summit. [GG, BRO, BED].

Russet Bush-Warbler Bradypterus seebohmi [Mountain, Javan Scrub-Warbler]
Common on the crater ridge at Gunung Bromo. Recently found at Bedugal. Javan form formerly considered a distinct species, but see Dutch Birding Vol 11 No4. [BRO, BED].

Lanceolated Warbler Locustella lanceolata [Streaked Grasshopper-Warbler]

Pallas's Grasshopper-Warbler Helopsaltes certhiola [Grey-naped Warbler]

Oriental Reed-Warbler Acrocephalus orientalis [Eastern Reed-Warbler]
[MA, CI].

Clamorous Reed-Warbler Acrocephalus stentoreus [Southern Great, Henroth's Reed-Warbler]
[MA, IN].

Mountain Tailorbird Orthotomus cuculatus [Golden-headed Tailorbird]
Trip: Gede; 5 (4-5/11/96). Buyan; 3 (15/11/96). Bedugal; 4+ (16/11/96). [GG, HAL, BED].

Common Tailorbird Orthotomus sutorius [Long-tailed Tailorbird]
Trip: Baluran; 3 (12-13/11/96). [CAR, PD, BBG, PEL, BAL].

Dark-necked Tailorbird Orthotomus atrogularis [Black-necked, Dark-cheeked Tailorbird]

Ashy Tailorbird Orthotomus ruficeps [Red-headed Tailorbird]
Restricted to coastal mangroves and wetlands of northern Java. Trip: Cangkring; 30+ (8/11/96). Indramayu; 10+ (9/11/96). [CAR, IN, CK, BAL].

Olive-backed Tailorbird Orthotomus sepium [Javan Tailorbird, Bali Tailorbird]
Endemic to Indonesia. Formerly included Ashy Tailorbird O. ruficeps. Trip: Bogor; 1 (2/11/96). Gede; 2 (4/11/96). Bali Barat; 3+ (11/11/96). Buyan; 4+ (15/11/96). [GG, BBG, SA, PEL, BAL, BUY, BB].

Arctic Warbler Phylloscopus borealis
Trip: Cangkring; 1 (8/11/96). [GG, BBG, CK, HAL, BAL].

Eastern Crowned-Warbler Phylloscopus coronatus [Temminck's Leaf-Warbler]

Mountain Leaf-Warbler Phylloscopus trivirgatus [Island Leaf-Warbler, Green Flycatcher-Warbler]
Trip: Gede; 20+ (3,5/11/96). Bedugal; 20+ (14-15/11/96). Buyan; 10+ (15/11/96). [GG, BED].

Sunda Warbler Phylloscopus grammiceps [White-rumped Warbler, Sunda Flycatcher-Warbler]
Endemic to Sumatra, Java and Bali. Commonest at Gede. Old records from Baluran. Trip: Gede; 9+ (3-4/11/96). Bedugal; 3 (10/11/96), 6 (15-16/11/96). [GG, BED].

Yellow-bellied Warbler Abroscopus superciliaris [Bamboo, White-throated Warbler]

Striated Grassbird Megalurus palustris [Striated Warbler, Striated Canegrass-Warbler]
Trip: Gilimanuk; 4 (10-11/11/96). [GG, BBG, CI, HAL, BB].

Rufous-fronted Laughingthrush Garrulax rufifrons [Red-fronted Laughingthrush]
Endemic to Java. Gede appears to be the only site. Supposedly fairly common along the lower sections of the mail trail (HM 5-40), up to 2,000 m. Locally called the Horsebird due to its whinnying call. Many people miss this bird. [GG].

Abbott's Babbler Malacocincla abbotti [Common Brown Babbler, Abbott's Jungle-Babbler]

Horsfield's Babbler Malacocincla sepiarium [Rusty Brown Babbler]
Fairly common at lower elevations at Gede. In Bogor Botanical Gardens can be found in the bamboo stands. Trip: Gede; 3 (3-4/11/96). Bedugal; 1+ (15/11/96). Buyan; 1 (15/11/96). [CAR, GG, BBG, PAN, BAL, BED].

Temminck's Babbler Pellorneum pyrrogenys [Buff-breasted Jungle-Babbler]

Javan Black-capped Babbler Pellorneum capistratum
Most easily found at Carita. Trip: Carita; 2+ (6/11/96). [CAR, PEL, BAL].

Scaly-crowned Babbler Malacopteron cinereum [Lesser Red-headed Tree-Babbler]

Chestnut-backed Scimitar-Babbler Pomatorhinus montanus [Yellow-billed Scimitar-Babbler]
This is an isolated montane form on bali and Java. The song differs from Malaysian birds. Fairly common in small numbers at Gede. Trip: Gede; 12+ (4-5/11/96). Bedugal; 10+ (10/11/96) in forest above botanical gardens, and 10+ (16/11/96) in forest above Lake Bratan. [GG, BRO, BED].

Large Wren-Babbler Turdinus macrodactylus [Large-footed Wren-Babbler]

Eyebrowed Wren-Babbler Napothera epilepidota
Trip: Gede; 16+ (4-5/11/96). [GG, HAL].

Pygmy Cupwing Pnoepyga pusilla [Lesser Scaly-breasted, Brown Wren-Babbler]
Easily located by call at Gede. Trip: Gede; 25+ (3-5/11/96). [GG, HAL].

White-breasted Babbler Stachyris grammiceps [Javan Babbler]
Endemic to Java. A lowland threatened species. Occurs in small numbers in the 'primary' forest at Carita (nearer the waterfall), but appears to be getting harder to find with each passing year. Previously also recorded from Cimungkat-Gungkat Pangrango, an area now included in the Gede-Pangrango National Park (van Balen, OBC Bull 15 p27), but no records for more than 50 years. Also known to occur at Ujong Kulong National Park on south-west tip of Java. Was known until recently (and may still occur?) from Pelabuhanratu. Also Lenkong Plateau, southwest of Sukabumi. [CAR, HAL].

White-bibbed Babbler Stachyris thoracica [White-collared Tree-Babbler]
Endemic to Java. Elusive. At Gede look along first part of main trail in undergrowth of disturbed forest. Grovels in the dead leaves. Specifically seen at HM 4, 12, and up to 25. [GG, HAL].

Crescent-chested Babbler Stachyris melanothorax [Pearly-cheeked Tree-Babbler]
Endemic to Indonesia. Fairly common to common at Gede, but skulking. Coastal forest at Baluran. Easy to find in the secondary growth at the start of the trail above Lake Bratan in Bedugal. Trip: Gede; 8+ (3,5/11/96). Bedugal; 3+ (10/11/96), 30+ (15-16/11/96). Buyan; 20 (15/11/96). [GG, BAL, HAL, BED, BB, BUY].

Grey-cheeked Tit-Babbler Macronous flavicollis [Grey-faced, Javan, Yellow-throated Tit-Babbler]
Endemic to Java. Fairly common to common in small flocks at Carita. Readily seen in the coastal forest at Baluran. Trip: Carita; 1+ (6/11/96). Baluran; 10+ (13/11/96). [CAR, GG, HAL, BAL].

Striped Tit-Babbler Macronous gularis [Yellow-breasted, Striated, Stripe-throated Tit-Babbler]
Not on mainland Java. Abundant on the offshore islets of Ujung Kulon National Park, southwest Java. Only doubtfully recorded from mainland Java (MacKinnon and Phillipps, 1993). Listed by Heath (1991) from Carita. [CAR? HAL?].

Chestnut-capped Babbler Timalia pileata [Red-capped Babbler]
Recently discovered resident at Baluran.

White-browed Shrike-Babbler Pteruthius flaviscapis [Red-winged, Black-crowned Shrike-Babbler]
Regularly recorded at Gede. [GG].

Chestnut-fronted Shrike-Babbler Pteruthius aenobarbus
Easily found at Gede. Trip: 5+ (3-4/11/96). [GG].

Javan Fulvetta Alcippe pyrrhoptera [Javanese Fulvetta, Javan Nun-Babbler]
Endemic to Java. Very common at Gede, mainly in mixed feeding flocks. Trip: Gede; common (2-5/11/96). [GG, HAL].

Spotted Crocias Crocias albonotatus [Spotted Sibia, Javan Spotted Sibia]
Endemic to Java. Can be tricky to find. Usually high in canopy accompanying mixed feeding flocks. Often gives noisy duet, with an amazingly loud communal buzzy call rather like a cicada. Specific sightings around HM 17, 25, 26. Trip: Gede; 2 (5/11/96). [GG, HAL].

Great Tit Parus major [Grey Tit, Cinereous Tit, Japanese Tit]
Common and widespread. Trip: 30+ (3-5/11/96). Carita; 2 (6/11/96). Bali Barat; 2 (11/11/96). Baluran; 4 (13/11/96). [CAR, GG, BBG, CK, PAN, SA, HAL, BED, BB].

Australasian Bushlark Mirafra javanica [Singing, Horsfield's, Javan Bushlark].
Trip: Bali Barat; 2+ (11/11/96). [GG, BAL, BB, SAN, UB].

Eurasian Tree-Sparrow Passer montanus
Abundant throughout. Trip: Common. [CAR, GG, BBG, CI, PAN, HAL, BAL, BED, BB, BUY, SAN, UB].

Red Avadavat Amandava amandava [Strawberry Finch, Strawberry Waxbill, Red Munia]
Rare. [PD, SA, UB].

Tawny-breasted Parrotfinch Erythrura hyperythra [Green-tailed, Bamboo Parrotfinch]
Uncommon, but regularly seen at Gede along the waterfall trail. It helps to know the 'srriit' call. Specific sightings at HM 7, 19. [GG].

Pin-tailed Parrotfinch Erythrura prasina [Long-tailed Munia]
Rare. Has been seen at Gede along the main trail between the Blue Lake and the tall grassland before waterfall turn. [GG, SA].

Javan Munia Lonchura leucogastroides
Endemic to Indonesia. Restricted to Sumatra, Java, Bali and Lombok. Common and widespread on both Java and Bali. Trip: Bogor; 10+ (1-2/11/96). Cangkring; 8 (8/11/96). Baluran; 2 (13/11/96). Bedugal ; 2 (16/11/96). [CAR, PD, GG, BBG, PAN, SA, BAL, BED, BUY, SAN, UB].

Black-faced Munia Lonchura molucca [Moluccan Munia]
Endemic to Indonesia. In the Greater Sundas confined to Kangean and Nusa Penida, Bali.

Scaly-breasted Munia Lonchura punctulata [Nutmeg, Spotted, Spice Finch, Ricebird]
Widespread. [GG, BBG, IN, PAN, SA, BAL, HAL, BB, BED, BUY, SAN, UB].

White-bellied Munia Lonchura leucogastra [White-breasted Munia]
Has been found in western Java, but probably a vagrant. [HAL?].

Black-headed Munia Lonchura malacca [Chestnut Munia]
No information. Vagrant?

White-capped Munia Lonchura ferruginosa [Chestnut Munia]
Endemic to Java and Bali. Sometimes considered conspecific with Black-headed Munia. Has been recorded at Muara Angke. Listed as locally common by MacKinnon and Phillipps, but few reported on trips. [MA].

White-headed Munia Lonchura maja [Pale-headed Munia]
Widespread but not easily found. Best place is the waterholes at Baluran. [MA, PD, PAN, SA, CI, BAL, HAL, BB, BUY, SAN].

Java Sparrow Padda oryzivora
Endemic to Indonesia. Heavily trapped for bird trade. Usually seen at Baluran, where supposedly common around waterholes in dry season. Also occurs in Bali Barat reserve - look for them in area near Bali Starling roost near Teluk Telur. Also try the woods around Labuan Lalang. Reported from Surabaya Zoo grounds. Reported roosting in trees behind the National Herbarium in Bogor Botanical Gardens. [BBG, HAL, SZ, BAL].

Forest Wagtail Dendronanthus indicus [Tree Wagtail]

Blue-headed Wagtail Motacilla flava

Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea
Trip: Buyan; 2 (15/11/96). [GG, BED, BUY].

Australasian Pipit Anthus novaeseelandiae [Common Pipit, Richard's Pipit]

Streaked Weaver Ploceus manyar [Striated Weaver, Manyar Weaver]
Most often seen at Segara Anakan, but scarce everywhere due to trapping. Reported to be common in the Surabaya area. [PD, BBG, SA, BAL, BED, BB, SAN].

Baya Weaver Ploceus philippinus [Common Weaver]

Asian Golden Weaver Ploceus hypoxanthus
Rare. Formerly small numbers around Indramayu (now trapped out?). [IN].

Crimson-breasted Flowerpecker Prionochilus percussus

Thick-billed Flowerpecker Pachyglossa agilis [Striped Flowerpecker, Streaky-breasted Flowerpecker]

Yellow-vented Flowerpecker Pachyglossa chrysorrhea
Rare. [BAL, PEL].

Orange-bellied Flowerpecker Dicaeum trigonostigma [Orange-breasted Flowerpecker]

Plain Flowerpecker Dicaeum concolor [Plain-coloured Flowerpecker, Nilgiri Flowerpecker]
Trip: Bogor; 2 (2/11/96). Gede; 1 (5/11/96). Bedugal; 1 (16/11/96). [CAR, GG, BBG, PEL, HAL, BED].

Red-chested Flowerpecker Dicaeum maugei [Blue-cheeked Flowerpecker, Timor Flowerpecker]
Endemic to Indonesia. Listed for Halimun. Nusa Penida, Bali. [HAL].

Javan Flowerpecker Dicaeum sanguinolentum [Javan Fire-breasted Flowerpecker]
Endemic to Indonesia. Most often seen at Gede in forest edge around botanical gardens. Trip: Bedugal; 1 (10/11/96) in forest above botanical gardens. [GG, HAL, BED, BB].

Scarlet-headed Flowerpecker Dicaeum trochileum
Endemic to Indonesia. Trip: Bogor; 1 (2/11/96). Cangkring; 1 (8/11/96). Bali Barat; 1 (112/11/96). Baluran; 1 (13/11/96). [CAR, BBG, CK, PAN, SZ, BAL, HAL, BB, BUY].

Plain-throated Sunbird Anthreptes malacensis [Brown-throated Sunbird]
Trip: Bogor; 3 (2/11/96). [CAR, PD, BBG, PAN, SA, BAL, HAL, BB, SAN].

Ruby-cheeked Sunbird Anthreptes singalensis [Rubycheek Sunbird]
Trip: Carita; 2 (6/11/96). [CAR, GG, PAN, BAL, PEL]

Purple-throated Sunbird Nectarinia sperata [Van Hasselt's Sunbird, Philippine Sunbird]

Copper-throated Sunbird Nectarinia calcostetha [Macklot's Sunbird]
Rare. [PAN, SA].

Ornate Sunbird Nectarinia ornatus [Yellow-bellied (-breasted) Sunbird, Black-throated Sunbird]
Trip: Bogor; 2 (2/11/96). Gede; 1 (4/11/96). Cangkring; 1 (8/11/96). Bali BARAT; 23+ (11-12/11/96). Baluran; 50+ (12-14/11/96). Bedugal; 7+ (15-16/11/96). [PD, GG, BBG, CK, IN, PAN, SA, BAL, HAL, BB, BED, BUY, SAN, UB].

White-flanked Sunbird Aethopyga eximia [Kuhl's Sunbird]
Endemic to Java. Common at Gede at most elevations. Trip: Gede; 11 (3-5/11/96). [GG, HAL].

Crimson Sunbird Aethopyga siparaja [Yellow-backed Sunbird, Scarlet-throated Sunbird]
Rare and local in Java. Not known from Bali. [PEL].

Javan Sunbird Aethopyga mystacalis [Violet-tailed Sunbird, Scarlet Sunbird]
Endemic to Java. common carita hh/al. Also recorded from Cimungkat-Gungkat Pangrango, an area now included in the Gede-Pangrango National Park (van Balen, OBC Bull 15 p27). Trip: 1 (6/11/96). [CAR, HAL].

Little Spiderhunter Arachnothera longirostra
Trip: Bogor; 1 (2/11/96). Gede; 2 (43-4/11/96). Bedugal; 1 (14/11/96). [CAR, GG, BBG, PAN, BAL, HAL, BED].

Long-billed Spiderhunter Arachnothera robusta
Rare. [GG, PEL, HAL].

Yellow-eared Spiderhunter Arachnothera chrysogenys [Lesser Yellow-eared Spiderhunter]

Grey-breasted Spiderhunter Arachnothera affinis
Trip: Bali Barat; 1 (11/11/96). [CAR, GG, BBG, PAN, PEL].

Indonesian Serin Serinus estherae [Malaysian Serin, Indonesian Goldfinch]
A speciality at Gede. Listen for a goldfinch-like twittering. Feeds on Strobilanthus, a herb plant, which forms dense patches of white-spotted vegetation, and which flowers en masse every seven years, although small numbers occur in the park at all times. Often seen around the Gede crater.

Section 1 - Introduction, logistics, itinerary and general information.
Section 2 - Birding sites (Java - Bogor Botanical Garden).
Section 3 - Birding sites (Java - Gunung Gede and Cibodas).
Section 4 - Birding sites (Java - Carita, Indramayu, Pantai Song and Cangkring).
Section 5 - Birding sites (Java - Baluran, Pangandaran and Segara Anakan).
Section 6 - Birding sites (Bali - Gilimanuk and Bali Barat).
Section 7 - Birding sites (Bali - Bedugal, Ubud and Sanur).